Warning, /frameworks/kdesignerplugin/docs/kgendesignerplugin/man-kgendesignerplugin.1.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0004 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0005 ]>
0007 <refentry lang="&language;">
0009 <refentryinfo>
0010   <title>&kde-frameworks;: KDesignerPlugin</title>
0011   <author>
0012     <firstname>Richard</firstname>
0013     <surname>Johnson</surname>
0014     <contrib>Wrote the original documentation.</contrib>
0015     <affiliation>
0016       <address><email>rjohnson@kde.org</email></address>
0017     </affiliation>
0018   </author>
0019   <author>
0020     <firstname>Alex</firstname>
0021     <surname>Merry</surname>
0022     <contrib>Updated the documentation for &kf5-full;.</contrib>
0023     <affiliation>
0024       <address><email>alexmerry@kde.org</email></address>
0025     </affiliation>
0026   </author>
0027   <date>2014-05-28</date>
0028   <releaseinfo>Frameworks 5.0</releaseinfo>
0029   <productname>KDE Frameworks</productname>
0030 </refentryinfo>
0032 <refmeta>
0033   <refentrytitle><command>kgendesignerplugin</command></refentrytitle>
0034   <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
0035 </refmeta>
0039 <refnamediv>
0040   <refname><command>kgendesignerplugin</command></refname>
0041   <refpurpose>
0042     Generates widget plugins for &Qt; Designer.
0043   </refpurpose>
0044 </refnamediv>
0048 <refsynopsisdiv>
0049   <cmdsynopsis>
0050     <command>kgendesignerplugin</command>
0051     <group choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable class="option">OPTIONS</replaceable></group>
0052     <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
0053   </cmdsynopsis>
0054 </refsynopsisdiv>
0058 <refsect1>
0059   <title>Description</title>
0060   <para>
0061     The custom widget plugins for &Qt; Designer usually follow a standard
0062     pattern, and the classes provided by the plugin mostly provide static
0063     information, along with function to create an instance that is normally
0064     just a simple constructor call. <command>kgendesignerplugin</command>
0065     allows developers of libraries that provide new widgets to create such a
0066     plugin without creating all the associated boilerplate code, by providing a
0067     simple ini-style description file.
0068   </para>
0070   <para>
0071     <command>kgendesignerplugin</command> chooses sensible defaults for most
0072     settings, so minimal configuration is usually necessary.
0073   </para>
0074 </refsect1>
0078 <refsect1>
0079   <title>Options</title>
0080   <variablelist>
0081     <varlistentry>
0082       <term><option>-o <replaceable>file</replaceable></option></term>
0083       <listitem>
0084         <para>
0085           The name for the generated C++ file. If not given,
0086           <varname>stdout</varname> will be used.
0087         </para>
0088       </listitem>
0089     </varlistentry>
0090     <varlistentry>
0091       <term><option>-n <replaceable>plugin-name</replaceable></option></term>
0092       <listitem>
0093         <para>
0094           Provided for compatibility. The default value for the PluginName option in
0095           the input file.
0096         </para>
0097       </listitem>
0098     </varlistentry>
0099     <varlistentry>
0100       <term><option>-g <replaceable>group</replaceable></option></term>
0101       <listitem>
0102         <para>
0103           Provided for compatibility. The default value for the DefaultGroup
0104           option in the input file.
0105         </para>
0106       </listitem>
0107     </varlistentry>
0108     <varlistentry>
0109       <term><option>--author</option></term>
0110       <listitem>
0111         <para>Show author information.</para>
0112       </listitem>
0113     </varlistentry>
0114     <varlistentry>
0115       <term><option>--license</option></term>
0116       <listitem>
0117         <para>Show license information.</para>
0118       </listitem>
0119     </varlistentry>
0120     <varlistentry>
0121       <term><option>-h, --help</option></term>
0122       <listitem>
0123         <para>Show a brief help text.</para>
0124       </listitem>
0125     </varlistentry>
0126     <varlistentry>
0127       <term><option>-v , --version</option></term>
0128       <listitem>
0129         <para>Show version information.</para>
0130       </listitem>
0131     </varlistentry>
0132   </variablelist>
0133 </refsect1>
0137 <refsect1>
0138   <title>File Format</title>
0139   <para>
0140     The input file is an ini-style configuration file (specifically, it is in the
0141     format supported by the KConfig framework) that describes a set of widgets. It
0142     contains a <literal>[Global]</literal> section, providing general information
0143     about the plugin, and a section for each widget that should be included in the
0144     plugin.
0145   </para>
0147   <para>
0148     The <literal>[Global]</literal> section can have the following entries:
0149     <variablelist>
0150       <varlistentry>
0151         <term><varname>DefaultGroup</varname></term>
0152         <listitem>
0153           <para>
0154             The default value for the <varname>Group</varname>
0155             entry in the class sections (default: "<literal>Custom</literal>",
0156             unless the <option>-g</option> option is given).
0157           </para>
0158         </listitem>
0159       </varlistentry>
0160       <varlistentry>
0161         <term><varname>Includes</varname></term>
0162         <listitem>
0163           <para>
0164             A (comma-separated) list of required includes (default:
0165             empty). Note that the header files for the widgets specified later
0166             in file should not be listed here; instead, this is for special
0167             headers for the plugin's own use, like those for classes providing
0168             previews.
0169           </para>
0170         </listitem>
0171       </varlistentry>
0172       <varlistentry>
0173         <term><varname>PluginName</varname></term>
0174         <listitem>
0175           <para>
0176             The name of the main C++ class in the plugin (default:
0177             "<literal>WidgetsPlugin</literal>", unless the <option>-n</option>
0178             option is given).
0179           </para>
0180         </listitem>
0181       </varlistentry>
0182     </variablelist>
0183   </para>
0185   <para>
0186     Each class should have its own
0187     <literal>[<replaceable>ClassName</replaceable>]</literal> section, which can include
0188     the following entries:
0189     <variablelist>
0190       <varlistentry>
0191         <term><varname>CodeTemplate</varname></term>
0192         <listitem>
0193           <para>
0194             The value returned by the <code>codeTemplate()</code> function of
0195             the plugin, which is marked for "future use" by &Qt; Designer
0196             (default: empty).
0197           </para>
0198         </listitem>
0199       </varlistentry>
0200       <varlistentry>
0201         <term><varname>ConstructorArgs</varname></term>
0202         <listitem>
0203           <para>
0204             The arguments to pass to the constructor of the class given by
0205             <literal>ImplClass</literal>; these must be surrounded by
0206             parentheses (default: "<literal>(parent)</literal>"). The only
0207             variable guaranteed to be available is <varname>parent</varname>,
0208             which is the parent <code>QWidget</code> passed by &Qt; Designer.
0209           </para>
0210           <para>
0211             This entry is ignored if <literal>CreateWidget</literal> is
0212             set.
0213           </para>
0214         </listitem>
0215       </varlistentry>
0216       <varlistentry>
0217         <term><varname>CreateWidget</varname></term>
0218         <listitem>
0219           <para>
0220             The code necessary to create an instance of the widget (default:
0221             uses <code>new</code> to create an instance of the class given by
0222             the <literal>ImplClass</literal> entry, passing the arguments
0223             specified by <literal>ConstructorArgs</literal>). See the notes for
0224             <literal>ImplClass</literal> and <literal>ConstructorArgs</literal>.
0225           </para>
0226         </listitem>
0227       </varlistentry>
0228       <varlistentry>
0229         <term><varname>DomXML</varname></term>
0230         <listitem>
0231           <para>
0232             An &XML; UI description of the widget (default: the default provided
0233             by the &Qt; Designer plugin headers).
0234           </para>
0235         </listitem>
0236       </varlistentry>
0237       <varlistentry>
0238         <term><varname>Group</varname></term>
0239         <listitem>
0240           <para>
0241             The group to display the widget under in &Qt; Designer (default: the
0242             value of the <varname>DefaultGroup</varname> entry in the
0243             <literal>[Global]</literal> section).
0244           </para>
0245         </listitem>
0246       </varlistentry>
0247       <varlistentry>
0248         <term><varname>IconName</varname></term>
0249         <listitem>
0250           <para>
0251             The image file or standard icon name to use as the icon for this
0252             widget in the &Qt; Designer widget list (default: a PNG file named
0253             with the section name, with any double colons removed, in the "pics"
0254             directory of a compiled-in resource file; for example,
0255             <filename>:/pics/Foo.png</filename> in the section
0256             <literal>[Foo]</literal>, or <filename>:/pics/FooBar.png</filename>
0257             in the section <literal>[Foo::Bar]</literal>).
0258           </para>
0259         </listitem>
0260       </varlistentry>
0261       <varlistentry>
0262         <term><varname>ImplClass</varname></term>
0263         <listitem>
0264           <para>
0265             The class that should be used to create an instance of the widget for
0266             the use of &Qt; Designer (default: the section name). Note that this
0267             does not actually have to be the class that would be created for an
0268             end application: that is determined by the
0269             <literal>DomXML</literal>.
0270           </para>
0271           <para>
0272             This entry is ignored if <literal>CreateWidget</literal> is
0273             set.
0274           </para>
0275         </listitem>
0276       </varlistentry>
0277       <varlistentry>
0278         <term><varname>IncludeFile</varname></term>
0279         <listitem>
0280           <para>
0281             The header that needs to be included to use this widget (default:
0282             the lowercase version of the section name, with any colons removed
0283             and ".h" appended; for example, <literal>foo.h</literal> in the
0284             section <literal>[Foo]</literal>, or <literal>foobar.h</literal> in
0285             the section <literal>[Foo::Bar]</literal>).
0286           </para>
0287         </listitem>
0288       </varlistentry>
0289       <varlistentry>
0290         <term><varname>IsContainer</varname></term>
0291         <listitem>
0292           <para>
0293             Whether this widget can contain other widgets (default:
0294             <literal>false</literal>).
0295           </para>
0296         </listitem>
0297       </varlistentry>
0298       <varlistentry>
0299         <term><varname>ToolTip</varname></term>
0300         <listitem>
0301           <para>
0302             The tooltip to display when hovering over the widget in the widget
0303             list of &Qt; Designer (default: the section name, with " Widget"
0304             appended; for example, <literal>Foo Widget</literal> in the section
0305             <literal>[Foo]</literal>).
0306           </para>
0307         </listitem>
0308       </varlistentry>
0309       <varlistentry>
0310         <term><varname>WhatsThis</varname></term>
0311         <listitem>
0312           <para>
0313             The What's This text associated with the widget in &Qt; Designer
0314             (default: the section name, with " Widget" appended; for example,
0315             <literal>Foo Widget</literal> in the section
0316             <literal>[Foo]</literal>).
0317           </para>
0318         </listitem>
0319       </varlistentry>
0320     </variablelist>
0321   </para>
0322 </refsect1>
0326 <refsect1>
0327   <title>Examples</title>
0328   <para>
0329     The simplest description file might look like:
0330     <screen language="ini">
0331 <![CDATA[
0332 [Foo]
0333 ToolTip=Displays foos
0334 [Bar]
0335 ToolTip=Bar editor
0336 ]]>
0337     </screen>
0338     Note that each class must have at least one key set
0339     (<literal>ToolTip</literal> was used in this example), otherwise it will be
0340     ignored.
0341   </para>
0342   <para>
0343     Usually, you want to change at least the user-visible text, which means the
0344     <literal>ToolTip</literal>, <literal>WhatsThis</literal> and
0345     <literal>Group</literal> entries. Additionally, setting the plugin name
0346     can be a good idea to prevent possible symbol clashes and not confuse
0347     debuggers (both the debugger application and the person doing the
0348     debugging):
0349     <screen language="ini">
0350 <![CDATA[
0351 [Global]
0352 PluginName=FooWidgets
0353 DefaultGroup=Display
0355 [Foo]
0356 ToolTip=Displays bears
0357 WhatsThis=An image widget that displays dancing bears
0359 [Bar]
0360 ToolTip=Bar editor
0361 WhatsThis=An editor interface for bars for bears
0362 Group=Editing
0363 ]]>
0364     </screen>
0365   </para>
0366   <para>
0367     More complex files may be necessary if you have namespaced classes or extra
0368     options that need supplying to constructors, for example:
0369     <screen language="ini">
0370 <![CDATA[
0371 [Global]
0372 PluginName=FooWidgets
0373 DefaultGroup=Foo
0375 [Foo::Bar]
0376 ToolTip=Displays bars
0377 WhatsThis=A widget that displays bars in a particular way
0378 IncludeFile=foo/bar.h
0379 IconName=:/previews/bar.png
0381 [Foo::Baz]
0382 IncludeFile=foo/baz.h
0383 ConstructorArgs=(Foo::Baz::SomeOption, parent)
0384 Group=Foo (Special)
0385 IsContainer=true
0386 IconName=:/previews/baz.png
0387 ]]>
0388     </screen>
0389   </para>
0390   <para>
0391     Sometimes especially complex widgets might need a special "preview class"
0392     implementation for use in &Qt; Designer; this might be a subclass of the
0393     real widget that just does some extra setup, or it might be a completely
0394     different implementation.
0395     <screen language="ini">
0396 <![CDATA[
0397 [Global]
0398 Includes=foopreviews.h
0400 [FancyWidget]
0401 ImplClass=FancyWidgetPreview
0402 ]]>
0403     </screen>
0404   </para>
0405 </refsect1>
0409 <refsect1>
0410   <title>See Also</title>
0411   <variablelist>
0412     <varlistentry>
0413       <term>
0414         <uri>https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/designer-creating-custom-widgets.html</uri>
0415       </term>
0416       <listitem>
0417         <para>The &Qt; Designer documentation on creating plugins for custom widgets.</para>
0418       </listitem>
0419     </varlistentry>
0420   </variablelist>
0421 </refsect1>
0425 <refsect1>
0426   <title>Bugs</title>
0427   <para>
0428     Please use <ulink url="https://bugs.kde.org">&kde;'s bugtracker</ulink> to report
0429     bugs, do not mail the authors directly.
0430   </para>
0431 </refsect1>
0433 </refentry>
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