Warning, /education/minuet/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
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0005 ]>
0006 <book id="minuet" lang="&language;">
0008 <bookinfo>
0009 <title>The &minuet; Handbook</title>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>
0013 <personname>
0014 <firstname>Sandro</firstname>
0015 <othername>S.</othername>
0016 <surname>Andrade</surname>
0017 </personname>
0018 <email>&Sandro.Andrade.mail;</email>
0019 </author>
0021 </authorgroup>
0023 <copyright>
0024 <year>2016</year>
0025 <holder>&Sandro.Andrade;</holder>
0026 </copyright>
0027 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0029 <date>2021-10-19</date>
0031 <releaseinfo>0.4 (KDE Gear 21.08)</releaseinfo>
0033 <abstract>
0034 <para>
0035 &minuet; is an application for music education. It features a set of ear training exercises
0036 regarding intervals, chords, and scales.
0037 </para>
0038 </abstract>
0040 <keywordset>
0041 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0042 <keyword>kdeedu</keyword>
0043 <keyword>music</keyword>
0044 <keyword>education</keyword>
0045 <keyword>intervals</keyword>
0046 <keyword>chords</keyword>
0047 <keyword>scales</keyword>
0048 <keyword>Minuet</keyword>
0049 </keywordset>
0051 </bookinfo>
0053 <chapter id="introduction">
0054 <title>Introduction</title>
0056 <para>
0057 Welcome to &minuet;: the software for music education. &minuet; aims at supporting
0058 students and teachers in many aspects of music education, such as ear
0059 training, first-sight reading, solfa, scales, rhythm, harmony, and improvisation. &minuet;
0060 makes extensive use of &MIDI; capabilities to provide a full-fledged set of features
0061 regarding volume, tempo, and pitch changes, which makes &minuet; a valuable tool for both
0062 novice and experienced musicians.
0063 </para>
0064 <para>
0065 &minuet; features a rich set of ear training's exercises and new ones can be <link linkend="creating-exercises">
0066 seamlessly added</link> in order to extend its functionalities and adapt it to several
0067 music education contexts.
0068 </para>
0070 <screenshot>
0071   <screeninfo>&minuet; main window</screeninfo>
0072   <mediaobject>
0073     <imageobject><imagedata fileref="minuet-screenshot.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0074     <textobject><phrase>&minuet;'s ear training chord exercises</phrase></textobject>
0075   </mediaobject>
0076 </screenshot>
0077 </chapter>
0079 <chapter id="using-minuet">
0080 <title>Using &minuet;</title>
0082 <para>
0083 In the next two sections - <link linkend="starting-minuet">Starting &minuet;</link> and <link linkend="minuet-exercises">&minuet; Exercises</link> - we will provide you the required steps to get &minuet; up and running.
0084 </para>
0086 <sect1 id="starting-minuet">
0087 <title>Starting &minuet;</title>
0089 <para>You can start &minuet; from the application launcher. Open the global menu by clicking on the application launcher icon on the system tray at the bottom left of your screen. This will raise a menu. Move your cursor up the menu to the <menuchoice><guimenu>Applications</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Education</guisubmenu> <guisubmenu>Miscellaneous</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>&minuet; (Music Education Software)</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu item from the global menu or with <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> and entering <command>minuet</command> into the input field.
0090 </para>
0091 </sect1>
0093 <sect1 id="minuet-exercises">
0094 <title>&minuet; Exercises and Workflow</title>
0096 <para>
0097 &minuet;'s user interface entails three major components:
0098 </para>
0100 <screenshot>
0101   <screeninfo>&minuet; main window</screeninfo>
0102   <mediaobject>
0103     <imageobject><imagedata fileref="minuet-ui-components.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0104     <textobject><phrase>&minuet;'s UI components</phrase></textobject>
0105   </mediaobject>
0106 </screenshot>
0108 <variablelist>
0110 <varlistentry>
0111 <term><guilabel>Navigation Menu</guilabel></term>
0112 <listitem><para>Allows for navigating in &minuet;'s exercise categories and selecting a particular exercise. The Navigation Menu is dynamically created based upon exercises specification files as described in <link linkend="creating-exercises">Creating Exercises</link>. &minuet;'s exercises are grouped according to classes such as intervals, scales, and chords.</para></listitem>
0113 </varlistentry>
0115 <varlistentry>
0116 <term><guilabel>Keyboard View</guilabel></term>
0117 <listitem><para>Exhibits &MIDI; <parameter>note on</parameter> events being sequenced by a &MIDI; file or by an exercise execution.</para></listitem>
0118 </varlistentry>
0120 <varlistentry>
0121 <term><guilabel>Exercise View</guilabel></term>
0122 <listitem><para>Presents, for a given exercise, buttons for controlling exercise presentation and a set of exercise's possible answers. An exercise run begins by clicking the <guibutton>Start Quest</guibutton> button. A randomly selected interval/chord/scale is played by &minuet; and then the student is expected to pick up an answer among the ones shown in the answer's grid. &minuet; always present - as a white small circle in Keyboard View - the first note of selected interval/scale or the root note of selected chord. By hovering a possible answer, &minuet; highlights its corresponding visual representation in Keyboard View. The remaining notes of the hovered answer are presented as small circles whose colors are the same of hovered answer's button. The student can hear the exercise again by clicking the <guibutton>Play Question</guibutton> button, click the chosen answer button, or get the right answer by clicking the <guibutton>Give Up</guibutton> button. A new run of the same exercise can be started by pressing <guibutton>Stop Quest</guibutton> button and pressing again the <guibutton>New Question</guibutton> button.</para></listitem>
0123 </varlistentry>
0125 </variablelist>
0126 </sect1>
0127 </chapter>
0129 <chapter id="creating-exercises">
0130 <title>Creating new &minuet;'s exercises</title>
0132 <para>
0133 &minuet;'s exercises are defined in exercise specification files, written in &JSON; format:
0134 </para>
0135 <para>
0136 <programlisting>
0137 {
0138   "exercises": [
0139     {
0140       "name": "Intervals",
0141       "root": "21..104",
0142       "playMode": "scale",
0143       "children": [
0144         {
0145           "name": "Ascending Melodic Intervals",
0146           "children": [
0147             {
0148               "name": "Seconds",
0149               "options": [
0150                 {
0151                   "name": "Minor Second",
0152                   "sequenceFromRoot": "1"
0153                 },
0154                 {
0155                   "name": "Major Second",
0156                   "sequenceFromRoot": "2"
0157                 }
0158               ]
0159             }
0160           ]
0161         }
0162       ]
0163     }
0164   ]
0165 }
0166 </programlisting>
0167 </para>
0168 <para>
0169 &minuet;'s exercise specification files contain one top-level &JSON; object featuring the <parameter>exercises</parameter>
0170 array. Such an array defines a hierarchical structure of exercises, grouped by categories. Every category/exercise has a
0171 name. Category &JSON; objects contain a property named <parameter>children</parameter>, which describes the
0172 subcategories/exercises entailed by such a category. Exercise &JSON; objects contain a property named <parameter>
0173 options</parameter>, which defines the possible answers for such an exercise. In each exercise run, &minuet; randomly
0174 selects one answer among the possible ones and the student is expected to click the answer's button which corresponds to the
0175 selected answer.
0176 </para>
0177 <para>
0178 Any (sub)category may define a <parameter>root</parameter> parameter to specify the range from which the initial interval/chord/scale's
0179 note will be randomly chosen for all exercises in this category. Such range corresponds to standards &MIDI; note numbers and follows
0180 the format <parameter>&lt;min-value&gt;..&lt;max-value&gt;</parameter>. The example presented above uses all keyboard range as possible
0181 root notes (21..104). The <parameter>playMode</parameter> parameter indicates
0182 how possible answers should be played: as a <parameter>scale</parameter> (one note after the other) or as a <parameter>chord</parameter> (all
0183 notes ringing out simultaneously).
0184 </para>
0185 <para>
0186 Each exercise's option defines a name and the sequence of notes which should be played from the root note randomly selected in
0187 each exercise run. Such sequence of notes is defined as relative distances from the root note, describing the interval
0188 each note forms in conjunction with the root note. For example, for a major scale, the sequence of notes is <quote>2 4 5 7 9 11 12</quote>,
0189 which respectively denotes the <quote>whole whole half whole whole whole half</quote> major scale structure. The <parameter>sequenceFromRoot</parameter> parameter may contain any notes in length. Also, &minuet;'s core ensures that only answers
0190 whose all notes lies within keyboard range are randomly selected.
0191 </para>
0192 <para>
0193 To provide a better infrastructure for organizing a large set of exercise specification files, &minuet;'s core supports the use
0194 of several specification files, which are automatically merged to compose the final exercise hierarchy presented in the
0195 Navigation Menu. Exercises are correctly merged as long as different specification files use the same (sub)category name
0196 when defining exercises. For now, &minuet;'s provides no &GUI; for creating exercise specifications so that you must manually create such &JSON; files. &minuet;'s exercise specification files may be installed system-wide or locally in the <filename class="directory">minuet/exercises/</filename>
0197 folder located in <userinput><command>qtpaths</command> <option>--paths GenericDataLocation</option></userinput>
0198 </para>
0200 </chapter>
0202 <chapter id="credits">
0204 <title>Credits and License</title>
0206 <para>
0207 &minuet;
0208 </para>
0209 <para>
0210 Program copyright 2016 &Sandro.Andrade; &Sandro.Andrade.mail;
0211 </para>
0213 <para>
0214 Documentation Copyright &copy; 2016 &Sandro.Andrade; &Sandro.Andrade.mail;
0215 </para>
0219 &underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
0221 &underGPL;               <!-- GPL License -->
0223 </chapter>
0225 &documentation.index;
0226 </book>
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