Warning, /education/marble/tools/vectorosm-tilecreator/setup/etc/apache2/mod_tile_integration.conf is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Integrate staticly generated low-z tiles and dynamically generated high-z tiles
0002 # provided by Tirex. For this low-z requests are forwarded 1:1 to the file system,
0003 # high-z requests end up with Tirex via a rewrite rule.
0005 <Directory "/data2/k/osm/htdocs/earth">
0006     Require all granted
0007 </Directory>
0009 Alias "/earth" "/data2/k/osm/htdocs/earth"
0011 # mod_tile assumes file extensions are consisting only of lower-case letters, while we want them to be "o5m"
0012 # we achieve that by rewriting the file extension to one we use internally for this ("ofm")
0013 # However, we must only do that for levels 11 to 17 which are delivered via Tirex, levels 1 to 9 are static
0014 # and delivered differently.
0016 RewriteEngine on
0017 RewriteRule ^(.*/vectorosm/v1/\d\d/\d+/\d+)\.o5m$ /tirex$1.ofm [PT]
0018 RewriteRule ^(.*/vectorosm/dev/\d\d/\d+/\d+)\.o5m$ /tirex$1.ofm [PT]