Warning, /frameworks/kdeclarative/tests/qimageitemtest.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick 2.0
0002 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
0003 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
0004 import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 as KQCA
0006 //this file should be used via qimageitemtest executable
0007 //unless you want to test isNull
0009 Rectangle {
0010     color: "white"
0011     width: 500
0012     height: 500
0014     RowLayout {
0015         anchors.fill: parent
0016         KQCA.QImageItem {
0017             implicitWidth: 300
0018             implicitHeight: 300
0020             id: image
0021             image: testImage
0022             fillMode: fillModeCombo.currentIndex
0023         }
0024         GridLayout {
0025             columns: 2
0026             Text {text: "fillMode"}
0027             ComboBox {
0028                 id: fillModeCombo
0029                 model: ListModel{
0030                     ListElement {
0031                         display: "Stretch"
0032                     }
0033                     ListElement {
0034                         display: "PreserveAspectFit"
0035                     }ListElement {
0036                         display: "PreserveAspectCrop"
0037                     }ListElement {
0038                         display: "Tile"
0039                     }ListElement {
0040                         display: "TileVertically"
0041                     }
0042                     ListElement {
0043                         display: "TileHorizontally"
0044                     }
0045                 }
0046             }
0048             Text {text: "isNull:"}
0049             Text {text: image.null}
0050             Text {text: "nativeWidth:"}
0051             Text {text: image.nativeWidth}
0052             Text {text: "nativeHeight:"}
0053             Text {text: image.nativeHeight}
0054             Text {text: "paintedWidth:"}
0055             Text {text: image.paintedWidth}
0056             Text {text: "paintedHeight:"}
0057             Text {text: image.paintedHeight}
0059             Text  {text: "rect size is 300x300"}
0060         }
0061     }
0062 }