File indexing completed on 2024-07-21 03:37:22

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "TestUtils.h"
0009 #include <GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection.h>
0010 #include <GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection.h>
0011 #include <GeoDataLatLonBox.h>
0012 #include <TileId.h>
0015 namespace Marble
0016 {
0018 class TileProjectionTest : public QObject
0019 {
0020     Q_OBJECT
0022 private Q_SLOTS:
0023     void testTypeEquirect();
0024     void testTypeMercator();
0026     void testLevelZeroColumnsRowsEquirect();
0027     void testLevelZeroColumnsRowsMercator();
0029     void testTileIndexesEquirect_data();
0030     void testTileIndexesEquirect();
0031     void testTileIndexesMercator_data();
0032     void testTileIndexesMercator();
0034     void testGeoCoordinatesEquirect_data();
0035     void testGeoCoordinatesEquirect();
0036     void testGeoCoordinatesMercator_data();
0037     void testGeoCoordinatesMercator();
0039 private:
0040     void testLevelZeroColumnsRows(GeoSceneAbstractTileProjection& projection);
0041 };
0044 void TileProjectionTest::testLevelZeroColumnsRows(GeoSceneAbstractTileProjection& projection)
0045 {
0046     // test default
0047     QCOMPARE(projection.levelZeroColumns(), 1);
0048     QCOMPARE(projection.levelZeroRows(), 1);
0050     // test setting a different value
0051     const int levelZeroColumns = 4;
0052     const int levelZeroRows = 6;
0054     projection.setLevelZeroColumns(levelZeroColumns);
0055     projection.setLevelZeroRows(levelZeroRows);
0057     QCOMPARE(projection.levelZeroColumns(), levelZeroColumns);
0058     QCOMPARE(projection.levelZeroRows(), levelZeroRows);
0059 }
0061 void TileProjectionTest::testLevelZeroColumnsRowsEquirect()
0062 {
0063     GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection projection;
0064     testLevelZeroColumnsRows(projection);
0065 }
0067 void TileProjectionTest::testLevelZeroColumnsRowsMercator()
0068 {
0069     GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection projection;
0070     testLevelZeroColumnsRows(projection);
0071 }
0073 void TileProjectionTest::testTypeEquirect()
0074 {
0075     GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection projection;
0076     QCOMPARE(projection.type(), GeoSceneAbstractTileProjection::Equirectangular);
0077 }
0079 void TileProjectionTest::testTypeMercator()
0080 {
0081     GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection projection;
0082     QCOMPARE(projection.type(), GeoSceneAbstractTileProjection::Mercator);
0083 }
0086 void TileProjectionTest::testTileIndexesEquirect_data()
0087 {
0088     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("westLon");
0089     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("northLat");
0090     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("eastLon");
0091     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("southLat");
0092     QTest::addColumn<int>("zoomLevel");
0093     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileXWest");
0094     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileYNorth");
0095     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileXEast");
0096     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileYSouth");
0098     // zoomlevel zero: 1 tile
0099     // bounds matching the tile map
0100     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0101              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0102              << 0
0103              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0104     // bounds inside the 1 tile
0105     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI*0.5) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.25)
0106              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0107              << 0
0108              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0109     // bounds west and north on tile map borders, with normal border values
0110     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI)     << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0111              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0112              << 0
0113              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0114     // bounds west and north on tile map borders, with border values from other map border sides
0115     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI)     << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0116              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0117              << 0
0118              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0120     // zoomlevel 1: 2 tiles per dimension
0121     // bounds matching the tile map
0122     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0123              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0124              << 1
0125              << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1;
0126     // bounds inside the 4 tiles
0127     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI*0.5) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.25)
0128              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0129              << 1
0130              << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1;
0131     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with normal border values
0132     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI)     << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0133              << qreal(0)         << qreal(0)
0134              << 1
0135              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0136     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with border values from other map border sides
0137     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI)     << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0138              << qreal(0)         << qreal(0)
0139              << 1
0140              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0141     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with normal border values
0142     addRow() << qreal(0) << qreal(0)
0143              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0144              << 1
0145              << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1;
0146     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with border values from other map border sides
0147     addRow() << qreal(0) << qreal(0)
0148              << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0149              << 1
0150              << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1;
0152     // zoomlevel 9: 2^8==512 tiles per dimension
0153     // bounds matching the tile map
0154     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0155              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0156              << 9
0157              << 0 << 0 << 511 << 511;
0158     // bounds inside the outer tiles
0159     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI*(511/512.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 * (511/512.0))
0160              << qreal(+M_PI*(511/512.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 * (511/512.0))
0161              << 9
0162              << 0 << 0 << 511 << 511;
0163     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with normal border values
0164     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI)             << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0165              << qreal(-M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0166              << 9
0167              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0168     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with border values from other map border sides
0169     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI)             << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0170              << qreal(-M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0171              << 9
0172              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0173     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with normal border values
0174     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0175              << qreal(+M_PI)             << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0176              << 9
0177              << 511 << 511 << 511 << 511;
0178     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with border values from other map border sides
0179     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0180              << qreal(-M_PI)             << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0181              << 9
0182              << 511 << 511 << 511 << 511;
0183 }
0186 void TileProjectionTest::testTileIndexesEquirect()
0187 {
0188     QFETCH(qreal, westLon);
0189     QFETCH(qreal, northLat);
0190     QFETCH(qreal, eastLon);
0191     QFETCH(qreal, southLat);
0192     QFETCH(int, zoomLevel);
0193     QFETCH(int, expectedTileXWest);
0194     QFETCH(int, expectedTileYNorth);
0195     QFETCH(int, expectedTileXEast);
0196     QFETCH(int, expectedTileYSouth);
0198     GeoDataLatLonBox latLonBox(northLat, southLat, eastLon, westLon);
0200     const GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection projection;
0202     const QRect rect = projection.tileIndexes(latLonBox, zoomLevel);
0204     QCOMPARE(rect.left(), expectedTileXWest);
0205     QCOMPARE(, expectedTileYNorth);
0206     QCOMPARE(rect.right(), expectedTileXEast);
0207     QCOMPARE(rect.bottom(), expectedTileYSouth);
0208 }
0211 void TileProjectionTest::testTileIndexesMercator_data()
0212 {
0213     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("westLon");
0214     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("northLat");
0215     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("eastLon");
0216     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("southLat");
0217     QTest::addColumn<int>("zoomLevel");
0218     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileXWest");
0219     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileYNorth");
0220     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileXEast");
0221     QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedTileYSouth");
0223     // zoomlevel zero: 1 tile
0224     // bounds matching the tile map up to 90 degree latitude
0225     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0226              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0227              << 0
0228              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0229     // bounds matching the tile map with 85 degree latitude limit
0230     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(85.0 * DEG2RAD)
0231              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-85.0 * DEG2RAD)
0232              << 0
0233              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0234     // bounds inside the 1 tile
0235     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI*0.5) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.25)
0236              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0237              << 0
0238              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0239     // bounds west and north on tile map borders, with normal border values
0240     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI)     << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0241              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0242              << 0
0243              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0244     // bounds west and north on tile map borders, with border values from other map border sides
0245     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI)     << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0246              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0247              << 0
0248              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0250     // zoomlevel 1: 2 tiles per dimension
0251     // bounds matching the tile map up to 90 degree latitude
0252     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0253              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0254              << 1
0255              << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1;
0256     // bounds matching the tile map with 85 degree latitude limit
0257     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(85.0 * DEG2RAD)
0258              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-85.0 * DEG2RAD)
0259              << 1
0260              << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1;
0261     // bounds inside the 4 tiles
0262     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI*0.5) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.25)
0263              << qreal(+M_PI*0.5) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.25)
0264              << 1
0265              << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1;
0266     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with normal border values
0267     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI)     << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0268              << qreal(0)         << qreal(0)
0269              << 1
0270              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0271     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with border values from other map border sides
0272     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI)     << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0273              << qreal(0)         << qreal(0)
0274              << 1
0275              << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0;
0276     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with normal border values
0277     addRow() << qreal(0) << qreal(0)
0278              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0279              << 1
0280              << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1;
0281     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with border values from other map border sides
0282     addRow() << qreal(0) << qreal(0)
0283              << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0284              << 1
0285              << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1;
0287     // zoomlevel 9: 2^8==512 tiles per dimension
0288     // GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection bounds latitude value at +/- 85.0 degree (so not at 85.05113),
0289     // which results in some tiles missed at the outer sides.
0290     // bounds matching the tile map up to 90 degree latitude
0291     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0292              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0293              << 9
0294              << 0 << 5 << 511 << 506;
0295     // bounds matching the tile map with 85 degree latitude limit
0296     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(85.0 * DEG2RAD)
0297              << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-85.0 * DEG2RAD)
0298              << 9
0299              << 0 << 5 << 511 << 506;
0300     // bounds inside the outer tiles
0301     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI*(511/512.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 * (511/512.0))
0302              << qreal(+M_PI*(511/512.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 * (511/512.0))
0303              << 9
0304              << 0 << 5 << 511 << 506;
0305     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with normal border values
0306     addRow() << qreal(-M_PI)             << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0307              << qreal(-M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0308              << 9
0309              << 0 << 5 << 0 << 5;
0310     // bounds matching the most north-west tile, with border values from other map border sides
0311     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI)             << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0312              << qreal(-M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0313              << 9
0314              << 0 << 5 << 0 << 5;
0315     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with normal border values
0316     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0317              << qreal(+M_PI)             << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5)
0318              << 9
0319              << 511 << 506 << 511 << 506;
0320     // bounds matching the most south-east tile, with border values from other map border sides
0321     addRow() << qreal(+M_PI*(255/256.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 *(255/256.0))
0322              << qreal(-M_PI)             << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0323              << 9
0324              << 511 << 506 << 511 << 506;
0325 }
0328 void TileProjectionTest::testTileIndexesMercator()
0329 {
0330     QFETCH(qreal, westLon);
0331     QFETCH(qreal, northLat);
0332     QFETCH(qreal, eastLon);
0333     QFETCH(qreal, southLat);
0334     QFETCH(int, zoomLevel);
0335     QFETCH(int, expectedTileXWest);
0336     QFETCH(int, expectedTileYNorth);
0337     QFETCH(int, expectedTileXEast);
0338     QFETCH(int, expectedTileYSouth);
0340     GeoDataLatLonBox latLonBox(northLat, southLat, eastLon, westLon);
0342     const GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection projection;
0344     const QRect rect = projection.tileIndexes(latLonBox, zoomLevel);
0346     QCOMPARE(rect.left(), expectedTileXWest);
0347     QCOMPARE(, expectedTileYNorth);
0348     QCOMPARE(rect.right(), expectedTileXEast);
0349     QCOMPARE(rect.bottom(), expectedTileYSouth);
0350 }
0353 void TileProjectionTest::testGeoCoordinatesEquirect_data()
0354 {
0355     QTest::addColumn<int>("tileX");
0356     QTest::addColumn<int>("tileY");
0357     QTest::addColumn<int>("zoomLevel");
0358     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedWesternTileEdgeLon");
0359     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat");
0360     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedEasternTileEdgeLon");
0361     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat");
0363     // zoomlevel zero: 1 tile
0364     addRow() << 0 << 0 << 0 << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0365                             << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5);
0367     // zoomlevel 1: 2 tiles per dimension
0368     addRow() << 0 << 0 << 1 << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0369                             << qreal(0)     << qreal(0);
0370     addRow() << 0 << 1 << 1 << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(0)
0371                             << qreal(0)     << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5);
0372     addRow() << 1 << 0 << 1 << qreal(0)     << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0373                             << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(0);
0374     addRow() << 1 << 1 << 1 << qreal(0)     << qreal(0)
0375                             << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5);
0377     // zoomlevel 9: 2^8==512 tiles per dimension
0378     addRow() <<   0 <<   0 << 9 << qreal(-M_PI)               << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0379                                 << qreal(-M_PI * (255/256.0)) << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 * (255/256.0));
0380     addRow() <<   0 << 256 << 9 << qreal(-M_PI)               << qreal(0)
0381                                 << qreal(-M_PI * (255/256.0)) << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 * (1/256.0));
0382     addRow() << 256 <<   0 << 9 << qreal(0)                   << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5)
0383                                 << qreal(M_PI * (1/256.0))    << qreal(+M_PI * 0.5 * (255/256.0));
0384     addRow() << 511 << 511 << 9 << qreal(M_PI * (255/256.0))  << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5 * (255/256.0))
0385                                 << qreal(+M_PI)               << qreal(-M_PI * 0.5);
0386 }
0389 void TileProjectionTest::testGeoCoordinatesEquirect()
0390 {
0391     QFETCH(int, tileX);
0392     QFETCH(int, tileY);
0393     QFETCH(int, zoomLevel);
0394     QFETCH(qreal, expectedWesternTileEdgeLon);
0395     QFETCH(qreal, expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat);
0396     QFETCH(qreal, expectedEasternTileEdgeLon);
0397     QFETCH(qreal, expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat);
0399     const GeoSceneEquirectTileProjection projection;
0401     // method variants with GeoDataLatLonBox
0402     const GeoDataLatLonBox latLonBox = projection.geoCoordinates(zoomLevel, tileX, tileY);
0404     QCOMPARE(latLonBox.west(), expectedWesternTileEdgeLon);
0405     QCOMPARE(latLonBox.north(), expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat);
0406     QCOMPARE(latLonBox.east(), expectedEasternTileEdgeLon);
0407     QCOMPARE(latLonBox.south(), expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat);
0409     TileId tileId(QStringLiteral("testmap"), zoomLevel, tileX, tileY);
0410     const GeoDataLatLonBox latLonBox2 = projection.geoCoordinates(tileId);
0412     QCOMPARE(latLonBox2.west(), expectedWesternTileEdgeLon);
0413     QCOMPARE(latLonBox2.north(), expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat);
0414     QCOMPARE(latLonBox2.east(), expectedEasternTileEdgeLon);
0415     QCOMPARE(latLonBox2.south(), expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat);
0416 }
0418 void TileProjectionTest::testGeoCoordinatesMercator_data()
0419 {
0420     QTest::addColumn<int>("tileX");
0421     QTest::addColumn<int>("tileY");
0422     QTest::addColumn<int>("zoomLevel");
0423     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedWesternTileEdgeLon");
0424     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat");
0425     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedEasternTileEdgeLon");
0426     QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat");
0428     const qreal absMaxLat = DEG2RAD * 85.05113;
0430     // zoomlevel zero: 1 tile
0431     addRow() << 0 << 0 << 0 << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+absMaxLat)
0432                             << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-absMaxLat);
0434     // zoomlevel 1: 2 tiles per dimension
0435     addRow() << 0 << 0 << 1 << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(+absMaxLat)
0436                             << qreal(0)     << qreal(0);
0437     addRow() << 0 << 1 << 1 << qreal(-M_PI) << qreal(0)
0438                             << qreal(0)     << qreal(-absMaxLat);
0439     addRow() << 1 << 0 << 1 << qreal(0)     << qreal(+absMaxLat)
0440                             << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(0);
0441     addRow() << 1 << 1 << 1 << qreal(0)     << qreal(0)
0442                             << qreal(+M_PI) << qreal(-absMaxLat);
0444     // zoomlevel 9: 2^8==512 tiles per dimension
0445     addRow() <<   0 <<   0 << 9 << qreal(-M_PI)               << qreal(+absMaxLat)
0446                                 << qreal(-M_PI * (255/256.0)) << qreal(+1.48336);
0447     addRow() <<   0 << 256 << 9 << qreal(-M_PI)               << qreal(0)
0448                                 << qreal(-M_PI * (255/256.0)) << qreal(-0.0122715);
0449     addRow() << 256 <<   0 << 9 << qreal(0)                   << qreal(+absMaxLat)
0450                                 << qreal(M_PI * (1/256.0))    << qreal(+1.48336);
0451     addRow() << 511 << 511 << 9 << qreal(M_PI * (255/256.0))  << qreal(-1.48336)
0452                                 << qreal(+M_PI)               << qreal(-absMaxLat);
0453 }
0456 void TileProjectionTest::testGeoCoordinatesMercator()
0457 {
0458     QFETCH(int, tileX);
0459     QFETCH(int, tileY);
0460     QFETCH(int, zoomLevel);
0461     QFETCH(qreal, expectedWesternTileEdgeLon);
0462     QFETCH(qreal, expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat);
0463     QFETCH(qreal, expectedEasternTileEdgeLon);
0464     QFETCH(qreal, expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat);
0466     const GeoSceneMercatorTileProjection projection;
0468     // method variants with GeoDataLatLonBox
0469     const GeoDataLatLonBox latLonBox = projection.geoCoordinates(zoomLevel, tileX, tileY);
0471     QCOMPARE(latLonBox.west(), expectedWesternTileEdgeLon);
0472     QFUZZYCOMPARE(latLonBox.north(), expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat, 0.00001);
0473     QCOMPARE(latLonBox.east(), expectedEasternTileEdgeLon);
0474     QFUZZYCOMPARE(latLonBox.south(), expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat, 0.00001);
0476     TileId tileId(QStringLiteral("testmap"), zoomLevel, tileX, tileY);
0477     const GeoDataLatLonBox latLonBox2 = projection.geoCoordinates(tileId);
0479     QCOMPARE(latLonBox2.west(), expectedWesternTileEdgeLon);
0480     QFUZZYCOMPARE(latLonBox2.north(), expectedNorthernTileEdgeLat, 0.00001);
0481     QCOMPARE(latLonBox2.east(), expectedEasternTileEdgeLon);
0482     QFUZZYCOMPARE(latLonBox2.south(), expectedSouthernTileEdgeLat, 0.00001);
0483 }
0485 } // namespace Marble
0487 QTEST_MAIN(Marble::TileProjectionTest)
0489 #include "TestTileProjection.moc"