Warning, /frameworks/karchive/autotests/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 remove_definitions(-DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII) 0002 0003 include(ECMAddTests) 0004 0005 find_package(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Test ${REQUIRED_QT_VERSION} CONFIG QUIET) 0006 find_package(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Network) 0007 0008 if(NOT Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Test_FOUND) 0009 message(STATUS "Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Test not found, autotests will not be built.") 0010 return() 0011 endif() 0012 0013 ecm_add_tests( 0014 karchivetest.cpp 0015 kfiltertest.cpp 0016 deprecatedtest.cpp 0017 LINK_LIBRARIES KF5::Archive Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}::Test 0018 ) 0019 0020 target_link_libraries(kfiltertest ZLIB::ZLIB) 0021 0022 ########### klimitediodevicetest ############### 0023 0024 ecm_add_test( 0025 klimitediodevicetest.cpp 0026 ../src/klimitediodevice.cpp 0027 TEST_NAME klimitediodevicetest 0028 LINK_LIBRARIES Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}::Test 0029 ) 0030 target_include_directories(klimitediodevicetest 0031 PRIVATE $<TARGET_PROPERTY:KF5Archive,INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES>) 0032 0033 ########## kcompressiondevicetest ############## 0034 if (Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Network_FOUND) 0035 ecm_add_test( 0036 kcompressiondevicetest.cpp 0037 LINK_LIBRARIES KF5::Archive Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}::Test Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}::Network 0038 ) 0039 0040 set(testDir $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:kcompressiondevicetest>) 0041 get_filename_component(topdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.. ABSOLUTE) 0042 0043 add_custom_command(TARGET kcompressiondevicetest POST_BUILD 0044 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar czf 0045 ${testDir}/kcompressiondevice_test.tar.gz examples 0046 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${topdir}) 0047 add_custom_command(TARGET kcompressiondevicetest POST_BUILD 0048 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cjf 0049 ${testDir}/kcompressiondevice_test.tar.bz2 examples 0050 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${topdir}) 0051 0052 if (LIBLZMA_FOUND) 0053 add_custom_command(TARGET kcompressiondevicetest POST_BUILD 0054 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cJf 0055 ${testDir}/kcompressiondevice_test.tar.xz examples 0056 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${topdir}) 0057 endif() 0058 0059 if (LibZstd_FOUND) 0060 # cmake doesn't support creating zstd files so run tar directly 0061 # which is a bit annoying since not all tars support zstd either 0062 # so we first check that the installed tar has the --zstd 0063 # option and then we check that the zstd binary is available 0064 0065 execute_process(COMMAND tar --help OUTPUT_VARIABLE TAR_OUTPUT) 0066 if (TAR_OUTPUT MATCHES ".*--zstd.*") 0067 find_program(ZSTD_FOUND zstd) 0068 if (ZSTD_FOUND) 0069 add_custom_command(TARGET kcompressiondevicetest POST_BUILD 0070 COMMAND tar --zstd -cf 0071 ${testDir}/kcompressiondevice_test.tar.zst examples 0072 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${topdir}) 0073 0074 target_compile_definitions(kcompressiondevicetest PRIVATE HAVE_ZSTD_SUPPORT_FILE) 0075 endif() 0076 endif() 0077 endif() 0078 endif()