Warning, /education/step/stepcore/CLASSES is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 This is a short overview over the classes in Stepcore. Most of the classes are 0002 here, but not the ...Error classes that contain the variance for the various 0003 values in the other classes. 0004 0005 Legend 0006 0007 * ClassName{filename} Short explanation 0008 [=0] This class has pure virtual member functions. 0009 0010 * subclass 0011 [important members] 0012 0013 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0014 0015 * Object Root of the StepCore class hierarchy 0016 [name] 0017 0018 * CollisionSolver Generic interface for collision solvers 0019 * GJKCollisionSolver 0020 [contacts] 0021 * ConstraintSolver Generic interface for constraint solvers 0022 [=0] 0023 * CGConstraintSolver 0024 [] 0025 * Solver Generic Solver interface 0026 [=0] 0027 * GenericEulerSolver Solver of ordinary diff equations 0028 * EulerSolver 0029 * AdaptiveEulerSolver 0030 * GslGenericSolver Solver of ordinary diff equations using GSL 0031 * GslSolver 0032 * GslAdaptiveSolver 0033 0034 * Item{item.h} Root class for world items (bodies, forces) 0035 [world, group, objectErrors, color] 0036 0037 * NoteImage{tool.h} Image embedded in a Note 0038 * NoteFormula LaTeX formula embedded in a Note 0039 0040 * ItemGroup{itemgroup.h} 0041 [items] 0042 * Gas Group of GasParticle and a Force 0043 * SoftBody Group of SoftBodyParticles and SoftBodySprings 0044 * World The root object for everything visible 0045 [time, timeScale, bodies, forces, joints, solvers...] 0046 0047 * Body{body.h} Anything that has dynamic variables that 0048 [material, =0] require ODE integration 0049 * Particle 0050 * ChargedParticle 0051 * GasParticle 0052 * RigidBody 0053 * Disk 0054 * BasePolygon 0055 * Box 0056 * Polygon 0057 * Plane Unmovable rigid plane 0058 0059 0060 * Force Anything that acts upon bodies changing 0061 [=0] derivatives of dynamic variables 0062 * CoulombForce Force for charged particles. 0063 * GasLJForce Force within gasses 0064 * GravitationForce Force between particles 0065 * WeightForce Force between massive bodies (particles) 0066 * LinearMotor Applies a force on a position of a body 0067 * CircularMotor Applies a torque to a body 0068 * Spring 0069 * SoftBodySpring 0070 0071 0072 * Joint 0073 [=0] 0074 * Anchor Fixes the position of a body 0075 * Pin Fixes the position of a given point of a body to another body 0076 * Stick Fixed distance between two points on particles or rigid bodies 0077 * Rope Maximum distance between two points on particles or rigid bodies 0078 0079 * Tool Utilities for control or information retrieval 0080 * Note(ItemGroup, Tool) Textual Note 0081 * Graph(Item, Tool) 0082 * Meter(Item, Tool) 0083 * Controller(Item, Tool) 0084 * Tracer(Item, Tool) 0085 0086 0087 Auxiliary classes 0088 ----------------- 0089 0090 * Contact defines contact between two bodies 0091 Used by CollisionSolver. 0092 0093 * ConstraintsInfo{world.h} defines constraints between objects 0094 Used by ConstraintSolver 0095 [...] 0096 0097 * Material stores material properties 0098 0099 * Factory Creates new objects from name 0100 0101 * MetaProperty Meta information about a property 0102 * MetaObject Meta information about a class