File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 11:35:44

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0003    Copyright 1999-2008 David Faure <>
0004    Copyright 2000-2005 Stephan Kulow <>
0005    Copyright 2007      Thiago Macieira <>
0007    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008    it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
0009    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
0010    ( at your option ) version 3 or, at the discretion of KDE e.V.
0011    ( which shall act as a proxy as in section 14 of the GPLv3 ), any later version.
0013    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0014    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0016    Library General Public License for more details.
0018    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0019    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0020    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0021    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0022 */
0024 // to test debug messages, kdebug should be enabled regardless of build mode
0026 #include <QCoreApplication>
0027 #include <QStringList>
0028 #include <QDebug>
0029 #undef QT_NO_DEBUG
0031 #include "kdebug.h"
0032 #include <kcomponentdata.h>
0033 #include <iostream>
0034 #include <QPoint>
0035 #include <QRect>
0036 #include <QVariant>
0037 #include <map>
0038 #include <list>
0040 class TestClass1
0041 {
0042 public:
0043     enum Something { foo };
0045     void func_void()
0046     {
0048     }
0049     int func_int()
0050     {
0051         kDebug();
0052         return 0;
0053     }
0054     unsigned func_unsigned()
0055     {
0056         kDebug();
0057         return 0;
0058     }
0059     long func_long()
0060     {
0061         kDebug();
0062         return 0;
0063     }
0064     long long func_ll()
0065     {
0066         kDebug();
0067         return 0;
0068     }
0069     unsigned long long func_ull()
0070     {
0071         kDebug();
0072         return 0;
0073     }
0074     char func_char()
0075     {
0076         kDebug();
0077         return 0;
0078     }
0079     signed char func_schar()
0080     {
0081         kDebug();
0082         return 0;
0083     }
0084     unsigned char func_uchar()
0085     {
0086         kDebug();
0087         return 0;
0088     }
0089     char *func_Pchar()
0090     {
0091         kDebug();
0092         return nullptr;
0093     }
0094     const char *func_KPchar()
0095     {
0096         kDebug();
0097         return nullptr;
0098     }
0099     const volatile char *func_VKPchar()
0100     {
0101         kDebug();
0102         return nullptr;
0103     }
0104     const volatile unsigned long long *const volatile func_KVPKVull()
0105     {
0106         kDebug();
0107         return nullptr;
0108     }
0109     const void *const volatile *func_KPKVvoid()
0110     {
0111         kDebug();
0112         return nullptr;
0113     }
0115     QList<int> func_ai()
0116     {
0117         kDebug();
0118         return QList<int>();
0119     }
0120     QList<unsigned long long const volatile *> func_aptr()
0121     {
0122         kDebug();
0123         return QList<unsigned long long const volatile *>();
0124     }
0126     QList<Something> func_aenum()
0127     {
0128         kDebug();
0129         return QList<Something>();
0130     }
0131     QList<QList<const void *> > func_aaptr()
0132     {
0133         kDebug();
0134         return QList<QList<const void *> >();
0135     }
0137     QMap<int, Something> func_ienummap()
0138     {
0139         kDebug();
0140         return QMap<int, Something>();
0141     }
0143     template<typename T>
0144     T *func_template1()
0145     {
0146         kDebug();
0147         return nullptr;
0148     }
0149     template<Something val>
0150     long func_template2()
0151     {
0152         kDebug();
0153         return long(val);
0154     }
0156     typedef unsigned long long *(*fptr)();
0157     typedef unsigned long long *(TestClass1::* pmf)();
0158     typedef fptr(TestClass1::* uglypmf)();
0159     fptr func_fptr()
0160     {
0161         kDebug();
0162         return nullptr;
0163     }
0164     pmf func_pmf()
0165     {
0166         kDebug();
0167         return nullptr;
0168     }
0169     uglypmf func_uglypmf(uglypmf = nullptr)
0170     {
0171         kDebug();
0172         return nullptr;
0173     }
0174     QMap<QString, uglypmf> func_uglypmf2()
0175     {
0176         kDebug();
0177         return QMap<QString, uglypmf>();
0178     }
0180     void testBlock()
0181     {
0182         KDEBUG_BLOCK
0183         func_int();
0184         testNestedBlock();
0185     }
0187     void testNestedBlock()
0188     {
0189         KDEBUG_BLOCK
0190         func_void();
0191         deprecatedMethod();
0192     }
0194     void testCharStarBlock()
0195     {
0196         KDebug::Block myBlock(qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Block"))); // the char* goes out of scope
0197         func_void();
0198         deprecatedMethod();
0199     }
0201     void deprecatedMethod()
0202     {
0204     }
0206 public:
0207     TestClass1()
0208     {
0209         // instantiate
0210         func_void();
0211         func_int();
0212         func_unsigned();
0213         func_long();
0214         func_ll();
0215         func_ull();
0216         func_char();
0217         func_schar();
0218         func_uchar();
0219         func_Pchar();
0220         func_KPchar();
0221         func_VKPchar();
0222         func_KVPKVull();
0223         func_KPKVvoid();
0224         func_ai();
0225         func_aptr();
0226         func_aenum();
0227         func_aaptr();
0228         func_ienummap();
0229         func_template1<TestClass1>();
0230         func_template2<foo>();
0231         func_fptr();
0232         func_pmf();
0233         func_uglypmf();
0234         func_uglypmf2();
0235     }
0236 };
0238 template<typename T> class TestClass2
0239 {
0240     long func_long()
0241     {
0242         kDebug();
0243         return 0;
0244     }
0245     template<typename S>
0246     T *func_template1()
0247     {
0248         kDebug();
0249         return nullptr;
0250     }
0251     template<TestClass1::Something val>
0252     long func_template2()
0253     {
0254         kDebug();
0255         return long(val);
0256     }
0257 public:
0258     TestClass2()
0259     {
0260         func_long();
0261         func_template1<TestClass2>();
0262         func_template2<TestClass1::foo>();
0263     }
0264 };
0266 template<typename T, TestClass1::Something v> class TestClass3
0267 {
0268     long func_long()
0269     {
0270         kDebug();
0271         return 0;
0272     }
0273     template<typename S>
0274     S *func_template1()
0275     {
0276         kDebug();
0277         return nullptr;
0278     }
0279     template<TestClass1::Something val>
0280     long func_template2()
0281     {
0282         kDebug();
0283         return long(val);
0284     }
0285 public:
0286     struct Foo {
0287         TestClass3 foo;
0288     };
0289     TestClass3()
0290     {
0291         func_long();
0292         func_template1<TestClass2<T> >();
0293         func_template2<TestClass1::foo>();
0294     }
0295 };
0297 class TestClass4
0298 {
0299     TestClass1 c1;
0301     TestClass2<std::map<long, const void *> > func2()
0302     {
0303         kDebug();
0304         return TestClass2<std::map<long, const void *> >();
0305     }
0306     TestClass3<std::map<std::list<int>, const void *>, TestClass1::foo>::Foo func3()
0307     {
0308         kDebug();
0309         return TestClass3<std::map<std::list<int>, const void *>, TestClass1::foo>::Foo();
0310     }
0311 public:
0312     TestClass4()
0313     {
0314         func2();
0315         func3();
0316         kDebug();
0317     }
0318     ~TestClass4()
0319     {
0320         kDebug();
0321     }
0322 };
0324 namespace
0325 {
0326 class TestClass5
0327 {
0328 public:
0329     TestClass5()
0330     {
0331         kDebug();
0332     }
0333 };
0334 TestClass5 func5()
0335 {
0336     kDebug();
0337     return TestClass5();
0338 }
0339 } // namespace
0341 namespace N
0342 {
0343 namespace
0344 {
0345 class TestClass6
0346 {
0347 public:
0348     TestClass6()
0349     {
0350         kDebug();
0351     }
0352 };
0353 TestClass6 func6()
0354 {
0355     kDebug();
0356     return TestClass6();
0357 }
0358 } // namespace
0359 } // namespace N
0361 void testKDebug()
0362 {
0363     QString test = "%20C this is a string";
0364     kDebug(180) << test;
0365     QByteArray cstr = test.toLatin1();
0366     kDebug(180) << test;
0367     QChar ch = 'a';
0368     kDebug() << "QChar a: " << ch;
0369     ch = '\r';
0370     kDebug() << "QChar \\r: " << ch;
0371     kDebug() << k_lineinfo << "error on this line";
0372     kDebug(2 == 2) << "this is right " << perror;
0373     kDebug() << "Before instance creation";
0374     kDebug(1202) << "Before instance creation";
0375     KComponentData i("kdebugtest");
0376     kDebug(1) << "kDebugInfo with inexisting area number";
0377     kDebug(1202) << "This number has a value of " << 5;
0378     // kDebug() << "This number should come out as appname " << 5 << " " << "test";
0379     kWarning() << "1+1 = " << 1 + 1 + 1;
0380     kError(1 + 1 != 2) << "there is something really odd!";
0381     QString s = "mystring";
0382     kDebug() << s;
0383     kError(1202) << "Error !!!";
0384     kError() << "Error with no area";
0386     kDebug() << "Printing a null QObject pointer: " << (QObject *)nullptr;
0388     kDebug() << "char " << '^' << " " << char(26);
0389     QPoint p(0, 9);
0390     kDebug() << p;
0392     QRect r(9, 12, 58, 234);
0393     kDebug() << r;
0395     QStringList sl;
0396     sl << "hi" << "this" << "list" << "is" << "short";
0397     kDebug() << sl;
0399     QList<int> il;
0400     kDebug() << "Empty QList<int>: " << il;
0401     il << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5;
0402     kDebug() << "QList<int> filled: " << il;
0404     qint64 big = 65536LL * 65536 * 500;
0405     kDebug() << big;
0407     QVariant v(0.12345);
0408     kDebug() << "Variant: " << v;
0410     QByteArray data;
0411     data.resize(6);
0412     data[0] = 42;
0413     data[1] = 'H';
0414     data[2] = 'e';
0415     data[3] = 'l';
0416     data[4] = 'l';
0417     data[5] = 'o';
0418     kDebug() << data;
0419     data.resize(80);
0420     data.fill(42);
0421     kDebug() << data;
0423 #ifdef Q_CC_GNU
0424     bool dotest = true;
0425 #else
0426     bool dotest = false;
0427 #endif
0428     if (dotest) {
0429         kDebug() << "Testing the function names. The following should display only the base name of the functions";
0430         TestClass4 c4;
0431         func5();
0432         using namespace N;
0433         func6();
0434     }
0436     TestClass1 c1;
0437     c1.testBlock();
0438     c1.testCharStarBlock();
0439 }
0441 // Concurrency testing, based on code from bug 133026
0442 // Copyright 2006 Marcel Wiesweg <>
0444 //#define THREAD_TEST 1
0446 #ifdef THREAD_TEST
0447 #include <QThread>
0448 class DebugKDebug : public QThread
0449 {
0450 public:
0451     DebugKDebug(int num) : m_num(num) {}
0452 protected:
0453     virtual void run()
0454     {
0455         int count = 1000;
0456         while (--count) {
0457             kDebug() << "Test" << m_num;
0458             //usleep(1);
0459         }
0460     }
0461 private:
0462     int m_num;
0463 };
0465 static void startThreads()
0466 {
0467     QVector<DebugKDebug *> threads;
0468     threads.resize(100);
0469     for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
0470         threads[i] = new DebugKDebug(i);
0471         threads[i]->start();
0472     }
0473     for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) {
0474         threads[i]->wait();
0475     }
0476 }
0477 #endif
0479 int main(int argc, char **argv)
0480 {
0481     QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
0482     KComponentData mainData("kdebugtest");
0483     testKDebug();
0484 #ifdef THREAD_TEST
0485     startThreads();
0486 #else
0487     Q_UNUSED(argc);
0488     Q_UNUSED(argv);
0489 #endif
0490     return 0;
0491 }