Warning, /frameworks/baloo/src/file/kde-baloo.service.in is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 [Unit]
0002 Description=Baloo File Indexer Daemon
0003 PartOf=graphical-session.target
0005 [Service]
0006 ExecStart=@KDE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBEXECDIR@/baloo_file
0007 BusName=org.kde.baloo
0008 Slice=background.slice
0009 ExecCondition=@KDE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR@/kde-systemd-start-condition --condition "baloofilerc:Basic Settings:Indexing-Enabled:true"
0010 # We'll basically only want to consume resources if they aren't needed anywhere else, hence weights are way low.
0011 CPUWeight=1
0012 IOWeight=1
0013 # Memory should comfortably fit the binary itself, any extra data loaded ought to be subject to extreme constraints
0014 # though - so as to avoid OOM conditions caused by baloo.
0015 MemoryHigh=512M
0017 [Install]
0018 WantedBy=graphical-session.target