File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 15:34:02

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE libraries
0004     This class was originally inspired by Torben Weis'
0005     fileentry.cpp for KFM II.
0007     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1997 Sven Radej <>
0008     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Patrick Ward <>
0009     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Preston Brown <>
0011     Completely re-designed:
0012     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000, 2001 Dawit Alemayehu <>
0014     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0015 */
0017 #ifndef KLINEEDIT_H
0018 #define KLINEEDIT_H
0020 #include <kcompletion.h>
0021 #include <kcompletion_export.h>
0022 #include <kcompletionbase.h>
0024 #include <QLineEdit>
0025 #include <memory>
0027 class QAction;
0028 class QMenu;
0029 class KCompletionBox;
0030 class QUrl;
0031 class KLineEditPrivate;
0033 /**
0034  * @class KLineEdit klineedit.h KLineEdit
0035  *
0036  * An enhanced QLineEdit widget for inputting text.
0037  *
0038  * \b Detail \n
0039  *
0040  * This widget inherits from QLineEdit and implements the following
0041  * additional functionalities:
0042  * @li a completion object that provides both automatic and manual text
0043  * completion as well as multiple match iteration features
0044  * @li configurable key-bindings to activate these features
0045  * @li a popup-menu item that can be used to allow the user to set text
0046  * completion modes on the fly based on their preference
0047  *
0048  * To support these features KLineEdit also emits a few more additional
0049  * signals:
0050  * @li @c completion(const QString &): this signal can be connected to
0051  * a slot that will assist the user in filling out the remaining text
0052  * @li @c textRotation(KeyBindingType): this signal is intended to be
0053  * used to iterate through the list of all possible matches whenever
0054  * there is more than one match for the entered text
0055  * @li @c returnKeyPressed(const QString &): this signal provides the
0056  * current text in the widget as its argument whenever appropriate (this
0057  * is in addition to the @c QLineEdit::returnPressed() signal which KLineEdit
0058  * inherits from QLineEdit).
0059  *
0060  * This widget by default creates a completion object when you invoke
0061  * the @c completionObject(bool) member function for the first time or
0062  * use @c setCompletionObject(KCompletion *, bool) to assign your own
0063  * completion object. Additionally, to make this widget more functional,
0064  * KLineEdit will by default handle the text rotation and completion
0065  * events internally when a completion object is created through either one
0066  * of the methods mentioned above. If you do not need this functionality,
0067  * simply use @c KCompletionBase::setHandleSignals(bool) or set the boolean
0068  * parameter in the above functions to false.
0069  *
0070  * The default key-bindings for completion and rotation is determined
0071  * from the global settings in KStandardShortcut. These values, however,
0072  * can be overridden locally by invoking @c KCompletionBase::setKeyBinding().
0073  * The values can easily be reverted back to the default setting, by simply
0074  * calling @c useGlobalSettings(). An alternate method would be to default
0075  * individual key-bindings by using setKeyBinding() with the default
0076  * second argument.
0077  *
0078  * If @c EchoMode for this widget is set to something other than @c QLineEdit::Normal,
0079  * the completion mode will always be defaulted to CompletionNone.
0080  * This is done purposefully to guard against protected entries, such as
0081  * passwords, being cached in KCompletion's list. Hence, if the @c EchoMode
0082  * is not @c QLineEdit::Normal, the completion mode is automatically disabled.
0083  *
0084  * A read-only KLineEdit will have the same background color as a disabled
0085  * KLineEdit, but its foreground color will be the one used for the read-write
0086  * mode. This differs from QLineEdit's implementation and is done to give visual
0087  * distinction between the three different modes: disabled, read-only, and read-write.
0088  *
0089  * @b Usage
0090  *
0091  * To enable the basic completion feature:
0092  *
0093  * @code
0094  * KLineEdit *edit = new KLineEdit(this);
0095  * KCompletion *comp = edit->completionObject();
0096  * // Connect to the Return pressed signal - optional
0097  * connect(edit, &KLineEdit::returnKeyPressed, comp, [this](const QString &text) { addItem(text); });
0098  * @endcode
0099  *
0100  * To use a customized completion object or your own completion object:
0101  *
0102  * @code
0103  * KLineEdit *edit = new KLineEdit(this);
0104  * KUrlCompletion *comp = new KUrlCompletion();
0105  * edit->setCompletionObject(comp);
0106  * // Connect to the return pressed signal - optional
0107  * connect(edit, &KLineEdit::returnKeyPressed, comp, [this](const QString &text) { addItem(text); });
0108  * @endcode
0109  *
0110  * Note if you specify your own completion object you have to either delete
0111  * it when you don't need it anymore, or you can tell KLineEdit to delete it
0112  * for you:
0113  * @code
0114  * edit->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject(true);
0115  * @endcode
0116  *
0117  * <b>Miscellaneous function calls :</b>\n
0118  *
0119  * @code
0120  * // Tell the widget to not handle completion and iteration automatically
0121  * edit->setHandleSignals(false);
0122  *
0123  * // Set your own key-bindings for a text completion mode
0124  * edit->setKeyBinding(KCompletionBase::TextCompletion, Qt::End);
0125  *
0126  * // Hide the context (popup) menu
0127  * edit->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
0128  *
0129  * // Default the key-bindings back to the default system settings
0130  * edit->useGlobalKeyBindings();
0131  * @endcode
0132  *
0133  * @image html klineedit.png "KLineEdit widgets with clear-button"
0134  *
0135  * @author Dawit Alemayehu <>
0136  */
0138 class KCOMPLETION_EXPORT KLineEdit : public QLineEdit, public KCompletionBase // krazy:exclude=qclasses
0139 {
0140     friend class KComboBox;
0141     friend class KLineEditStyle;
0143     Q_OBJECT
0144     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KLineEdit)
0146     Q_PROPERTY(bool contextMenuEnabled READ isContextMenuEnabled WRITE setContextMenuEnabled)
0147 #endif
0149     Q_PROPERTY(bool urlDropsEnabled READ urlDropsEnabled WRITE setUrlDropsEnabled)
0150 #endif
0151     Q_PROPERTY(bool trapEnterKeyEvent READ trapReturnKey WRITE setTrapReturnKey)
0152     Q_PROPERTY(bool squeezedTextEnabled READ isSqueezedTextEnabled WRITE setSqueezedTextEnabled)
0154     Q_PROPERTY(QString clickMessage READ clickMessage WRITE setClickMessage)
0155 #endif
0157     Q_PROPERTY(bool showClearButton READ isClearButtonShown WRITE setClearButtonShown)
0158 #endif
0160     Q_PROPERTY(bool passwordMode READ passwordMode WRITE setPasswordMode)
0161 #endif
0163 public:
0164     /**
0165      * Constructs a KLineEdit object with a default text, a parent,
0166      * and a name.
0167      *
0168      * @param string Text to be shown in the edit widget.
0169      * @param parent The parent widget of the line edit.
0170      */
0171     explicit KLineEdit(const QString &string, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0173     /**
0174      * Constructs a line edit
0175      * @param parent The parent widget of the line edit.
0176      */
0177     explicit KLineEdit(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0179     /**
0180      *  Destructor.
0181      */
0182     ~KLineEdit() override;
0184     /**
0185      * Sets @p url into the lineedit. It uses QUrl::toDisplayString() so
0186      * that the url is properly decoded for displaying.
0187      */
0188     void setUrl(const QUrl &url);
0190     /**
0191      * Reimplemented from KCompletionBase for internal reasons.
0192      *
0193      * This function is re-implemented in order to make sure that
0194      * the EchoMode is acceptable before we set the completion mode.
0195      *
0196      * See KCompletionBase::setCompletionMode
0197      */
0198     void setCompletionMode(KCompletion::CompletionMode mode) override;
0200     /**
0201      * Disables completion modes by making them non-checkable.
0202      *
0203      * The context menu allows to change the completion mode.
0204      * This method allows to disable some modes.
0205      */
0206     void setCompletionModeDisabled(KCompletion::CompletionMode mode, bool disable = true);
0209     /**
0210      * Enables/disables the popup (context) menu.
0211      *
0212      * This method only works if this widget is editable, i.e. read-write and
0213      * allows you to enable/disable the context menu. It does nothing if invoked
0214      * for a none-editable combo-box.
0215      *
0216      * By default, the context menu is created if this widget is editable.
0217      * Call this function with the argument set to false to disable the popup
0218      * menu.
0219      *
0220      * @param showMenu If @c true, show the context menu.
0221      * @deprecated since 4.5, use setContextMenuPolicy instead
0222      */
0223     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(4, 5, "Use QWidget::setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ContextMenuPolicy)")
0224     virtual void setContextMenuEnabled(bool showMenu);
0225 #endif
0228     /**
0229      * Returns @c true when the context menu is enabled.
0230      * @deprecated since 4.5, use contextMenuPolicy instead
0231      */
0232     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(4, 5, "Use QWidget::contextMenuPolicy()")
0233     bool isContextMenuEnabled() const;
0234 #endif
0236     /**
0237      * Enables/Disables handling of URL drops. If enabled and the user
0238      * drops an URL, the decoded URL will be inserted. Otherwise the default
0239      * behavior of QLineEdit is used, which inserts the encoded URL.
0240      * Call setUrlDropsEnabled(false) if you need dropEvent to be called in a KLineEdit subclass.
0241      *
0242      * @param enable If @c true, insert decoded URLs
0243      */
0244     void setUrlDropsEnabled(bool enable); // KF6: remove it and don't create LineEditUrlDropEventFilter by default.
0246     /**
0247      * Returns @c true when decoded URL drops are enabled
0248      */
0249     bool urlDropsEnabled() const;
0251     /**
0252      * By default, KLineEdit recognizes @c Key_Return and @c Key_Enter and emits
0253      * the returnPressed() signals, but it also lets the event pass,
0254      * for example causing a dialog's default-button to be called.
0255      *
0256      * Call this method with @p trap = @c true to make @c KLineEdit stop these
0257      * events. The signals will still be emitted of course.
0258      *
0259      * @see trapReturnKey()
0260      */
0261     void setTrapReturnKey(bool trap);
0263     /**
0264      * @returns @c true if keyevents of @c Key_Return or
0265      * @c Key_Enter will be stopped or if they will be propagated.
0266      *
0267      * @see setTrapReturnKey ()
0268      */
0269     bool trapReturnKey() const;
0271     /**
0272      * This method will create a completion-box if none is there, yet.
0273      *
0274      * @param create Set this to false if you don't want the box to be created
0275      *               i.e. to test if it is available.
0276      * @returns the completion-box, that is used in completion mode
0277      * CompletionPopup.
0278      */
0279     virtual KCompletionBox *completionBox(bool create = true);
0281     /**
0282      * Reimplemented for internal reasons, the API is not affected.
0283      */
0284     void setCompletionObject(KCompletion *, bool handle = true) override;
0286     /**
0287      * Reimplemented for internal reasons, the API is not affected.
0288      */
0289     virtual void copy() const;
0291     /**
0292      * Enable text squeezing whenever the supplied text is too long.
0293      * Only works for "read-only" mode.
0294      *
0295      * Note that once text squeezing is enabled, QLineEdit::text()
0296      * and QLineEdit::displayText() return the squeezed text. If
0297      * you want the original text, use @ref originalText.
0298      *
0299      * @see QLineEdit
0300      */
0301     void setSqueezedTextEnabled(bool enable);
0303     /**
0304      * Returns true if text squeezing is enabled.
0305      * This is only valid when the widget is in read-only mode.
0306      */
0307     bool isSqueezedTextEnabled() const;
0309     /**
0310      * Returns the original text if text squeezing is enabled.
0311      * If the widget is not in "read-only" mode, this function
0312      * returns the same thing as QLineEdit::text().
0313      *
0314      * @see QLineEdit
0315      */
0316     QString originalText() const;
0318     /**
0319      * Returns the text as given by the user (i.e. not autocompleted)
0320      * if the widget has autocompletion disabled, this function
0321      * returns the same as QLineEdit::text().
0322      * @since 4.2.2
0323      */
0324     QString userText() const;
0326     /**
0327      * Set the completion-box to be used in completion mode
0328      * CompletionPopup.
0329      * This will do nothing if a completion-box already exists.
0330      *
0331      * @param box The KCompletionBox to set
0332      */
0333     void setCompletionBox(KCompletionBox *box);
0336     /**
0337      * This makes the line edit display a grayed-out hinting text as long as
0338      * the user didn't enter any text. It is often used as indication about
0339      * the purpose of the line edit.
0340      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QLineEdit::setPlaceholderText instead.
0341      */
0342     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 0, "Use QLineEdit::setPlaceholderText(const QString&)")
0343     void setClickMessage(const QString &msg);
0344 #endif
0347     /**
0348      * @return the message set with setClickMessage
0349      * @deprecated since 5.0, use QLineEdit::placeholderText instead.
0350      */
0351     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 0, "Use QLineEdit::placeholderText()")
0352     QString clickMessage() const;
0353 #endif
0356     /**
0357      * This makes the line edit display an icon on one side of the line edit
0358      * which, when clicked, clears the contents of the line edit.
0359      * This is useful for such things as location or search bars.
0360      *
0361      * @deprecated since 5.46 Use QLineEdit::setClearButtonEnabled
0362      */
0363     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 46, "Use QLineEdit::setClearButtonEnabled(bool)")
0364     void setClearButtonShown(bool show);
0365 #endif
0368     /**
0369      * @return whether or not the clear button is shown
0370      *
0371      * @deprecated since 5.46 Use QLineEdit::isClearButtonEnabled
0372      */
0373     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 46, "Use QLineEdit::isClearButtonEnabled()")
0374     bool isClearButtonShown() const;
0375 #endif
0377     /**
0378      * @return the size used by the clear button
0379      * @since 4.1
0380      */
0381     QSize clearButtonUsedSize() const;
0383     /**
0384      * Do completion now. This is called automatically when typing a key for instance.
0385      * Emits completion() and/or calls makeCompletion(), depending on
0386      * emitSignals and handleSignals.
0387      *
0388      * @since 4.2.1
0389      */
0390     void doCompletion(const QString &text);
0393     /**
0394      * Emitted whenever the completion box is activated.
0395      */
0396     void completionBoxActivated(const QString &);
0399     /**
0400      * Emitted when the user presses the Return or Enter key.
0401      *
0402      *  The argument is the current text. Note that this
0403      * signal is @em not emitted if the widget's @c EchoMode is set to
0404      * QLineEdit::EchoMode.
0405      *
0406      * @deprecated since 5.81, use the KLineEdit::returnKeyPressed(const QString &) signal instead
0407      */
0408     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 81, "Use the KLineEdit::returnKeyPressed(const QString &) signal instead")
0409     void returnPressed(const QString &text); // clazy:exclude=overloaded-signal
0410 #endif
0412     /**
0413      * Emitted when the user presses the Return or Enter key.
0414      *
0415      * The argument is the current text. Note that this signal is @em not emitted
0416      * if the widget's @c EchoMode is set to QLineEdit::EchoMode.
0417      *
0418      * @since 5.81
0419      */
0420     void returnKeyPressed(const QString &text);
0422     /**
0423      * Emitted when the completion key is pressed.
0424      *
0425      * Please note that this signal is @em not emitted if the
0426      * completion mode is set to @c CompletionNone or @c EchoMode is
0427      * @em normal.
0428      */
0429     void completion(const QString &);
0431     /**
0432      * Emitted when the shortcut for substring completion is pressed.
0433      */
0434     void substringCompletion(const QString &);
0437     /**
0438      * Emitted when the text is changed NOT by the suggested autocompletion:
0439      * either when the user is physically typing keys, or when the text is changed programmatically,
0440      * for example, by calling setText().
0441      * But not when automatic completion changes the text temporarily.
0442      *
0443      * @since 4.2.2
0444      * @deprecated since 4.5. You probably want to connect to textEdited() instead,
0445      * which is emitted whenever the text is actually changed by the user
0446      * (by typing or accepting autocompletion), without side effects from
0447      * suggested autocompletion either. userTextChanged isn't needed anymore.
0448      */
0449     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(4, 5, "Use QLineEdit::textEdited(const QString&)")
0450     QT_MOC_COMPAT void userTextChanged(const QString &);
0451 #endif
0453     /**
0454      * Emitted when the text rotation key-bindings are pressed.
0455      *
0456      * The argument indicates which key-binding was pressed.
0457      * In KLineEdit's case this can be either one of two values:
0458      * PrevCompletionMatch or NextCompletionMatch. See
0459      * KCompletionBase::setKeyBinding for details.
0460      *
0461      * Note that this signal is @em not emitted if the completion
0462      * mode is set to @c CompletionNone or @c echoMode() is @em not  normal.
0463      */
0464     void textRotation(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType);
0466     /**
0467      * Emitted when the user changed the completion mode by using the
0468      * popupmenu.
0469      */
0470     void completionModeChanged(KCompletion::CompletionMode);
0472     /**
0473      * Emitted before the context menu is displayed.
0474      *
0475      * The signal allows you to add your own entries into the
0476      * the context menu that is created on demand.
0477      *
0478      * NOTE: Do not store the pointer to the QMenu
0479      * provided through since it is created and deleted
0480      * on demand.
0481      *
0482      * @param contextMenu the context menu about to be displayed
0483      */
0484     void aboutToShowContextMenu(QMenu *contextMenu);
0486     /**
0487      * Emitted when the user clicked on the clear button
0488      */
0489     void clearButtonClicked();
0491 public Q_SLOTS:
0493     /**
0494      * Sets the lineedit to read-only. Similar to QLineEdit::setReadOnly
0495      * but also takes care of the background color, and the clear button.
0496      */
0497     virtual void setReadOnly(bool);
0499     /**
0500      * Iterates through all possible matches of the completed text or
0501      * the history list.
0502      *
0503      * This function simply iterates over all possible matches in case
0504      * multiple matches are found as a result of a text completion request.
0505      * It will have no effect if only a single match is found.
0506      *
0507      * @param type The key-binding invoked.
0508      */
0509     void rotateText(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType type);
0511     /**
0512      * See KCompletionBase::setCompletedText.
0513      */
0514     void setCompletedText(const QString &) override;
0516     /**
0517      * Same as the above function except it allows you to temporarily
0518      * turn off text completion in CompletionPopupAuto mode.
0519      *
0520      *
0521      * @param items list of completion matches to be shown in the completion box.
0522      * @param autoSuggest true if you want automatic text completion (suggestion) enabled.
0523      */
0524     void setCompletedItems(const QStringList &items, bool autoSuggest = true) override;
0526     /**
0527      * Squeezes @p text into the line edit.
0528      * This can only be used with read-only line-edits.
0529      */
0530     void setSqueezedText(const QString &text);
0532     /**
0533      * Reimplemented to enable text squeezing. API is not affected.
0534      */
0535     virtual void setText(const QString &);
0538     /**
0539      * @brief set the line edit in password mode.
0540      * this change the EchoMode according to KDE preferences.
0541      * @param passwordMode true to set in password mode
0542      *
0543      * @deprecated Since 5.83, use KPasswordLineEdit or QLineEdit::setEchoMode(QLineEdit::EchoMode).
0544      */
0545     KCOMPLETION_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 83, "Use KPasswordLineEdit or QLineEdit::setEchoMode(QLineEdit::EchoMode)")
0546     void setPasswordMode(bool passwordMode = true);
0547 #endif
0550     /**
0551      * @return returns true if the lineedit is set to password mode echoing
0552      *
0553      * @deprecated Since 5.83, see setPasswordMode(bool)
0554      */
0556     bool passwordMode() const;
0557 #endif
0559 protected Q_SLOTS:
0561     /**
0562      * Completes the remaining text with a matching one from
0563      * a given list.
0564      */
0565     virtual void makeCompletion(const QString &);
0567     /**
0568      * Resets the current displayed text.
0569      * Call this function to revert a text completion if the user
0570      * cancels the request. Mostly applies to popup completions.
0571      */
0572     void userCancelled(const QString &cancelText);
0574 protected:
0575     /**
0576      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0577      */
0578     bool event(QEvent *) override;
0580     /**
0581      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0582      *
0583      * See QLineEdit::resizeEvent().
0584      */
0585     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override;
0587     /**
0588      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0589      *
0590      * See QLineEdit::keyPressEvent().
0591      */
0592     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) override;
0594     /**
0595      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0596      *
0597      * See QLineEdit::mousePressEvent().
0598      */
0599     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) override;
0601     /**
0602      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0603      *
0604      * See QLineEdit::mouseReleaseEvent().
0605      */
0606     void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) override;
0608     /**
0609      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0610      *
0611      * See QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent().
0612      */
0613     void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *) override;
0615     /**
0616      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0617      *
0618      * See QLineEdit::contextMenuEvent().
0619      */
0620     void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *) override;
0622     /**
0623      * Reimplemented for internal reasons. API not affected.
0624      *
0625      * See QLineEdit::createStandardContextMenu().
0626      */
0627     QMenu *createStandardContextMenu();
0629     /**
0630      * This function simply sets the lineedit text and
0631      * highlights the text appropriately if the boolean
0632      * value is set to true.
0633      *
0634      * @param text
0635      * @param marked
0636      */
0637     virtual void setCompletedText(const QString & /*text*/, bool /*marked*/);
0639     /**
0640      * Sets the widget in userSelection mode or in automatic completion
0641      * selection mode. This changes the colors of selections.
0642      */
0643     void setUserSelection(bool userSelection);
0645     /**
0646      * Whether in current state text should be auto-suggested
0647      */
0648     bool autoSuggest() const;
0650     void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev) override;
0652 private:
0653     std::unique_ptr<KLineEditPrivate> const d_ptr;
0654 };
0656 #endif