Warning, /frameworks/kdelibs4support/cmake/modules-tests/TestFindPackage.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # This module provides the macro TEST_FIND_PACKAGE()
0002 #
0003 # TEST_FIND_PACKAGE(package prefix var1 .. varN )
0004 #    It can be used to test a CMake Find-module.
0005 #    It executes FIND_PACKAGE(<package>) and then prints some results.
0006 #    <package> is the same as for FIND_PACKAGE() and
0007 #    prefix should be the prefix which is used in that module for
0008 #    all variables.
0009 #    It checks <prefix>_FOUND to decide whether the module was successful or not.
0010 #
0011 # Example:
0012 #   test_find_package(Xine  XINE  VERSION INCLUDE_DIR LIBRARY)
0013 #
0014 # This will check XINE_FOUND and then print the variables XINE_VERSION, XINE_INCLUDE_DIR and XINE_LIBRARY.
0016 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.2)
0017 cmake_policy(SET CMP0000 OLD)
0019 macro(TEST_FIND_PACKAGE package prefix )
0020    # if PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE is set to "echo", FindPkgConfig.cmake
0021    # will not search again for the real pkg-config, as it would if it was set to NOTFOUND
0022    # and still the execute_process(${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ) calls will work
0023    # but never return success.
0024    if("${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "echo")
0025       message(STATUS ":: ***** Testing Find${package}.cmake, with pkg-config disabled *****")
0026    else("${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "echo")
0027       message(STATUS ":: ***** Testing Find${package}.cmake *****")
0028    endif("${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "echo")
0030    find_package(${package})
0031    message(STATUS ":: ***** Results from Find${package}.cmake *****")
0033    if ( ${prefix}_FOUND)
0034       message(STATUS ":: Find${package}.cmake: ${package} has been found")
0035    else ( ${prefix}_FOUND)
0036       message(STATUS ":: Find${package}.cmake: ${package} has NOT been found !")
0037    endif ( ${prefix}_FOUND)
0039    message(STATUS ":: ${prefix}_FOUND: \"${${prefix}_FOUND}\"")
0040    foreach(var ${ARGN})
0041       message(STATUS ":: ${prefix}_${var}: \"${${prefix}_${var}}\"")
0042    endforeach(var)
0043    message(STATUS "::")
0044 endmacro(TEST_FIND_PACKAGE package)