Warning, /frameworks/kdelibs4support/cmake/modules/NepomukAddOntologyClasses.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 # Use the Nepomuk resource class generator to generate convinient Resource subclasses
0003 # from ontologies.
0004 #
0005 # Usage:
0006 #   NEPOMUK_ADD_ONTOLOGY_CLASSES(<sources-var>
0007 #         [FAST]
0008 #         [ONTOLOGIES] <onto-file1> [<onto-file2> ...]
0009 #         [CLASSES <class1> [<class2> ...]]
0010 #         [VISIBILITY <visibility-name>]
0011 #       )
0012 #
0013 # If FAST is specified the rcgen parameter --fast will be used which results in resource classes
0014 # not based on Nepomuk::Resource but on a custom class which does not perform any checks and simply
0015 # writes the data to Nepomuk (hence the name fast).
0016 #
0017 # The optional CLASSES parameter allows to specify the classes to be generated (RDF URIs) in
0018 # case one does not want all classes in the ontologies to be generated.
0019 #
0020 # The optional VISIBILITY parameter can only be used in non-fast mode and allows to set the gcc visibility
0021 # to make the generated classes usable in a publically exported API. The <visibility-name> is used to create
0022 # the name of the export macro and the export include file. Thus, when using "VISIBILITY foobar" include
0023 # file "foobar_export.h" needs to define FOOBAR_EXPORT.
0024 #
0025 # Copyright (c) 2009 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@kde.org>
0026 #
0027 # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
0028 # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
0029 #
0031   # extract arguments
0032   set(_current_arg_type "onto")
0033   foreach(_arg ${ARGN})
0034     if(${_arg} STREQUAL "ONTOLOGIES")
0035       set(_current_arg_type "onto")
0036     elseif(${_arg} STREQUAL "VISIBILITY")
0037       set(_current_arg_type "visib")
0038     elseif(${_arg} STREQUAL "CLASSES")
0039       set(_current_arg_type "class")
0040     elseif(${_arg} STREQUAL "FAST")
0041       set(_fastmode "--fast")
0042     else(${_arg} STREQUAL "ONTOLOGIES")
0043       if(${_current_arg_type} STREQUAL "onto")
0044         list(APPEND _ontologies ${_arg})
0045         get_filename_component(_filename ${_arg} NAME)
0046         list(APPEND _ontofilenames ${_filename})
0047       elseif(${_current_arg_type} STREQUAL "class")
0048         list(APPEND _classes "--class" "${_arg}")
0049       else(${_current_arg_type} STREQUAL "onto")
0050         set(_visibility "--visibility" "${_arg}")
0051       endif(${_current_arg_type} STREQUAL "onto")
0052     endif(${_arg} STREQUAL "ONTOLOGIES")
0053   endforeach(_arg)
0055   # find our helper program (first in the install dir, then everywhere)
0056   if(NOT WINCE)
0057     find_program(RCGEN nepomuk-rcgen PATHS ${KDE4_BIN_INSTALL_DIR} ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
0058     find_program(RCGEN nepomuk-rcgen)
0059   else(NOT WINCE)
0060     find_program(RCGEN nepomuk-rcgen PATHS ${HOST_BINDIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
0061   endif(NOT WINCE)
0063   if(NOT RCGEN)
0064     message(SEND_ERROR "Failed to find the Nepomuk source generator" )
0065   else(NOT RCGEN)
0066     file(TO_NATIVE_PATH ${RCGEN} RCGEN)
0068     # we generate the files in the current binary dir
0069     set(_targetdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
0071     # generate the list of source and header files
0072     execute_process(
0073       COMMAND ${RCGEN} ${_fastmode} --listheaders --prefix ${_targetdir}/ ${_classes} ${_visibility} ${_ontologies}
0074       OUTPUT_VARIABLE _out_headers
0075       RESULT_VARIABLE rcgen_result
0076       )
0077     if(NOT ${rcgen_result} EQUAL 0)
0078       message(SEND_ERROR "Running ${RCGEN} to generate list of headers failed with error code ${rcgen_result}")
0079     endif(NOT ${rcgen_result} EQUAL 0)
0081     execute_process(
0082       COMMAND ${RCGEN} ${_fastmode} --listsources --prefix ${_targetdir}/ ${_classes} ${_visibility} ${_ontologies}
0083       OUTPUT_VARIABLE _out_sources
0084       RESULT_VARIABLE rcgen_result
0085       )
0086     if(NOT ${rcgen_result} EQUAL 0)
0087       message(SEND_ERROR "Running ${RCGEN} to generate list of sources failed with error code ${rcgen_result}")
0088     endif(NOT ${rcgen_result} EQUAL 0)
0090     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_out_headers} ${_out_sources}
0091       COMMAND ${RCGEN} ${_fastmode} --writeall --target ${_targetdir}/ ${_classes} ${_visibility} ${_ontologies}
0092       DEPENDS ${_ontologies}
0093       COMMENT "Generating ontology source files from ${_ontofilenames}"
0094       )
0096     # make sure the includes are found
0097     include_directories(${_targetdir})
0099     # finally append the source files to the source list
0100     list(APPEND ${_sources} ${_out_sources})
0101   endif(NOT RCGEN)
0103   # reset variable names used
0104   unset(_current_arg_type)
0105   unset(_arg)
0106   unset(_ontologies)
0107   unset(_ontofilenames)
0108   unset(_classes)
0109   unset(_visibility)
0110   unset(_fastmode)
0111   unset(_targetdir)
0112   unset(_out_headers)
0113   unset(_out_sources)
0114   unset(rcgen_result)