File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 07:37:47

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Dennis Nienhüser <>
0004 //
0006 #include "ExternalEditorDialog.h"
0008 #include <QProcessEnvironment>
0009 #include <QFileInfo>
0010 #include <QDir>
0012 namespace Marble
0013 {
0015 namespace {
0016     QString const merkaartor = "merkaartor";
0017     QString const josm = "josm";
0018     QString const potlatch = "potlatch";
0019 }
0021 class ExternalEditorDialogPrivate {
0022 public:
0023     QString m_defaultEditor;
0025     QMap<QString,bool> m_installedEditors;
0027     ExternalEditorDialogPrivate();
0028 };
0030 ExternalEditorDialogPrivate::ExternalEditorDialogPrivate() :
0031         m_defaultEditor( potlatch )
0032 {
0033     QString path = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value(QStringLiteral("PATH"), QStringLiteral("/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"));
0034     auto const applications = QStringList() << merkaartor << josm;
0035     for( const QString &application: applications ) {
0036         m_installedEditors[application] = false;
0037         /** @todo: what's the qt way to get the path entry separator? Will be a semicolon on Windows */
0038         for( const QString &dir: path.split( QLatin1Char( ':' ) ) ) {
0039             QFileInfo executable( QDir( dir ), application );
0040             if ( executable.exists() ) {
0041                 m_installedEditors[application] = true;
0042                 break;
0043             }
0044         }
0045     }
0046 }
0048 ExternalEditorDialog::ExternalEditorDialog( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags ) :
0049         QDialog( parent, flags ), d( new ExternalEditorDialogPrivate )
0050 {
0051     setupUi( this );
0053     connect( editorComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
0054              this, SLOT(updateDefaultEditor(int)) );
0056     if ( d->m_installedEditors[merkaartor] ) {
0057         d->m_defaultEditor = merkaartor;
0058         editorComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
0059     } else if ( d->m_installedEditors[josm] ) {
0060         d->m_defaultEditor = josm;
0061         editorComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 2 );
0062     }
0063 }
0065 ExternalEditorDialog::~ExternalEditorDialog()
0066 {
0067     delete d;
0068 }
0070 QString ExternalEditorDialog::externalEditor() const
0071 {
0072     return d->m_defaultEditor;
0073 }
0075 bool ExternalEditorDialog::saveDefault() const
0076 {
0077     return saveDefaultCheckBox->isChecked();
0078 }
0080 void ExternalEditorDialog::updateDefaultEditor( int index )
0081 {
0082     QString description;
0084     switch( index ) {
0085     case 1:
0086         d->m_defaultEditor = merkaartor;
0087         description = tr( "Merkaartor is an OpenStreetMap editor that is powerful and easy to use. It integrates well into the used workspace." );
0088         if ( !d->m_installedEditors[d->m_defaultEditor] ) {
0089             description += QLatin1String(" <b>") + tr("Please ask your system administrator to install %1 on your system.").arg(QStringLiteral("Merkaartor")) + QLatin1String("</b>");
0090         }
0091         break;
0092     case 2:
0093         d->m_defaultEditor = josm;
0094         description = tr( "JOSM is a powerful OpenStreetMap editor which is more complex to use than other editors. It is built on the Java platform and therefor runs on all systems for which Java is available but does not integrate well into the workspace. A Java SE-compatible runtime is required." );
0095         if ( !d->m_installedEditors[d->m_defaultEditor] ) {
0096             description += QLatin1String(" <b>") + tr("Please ask your system administrator to install %1 on your system.").arg(QStringLiteral("JOSM")) + QLatin1String("</b>");
0097         }
0098         break;
0099     default:
0100         d->m_defaultEditor = potlatch;
0101         description = tr( "iD is a very easy to use OpenStreetMap editor, though lacks the power of Merkaartor and JOSM. It runs on all platforms with a web browser." );
0102         break;
0103     }
0105     screenshotLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(QLatin1String(":/data/editors/") + d->m_defaultEditor + QLatin1String(".png")));
0106     descriptionLabel->setText( description );
0107 }
0109 }
0111 #include "moc_ExternalEditorDialog.cpp"