Warning, /education/marble/src/bindings/python/sip/marblemod.sip is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Copyright 2011 Simon Edwards <simon@simonzone.com>
0003 //                 Generated by twine2
0005 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0006 // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
0007 // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
0008 // (at your option) any later version.
0010 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0011 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0013 // GNU General Public License for more details
0015 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
0016 // License along with this program; if not, write to the
0017 // Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
0018 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
0020 %Module PyKDE4.marble
0022 %ModuleHeaderCode
0023 #pragma GCC visibility push(default)
0024 %End
0026 %Import QtCore/QtCoremod.sip
0027 %Import QtGui/QtGuimod.sip
0028 %Import QtWebKit/QtWebKitmod.sip
0029 %Import QtXml/QtXmlmod.sip
0031 %Include AbstractLayerInterface.sip
0032 %Include CylindricalProjection.sip
0033 %Include TileCreatorDialog.sip
0034 %Include AbstractDataPlugin.sip
0035 %Include AbstractDataPluginItem.sip
0036 %Include AbstractDataPluginModel.sip
0037 %Include AbstractFloatItem.sip
0038 %Include AbstractMarbleGraphicsLayout.sip
0039 %Include AbstractProjection.sip
0040 %Include AbstractWorkerThread.sip
0041 %Include AutoNavigation.sip
0042 %Include BillboardGraphicsItem.sip
0043 %Include BookmarkManager.sip
0044 %Include ClipPainter.sip
0045 %Include CurrentLocationWidget.sip
0046 %Include DialogConfigurationInterface.sip
0047 %Include DownloadRegion.sip
0048 %Include DownloadRegionDialog.sip
0049 %Include ElevationModel.sip
0050 %Include FileViewWidget.sip
0051 %Include FrameGraphicsItem.sip
0052 %Include GeoDataAbstractView.sip
0053 %Include GeoDataAccuracy.sip
0054 %Include GeoDataBalloonStyle.sip
0055 %Include GeoDataColorStyle.sip
0056 %Include GeoDataContainer.sip
0057 %Include GeoDataCoordinates.sip
0058 %Include GeoDataDocument.sip
0059 %Include GeoDataFeature.sip
0060 %Include GeoDataFolder.sip
0061 %Include GeoDataGeometry.sip
0062 %Include GeoDataHotSpot.sip
0063 %Include GeoDataIconStyle.sip
0064 %Include GeoDataItemIcon.sip
0065 %Include GeoDataLabelStyle.sip
0066 %Include GeoDataLatLonAltBox.sip
0067 %Include GeoDataLatLonBox.sip
0068 %Include GeoDataLineString.sip
0069 %Include GeoDataLineStyle.sip
0070 %Include GeoDataLinearRing.sip
0071 %Include GeoDataListStyle.sip
0072 %Include GeoDataLod.sip
0073 %Include GeoDataLookAt.sip
0074 %Include GeoDataMultiGeometry.sip
0075 %Include GeoDataObject.sip
0076 %Include GeoDataOverlay.sip
0077 %Include GeoDataGroundOverlay.sip
0078 %Include GeoDataPlacemark.sip
0079 %Include GeoDataPoint.sip
0080 %Include GeoDataPolyStyle.sip
0081 %Include GeoDataPolygon.sip
0082 %Include GeoDataRegion.sip
0083 %Include GeoDataStyle.sip
0084 %Include GeoDataStyleMap.sip
0085 %Include GeoDataStyleSelector.sip
0086 %Include GeoDataTimePrimitive.sip
0087 %Include GeoDataTimeSpan.sip
0088 %Include GeoDataTimeStamp.sip
0089 %Include GeoDataTrack.sip
0090 %Include GeoDataTreeModel.sip
0091 %Include GeoDocument.sip
0092 %Include GeoGraphicsItem.sip
0093 %Include GeoGraphicsScene.sip
0094 %Include GeoPainter.sip
0095 %Include GeoWriter.sip
0096 %Include LabelGraphicsItem.sip
0097 %Include LatLonBoxWidget.sip
0098 %Include LatLonEdit.sip
0099 %Include LayerInterface.sip
0100 %Include LegendWidget.sip
0101 %Include MapThemeDownloadDialog.sip
0102 %Include MapThemeManager.sip
0103 %Include MapViewWidget.sip
0104 %Include MapWizard.sip
0105 %Include MarbleAboutDialog.sip
0106 %Include MarbleColors.sip
0107 %Include MarbleDirs.sip
0108 %Include MarbleGlobal.sip
0109 %Include MarbleGraphicsGridLayout.sip
0110 %Include MarbleGraphicsItem.sip
0111 %Include MarbleMap.sip
0112 %Include MarbleModel.sip
0113 %Include MarbleNavigator.sip
0114 %Include MarbleRunnerManager.sip
0115 %Include MarbleWebView.sip
0116 %Include MarbleWidget.sip
0117 %Include ParseRunnerPlugin.sip
0118 %Include ParsingRunner.sip
0119 %Include Planet.sip
0120 %Include PluginAboutDialog.sip
0121 %Include PluginInterface.sip
0122 %Include PositionProviderPluginInterface.sip
0123 %Include PositionTracking.sip
0124 %Include QtMarbleConfigDialog.sip
0125 %Include Quaternion.sip
0126 %Include Quaternion.sip
0127 %Include RenderPlugin.sip
0128 %Include RenderPluginInterface.sip
0129 %Include ReverseGeocodingRunner.sip
0130 %Include ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin.sip
0131 %Include RoutingRunner.sip
0132 %Include RoutingRunnerPlugin.sip
0133 %Include ScreenGraphicsItem.sip
0134 %Include SearchRunner.sip
0135 %Include SearchRunnerPlugin.sip
0136 %Include Serializable.sip
0137 %Include SunLocator.sip
0138 %Include TileCoordsPyramid.sip
0139 %Include TileCreator.sip
0140 %Include TileId.sip
0141 %Include TileLevelRangeWidget.sip
0142 %Include TinyWebBrowser.sip
0143 %Include ViewportParams.sip
0144 %Include WidgetGraphicsItem.sip
0145 %Include WikipediaService.sip
0146 %Include AlternativeRoutesModel.sip
0147 %Include Maneuver.sip
0148 %Include Route.sip
0149 %Include RouteRequest.sip
0150 %Include RouteSegment.sip
0151 %Include RoutingModel.sip
0152 %Include RoutingProfile.sip