Warning, /frameworks/kcalendarcore/autotests/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 To build these tests, build with the cmake option KDE4_BUILD_TESTS=ON. 0002 0003 To run all these tests, enter the command 'ctest'. 0004 Details of failed tests are output to FAILED.log, and in the case of recurrence tests, 0005 to the .out files equivalent to the .ref files containing the expected results. 0006 0007 To run a single test on a single test file, use the 'runsingletestcase.pl' script: 0008 0009 runsingletestcase.pl testprog code datafile 0010 0011 where testprog = full path to the desired test program (e.g. /path/to/testrecurrence) 0012 code = test keyword which is appended to the test file name to create the output 0013 file name. E.g. with a test file "${DIR}/rdate.ics" and a code of 0014 "next", the test output will be stored in "${DIR}/rdate.ics.next.out". 0015 datafile = full path to test data file, e.g. /path/to/rdate.ics.