Warning, /frameworks/kdoctools/src/customization/dtd/rdbhier2.elements is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <!-- -*- dtd -*- 0002 Modified hierarchy elements for DocBook as used in the KDE documentation 0003 (instantiates %rdbhier2;). The actual changes are done in 0004 modifications.elements. 0005 0006 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Frederik Fouvry 0007 0008 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 0009 0010 Send suggestions, comments, etc. to the KDE docbook list 0011 <kde-docbook@kde.org>. 0012 0013 USAGE 0014 0015 Refer to this DTD as 0016 0017 "-//KDE//ELEMENTS DocBook Hierarchy Redeclarations 2 V1.0//EN" 0018 0019 For instance 0020 0021 <!ENTITY % rdbhier2 PUBLIC 0022 "-//KDE//ELEMENTS DocBook Hierarchy Redeclarations 2 V1.0//EN"> 0023 0024 Set to IGNORE: to revert from KDE customisation for: 0025 kde.remove.unused.elements some elements unlikely to be used 0026 kde.book.meta.info extra requirements for bookinfo element 0027 --> 0028 0029 0030 <!-- Elements which are unlikely to be useful in the KDE documentation, 0031 because their purpose is either to markup already existing documents 0032 or because there are automatic means of obtaining the same effect 0033 0034 %kde.remove.unused.elements; is set in kde-rdbpool.elements. 0035 --> 0036 <![ %kde.remove.unused.elements; [ 0037 <!ENTITY % toc.content.module "IGNORE"> 0038 <!ENTITY % lot.content.module "IGNORE"> 0039 <!-- end of kde.remove.unused.elements -->]]> 0040 0041 0042 <!-- For translation and revision bookkeeping mechanisms, some elements 0043 are required to be present in bookinfo. 0044 --> 0045 <!ENTITY % kde.book.meta.info "INCLUDE"> 0046 <![ %kde.book.meta.info; [ 0047 <!ENTITY % book.element "IGNORE"> 0048 <!ENTITY % bookinfo.element "IGNORE"> 0049 <!-- end of kde.book.meta.info -->]]>