File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 03:54:54

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE libraries
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Waldo Bastian <>
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Allen Winter <>
0006     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Gregory S. Hayes <>
0007     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Jaison Lee <>
0008     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Romain Perier <>
0010     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
0011 */
0013 #include "kbackup.h"
0015 #include <QDir>
0016 #include <QFileInfo>
0018 namespace KBackup
0019 {
0020 bool simpleBackupFile(const QString &qFilename, const QString &backupDir, const QString &backupExtension)
0021 {
0022     QString backupFileName = qFilename + backupExtension;
0024     if (!backupDir.isEmpty()) {
0025         QFileInfo fileInfo(qFilename);
0026         backupFileName = backupDir + QLatin1Char('/') + fileInfo.fileName() + backupExtension;
0027     }
0029     //    qCDebug(KCOREADDONS_DEBUG) << "KBackup copying " << qFilename << " to " << backupFileName;
0030     QFile::remove(backupFileName);
0031     return QFile::copy(qFilename, backupFileName);
0032 }
0034 bool numberedBackupFile(const QString &qFilename, const QString &backupDir, const QString &backupExtension, const uint maxBackups)
0035 {
0036     QFileInfo fileInfo(qFilename);
0038     // The backup file name template.
0039     QString sTemplate;
0040     if (backupDir.isEmpty()) {
0041         sTemplate = qFilename + QLatin1String(".%1") + backupExtension;
0042     } else {
0043         sTemplate = backupDir + QLatin1Char('/') + fileInfo.fileName() + QLatin1String(".%1") + backupExtension;
0044     }
0046     // First, search backupDir for numbered backup files to remove.
0047     // Remove all with number 'maxBackups' and greater.
0048     QDir d = backupDir.isEmpty() ? fileInfo.dir() : backupDir;
0049     d.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks);
0050     const QStringList nameFilters = QStringList(fileInfo.fileName() + QLatin1String(".*") + backupExtension);
0051     d.setNameFilters(nameFilters);
0052     d.setSorting(QDir::Name);
0054     uint maxBackupFound = 0;
0055     const QFileInfoList infoList = d.entryInfoList();
0056     for (const QFileInfo &fi : infoList) {
0057         if (fi.fileName().endsWith(backupExtension)) {
0058             // sTemp holds the file name, without the ending backupExtension
0059             QString sTemp = fi.fileName();
0060             sTemp.truncate(fi.fileName().length() - backupExtension.length());
0061             // compute the backup number
0062             int idex = sTemp.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
0063             if (idex > 0) {
0064                 bool ok;
0065                 const uint num = QStringView(sTemp).mid(idex + 1).toUInt(&ok);
0066                 if (ok) {
0067                     if (num >= maxBackups) {
0068                         QFile::remove(fi.filePath());
0069                     } else {
0070                         maxBackupFound = qMax(maxBackupFound, num);
0071                     }
0072                 }
0073             }
0074         }
0075     }
0077     // Next, rename max-1 to max, max-2 to max-1, etc.
0078     QString to = sTemplate.arg(maxBackupFound + 1);
0079     for (int i = maxBackupFound; i > 0; i--) {
0080         QString from = sTemplate.arg(i);
0081         //        qCDebug(KCOREADDONS_DEBUG) << "KBackup renaming " << from << " to " << to;
0082         QFile::rename(from, to);
0083         to = from;
0084     }
0086     // Finally create most recent backup by copying the file to backup number 1.
0087     //    qCDebug(KCOREADDONS_DEBUG) << "KBackup copying " << qFilename << " to " << sTemplate.arg(1);
0088     return QFile::copy(qFilename, sTemplate.arg(1));
0089 }
0091 }