File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 13:00:36

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
0002    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2005 David Faure <>
0004    SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "kgzipfilter.h"
0008 #include "loggingcategory.h"
0010 #include <QDebug>
0011 #include <QIODevice>
0013 #include <time.h>
0014 #include <zlib.h>
0016 /* gzip flag byte */
0017 #define ORIG_NAME 0x08 /* bit 3 set: original file name present */
0019 // #define DEBUG_GZIP
0021 class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KGzipFilter::Private
0022 {
0023 public:
0024     Private()
0025         : headerWritten(false)
0026         , footerWritten(false)
0027         , compressed(false)
0028         , mode(0)
0029         , crc(0)
0030         , isInitialized(false)
0031     {
0032         zStream.zalloc = static_cast<alloc_func>(nullptr);
0033         zStream.zfree = static_cast<free_func>(nullptr);
0034         zStream.opaque = static_cast<voidpf>(nullptr);
0035     }
0037     z_stream zStream;
0038     bool headerWritten;
0039     bool footerWritten;
0040     bool compressed;
0041     int mode;
0042     ulong crc;
0043     bool isInitialized;
0044 };
0046 KGzipFilter::KGzipFilter()
0047     : d(new Private)
0048 {
0049 }
0051 KGzipFilter::~KGzipFilter()
0052 {
0053     delete d;
0054 }
0056 bool KGzipFilter::init(int mode)
0057 {
0058     switch (filterFlags()) {
0059     case NoHeaders:
0060         return init(mode, RawDeflate);
0061     case WithHeaders:
0062         return init(mode, GZipHeader);
0063     case ZlibHeaders:
0064         return init(mode, ZlibHeader);
0065     }
0066     return false;
0067 }
0069 bool KGzipFilter::init(int mode, Flag flag)
0070 {
0071     if (d->isInitialized) {
0072         terminate();
0073     }
0074     d->zStream.next_in = Z_NULL;
0075     d->zStream.avail_in = 0;
0076     if (mode == QIODevice::ReadOnly) {
0077         const int windowBits = (flag == RawDeflate) ? -MAX_WBITS /*no zlib header*/
0078             : (flag == GZipHeader)                  ? MAX_WBITS + 32 /* auto-detect and eat gzip header */
0079                                                     : MAX_WBITS /*zlib header*/;
0080         const int result = inflateInit2(&d->zStream, windowBits);
0081         if (result != Z_OK) {
0082             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "inflateInit2 returned " << result;
0083             return false;
0084         }
0085     } else if (mode == QIODevice::WriteOnly) {
0086         int result = deflateInit2(&d->zStream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, -MAX_WBITS, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); // same here
0087         if (result != Z_OK) {
0088             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "deflateInit returned " << result;
0089             return false;
0090         }
0091     } else {
0092         // qCWarning(KArchiveLog) << "KGzipFilter: Unsupported mode " << mode << ". Only QIODevice::ReadOnly and QIODevice::WriteOnly supported";
0093         return false;
0094     }
0095     d->mode = mode;
0096     d->compressed = true;
0097     d->headerWritten = false;
0098     d->footerWritten = false;
0099     d->isInitialized = true;
0100     return true;
0101 }
0103 int KGzipFilter::mode() const
0104 {
0105     return d->mode;
0106 }
0108 bool KGzipFilter::terminate()
0109 {
0110     if (d->mode == QIODevice::ReadOnly) {
0111         int result = inflateEnd(&d->zStream);
0112         if (result != Z_OK) {
0113             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "inflateEnd returned " << result;
0114             return false;
0115         }
0116     } else if (d->mode == QIODevice::WriteOnly) {
0117         int result = deflateEnd(&d->zStream);
0118         if (result != Z_OK) {
0119             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "deflateEnd returned " << result;
0120             return false;
0121         }
0122     }
0123     d->isInitialized = false;
0124     return true;
0125 }
0127 void KGzipFilter::reset()
0128 {
0129     if (d->mode == QIODevice::ReadOnly) {
0130         int result = inflateReset(&d->zStream);
0131         if (result != Z_OK) {
0132             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "inflateReset returned " << result;
0133             // TODO return false
0134         }
0135     } else if (d->mode == QIODevice::WriteOnly) {
0136         int result = deflateReset(&d->zStream);
0137         if (result != Z_OK) {
0138             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "deflateReset returned " << result;
0139             // TODO return false
0140         }
0141         d->headerWritten = false;
0142         d->footerWritten = false;
0143     }
0144 }
0146 bool KGzipFilter::readHeader()
0147 {
0148     // We now rely on zlib to read the full header (see the MAX_WBITS + 32 in init).
0149     // We just use this method to check if the data is actually compressed.
0151 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0152     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "avail=" << d->zStream.avail_in;
0153 #endif
0154     // Assume not compressed until we see a gzip header
0155     d->compressed = false;
0156     const Bytef *p = d->zStream.next_in;
0157     int i = d->zStream.avail_in;
0158     if ((i -= 10) < 0) {
0159         return false; // Need at least 10 bytes
0160     }
0161 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0162     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "first byte is " << QString::number(*p, 16);
0163 #endif
0164     if (*p++ != 0x1f) {
0165         return false; // GZip magic
0166     }
0167 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0168     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "second byte is " << QString::number(*p, 16);
0169 #endif
0170     if (*p++ != 0x8b) {
0171         return false;
0172     }
0174     d->compressed = true;
0175 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0176     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "header OK";
0177 #endif
0178     return true;
0179 }
0181 /* Output a 16 bit value, lsb first */
0182 #define put_short(w)                                                                                                                                           \
0183     *p++ = uchar((w)&0xff);                                                                                                                                    \
0184     *p++ = uchar(ushort(w) >> 8);
0186 /* Output a 32 bit value to the bit stream, lsb first */
0187 #define put_long(n)                                                                                                                                            \
0188     put_short((n)&0xffff);                                                                                                                                     \
0189     put_short((ulong(n)) >> 16);
0191 bool KGzipFilter::writeHeader(const QByteArray &fileName)
0192 {
0193     Bytef *p = d->zStream.next_out;
0194     int i = d->zStream.avail_out;
0195     *p++ = 0x1f;
0196     *p++ = 0x8b;
0197     *p++ = Z_DEFLATED;
0198     *p++ = ORIG_NAME;
0199     put_long(time(nullptr)); // Modification time (in unix format)
0200     *p++ = 0; // Extra flags (2=max compress, 4=fastest compress)
0201     *p++ = 3; // Unix
0203     uint len = fileName.length();
0204     for (uint j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
0205         *p++ = fileName[j];
0206     }
0207     *p++ = 0;
0208     int headerSize = p - d->zStream.next_out;
0209     i -= headerSize;
0210     Q_ASSERT(i > 0);
0211     d->crc = crc32(0L, nullptr, 0);
0212     d->zStream.next_out = p;
0213     d->zStream.avail_out = i;
0214     d->headerWritten = true;
0215     return true;
0216 }
0218 void KGzipFilter::writeFooter()
0219 {
0220     Q_ASSERT(d->headerWritten);
0221     Q_ASSERT(!d->footerWritten);
0222     Bytef *p = d->zStream.next_out;
0223     int i = d->zStream.avail_out;
0224     // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "avail_out=" << i << "writing CRC=" << QString::number(d->crc, 16) << "at p=" << p;
0225     put_long(d->crc);
0226     // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "writing totalin=" << d->zStream.total_in << "at p=" << p;
0227     put_long(d->zStream.total_in);
0228     i -= p - d->zStream.next_out;
0229     d->zStream.next_out = p;
0230     d->zStream.avail_out = i;
0231     d->footerWritten = true;
0232 }
0234 void KGzipFilter::setOutBuffer(char *data, uint maxlen)
0235 {
0236     d->zStream.avail_out = maxlen;
0237     d->zStream.next_out = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(data);
0238 }
0239 void KGzipFilter::setInBuffer(const char *data, uint size)
0240 {
0241 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0242     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "avail_in=" << size;
0243 #endif
0244     d->zStream.avail_in = size;
0245     d->zStream.next_in = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(const_cast<char *>(data));
0246 }
0247 int KGzipFilter::inBufferAvailable() const
0248 {
0249     return d->zStream.avail_in;
0250 }
0251 int KGzipFilter::outBufferAvailable() const
0252 {
0253     return d->zStream.avail_out;
0254 }
0256 KGzipFilter::Result KGzipFilter::uncompress_noop()
0257 {
0258     // I'm not sure we really need support for that (uncompressed streams),
0259     // but why not, it can't hurt to have it. One case I can think of is someone
0260     // naming a tar file "blah.tar.gz" :-)
0261     if (d->zStream.avail_in > 0) {
0262         int n = (d->zStream.avail_in < d->zStream.avail_out) ? d->zStream.avail_in : d->zStream.avail_out;
0263         memcpy(d->zStream.next_out, d->zStream.next_in, n);
0264         d->zStream.avail_out -= n;
0265         d->zStream.next_in += n;
0266         d->zStream.avail_in -= n;
0267         return KFilterBase::Ok;
0268     } else {
0269         return KFilterBase::End;
0270     }
0271 }
0273 KGzipFilter::Result KGzipFilter::uncompress()
0274 {
0275 #ifndef NDEBUG
0276     if (d->mode == 0) {
0277         // qCWarning(KArchiveLog) << "mode==0; KGzipFilter::init was not called!";
0278         return KFilterBase::Error;
0279     } else if (d->mode == QIODevice::WriteOnly) {
0280         // qCWarning(KArchiveLog) << "uncompress called but the filter was opened for writing!";
0281         return KFilterBase::Error;
0282     }
0283     Q_ASSERT(d->mode == QIODevice::ReadOnly);
0284 #endif
0286     if (!d->compressed) {
0287         return uncompress_noop();
0288     }
0290 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0291     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "Calling inflate with avail_in=" << inBufferAvailable() << " avail_out=" << outBufferAvailable();
0292     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "    next_in=" << d->zStream.next_in;
0293 #endif
0295     while (d->zStream.avail_in > 0) {
0296         int result = inflate(&d->zStream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
0298 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0299         qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << " -> inflate returned " << result;
0300         qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << " now avail_in=" << inBufferAvailable() << " avail_out=" << outBufferAvailable();
0301         qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "     next_in=" << d->zStream.next_in;
0302 #endif
0304         if (result == Z_OK) {
0305             return KFilterBase::Ok;
0306         }
0308         // We can't handle any other results
0309         if (result != Z_STREAM_END) {
0310             return KFilterBase::Error;
0311         }
0313         // It really was the end
0314         if (d->zStream.avail_in == 0) {
0315             return KFilterBase::End;
0316         }
0318         // Store before resetting
0319         Bytef *data = d->zStream.next_in; // This is increased appropriately by zlib beforehand
0320         uInt size = d->zStream.avail_in;
0322         // Reset the stream, if that fails we assume we're at the end
0323         if (!init(d->mode)) {
0324             return KFilterBase::End;
0325         }
0327         // Reset the data to where we left off
0328         d->zStream.next_in = data;
0329         d->zStream.avail_in = size;
0330     }
0332     return KFilterBase::End;
0333 }
0335 KGzipFilter::Result KGzipFilter::compress(bool finish)
0336 {
0337     Q_ASSERT(d->compressed);
0338     Q_ASSERT(d->mode == QIODevice::WriteOnly);
0340     const Bytef *p = d->zStream.next_in;
0341     ulong len = d->zStream.avail_in;
0342 #ifdef DEBUG_GZIP
0343     qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "  calling deflate with avail_in=" << inBufferAvailable() << " avail_out=" << outBufferAvailable();
0344 #endif
0345     const int result = deflate(&d->zStream, finish ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH);
0346     if (result != Z_OK && result != Z_STREAM_END) {
0347         // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "  deflate returned " << result;
0348     }
0349     if (d->headerWritten) {
0350         // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "Computing CRC for the next " << len - d->zStream.avail_in << " bytes";
0351         d->crc = crc32(d->crc, p, len - d->zStream.avail_in);
0352     }
0353     KGzipFilter::Result callerResult = result == Z_OK ? KFilterBase::Ok : (Z_STREAM_END ? KFilterBase::End : KFilterBase::Error);
0355     if (result == Z_STREAM_END && d->headerWritten && !d->footerWritten) {
0356         if (d->zStream.avail_out >= 8 /*footer size*/) {
0357             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "finished, write footer";
0358             writeFooter();
0359         } else {
0360             // No room to write the footer (#157706/#188415), we'll have to do it on the next pass.
0361             // qCDebug(KArchiveLog) << "finished, but no room for footer yet";
0362             callerResult = KFilterBase::Ok;
0363         }
0364     }
0365     return callerResult;
0366 }