Warning, /frameworks/kcalendarcore/autotests/data/RecurrenceRule/LibICal/readme.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Some test files that were shipped with libical-> They don't have have a 0002 specific purpose, but server as general tests. 0003 0004 0005 Several of the original test cases are moved to other directories of this test suite: 0006 LibICal_TestCase14.ics: UntilInUTC/Until_TestCase06.ics 0007 LibICal_TestCase13.ics: UntilInUTC/Until_TestCase05.ics 0008 LibICal_TestCase47.ics: UntilInUTC/Until_TestCase04.ics 0009 LibICal_TestCase22.ics: UntilInUTC/Until_TestCase03.ics