Warning, /frameworks/kcmutils/src/ksettings/README.dox is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /** 
0003 \namespace KSettings
0005 \short A collection of classes to create configuration dialogs that work over
0006 component boundaries
0008 <h2>How to use KSettings::Dialog in your application.</h2>
0010 <hr>
0011 <h3>1. Open the dialog from your app</h3>
0013 All you need to do is instantiate KSettings::Dialog and show() it. I recommend
0014 the following:
0016 create the 'Configure MyApp' StdAction like this:
0017 \code
0018 KStandardAction::preferences( this, SLOT( showConfigDialog() ), actionCollection );
0019 \endcode
0021 and the slot looks like this:
0022 \code
0023 if( m_dlg == 0 )
0024   m_dlg = new KSettings::Dialog( this );
0025 m_dlg->show();
0026 \endcode
0028 Of course you need to have the 'KSettings::Dialog * m_dlg' member var and
0029 initialize it to 0 in the ctor.
0031 If your application uses KParts that don't set 'X-KDE-ParentApp=&lt;the instance
0032 name of your application&gt;' then you need to use the second ctor of
0033 KSettings::Dialog:
0034 \code
0035 m_dlg = new KSettings::Dialog( QStringList::split( ';', "component1;component2" ) );
0036 \endcode
0038 The KSettings::Dialog object will be destructed automatically by the QObject
0039 mechanisms.
0042 <hr>
0043 <h3>2. Create pages for your dialog</h3>
0045 Every page is a KCM. This is what you need for creating a page:
0047 \code
0048 class MyAppConfig : public KCModule
0049 {
0050   Q_OBJECT
0051 public:
0052   MyAppConfig( QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0, const QStringList &args =
0053       QStringList() );
0054   ~MyAppConfig();
0056   void load();
0057   void save();
0058   void defaults();
0059 }
0060 \endcode
0062 and in the cpp file:
0064 \code
0065 K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(MyAppConfigFactory,
0066                   registerPlugin<MyAppConfig>();
0067                  )
0069 MyAppConfig::MyAppConfig(QWidget *parent, const char *, const QVariantList &args)
0070   : KCModule(MyAppConfigFactory::instance(), parent, args)
0071 {
0072   // create the pages GUI
0073   load();
0074 }
0076 // implementations for the other methods
0077 \endcode
0079 For the KConfig object you can either use
0080 KSharedConfig::openConfig() (I don't recommend it) or KSimpleConfig( "myapprc" ).
0081 I added a method to KSettings::Dispatcher that gives you the KConfig
0082 object for every registered instance name: \ref KSettings::Dispatcher::configForInstanceName
0085 <hr>
0086 <h3>3. The .desktop file for the page</h3>
0088 The .desktop file holds all the information for the dialog to find the page and
0089 insert it at the right place (with the right icon, name and comment).
0091 An example file:
0092 \verbatim
0093 [Desktop Entry]
0094 Icon=myapp
0095 Type=Service
0096 X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KCModule
0098 X-KDE-Library=myappconfig
0099 X-KDE-ParentApp=myapp
0100 X-KDE-ParentComponents=myapp
0101 X-KDE-Weight=10
0103 Name=General
0104 Comment=General configuration of my app
0105 \endverbatim
0108 Some explanation for those keys:
0109 - You just keep 'Encoding', 'Type' and 'X-KDE-ServiceTypes' like
0110   in the example. For very special needs you might add another ServiceType to
0111   the list...
0112 - Icon is the icon that will be used in the listview/iconview for your page.
0113 - X-KDE-Library is the name of the library where the page is in. The library
0114   always needs to be prefixed with kcm_ but you don't write the prefix in the
0115   desktop file. For more docu on this look for the KCModule docu.
0116 - X-KDE-ParentApp is the name of the application this config page belongs to. It
0117   is used by the first two \ref KSettings::Dialog constructors. The Dialog will
0118   use all modules that set X-KDE-ParentApp to QCoreApplication::applicationName().
0119   It should be pretty easy to find out what name that is: look for setApplicationName()
0120   in main(), otherwise the name of the executable is used.
0121 - X-KDE-ParentComponents is a list of the components (plugin/KPart/whatever)
0122   this config page belongs to. Normally there is only one component.
0123   It is used for two things:
0124   -# If you use KSettings::Dispatcher the dispatcher will notify all components
0125      in this list after the save() method of your KCM has been called. The
0126      components then can reload the configuration and apply the changes the user
0127      did to the config.
0128   -# If your component is used by another application (that is not =
0129      X-KDE-ParentApp) then it may add the name of the component to the ctor of
0130      KSettings::Dialog and the dialog will automatically include all config
0131      pages that have the components name in their ParentComponents list.
0132 - X-KDE-Weight sets the order for the modules to be inserted into the dialog.
0133   The higher the number (heavier) the lower the module will appear in the list.
0134   (the default value is 100)
0135 - Name is the string that is shown in the listview/iconview right below the
0136   icon.
0137 - Comment is the string that is shown on top of the config page for a short
0138   description what you can do on this page.
0141 <hr>
0142 <h3>4. The .setdlg file for hierarchical (TreeList) page layouts</h3>
0144 If your config dialog should show a tree of pages in the config dialog you need
0145 to define that hierarchy with a .setdlg file.
0147 The file should be installed in apps/&lt;appname&gt;/&lt;appname&gt;.setdlg. If third party
0148 plugins need to merge in they will install their file to
0149 apps/&lt;appname&gt;/ksettingsdialog/&lt;pluginname&gt;.setdlg.
0151 A .setdlg file contains one or more blocks like the following:
0153 \verbatim
0154 [id]
0155 Name=
0156 Comment=
0157 Icon=
0158 Weight=
0159 Parent=
0160 \endverbatim
0162 - The group name (id) is the name you use in the .desktop file of the page:
0163   If your page's .desktop file says "X-KDE-CfgDlgHierarchy=id" then it will be
0164   inserted as a child of this entry.
0165 - \p Name: The name of the section. It will appear in the listview.
0166 - \p Comment: A description of what the modules in this section are. It will
0167   appear in the place where the KCMs are placed when the user clicks on the item
0168   in the listview.
0169 - \p Icon: An icon for the item.
0170 - \p Weight: Defines the position in the listview. See X-KDE-Weight above.
0171 - \p Parent: If this group should be a child of another group write the parent's
0172   group id here.
0174 <hr>
0175 <h3>5. The Pluginselector</h3>
0177 There are two ways to use the KPluginSelector widget. One is to use the class
0178 directly and the second to use KSettings::PluginPage as baseclass for a config
0179 page that shows the KPluginSelector widget.
0181 I'll cover the second usage here and the calls to addPlugins are just the same
0182 for the first.
0184 To create a plugin page you need the following code:
0186 \code
0187 K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(MyAppPluginConfigFactory,
0188                   registerPlugin<MyAppPluginConfig>();
0189                  )
0191 MyAppPluginConfig(QWidget * parent, const char *, const QVariantList & args)
0192     : PluginPage(MyAppPluginConfigFactory::instance(), parent, args)
0193 {
0194     pluginSelector()->addPlugins( ... );
0195     pluginSelector()->addPlugins( ... );
0196     .
0197     .
0198     .
0199 }
0200 \endcode
0202 pluginSelector() returns a pointer to the KPluginSelector widget of the page.
0203 There are three addPlugins methods available, two for adding KParts plugins and
0204 one for the rest.
0207 <hr>
0208 <h3>6. The .desktop files of plugin config pages</h3>
0210 this is the entry for the Makefile.am:
0212 \verbatim
0213 myappconfigpagedir = $(kde_servicesdir)/<appname>
0214 myappconfigpage_DATA = myappconfigpage.desktop
0215 \endverbatim
0218 And this is what the .desktop file looks like:
0220 \verbatim
0221 [Desktop Entry]
0222 Type=Service
0223 Icon=<iconname>
0224 X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KPluginInfo
0226 Name=MyPlugin
0227 Comment=My plugin is cool and does foo and bar.
0229 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=myplugin
0231 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=<your name>
0232 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=<your email>
0233 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website=http://www.myplugin.org/
0234 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=CoolPlugins
0235 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=0.1
0236 X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL
0237 X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=true
0238 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends=myotherplugin
0239 X-KDE-CfgDlgHierarchy=GroupID
0240 \endverbatim
0242 Explanation:
0243 mandatory entries:
0244 - leave \p Type and \p Encoding like in the example
0245 - \p Name
0246 - \p Comment
0247 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name is the "internal name" of the plugin.
0248 - You need to have \p KPluginInfo in \p X-KDE-ServiceTypes but of course you may have more
0249   entries in there.
0251 optional entries:
0252 - \p Icon is the icon used for your plugin (it's shown in the pluginselector if you
0253   set one).
0254 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author and \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email is some information about the author of the plugin.
0255 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website is the address for a webpage for this plugin.
0256 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category is used if your application has different categories of plugins.
0257 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version is the version of this plugin.
0258 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-License is the license of this plugin.
0259 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault tells the program whether the plugin
0260   should be enabled on first startup or not.
0261 - \p X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends can be used to tell the application that you need to have
0262   myotherplugin enabled for your plugin to work.
0263 - \p X-KDE-CfgDlgHierarchy is used if you use a \p KSettings::Dialog::ConfigurableInline
0264   KSettings::Dialog to put the plugin checkbox into the group with the GroupID
0265   you set here.
0267 If you have questions contact Matthias Kretz <kretz@kde.org>.
0268 */
0269 // vim: tw=80