File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 03:50:48

0001 #!/usr/bin/python3
0003 """
0004 This script is designed to act as assistance in converting shapefiles
0005 to OpenStreetMap data. This file is optimized and tested with MassGIS
0006 shapefiles, converted to EPSG:4326 before being passed to the script.
0007 You can perform this conversion with 
0009    ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 new_file.shp old_file.shp
0011 It is expected that you will modify the fixed_tags, tag_mapping, and
0012 boring_tags attributes of this script before running. You should read,
0013 or at least skim, the code up until it says:
0017 to accommodate your own data. 
0018 """
0020 __author__ = "Christopher Schmidt <>"
0021 __version__ = "$Id$"
0023 gdal_install = """
0024 Installing GDAL depends on your platform. Information is available at:
0028 For Debian-based systems:
0030    apt-get install python-gdal
0032 will usually suffice. 
0033 """
0035 # These tags are attached to all exterior ways. You can put any key/value pairs
0036 # in this dictionary. 
0038 fixed_tags = {}
0039 feat_dict = {}
0040 node_dict = {}
0041 non_geom = 0
0042 eflag = False
0044 nodes = []  #(id, lon, lat, tags)
0045 ways = []  #(id, node_refs, tags)
0046 relations = []  #(id, ways)
0048 element_indices = []
0050 non_polygons = ['Admin-1 aggregation', 'Admin-1 minor island', 'Admin-1 scale rank']
0052 # Here are a number of functions: These functions define tag mappings. The API
0053 # For these functions is that they are passed the attributes from a feature,
0054 # and they return a list of two-tuples which match to key/value pairs.
0056 def access(data):
0057     """Access restrictions."""  
0058     keys = {
0059         'Y': 'yes',
0060         'N': 'private',
0061         'L': 'restricted'
0062     }
0063     if 'pub_access' in data:
0064         if data['pub_access'] in keys:
0065             return [('access', keys[data['pub_access']])]
0066     return None        
0068 def protection(data):
0069     keys = {
0070         'P': 'perpetuity',
0071         'T': 'temporary',
0072         'L': 'limited',
0073     }
0074     if 'lev_prot' in data:
0075         if data['lev_prot'] in keys:
0076             return [('protected', keys[data['lev_prot']])]
0077     return None
0079 def owner_type(data):
0080     """See wiki:Key:ownership""" 
0081     keys = {
0082         'F': 'national',
0083         'S': 'state',
0084         'C': 'county',
0085         'M': 'municipal',
0086         'N': 'private_nonprofit',
0087         'P': 'private',
0088         'B': 'public_nonprofit',
0089         'L': 'land_trust',
0090         'G': 'conservation_rganization',
0091         'I': 'inholding',
0092     }
0093     if 'owner_type' in data:
0094         if data['owner_type'] in keys:
0095             return [['ownership', keys[data['owner_type']]]]
0097 def purpose(data):
0098     """Based on a discussion on IRC"""
0099     keys = {
0100         'R': [('leisure', 'recreation_ground')],
0101         'C': [('leisure', 'nature_reserve'), ('landuse', 'conservation')],
0102         'B': [('landuse','conservation'), ('leisure','recreation_ground')],
0103         'H': [('historical', 'yes')],
0104         'A': [('agricultural', 'yes'), ('landuse','farm')], 
0105         'W': [('landuse', 'resevoir')],
0106         'S': [('scenic','yes')],
0107         'F': [('landuse','land')],
0108         'Q': [('landuse','conservation')],
0109         'U': [('water','yes')]
0110     }
0111     if 'prim_purp' in data:
0112         if data['prim_purp'] in keys:
0113             return keys[data['prim_purp']]
0115 def bathymetry_map(data):
0116     elevation = 0
0117     if 'depth' in data:
0118         elevation = data['depth']
0119     tag = [('marble:feature', 'bathymetry'), ('ele', elevation)]
0120     return tag
0123 def road_map(data):
0124     keys = {
0125     'Ferry Route': [('route','ferry')],
0126     'Major Highway': [('highway','motorway')],
0127     'Beltway': [('highway','primary')],
0128     'Track': [('highway','tertiary')],
0129     'Unknown': [('highway','unclassified')],
0130     'Secondary Highway': [('highway','trunk')],
0131     'Bypass': [('highway','secondary')],
0132     'Road': [('highway','primary')]
0133     }
0134     if 'type' in data:
0135         if data['type'] in keys:
0136             return keys[data['type']]
0138 def city_map(data):
0139     population = 0
0140     capital = 'no'
0141     country = ''
0142     if data['featurecla'] == 'Admin-0 capital' or data['featurecla'] == 'Admin-1 capital' or data['featurecla'] == 'Admin-0 region capital' or data['featurecla'] == 'Admin-1 region capital':
0143         capital = 'yes'
0144     if 'pop_max' in data:
0145         population = data['pop_max']
0146     if 'adm0name' in data:
0147         country = data['adm0name']
0149     # National capitals in OSM are recongised by tag "admin_level"="2" ( ).
0150     # In Natural Earth .shp files these capitals are tagged as "Admin-0 capital".
0151     if data['featurecla'] == 'Admin-0 capital':
0152         admin_level = "2"
0153         temp = [('is_in:country', country), ('capital', capital), ('admin_level', admin_level), ('population', population), ('place', 'city')]
0154     else:
0155         temp = [('is_in:country', country), ('capital', capital), ('population', population), ('place', 'city')]
0157     return temp
0159 def mountain_map(data):
0160     elevation = 0
0161     if 'elevation' in data:
0162         elevation = data['elevation']
0163     temp = [('natural', 'peak'), ('ele', elevation)]
0164     return temp
0166 def feature_class(data):
0167     global non_fcla_dict
0168     keys = {
0169     'Lake': [('natural', 'water')],
0170     'Alkaline Lake': [('natural', 'water')],
0171     'Reservoir': [('natural', 'water')],
0172     'Road': [(road_map,None)],
0173     'Ferry': [('route','ferry')],
0174     'River': [('waterway', 'river')],
0175     'Coastline': [('natural', 'coastline')],
0176     'Minor coastline': [('natural', 'coastline')],
0177     'Ocean': [('natural', 'water')],
0178     'Land': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0179     'Minor island': [('marble_land', 'landmass'), ('place', 'island')],
0180     'Reefs': [('natural', 'reef')],
0181     'Admin-0 country': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0182     'Admin-0 sovereignty': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0183     'Admin-0 map unit': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0184     'Adm-0 scale ranks': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0185     'International boundary (verify)': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0186     'Overlay limit': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0187     'Disputed (please verify)': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0188     'Line of control (please verify)': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0189     'Indefinite (please verify)': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0190     'Lease limit': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0191     'Indeterminant frontier': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0192     'Admin-0 lease': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0193     'Admin-0 claim area': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0194     'Admin-0 breakaway and disputed': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0195     'Admin-0 overlay': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0196     'Admin-0 indeterminant': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0197     'Admin-1 aggregation': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0198     'Admin-1 minor island': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0199     'Admin-1 scale rank': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0200     'Admin-1 region boundary': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0201     'Railroad': [('railway', 'rail')],
0202     'Railroad ferry': [('route', 'ferry')],
0203     'Urban area': [('settlement', 'yes')],
0204     'Timezone': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0205     'Historic place': [(city_map,None)],
0206     'Populated place': [(city_map,None)],
0207     'Scientific station': [(city_map,None)],
0208     'Meteorological Station': [(city_map,None)],
0209     'Admin-0 capital': [(city_map,None)],
0210     'Admin-1 capital': [(city_map,None)],
0211     'Admin-0 region capital': [(city_map,None)],
0212     'Admin-1 region capital': [(city_map,None)],
0213     'Admin-0 capital alt': [(city_map,None)],
0214     'Lake Centerline': [('waterway', 'river')],
0215     'Port': [('harbour', 'yes')],
0216     'Island': [('marble_land', 'landmass'), ('place', 'island')],
0217     'Island group': [('marble_land', 'landmass'), ('place', 'island')],
0218     'Wetlands': [('natural', 'wetland')],
0219     'Basin': [('landuse', 'basin')],
0220     'Desert': [('natural', 'desert')],  #no tag support in marble, no clue as to how to render
0221     'Depression': [('natural', 'sinkhole')],  #no tag support in marble, no clue as to how to render
0222     'Range/mtn': [('marble_land', 'landmass')], # no clue as to how to render
0223     'Geoarea': [('marble_land', 'landmass')], # no clue as to how to render
0224     'Plain' : [('marble_land', 'landmass')], # no clue as to how to render
0225     'Tundra': [('natural', 'tundra')], #no tag support in marble, no clue as to how to render
0226     'Foothills' : [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0227     'Lowland' : [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0228     'Dragons-be-here': [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0229     'Delta': [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0230     'Peninsula':  [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0231     'Plateau' : [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0232     'Pen/cape' : [('natural', 'cape')], #osm tag still in proposal stage, no clue as to how to render
0233     'Gorge': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],  #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0234     'Coast':  [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0235     'Continent':  [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, redundant data
0236     'Isthmus': [('marble_land', 'landmass')], #no tag support in OSM, nothing in Marble, no clue as to how to render
0237     'Valley': [('natural', 'valley')],  #no tag support in marble
0238     'waterfall' : [('waterway', 'waterfall')], #no tag support in marble
0239     'cape': [('natural', 'cape')], #osm tag still in proposal stage, no clue as to how to render      'NONE'
0240     'pole': [],
0241     'plain': [],
0242     'island group': [],
0243     'island': [],
0244     'mountain': [(mountain_map,None)], #this tag has to be mapped to Mountain feature of Marble
0245     'spot elevation': [],
0246     'plateau': [],
0247     'depression': [],
0248     'pass': [],
0249     'sound': [('natural', 'water')],
0250     'river':  [('waterway', 'river')],
0251     'generic': [('natural', 'water')], #still have to confirm what generic means exactly in marine_polygons?
0252     'lagoon': [('natural', 'water'), ('water', 'lagoon')], 
0253     'reef': [('natural', 'reef')],
0254     'gulf': [('natural', 'water')],
0255     'inlet': [('natural', 'water')],
0256     'strait': [('natural', 'water')],
0257     'bay': [('natural', 'water')],
0258     'fjord': [('natural', 'water')],
0259     'sea': [('natural', 'water')],  
0260     'ocean': [('natural', 'water')],
0261     'channel': [('natural', 'water')],
0262     'Playa': [('natural', 'water'), ('water', 'lake'), ('salt', 'yes')],
0263     #glacier:type is a proposed OSM tag -
0264     'Antarctic Ice Shelf': [('natural', 'glacier'), ('glacier:type','shelf')], 
0265     'Antarctic Ice Shelf Edge': [('glacier:edge', 'calving_line')], #marble does not support this osm tag
0266     'Glaciated areas': [('natural', 'glacier')],
0267     'Admin-0 Tiny Countries': [],
0268     'Admin-0 Tiny GeoUnit': [],
0269     'Admin-0 Tiny GeoSubunit': [],
0270     'Admin-0 Tiny Countries Pacific': [],
0271     'Pacific Groupings': [],
0272     'Admin-1 boundary': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0273     'Map unit boundary':[],
0274     'Marine Indicator Treaty':[('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2'), ('maritime', 'yes'), ('border_type', 'territorial')],
0275     'Marine Indicator Median':[('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2'), ('maritime', 'yes'), ('border_type', 'territorial')],
0276     'Boundary Treaty':[('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2'), ('maritime', 'yes'), ('border_type', 'territorial')],
0277     'Marine Indicator 200 mi nl':[('boundary', 'maritime'), ('border_type', 'eez')],
0278     'Marine Indicator Disputed':[('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2'), ('maritime', 'yes'), ('border_type', 'territorial'), ('marble:disputed', 'yes')],
0279     'Claim boundary': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0280     'Reference line': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0281     'Breakaway': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0282     'Elusive frontier': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '2')],
0283     'Country': [('marble_land', 'landmass')],
0284     '1st Order Admin Lines': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0285     'Claim': [('boundary', 'administrative'), ('admin_level', '4')],
0286     'Airport': [('aeroway', 'aerodrome')],
0287     'Date line': [('marble_line', 'date')],
0288     'Bathymetry': [(bathymetry_map,None)]
0289     }
0291     if 'featurecla' in data:
0292         if data['featurecla'] in feat_dict:
0293             feat_dict[data['featurecla']] += 1
0294         else:
0295             feat_dict[data['featurecla']] = 1
0296         if data['featurecla'] in keys:
0297             if len(keys[data['featurecla']]) == 0:
0298                 return keys[data['featurecla']]
0299             if hasattr(keys[data['featurecla']][0][0], '__call__'):
0300                 return keys[data['featurecla']][0][0](data)
0301             else:
0302                 return keys[data['featurecla']]
0303         else:
0304             if data['featurecla'] in non_fcla_dict:
0305                 non_fcla_dict[data['featurecla']] += 1
0306             else:
0307                 non_fcla_dict[data['featurecla']] = 1
0311 def name_map(data):
0312     if 'name' in data:
0313         return [('name', data['name'])]
0316 def name_tags(data):
0317     """This function returns two things: a 'pretty' name to use, and
0318        may return a landuse of either 'cemetery' or 'forest' if the name
0319        contains those words; based on evaluation the dataset in question."""
0320     tags = [] 
0321     name = data.get('site_name', None)
0322     if not name: 
0323         return
0324     name = name.title()
0326     if "cemetery" in name.lower():
0327         tags.append(['landuse', 'cemetery']) 
0328     elif "forest" in name.lower():
0329         tags.append(['landuse', 'forest']) 
0331     tags.append(['name', name])
0332     return tags
0334 def cal_date(data):
0335     """Return YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY formatted dates, based on 
0336        (m)m/(d)d/yyyy dates"""
0337     date = data.get('cal_date_r', None)
0338     if not date: return
0339     try:
0340         m, d, y = map(int, date.split("/"))
0341         if m == 1 and d == 1:
0342             return [['start_date', '%4i' % y]]
0343         return [['start_date', '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (y, m, d)]] 
0344     except:
0345         print("Invalid date: %s" % date)
0346         eflag = True
0347         return None
0349 # The most important part of the code: define a set of key/value pairs
0350 # to iterate over to generate keys. This is a list of two-tuples: first
0351 # is a 'key', which is only used if the second value is a string. In
0352 # that case, it is a map of lowercased fielnames to OSM tag names: so
0353 # fee_owner maps to 'owner' in the OSM output.
0355 # if the latter is callable (has a __call__; is a function), then that
0356 # method is called, passing in a dict of feature attributes with
0357 # lowercased key names. Those functions can then return a list of
0358 # two-tuples to be used as tags, or nothin' to skip the tags.  
0361 tag_mapping = [ 
0362     ('fee_owner', 'owner'),
0363     ('cal_date', cal_date),
0364     ('pub_access', access),
0365     ('lev_prot', protection),
0366     ('owner_type', owner_type),
0367     ('prim_purp', purpose),
0368     ('site_name', name_tags),
0369     ('featurecla', feature_class),
0370     ('name', name_map)
0371 ]    
0373 # These tags are not exported, even with the source data; this should be
0374 # used for tags which are usually calculated in a GIS. AREA and LEN are
0375 # common.
0377 boring_tags = [ 'AREA', 'LEN', 'GIS_ACRES']
0379 # Namespace is used to prefix existing data attributes. If 'None', or 
0380 # '--no-source' is set, then source attributes are not exported, only
0381 # attributes in tag_mapping.
0383 namespace = "natural_earth"
0384 #namespace = None 
0386 # Uncomment the "DONT_RUN = False" line to get started. 
0388 #DONT_RUN = True
0389 DONT_RUN = False
0391 # =========== DO NOT CHANGE AFTER THIS LINE. ===========================
0392 # Below here is regular code, part of the file. This is not designed to
0393 # be modified by users.
0394 # ======================================================================
0396 import sys
0398 try:
0399     try:
0400         from osgeo import ogr
0401     except ImportError:
0402         import ogr
0403         eflag = True
0404 except ImportError:
0405     __doc__ += gdal_install 
0406     if DONT_RUN:
0407         print(__doc__)
0408         sys.exit(2)
0409     print("OGR Python Bindings not installed.\n%s" % gdal_install)
0410     sys.exit(1)
0411     eflag = True
0413 def close_file():
0414     """ Internal. Close an open file."""
0415     global open_file
0416     if not open_file.closed: 
0417         open_file.write("</osm>")
0418         open_file.close()
0420 def start_new_file():
0421     """ Internal. Open a new file, closing existing file if necessary."""
0422     global open_file, file_counter, node_dict, file_name
0423     file_counter += 1
0424     if open_file:
0425         close_file()
0426     open_file = open("%s.%s.osm" % (file_name, file_counter), "w")
0427     print("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" , end = '\n', file = open_file) 
0428     print("<osm version='0.5'>" , end = '\n', file = open_file)  
0429     node_dict = {}
0431 def write_osm_files():
0432     global nodes, ways, relations, element_indices, open_file, file_counter, file_name
0433     current = [0, 0, 0]
0434     previous = [0, 0, 0]
0435     for indices in element_indices:
0436         start_new_file()
0437         current[0] = indices[0] - 1
0438         current[1] = indices[1] - 1
0439         current[2] = indices[2] - 1
0440         while current[0] >= previous[0]:
0441             write_node(nodes[current[0]])
0442             current[0] -= 1
0443         while current[1] >= previous[1]:
0444             write_way(ways[current[1]])
0445             current[1] -= 1
0446         while current[2] >= previous[2]:
0447             write_relation_multipolygon(relations[current[2]])
0448             current[2] -= 1
0449         previous = indices[:]
0450         close_file()
0451     element_indices = []
0453 def clean_attr(val):
0454     """Internal. Hacky way to make attribute XML safe."""
0455     val = str(val)
0456     val = val.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("'", "&quot;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").strip()
0457     return val
0459 def check_featurecla(f):
0460     """
0461      Checks if featurecla field is present in the feature f.
0462      If present it implies that shp data is from Natural Earth dataset
0463     """
0464     if 'featurecla' in f.keys():
0465         return True
0466     else:
0467         return False
0469 def add_point(f):
0470     """Adds a point geometry to the OSM file"""
0471     global id_counter
0472     airport_metadata = None
0473     pt = f.GetGeometryRef()
0474     if check_featurecla(f):
0475         if f['featurecla'] == 'Airport':
0476             airport_metadata = f
0477             f = None
0478     node_id = add_node(id_counter, pt.GetX(0), pt.GetY(0), 'POINT', f)
0479     if node_id == id_counter:
0480         id_counter += 1
0481     if airport_metadata != None:
0482         add_way_around_node(airport_metadata)
0486 def add_relation_multipolygon(geom, f):
0487     """ Writes the multipolygon relation to the OSM file, returns 0 if no relation is formed"""
0488     global id_counter, file_counter, counter, file_name, open_file, namespace
0489     rel_ways = []
0490     rel_id = 0
0491     way_id = add_way(geom.GetGeometryRef(0), f, True)
0492     if way_id == None:
0493         print('Error in writing relation')
0494         return None
0495     rel_ways.append(way_id)
0497     if geom.GetGeometryCount() > 1:
0498         for i in range(1, geom.GetGeometryCount()):
0499             way_id = add_way(geom.GetGeometryRef(i), f, False)
0500             if way_id == None:
0501                 print('Error in writing relation')
0502                 return None
0503             rel_ways.append(way_id)
0504         rel_id = id_counter
0505         if check_featurecla(f):
0506             if f['featurecla'] in non_polygons:
0507                 return 0 #means no relation is there
0508         relations.append((rel_id, rel_ways))
0509         id_counter += 1
0511     return rel_id   #if rel_id return 0, means no relations is there
0513 def write_relation_multipolygon(relation):
0514     global open_file
0515     print("<relation id='-%s'><tag k='type' v='multipolygon' />" % relation[0] , end = '\n', file = open_file)  
0516     print('<member type="way" ref="-%s" role="outer" />' % relation[1][0] , end = '\n', file = open_file)    
0517     for way in relation[1][1:]:
0518         print('<member type="way" ref="-%s" role="inner" />' % way  , end = '\n', file = open_file)
0519     print("</relation>" , end = '\n', file = open_file)
0521 def write_tags(f):
0522     """Writes the tags associated with a way or a relation"""
0523     global id_counter, file_counter, counter, file_name, open_file, namespace
0524     field_count = f.GetFieldCount()
0525     fields  = {}
0526     for field in range(field_count):
0527         value = f.GetFieldAsString(field)
0528         name = f.GetFieldDefnRef(field).GetName()
0529         if namespace and name and value and name not in boring_tags:
0530             print(" <tag k='%s:%s' v='%s' />" % (namespace, name, clean_attr(value)) , end = '\n', file = open_file)
0531         fields[name.lower()] = value
0532     tags={}
0533     for tag_name, map_value in tag_mapping:
0534         if hasattr(map_value, '__call__'):
0535             tag_values = map_value(fields)
0536             if tag_values:
0537                 for tag in tag_values:
0538                     tags[tag[0]] = tag[1]
0539         else:
0540             if tag_name in fields:
0541                 tags[map_value] = fields[tag_name].title()
0542     for key, value in tags.items():
0543         if key and value:
0544             print(" <tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (key, clean_attr(value))  , end = '\n', file = open_file)   
0545     for name, value in fixed_tags.items():
0546         print(" <tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (name, clean_attr(value)) , end = '\n', file = open_file)   
0547     if f.GetGeometryRef().GetGeometryName() == 'POLYGON' or f.GetGeometryRef().GetGeometryName() == 'MULTIPOLYGON':
0548         if check_featurecla(f):
0549             if f['featurecla'] not in non_polygons:
0550                 print(" <tag k='area' v='yes' />" , end = '\n', file = open_file)  
0552 def add_way(geom, f, tag_flag):
0553     """ Writes the way of a particular geometry to the OSM file"""
0554     global open_file, id_counter, ways
0555     ids = add_way_nodes(geom, f)
0556     if len(ids) == 0:
0557         print('Error in writing way')
0558         return None
0559     way_id = id_counter
0560     id_counter += 1
0561     node_refs = ids
0562     if tag_flag:
0563         tags = f
0564     else:
0565         tags = None
0566     ways.append((way_id, node_refs, tags))
0567     return way_id
0569 def write_way(way):
0570     global open_file
0571     print("<way id='-%s'>" % way[0] , end = '\n', file = open_file)  
0572     for i in way[1]:
0573         print(" <nd ref='-%s' />" % i , end = '\n', file = open_file)  
0574     if way[2]:
0575         write_tags(way[2])
0576     print("</way>", end = '\n', file = open_file)  
0578 def add_way_nodes(geom, f):
0579     """Writes the nodes of a particular way"""
0580     global open_file, id_counter
0581     ids = []
0582     geom_name = geom.GetGeometryName()
0583     pt_count = geom.GetPointCount()
0584     if geom_name == 'LINESTRING':
0585         range_count = range(geom.GetPointCount())
0586     else:
0587         range_count = range(geom.GetPointCount() - 1)
0588     if range_count == 0 or pt_count == 0:
0589         print( "Degenerate ", geom_name , end = '\n', file = sys.stderr)  
0590         return
0591     #if geom_name != 'LINESTRING':
0592     #    pt_count -= 1
0593     for count in range(pt_count):
0594         node_id = add_node(id_counter, geom.GetX(count), geom.GetY(count), geom_name, f)
0595         if node_id == id_counter:   #means a new node is created, if not means node already exists
0596             id_counter += 1
0597         ids.append(node_id)
0598     return ids   
0601 def add_node(num_id, lon, lat, geom_name, f):
0602     """ Writes the node to the OSM file"""
0603     global open_file, node_dict
0604     key = (lon, lat)
0605     if geom_name == 'POINT':
0606         nodes.append((num_id, lon, lat, f))
0607         node_dict[key] = num_id
0608     else:
0609         if key in node_dict:
0610             num_id = node_dict[key]
0611         else:
0612             nodes.append((num_id, lon, lat, None))
0613             node_dict[key] = num_id
0614     return num_id
0616 def write_node(node):
0617     global open_file
0618     if node[3] == None:
0619         print("<node id='-{}' visible='true' lon='{:.10f}' lat='{:.10f}' />".format(node[0], node[1], node[2]), end = '\n', file = open_file)   
0620     else:
0621         print("<node id='-{}' visible='true' lon='{:.10f}' lat='{:.10f}' >".format(node[0], node[1], node[2]), end = '\n', file = open_file)
0622         write_tags(node[3]) 
0623         print("</node>", end = '\n', file = open_file)
0625 def add_way_around_node(f):
0626     """ Writes a way around a single point"""
0627     global id_counter, ways
0628     nid = id_counter - 1
0629     ways.append((id_counter, [nid], f))
0630     id_counter += 1
0633 open_file = None
0635 file_name = None 
0637 id_counter = 1
0639 file_counter = 0
0640 counter = 0
0642 geom_counter = {}
0644 class AppError(Exception): pass
0646 def run(filenames, slice_count=1, obj_count=5000000, output_location=None, no_source=False):
0647     """Run the converter. Requires open_file, file_name, id_counter,
0648     file_counter, counter to be defined in global space; not really a very good
0649     singleton."""
0650     global id_counter, file_counter, counter, file_name, open_file, namespace, non_geom, non_fcla_dict, nodes, ways, relations, geom_counter
0651     open_file = None
0653     file_name = None 
0655     id_counter = 1
0657     file_counter = 0
0658     counter = 0
0660     geom_counter = {}
0661     node_dict = {}
0662     if output_location:
0663        file_name = output_location
0664     # start_new_file()
0665     for filename in filenames:
0666         non_geom = 0
0667         non_fcla_dict = {}
0669         if no_source:
0670             namespace=None
0672         ds = ogr.Open(filename)
0673         if not ds:
0674             raise AppError("OGR Could not open the file %s" % filename)
0675             eflag = True
0676         l = ds.GetLayer(0)
0678         max_objs_per_file = obj_count 
0680         extent = l.GetExtent()
0681         #if extent[0] < -180 or extent[0] > 180 or extent[2] < -90 or extent[2] > 90:
0682         #   raise AppError("Extent does not look like degrees; are you sure it is? \n(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]))  
0683         slice_width = (extent[1] - extent[0]) / slice_count
0685         seen = {}
0687         print("Running %s slices with %s base filename against shapefile %s" % (
0688                 slice_count, file_name, filename))
0690         for i in range(slice_count): 
0692             l.ResetReading()
0693             l.SetSpatialFilterRect(extent[0] + slice_width * i, extent[2], extent[0] + (slice_width * (i + 1)), extent[3])
0695             #start_new_file()
0696             f = l.GetNextFeature()
0698             obj_counter = 0
0699             last_obj_split = 0
0701             while f:
0702                 start_id_counter = id_counter
0703                 if f.GetFID() in seen:
0704                     f = l.GetNextFeature()
0705                     continue
0706                 seen[f.GetFID()] = True             
0708                 if (obj_counter - last_obj_split) > max_objs_per_file:
0709                     print("Splitting file with %s objs" % (obj_counter - last_obj_split))
0710                     #start_new_file()
0711                     last_obj_split = obj_counter
0712                     element_indices.append((len(nodes), len(ways), len(relations)))
0713                     node_dict = {} 
0714                 feat_dict = f.items()
0715                 geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
0716                 geom_name = geom.GetGeometryName()
0717                 if geom_name in geom_counter:
0718                     geom_counter[geom_name] += 1
0719                 else:
0720                     geom_counter[geom_name] = 1
0721                 if geom_name == 'POLYGON':
0722                     rel_id = add_relation_multipolygon(geom, f)
0723                     if rel_id == None:
0724                         f = l.GetNextFeature()
0725                         continue
0726                 elif geom_name == 'LINESTRING':
0727                     way_id = add_way(geom, f, True)
0728                     if way_id == None:
0729                         f = l.GetNextFeature()
0730                         continue
0731                 elif geom_name == 'MULTILINESTRING':
0732                     for i in range(geom.GetGeometryCount()):
0733                         way_id = add_way(geom.GetGeometryRef(i), f, True)
0734                         if way_id == None:
0735                             f = l.GetNextFeature()
0736                             continue
0737                 elif geom_name == 'MULTIPOLYGON':
0738                     for i in range(geom.GetGeometryCount()):
0739                         rel_id = add_relation_multipolygon(geom.GetGeometryRef(i), f)
0740                         if rel_id == None:
0741                             f = l.GetNextFeature()
0742                             continue
0743                 elif geom_name == 'POINT':
0744                     add_point(f)
0745                 else:
0746                     ids = []
0747                     non_geom += 1       
0749                 counter += 1
0750                 f = l.GetNextFeature()
0751                 obj_counter += (id_counter - start_id_counter)
0753     # for node in nodes:
0754     #     write_node(node)
0755     # for way in ways:
0756     #     write_way(way)
0757     # for relation in relations:
0758     #     write_relation_multipolygon(relation)
0760     element_indices.append((len(nodes), len(ways), len(relations))) 
0761     write_osm_files()
0763     # close_file()
0764     nodes = []  #(id, lon, lat, tags)
0765     ways = []  #(id, node_refs, tags)
0766     relations = []  #(id, ways)
0768 if __name__ == "__main__":
0769     if DONT_RUN:
0770         print(__doc__)
0771         sys.exit(2)
0773     from optparse import OptionParser
0775     parse = OptionParser(usage="%prog [args] filename.shp", version=__version__)
0776     parse.add_option("-s", "--slice-count", dest="slice_count", 
0777                      help="Number of horizontal slices of data", default=1, 
0778                      action="store", type="int")
0779     parse.add_option("-o", "--obj-count", 
0780                      dest="obj_count", 
0781                      help="Target Maximum number of objects in a single .osm file", 
0782                      default=5000000, type="int")
0783     parse.add_option("-n", "--no-source", dest="no_source", 
0784                      help="Do not store source attributes as tags.",
0785                      action="store_true", default=False)
0786     parse.add_option("-l", "--output-location", 
0787                         dest="output_location", help="base filepath for output files.", 
0788                         default="poly_output") 
0789     (options, args) = parse.parse_args()
0791     if not len(args):
0792         print("No shapefile name given!")
0793         parse.print_help()
0794         sys.exit(3)
0796     kw = {}
0797     for key in  ('slice_count', 'obj_count', 'output_location', 'no_source'):
0798         kw[key] = getattr(options, key)
0800     try:
0801         run(args, **kw)
0802     except AppError as E:
0803         print("An error occurred: \n%s" % E)
0804         eflag = True
0806     print() 
0807     print('Geometry types present: ')
0808     for key in geom_counter:
0809         print(key, geom_counter[key])
0810     print() 
0811     print('Feature type present: ')
0812     for key in feat_dict:
0813         print(key, feat_dict[key])
0814     print()
0817     if eflag:
0818         print('Conversion not Successful :')
0819     else:
0820         if len(non_fcla_dict) == 0 and non_geom == 0:
0821             print('Conversion Successful')
0822         else:
0823             print('Conversion not Successful :')
0824             if len(non_fcla_dict) != 0:
0825                 print('Unknown features present in SHP file: ', len(non_fcla_dict))
0826                 print() 
0827                 for key in non_fcla_dict:
0828                     print(key, non_fcla_dict[key])
0829             if non_geom != 0:
0830                 print('Unknown geometry present in SHP file: ', non_geom)