Warning, /frameworks/kdoctools/src/article-template.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0004 <!ENTITY i18n-translatable-entity "<application>Translatable Entity</application>">
0005 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0006 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
0007 ]>
0009 <!--
0010 Use this template for KIO worker, systemsettings (kcontrol) modules and simple/short application docbooks
0011 Otherwise use use template.docbook for application docbooks
0012 Rename this template to index.docbook and place into the directory doc/[kcontrol|kioworker6]
0013 -->
0015 <article id="foo" lang="&language;">
0016 <articleinfo>
0017 <title>Foo</title>
0018 <authorgroup>
0019 <author>
0020 <!-- This is just put in as an example.  For real documentation, please
0021      define a general entity in entities/contributor.entities, e.g.
0022 <!ENTITY George.N.Ugnacious "<personname><firstname>George</firstname><othername>N.</othername><surname>Ugnacious</surname></personname>">
0023 <!ENTITY George.N.Ugnacious.mail "<email>gnu@kde.org</email>">
0024 and use `&George.N.Ugnacious; &George.N.Ugnacious.mail;' in the author element.
0025  -->
0026 <personname>
0027 <firstname>George</firstname>
0028 <othername>N.</othername>
0029 <surname>Ugnacious</surname>
0030 </personname>
0031 <email>gnu@kde.org</email>
0032 </author>
0034 </authorgroup>
0036 <!-- Date of the documentation
0037 Change date/releaseinfo only if
0038    docbook is updated and verified to be valid for the current app version
0039    docbook is proofreaded and verified to be valid for the current app version
0040 Don't forget to include this last date.
0041 Please respect the format of the date (YYYY-MM-DD),it is used by scripts.
0042 -->
0043 <date>2015-04-03</date>
0045 <!--version information of Frameworks/Plasma/Applications this documentation is valid for.
0046 Example:
0047 Frameworks xx.yy for docbooks in frameworks
0048 Plasma xx.yy for docbooks in plasma workspace
0049 Applications xx.yy for docbooks released as Applications
0050 xx.yy (Applications xx.yy) for docbooks with own version released as Applications
0051 $applicationname xx.yy for applications with independent release schedule (extragear/playground)
0052 -->
0053 <releaseinfo>Frameworks xx.yy or Plasma xx.yy or Applications xx.yy or xx.yy (Applications xx.yy) or $applicationname xx.yy</releaseinfo>
0055 <keywordset>
0056 <keyword>KDE Applications</keyword>
0057 <keyword>foo</keyword>
0058 <keyword>bar</keyword>
0059 <keyword>baz</keyword>
0060 </keywordset>
0061 </articleinfo>
0063 <para>First para</para>
0065 <para>second para</para>
0067 </article>