Warning, /education/marble/src/bindings/python/sip/MarbleMap.sip is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 //
0002 // Copyright 2008 Simon Edwards <simon@simonzone.com>
0003 // 
0004 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
0006 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
0007 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0008 // 
0009 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
0013 // 
0014 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
0015 // License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0016 //
0018 namespace Marble
0019 {
0021 class MarbleMap : QObject
0022 {
0023 %TypeHeaderCode
0024 #include <MarbleMap.h>
0025 %End
0027 public:
0028                             MarbleMap ();
0029     explicit                MarbleMap (Marble::MarbleModel* model);
0030     Marble::MarbleModel*    model () const;
0031     void                    setSize (int width, int height);
0032     QSize                   size () const;
0033     int                     width () const;
0034     int                     height () const;
0035     int                     radius () const;
0036     void                    setRadius (int radius);
0037     int                     minimumZoom () const;
0038     int                     maximumZoom () const;
0039     qreal                   centerLongitude () const;
0040     qreal                   centerLatitude () const;
0041     bool                    propertyValue (const QString& name) const;
0042     bool                    showOverviewMap () const;
0043     bool                    showScaleBar () const;
0044     bool                    showCompass () const;
0045     bool                    showClouds () const;
0046     bool                    showAtmosphere () const;
0047     bool                    showCrosshairs () const;
0048     bool                    showGrid () const;
0049     bool                    showPlaces () const;
0050     bool                    showCities () const;
0051     bool                    showTerrain () const;
0052     bool                    showOtherPlaces () const;
0053     bool                    showRelief () const;
0054     bool                    showIceLayer () const;
0055     bool                    showBorders () const;
0056     bool                    showRivers () const;
0057     bool                    showLakes () const;
0058     bool                    showFrameRate () const;
0059     quint64                 volatileTileCacheLimit () const;
0060     QList<Marble::RenderPlugin*>  renderPlugins () const;
0061     QList<Marble::AbstractFloatItem*>  floatItems () const;
0062     void                    rotateBy (const qreal& deltaLon /in/, const qreal& deltaLat /in/);
0063     void                    setCenterLatitude (qreal lat);
0064     void                    setCenterLongitude (qreal lon);
0065     Marble::Projection      projection () const;
0066     void                    setProjection (Marble::Projection projection);
0067     QString                 mapThemeId () const;
0068     void                    setMapThemeId (const QString& maptheme);
0069     void                    setPropertyValue (const QString& name, bool value);
0070     void                    setShowOverviewMap (bool visible);
0071     void                    setShowScaleBar (bool visible);
0072     void                    setShowCompass (bool visible);
0073     void                    setShowClouds (bool visible);
0074     void                    setShowTileId (bool visible);
0075     void                    setShowAtmosphere (bool visible);
0076     void                    setShowCrosshairs (bool visible);
0077     void                    setShowGrid (bool visible);
0078     void                    setShowPlaces (bool visible);
0079     void                    setShowCities (bool visible);
0080     void                    setShowTerrain (bool visible);
0081     void                    setShowOtherPlaces (bool visible);
0082     void                    setShowRelief (bool visible);
0083     void                    setShowIceLayer (bool visible);
0084     void                    setShowBorders (bool visible);
0085     void                    setShowRivers (bool visible);
0086     void                    setShowLakes (bool visible);
0087     void                    setShowFrameRate (bool visible);
0088     void                    notifyMouseClick (int x, int y);
0089     void                    clearVolatileTileCache ();
0090     void                    setVolatileTileCacheLimit (quint64 kiloBytes);
0091     Marble::AngleUnit       defaultAngleUnit () const;
0092     void                    setDefaultAngleUnit (Marble::AngleUnit angleUnit);
0093     QFont                   defaultFont () const;
0094     void                    setDefaultFont (const QFont& font);
0096 signals:
0097     void                    projectionChanged (Marble::Projection);
0098     void                    mouseClickGeoPosition (qreal lon, qreal lat, Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Unit);
0099     void                    framesPerSecond (qreal fps);
0101 protected:
0102     virtual void            customPaint (Marble::GeoPainter* painter);
0104 public:
0105     virtual ~MarbleMap ();
0106     void                    reload ();
0107     Marble::ViewportParams*  viewport ();
0108     Marble::MapQuality      mapQuality () const;
0109     void                    setSize (const QSize& size);
0110     bool                    screenCoordinates (qreal lon, qreal lat, qreal& x, qreal& y) const;
0111     bool                    geoCoordinates (int x, int y, qreal& lon, qreal& lat, Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Unit = Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) const;
0112     Marble::AbstractFloatItem*  floatItem (const QString& nameId) const;
0113     void                    centerOn (const qreal lon, const qreal lat);
0114 signals:
0115     void                    themeChanged (const QString& theme);
0116     void                    mouseMoveGeoPosition (const QString&);
0117     void                    visibleLatLonAltBoxChanged (const Marble::GeoDataLatLonAltBox& visibleLatLonAltBox);
0118 public:
0119     int                     tileZoomLevel () const;
0120     bool                    showBackground () const;
0121     QList<Marble::AbstractDataPlugin*>  dataPlugins () const;
0122     QList<Marble::AbstractDataPluginItem*>  whichItemAt (const QPoint& curpos) const;
0123     void                    addLayer (Marble::LayerInterface* layer);
0124     void                    removeLayer (Marble::LayerInterface* layer);
0125     void                    setShowBackground (bool visible);
0126 signals:
0127     void                    tileLevelChanged (int level);
0128     void                    repaintNeeded (const QRegion& dirtyRegion = QRegion());
0129     void                    pluginSettingsChanged ();
0130     void                    renderPluginInitialized (Marble::RenderPlugin* renderPlugin);
0131 public:
0132     void                    setMapQualityForViewContext (Marble::MapQuality qualityForViewContext, Marble::ViewContext viewContext);
0133     Marble::MapQuality      mapQuality (Marble::ViewContext viewContext) const;
0134     void                    setViewContext (Marble::ViewContext viewContext);
0135     Marble::ViewContext     viewContext () const;
0136     int                     preferredRadiusCeil (int radius);
0137     int                     preferredRadiusFloor (int radius);
0138 //FIXME
0139 //ig    QVector<const Marble::GeoDataPlacemark*>  whichFeatureAt (const QPoint&) const;
0140 //ig    const Marble::ViewportParams*  viewport () const;
0141     bool                    showSunShading () const;
0142     bool                    showCityLights () const;
0143     void                    paint (Marble::GeoPainter& painter, const QRect& dirtyRect);
0144     void                    setShowSunShading (bool visible);
0145     void                    setShowCityLights (bool visible);
0146 signals:
0147     void                    radiusChanged (int radius);
0148 public:
0149 //ig    const TextureLayer*     textureLayer () const;
0150     void                    setShowRuntimeTrace (bool visible);
0151     void                    downloadRegion (const QVector<Marble::TileCoordsPyramid>&);
0152     bool                    isLockedToSubSolarPoint () const;
0153     bool                    isSubSolarPointIconVisible () const;
0154     void                    setLockToSubSolarPoint (bool visible);
0155     void                    setSubSolarPointIconVisible (bool visible);
0156 };
0157 // MarbleMap
0159 };
0160 // Marble