Warning, /frameworks/kcmutils/src/qml/components/SettingHighlighter.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Kevin Ottens <kevin.ottens@enioka.com>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 David Redondo <kde@david.redondo.de>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0008 import QtQuick
0009 import org.kde.kcmutils.private as P
0011 /**
0012  * SettingHighlighter automatically impacts the representation of an item based on
0013  * the value of a setting. When you are using this item you need to manually
0014  * manage whether the highlighting is enabled or not. For a higher level component
0015  * see KCM.SettingStateBinding which will manage the state of the Item
0016  * @since 6.0
0017  */
0018 Loader {
0019     id: root
0021     active: typeof kcm !== "undefined" && root.target !== null
0023     /**
0024      * target: Item
0025      * The graphical element whose appearance will be altered.
0026      * If target is not set, it will try to find the visual parent item
0027      */
0028     property Item target: root.parent
0030     /**
0031      * highlight: bool
0032      * Whether the target will be highlighted.
0033      */
0034     property bool highlight: false
0036     sourceComponent: P.SettingHighlighterPrivate {
0037         id: helper
0038         highlight: root.highlight
0039         target: root.target
0040         defaultIndicatorVisible: kcm.defaultsIndicatorsVisible
0041     }
0042 }