File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 03:53:09

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Niko Sams <>
0004 //
0006 #include <QObject>
0007 #include <QtTest>
0009 #include "GeoDataPoint.h"
0010 #include "GeoDataLinearRing.h"
0011 #include "GeoDataMultiGeometry.h"
0012 #include <GeoDataParser.h>
0013 #include <GeoDataDocument.h>
0014 #include <GeoDataPlacemark.h>
0015 #include <MarbleDebug.h>
0016 #include <GeoDataTrack.h>
0017 #include <GeoDataExtendedData.h>
0018 #include <GeoDataSimpleArrayData.h>
0019 #include "GpxParser.h"
0021 using namespace Marble;
0024 class TestTrack : public QObject
0025 {
0026     Q_OBJECT
0027 private Q_SLOTS:
0028     void initTestCase();
0029     void simpleParseTest();
0030     void withoutTimeTest();
0031     void partialTimeTest();
0032     void extendedDataHeartRateTest();
0034 };
0036 void TestTrack::initTestCase()
0037 {
0038     MarbleDebug::setEnabled( true );
0039 }
0041 void TestTrack::simpleParseTest()
0042 {
0043     //example track recorded using a Garmin Vista HCx and downloaded using gpsbabel
0044     QString content(
0045 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
0046 "<gpx"
0047 "  version=\"1.0\""
0048 "  creator=\"GPSBabel -\""
0049 "  xmlns:xsi=\"\""
0050 "  xmlns=\"\""
0051 "  xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">"
0052 "<time>2011-07-03T14:19:57Z</time>"
0053 "<bounds minlat=\"47.231073193\" minlon=\"12.549449634\" maxlat=\"48.502999926\" maxlon=\"14.302069964\"/>"
0054 "<trk>"
0055 "  <name>test track</name>"
0056 "<number>1</number>"
0057 "<trkseg>"
0058 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231477033\" lon=\"12.560534449\">"
0059 "  <ele>1130.647705</ele>"
0060 "  <time>2011-06-24T10:33:40Z</time>"
0061 "</trkpt>"
0062 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231486840\" lon=\"12.560604354\">"
0063 "  <ele>1127.763672</ele>"
0064 "  <time>2011-06-24T10:33:55Z</time>"
0065 "</trkpt>"
0066 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231497569\" lon=\"12.560612401\">"
0067 "  <ele>1121.995850</ele>"
0068 "  <time>2011-06-24T10:34:00Z</time>"
0069 "</trkpt>"
0070 "</trkseg>"
0071 "</trk>"
0072 "</gpx>"
0073 );
0075     GpxParser parser;
0077     QByteArray array( content.toUtf8() );
0078     QBuffer buffer( &array );
0079 QIODevice::ReadOnly );
0080     qDebug() << "Buffer content:" << endl << buffer.buffer();
0081     if ( ! &buffer ) ) {
0082         QFAIL( "Could not parse data!" );
0083         return;
0084     }
0085     GeoDocument* document = parser.releaseDocument();
0086     QVERIFY( document );
0087     GeoDataDocument *dataDocument = static_cast<GeoDataDocument*>( document );
0088     GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = dataDocument->placemarkList().at( 0 );
0089     QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataMultiGeometryId );
0090     GeoDataMultiGeometry* multiGeo = static_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( placemark->geometry() );
0091     GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( &multiGeo->at( 0 ) );
0092     QCOMPARE( track->size(), 3 );
0093     {
0094         QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 0 );
0095         QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 33, 40 ), Qt::UTC ) );
0096     }
0097     {
0098         GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( 0 );
0099         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0100         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0101         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0102     }
0103     {
0104         GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 33, 40 ), Qt::UTC ) );
0105         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0106         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0107         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0108     }
0109     {
0110         const GeoDataLineString* lineString = track->lineString();
0111         QCOMPARE( lineString->size(), 3 );
0112         GeoDataCoordinates coord = lineString->at( 0 );
0113         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0114         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0115         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0116     }
0118     delete document;
0119 }
0121 void TestTrack::withoutTimeTest()
0122 {
0123     //example track recorded using a Garmin Vista HCx and downloaded using gpsbabel; time removed
0124     QString content(
0125 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
0126 "<gpx"
0127 "  version=\"1.0\""
0128 "  creator=\"GPSBabel -\""
0129 "  xmlns:xsi=\"\""
0130 "  xmlns=\"\""
0131 "  xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">"
0132 "<time>2011-07-03T14:19:57Z</time>"
0133 "<bounds minlat=\"47.231073193\" minlon=\"12.549449634\" maxlat=\"48.502999926\" maxlon=\"14.302069964\"/>"
0134 "<trk>"
0135 "  <name>test track</name>"
0136 "<number>1</number>"
0137 "<trkseg>"
0138 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231477033\" lon=\"12.560534449\">"
0139 "  <ele>1130.647705</ele>"
0140 "</trkpt>"
0141 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231486840\" lon=\"12.560604354\">"
0142 "  <ele>1127.763672</ele>"
0143 "</trkpt>"
0144 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231497569\" lon=\"12.560612401\">"
0145 "  <ele>1121.995850</ele>"
0146 "</trkpt>"
0147 "</trkseg>"
0148 "</trk>"
0149 "</gpx>"
0150 );
0152     GpxParser parser;
0154     QByteArray array( content.toUtf8() );
0155     QBuffer buffer( &array );
0156 QIODevice::ReadOnly );
0157     qDebug() << "Buffer content:" << endl << buffer.buffer();
0158     if ( ! &buffer ) ) {
0159         QFAIL( "Could not parse data!" );
0160         return;
0161     }
0162     GeoDocument* document = parser.releaseDocument();
0163     QVERIFY( document );
0164     GeoDataDocument *dataDocument = static_cast<GeoDataDocument*>( document );
0165     GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = dataDocument->placemarkList().at( 0 );
0166     QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataMultiGeometryId );
0167     GeoDataMultiGeometry* multiGeo = static_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( placemark->geometry() );
0168     GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( &multiGeo->at( 0 ) );
0169     QCOMPARE( track->size(), 3 );
0170     {
0171         GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( 0 );
0172         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0173         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0174         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0175     }
0176     {
0177         const GeoDataLineString* lineString = track->lineString();
0178         QCOMPARE( lineString->size(), 3 );
0179         GeoDataCoordinates coord = lineString->at( 0 );
0180         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0181         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0182         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0183     }
0186     delete document;
0187 }
0189 void TestTrack::partialTimeTest()
0190 {
0191     //example track recorded using a Garmin Vista HCx and downloaded using gpsbabel
0192     //one time information removed
0193     QString content(
0194 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
0195 "<gpx"
0196 "  version=\"1.0\""
0197 "  creator=\"GPSBabel -\""
0198 "  xmlns:xsi=\"\""
0199 "  xmlns=\"\""
0200 "  xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">"
0201 "<time>2011-07-03T14:19:57Z</time>"
0202 "<bounds minlat=\"47.231073193\" minlon=\"12.549449634\" maxlat=\"48.502999926\" maxlon=\"14.302069964\"/>"
0203 "<trk>"
0204 "  <name>test track</name>"
0205 "<number>1</number>"
0206 "<trkseg>"
0207 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231477033\" lon=\"12.560534449\">"
0208 "  <ele>1130.647705</ele>"
0209 "  <time>2011-06-24T10:33:40Z</time>"
0210 "</trkpt>"
0211 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231486840\" lon=\"12.560604354\">"
0212 "  <ele>1127.763672</ele>"
0213 "</trkpt>"
0214 "<trkpt lat=\"47.231497569\" lon=\"12.560612401\">"
0215 "  <ele>1121.995850</ele>"
0216 "  <time>2011-06-24T10:34:00Z</time>"
0217 "</trkpt>"
0218 "</trkseg>"
0219 "</trk>"
0220 "</gpx>"
0221 );
0223     GpxParser parser;
0225     QByteArray array( content.toUtf8() );
0226     QBuffer buffer( &array );
0227 QIODevice::ReadOnly );
0228     qDebug() << "Buffer content:" << endl << buffer.buffer();
0229     if ( ! &buffer ) ) {
0230         QFAIL( "Could not parse data!" );
0231         return;
0232     }
0233     GeoDocument* document = parser.releaseDocument();
0234     QVERIFY( document );
0235     GeoDataDocument *dataDocument = static_cast<GeoDataDocument*>( document );
0236     GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = dataDocument->placemarkList().at( 0 );
0237     QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataMultiGeometryId );
0238     GeoDataMultiGeometry* multiGeo = static_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( placemark->geometry() );
0239     GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( &multiGeo->at( 0 ) );
0240     QCOMPARE( track->whenList().size(), 3 );
0241     {
0242         QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 0 );
0243         QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 33, 40 ), Qt::UTC ) );
0244     }
0245     {
0246         QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 1 );
0247         QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime() );
0248     }
0249     {
0250         QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 2 );
0251         QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 34, 00 ), Qt::UTC ) );
0252     }
0253     QCOMPARE( track->size(), 3 );
0254     {
0255         GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( 0 );
0256         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0257         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0258         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0259     }
0260     {
0261         GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 33, 40 ), Qt::UTC ) );
0262         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0263         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0264         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0265     }
0266     {
0267         GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 34, 00 ), Qt::UTC ) );
0268         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560612401 );
0269         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231497569 );
0270         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1121.995850 );
0271     }
0272     {
0273         const GeoDataLineString* lineString = track->lineString();
0274         QCOMPARE( lineString->size(), 3 );
0275         GeoDataCoordinates coord = lineString->at( 0 );
0276         QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
0277         QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
0278         QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
0279     }
0281     delete document;
0282 }
0284 void TestTrack::extendedDataHeartRateTest()
0285 {
0286     //example track recorded using a Garmin Oregon 450 and downloading using it's USB mass storare mode
0287     QString content(
0288 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>"
0289 "<gpx xmlns=\"\" "
0290 "    xmlns:gpxx=\"\" "
0291 "    xmlns:gpxtrx=\"\" "
0292 "    xmlns:gpxtpx=\"\" "
0293 "    xmlns:xsi=\"\" "
0294 "    creator=\"Oregon 450\" "
0295 "    version=\"1.1\" "
0296 "    xsi:schemaLocation=\" "
0297                          " "
0298                          " "
0299                          " "
0300                          " "
0301                          "\" "
0302 "  >"
0303 "  <metadata>"
0304 "    <link href=\"\">"
0305 "      <text>Garmin International</text>"
0306 "    </link>"
0307 "    <time>2011-10-29T15:29:19Z</time>"
0308 "  </metadata>"
0309 "  <trk>"
0310 "    <name>29-OKT-11 17:29:17</name>"
0311 "    <extensions>"
0312 "      <gpxtrx:TrackExtension>"
0313 "        <gpxtrx:DisplayColor>Black</gpxtrx:DisplayColor>"
0314 "      </gpxtrx:TrackExtension>"
0315 "    </extensions>"
0316 "    <trkseg>"
0317 "      <trkpt lat=\"47.951347\" lon=\"13.228035\">"
0318 "        <ele>571.16</ele>"
0319 "        <time>2011-10-29T08:35:31Z</time>"
0320 "        <extensions>"
0321 "          <gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>"
0322 "            <gpxtpx:hr>108</gpxtpx:hr>"
0323 "          </gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>"
0324 "        </extensions>"
0325 "      </trkpt>"
0326 "      <trkpt lat=\"47.951348\" lon=\"13.228035\">"
0327 "        <ele>573.56</ele>"
0328 "        <time>2011-10-29T08:35:37Z</time>"
0329 "        <extensions>"
0330 "          <gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>"
0331 "            <gpxtpx:hr>109</gpxtpx:hr>"
0332 "          </gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>"
0333 "        </extensions>"
0334 "      </trkpt>"
0335 "      <trkpt lat=\"47.951349\" lon=\"13.228036\">"
0336 "        <ele>572.12</ele>"
0337 "        <time>2011-10-29T08:35:43Z</time>"
0338 "        <extensions>"
0339 "          <gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>"
0340 "            <gpxtpx:hr>110</gpxtpx:hr>"
0341 "          </gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>"
0342 "        </extensions>"
0343 "      </trkpt>"
0344 "    </trkseg>"
0345 "  </trk>"
0346 "</gpx>"
0347 );
0349     GpxParser parser;
0351     QByteArray array( content.toUtf8() );
0352     QBuffer buffer( &array );
0353 QIODevice::ReadOnly );
0354     qDebug() << "Buffer content:" << endl << buffer.buffer();
0355     if ( ! &buffer ) ) {
0356         QFAIL( "Could not parse data!" );
0357         return;
0358     }
0359     GeoDocument* document = parser.releaseDocument();
0360     QVERIFY( document );
0361     GeoDataDocument *dataDocument = static_cast<GeoDataDocument*>( document );
0362     GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = dataDocument->placemarkList().at( 0 );
0363     QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataMultiGeometryId );
0364     GeoDataMultiGeometry* multiGeo = static_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( placemark->geometry() );
0365     GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( &multiGeo->at( 0 ) );
0366     QCOMPARE( track->size(), 3 );
0368     {
0369         GeoDataSimpleArrayData* hr = track->extendedData().simpleArrayData( "heartrate" );
0370         QCOMPARE( hr->size(), 3 );
0371         QCOMPARE( hr->valueAt( 0 ), QVariant( "108" ) );
0372         QCOMPARE( hr->valueAt( 2 ), QVariant( "110" ) );
0373     }
0375     delete document;
0376 }
0378 QTEST_MAIN( TestTrack )
0380 #include "TestTrack.moc"