Warning, /education/parley/src/settings/parley.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <include>qfontdatabase.h</include>
0007   <kcfgfile name="parleyrc"/>
0009   <group name="General">
0010     <entry name="Theme" type="String">
0011       <label>Theme to use for practice and welcome screen</label>
0012       <default>themes/theme_reference.desktop</default>
0013     </entry>
0014     <entry name="NumPreSetting" type="Int">
0015       <label>Number of stored setting profiles</label>
0016       <default>0</default>
0017     </entry>
0018     <entry name="SmartAppend" type="Bool">
0019       <label>If true, when using the entry dialog, new rows will be appended as needed</label>
0020       <default>true</default>
0021     </entry>
0022     <entry name="Separator" type="String">
0023       <label>This sets the separator used when copying/pasting text, default is Tab</label>
0024       <default code="true">QChar('\t')</default>
0025     </entry>
0026     <entry name="EntriesPerLesson" type="Int">
0027       <label>The number of entries per unit</label>
0028       <default>20</default>
0029     </entry>
0030     <entry name="AutoOpenLast" type="Bool">
0031       <label>If true, on each application start the last opened file will be loaded</label>
0032       <default>false</default>
0033     </entry>
0034     <entry name="AutoSave" type="Bool">
0035       <label>If true, vocabularies are automatically saved on close and exit</label>
0036       <default>false</default>
0037     </entry>
0038     <entry name="SeparatorCombo" type="Int">
0039       <default>0</default>
0040     </entry>
0041     <entry name="AutoBackup" type="Bool">
0042       <label>If true, a backup is saved every BackupTime minutes</label>
0043       <default>false</default>
0044     </entry>
0045     <entry name="BackupTime" type="Int">
0046       <label>Time interval between two automatic backups</label>
0047       <default>15</default>
0048     </entry>
0049     <entry name="AutomaticTranslation" type="Bool">
0050       <label>Enable automatic translation of the unit entries.</label>
0051       <default>false</default>
0052     </entry>
0053   </group>
0055   <group name="PracticeOptions">
0056     <entry name="FlashcardsFrontImage" type="Bool">
0057         <label>Show images on the front of the flashcard.</label>
0058         <default>true</default>
0059     </entry>
0060     <entry name="FlashcardsBackImage" type="Bool">
0061         <label>Show images on the back of the flashcard.</label>
0062         <default>true</default>
0063     </entry>
0064     <entry name="Block" type="Bool">
0065       <label>In Blocking Query Tab Dialog, if checked then the Query is blocked</label>
0066       <default>true</default>
0067     </entry>
0068     <entry name="Expire" type="Bool">
0069       <label>In Blocking Query Tab Dialog, if checked then the Query accepts an expiring time</label>
0070       <default>true</default>
0071     </entry>
0072     <entry name="TestOrderLesson" type="Bool">
0073       <label>Append new vocabulary in a collection in order of their units. Note that this will not be a hard transition, but a slow mix from one unit to the next.</label>
0074       <default>true</default>
0075     </entry>
0076     <entry name="TestNumberOfEntries" type="Int">
0077       <label>The number of entries that are practiced at the same time. If one of these is answered correctly another entry will be appended.</label>
0078       <default>20</default>
0079     </entry>
0080     <entry name="SwapDirection" type="Bool">
0081       <label>Swap direction randomly</label>
0082       <default>false</default>
0083     </entry>
0085     <entry name="PracticeTimeout" type="Bool">
0086       <label>Limit the time for the user to answer in a test.</label>
0087       <default>false</default>
0088     </entry>
0089     <entry name="PracticeTimeoutMode" type="Enum">
0090       <label>Show - show the solution after the given time; Continue - go to the next question after the given time.</label>
0091       <choices>
0092         <choice name="Show"/>
0093         <choice name="Continue"/>
0094       </choices>
0095       <default>Show</default>
0096     </entry>
0097     <entry name="PracticeTimeoutTimePerAnswer" type="Int">
0098       <label>Maximum time allowed to answer.</label>
0099       <default>20</default>
0100     </entry>
0102     <entry name="Suggestions" type="Bool">
0103       <label>Enable suggestion lists in written practice.</label>
0104       <default>false</default>
0105     </entry>
0106     <entry name = "ShowHints" type="Bool">
0107      <label>Enable the showing of hints.</label>
0108      <default>true</default>
0109     </entry>
0110     <entry name="IgnoreAccentMistakes" type="Bool">
0111       <label>Count answers as right when only the accentuation is wrong.</label>
0112       <default>false</default>
0113     </entry>
0114     <entry name="IgnoreCapitalizationMistakes" type="Bool">
0115       <label>Count answers as right when only the capitalization is wrong.</label>
0116       <default>false</default>
0117     </entry>
0118     <entry name="IgnorePunctuationMistakes" type="Bool">
0119       <label>Count answers as right when only the punctuation is wrong.</label>
0120       <default>false</default>
0121     </entry>
0123     <entry name="SplitTranslations" type="Bool">
0124       <label>Split translations in written practice.</label>
0125       <default>false</default>
0126     </entry>
0127     <entry name="Periods" type="Bool">
0128       <label>Split translations at periods.</label>
0129       <default>true</default>
0130     </entry>
0131     <entry name="Colons" type="Bool">
0132       <label>Split translations at colons.</label>
0133       <default>false</default>
0134     </entry>
0135     <entry name="Semicolons" type="Bool">
0136       <label>Split translations at semicolons.</label>
0137       <default>true</default>
0138     </entry>
0139     <entry name="Commas" type="Bool">
0140       <label>Split translations at commas.</label>
0141       <default>false</default>
0142     </entry>
0144     <!-- This will be deprecated in the new partice -->
0145     <entry name="ShowMore" type="Bool">
0146       <label>Enable Show More button to reveal parts of the solution in written practice.</label>
0147       <default>true</default>
0148     </entry>
0149     <entry name="SkipKnownEnabled" type="Bool">
0150       <label>Enable Skip (I Know It) button in written practice.</label>
0151       <default>true</default>
0152     </entry>
0153     <entry name="CountSynonymsAsCorrect" type="Bool">
0154       <label>When the synonym instead of the word was entered, does it count as correct?</label>
0155       <default>true</default>
0156     </entry>
0157     <entry name="PracticeImagesEnabled" type="Bool">
0158       <label>Enable image display in the practice dialogs.</label>
0159       <default>true</default>
0160     </entry>
0161     <entry name="PracticeSoundEnabled" type="Bool">
0162       <label>Enable sound playback in the practice dialogs.</label>
0163       <default>true</default>
0164     </entry>
0165     <entry name="AllowImageInsteadOfWord" type="Bool">
0166       <label>Allow using images instead of words in flashcards. This will only be done if there is no word in the entry.</label>
0167       <default>false</default>
0168     </entry>
0170     <!-- Sessions -->
0171     <entry name="SessionMaxSize" type="Int">
0172         <label>The maximum number of words that will be practiced in a training session.</label>
0173         <default>20</default>
0174     </entry>
0175     <entry name="SessionMaxNewWords" type="Int">
0176         <label>The maximum number of new (untrained) words that will be used in a training session.</label>
0177         <default>5</default>
0178     </entry>
0179     <entry name="SessionLimitWordsInitialPhase" type="Bool">
0180       <label>Limit the number of words in the initial phase.</label>
0181       <default>false</default>
0182     </entry>
0183     <entry name="SessionMaxWordsInitialPhase" type="Int">
0184         <label>The maximum number of words in the initial phase. If this limit is exceeded, no new words will be introduced.</label>
0185         <default>20</default>
0186     </entry>
0188     <!-- Multiple choice -->
0189     <entry name="MultipleChoiceWordTypeConsistancy" type="Bool">
0190       <label>Use the same word type as the solution for the incorrect answers in a multiple choice practice.</label>
0191       <default>true</default>
0192     </entry>
0193     <entry name="NumberMultipleChoiceAnswers" type="Int">
0194       <label>How many answers are provided for a multiple choice question, including the correct answer.</label>
0195       <default>5</default>
0196     </entry>
0197   </group>
0199   <group name="Appearance">
0200     <entry name="ShowSearch" type="Bool">
0201       <label>Toggle display of the search bar.</label>
0202       <default>true</default>
0203     </entry>
0205     <entry name="ShowSublessonentries" type="Bool">
0206       <label>When enabled a unit also shows entries from its subunits.</label>
0207       <default>true</default>
0208     </entry>
0210     <entry name="TableLessonColumnVisible" type="Bool">
0211       <label>Show/hide the unit column.</label>
0212       <default>false</default>
0213     </entry>
0215     <entry name="TableActiveColumnVisible" type="Bool">
0216       <label>Show/hide the active column.</label>
0217       <default>false</default>
0218     </entry>
0220     <entry name="LessonEditingSelection" type="Enum">
0221       <label>Select which units are displayed for editing</label>
0222       <choices>
0223         <choice name="CurrentLesson"/>
0224         <choice name="LessonsInQuery"/>
0225         <choice name="AllLessons"/>
0226         <choice name="UserFiltered"/>
0227       </choices>
0228       <default>CurrentLesson</default>
0229     </entry>
0230     <entry name="MainWindowSplitter" type="IntList">
0231       <label>How the main window is divided.</label>
0232       <default>150, 400</default>
0233     </entry>
0234     <entry name="PracticeFont" type="Font">
0235       <label>The font used in the vocabulary table</label>
0236       <default code="true">QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)</default>
0237     </entry>
0238     <entry name="IPAFont" type="Font">
0239       <label>The font used for phonetics</label>
0240       <default code="true">QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)</default>
0241     </entry>
0242     <entry name="CurrentCol" type="Int">
0243       <label>Currently selected column</label>
0244       <default code="true">2</default>
0245     </entry>
0246     <entry name="CurrentRow" type="Int">
0247       <label>Currently selected row</label>
0248       <default>0</default>
0249     </entry>
0250     <entry name="GradeColor" type="Color" key="GradeColor">
0251       <label>Color used to display the confidence levels</label>
0252       <default>25, 140, 25</default>
0253     </entry>
0254     <entry name="PreGradeColor" type="Color" key="PreGradeColor">
0255       <label>Color used to display the early confidence levels</label>
0256       <default>255, 255, 0</default>
0257     </entry>
0258     <entry name="InvalidUnitColor" type="Color" key="InvalidUnitColor">
0259       <label>Color used to display invalid units</label>
0260       <default>255, 0, 0</default>
0261     </entry>
0262   </group>
0265   <group name="Thresholds">
0266     <entry name="PracticeMinimumTimesAsked" type="Int">
0267       <label>The entry must have been asked at least this often to be included in the practice.</label>
0268       <default>0</default>
0269     </entry>
0270     <entry name="PracticeMaximumTimesAsked" type="Int">
0271       <label>The entry must have been asked at most this often to be included in the practice.</label>
0272       <default>1000</default>
0273     </entry>
0275     <entry name="PracticeMinimumWrongCount" type="Int">
0276       <label>The entry must have been answered incorrectly at least this often to be included in the practice.</label>
0277       <default>0</default>
0278     </entry>
0279     <entry name="PracticeMaximumWrongCount" type="Int">
0280       <label>The entry must have been answered incorrectly at most this often to be included in the practice.</label>
0281       <default>1000</default>
0282     </entry>
0284     <entry name="PracticeMinimumGrade" type="Int">
0285       <label>The entry must have at least this confidence level to be included in the practice (0..7).</label>
0286       <default>0</default>
0287     </entry>
0288     <entry name="PracticeMaximumGrade" type="Int">
0289       <label>The entry must have at most this confidence level to be included in the practice (0..7).</label>
0290       <default>7</default>
0291     </entry>
0292     <entry name="WordTypesInPracticeEnabled" type="Bool">
0293       <label>Only selected word types will be included in practice.</label>
0294       <default>false</default>
0295     </entry>
0296     <entry name="WordTypesInPractice" type="StringList">
0297       <label>Selected word types for practices.</label>
0298       <whatsthis>Selected word types for practices.</whatsthis>
0299     </entry>
0300     <entry name="SubWordTypesInPractice" type="StringList">
0301       <label>Selected sub word types for practices.</label>
0302       <whatsthis>Selected sub word types for practices.</whatsthis>
0303     </entry>
0304   </group>
0306   <group name="PracticeManager">
0307     <!-- These numbers are indices into the kvtml file. Obviously they may change between files. -->
0308     <entry name="LearningLanguage" type="Int">
0309       <label>The language that you are learning.</label>
0310       <default>0</default>
0311     </entry>
0312     <entry name="KnownLanguage" type="Int">
0313       <label>The language that you know already.</label>
0314       <default>1</default>
0315     </entry>
0317     <entry name="ShowSolutionAfterAnswer" type="Bool">
0318       <label>Show the solution after an answer was given.</label>
0319       <default>true</default>
0320     </entry>
0321     <entry name="ShowSolutionAfterAnswerTime" type="Int">
0322       <label>The time the solution is shown (seconds). 0 is unlimited.</label>
0323       <default>0</default>
0324     </entry>
0326     <entry name="PracticeMode" type="Enum">
0327         <choices>
0328             <choice name="FlashCardsPractice"/>
0329             <choice name="MixedLettersPractice"/>
0330             <choice name="MultipleChoicePractice"/>
0331             <choice name="WrittenPractice"/>
0332             <choice name="ExampleSentencesPractice"/>
0333             <choice name="GenderPractice"/>
0334             <choice name="ComparisonPractice"/>
0335             <choice name="ConjugationPractice"/>
0336         </choices>
0337         <label>The practice method that is currently selected.</label>
0338         <default>FlashCardsPractice</default>
0339     </entry>
0341     <entry name="PracticeDirection" type="Enum">
0342         <choices>
0343             <choice name="KnownToLearning"/>
0344             <choice name="LearningToKnown"/>
0345             <choice name="MixedDirectionsWordsOnly"/>
0346             <choice name="MixedDirectionsWithSound"/>
0347         </choices>
0348         <label>The practice mode that is currently selected.</label>
0349         <default>MixedDirectionsWordsOnly</default>
0350     </entry>
0352     <entry name="BlockItem$(Grade)" type="Int" key="BlockItem$(Grade)">
0353       <parameter name="Grade" type="Int" max="7"/>
0354       <label>Amount of time different confidence levels should be blocked</label>
0355       <default param="1">86400</default>
0356       <default param="2">172800</default>
0357       <default param="3">345600</default>
0358       <default param="4">604800</default>
0359       <default param="5">1209600</default>
0360       <default param="6">2592000</default>
0361       <default param="7">5184000</default>
0362     </entry>
0363     <entry name="ExpireItem$(Grade)" type="Int" key="ExpireItem$(Grade)">
0364       <parameter name="Grade" type="Int" max="7"/>
0365       <label>Amount of time after which different confidence levels should expire</label>
0366       <default param="1">172800</default>
0367       <default param="2">345600</default>
0368       <default param="3">604800</default>
0369       <default param="4">1209600</default>
0370       <default param="5">2592000</default>
0371       <default param="6">5184000</default>
0372       <default param="7">10368000</default>
0373     </entry>
0374     <entry name="RememberPracticeDirection" type="Bool">
0375       <label>If true, the practice direction for each practice mode is stored.</label>
0376       <whatsthis>Should the practice direction for each practice mode be stored?</whatsthis>
0377       <default>false</default>
0378     </entry>
0379     <entry name="PracticeDirectionsByPracticeMode" type="IntList">
0380       <label>Stored values of practice direction for each practice mode.</label>
0381       <whatsthis>Stored values of practice direction for each practice mode.</whatsthis>
0382       <default></default>
0383     </entry>
0384   </group>
0385   <group name="KNewStuff">
0386     <entry name="ProvidersUrl" type="Path">
0387       <label>The Providers path for Parley</label>
0388       <default>"https://edu.kde.org/parley/newstuff/providers.xml"</default>
0389     </entry>
0390     <entry name="InstallationCommand" type="String">
0391       <label>The command used to start a downloaded vocabulary</label>
0392       <default>parley %f</default>
0393     </entry>
0394     <entry name="InstallPath" type="Path">
0395       <label>The folder where downloaded vocabularies are saved by default</label>
0396       <default>$HOME/Vocabularies/</default>
0397     </entry>
0398   </group>
0399 </kcfg>