Warning, /education/marble/src/apps/behaim/Legend.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Dennis Nienhüser <nienhueser@kde.org>
0004 //
0007 import QtQuick 2.3
0008 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
0009 import QtQuick.Window 2.2
0010 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
0011 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
0013 Item {
0014     id: root
0016     Rectangle {
0017         id: background
0018         anchors.fill: parent
0019         color: palette.base
0020     }
0022     DropShadow {
0023         anchors.fill: root
0024         horizontalOffset: landscape ? 4 : 0
0025         verticalOffset: landscape ? 0 : -4
0026         radius: 4.0
0027         samples: 16
0028         color: "#666"
0029         cached: true
0030         fast: true
0031         source: background
0032         transparentBorder: true
0033     }
0035     TabView {
0036         id: tabView
0037         anchors.fill: parent
0038         tabPosition: Qt.BottomEdge
0040         Tab {
0041             id: infoTab
0042             anchors.margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0043             //: Tab title for a tab with information about the app
0044             title: qsTr("Info")
0046             Flickable {
0047                 anchors.fill: parent
0048                 contentWidth: infoText.width
0049                 contentHeight: infoText.height
0050                 flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
0051                 clip: true
0053                 Text {
0054                     id: infoText
0055                     text: qsTr("<h3>Martin Behaim's Erdapfel</h3>\
0056                        <p>The oldest existent globe of the Earth.\
0057                        Martin Behaim and collaborators created the globe around 1492 at the time of \
0058                        <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyages_of_Christopher_Columbus\">Columbus'</a> first sea travel to the west.\
0059                        Hence the American continent is missing on this globe.\
0060                        Also note the detailed inscriptions in early modern German.</p>\
0061                        <p>Please see <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erdapfel\">Wikipedia: Erdapfel</a> \
0062                        for further information about the Behaim globe.")
0063                     width: infoTab.width
0064                     wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0065                     onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
0066                 }
0067             }
0069         }
0070         Tab {
0071             id: variantsTab
0072             anchors.margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0073             //: Tab title for a tab with globe variant configuration
0074             title: qsTr("Variants")
0076             Flickable {
0077                 anchors.fill: parent
0078                 contentWidth: themeColumn.width
0079                 contentHeight: themeColumn.height
0080                 flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
0081                 clip: true
0083                 Column {
0084                     id: themeColumn
0085                     width: variantsTab.width
0086                     anchors {
0087                         margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0088                         topMargin: Screen.pixelDensity * 14
0089                     }
0091                     Text {
0092                         wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0093                         text: qsTr("<h3>Globe Variant</h3>")
0094                     }
0096                     ExclusiveGroup {
0097                         id: layerGroup
0098                         onCurrentChanged: current.apply()
0099                     }
0100                     RadioButton {
0101                         text: qsTr("Original (1492)")
0102                         checked: true
0103                         exclusiveGroup: layerGroup
0104                         property string description: qsTr("Digital imagery taken directly from the original Behaim globe.")
0105                         function apply() {
0106                             marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("ravenstein", false)
0107                             marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("ghillany", false)
0108                         }
0109                     }
0111                     RadioButton {
0112                         text: qsTr("Ghillany (1853)")
0113                         property string description: qsTr("A (rough) facsimile created by Friedrich Wilhelm Ghillany in 1853.")
0114                         exclusiveGroup: layerGroup
0116                         function apply() {
0117                             marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("ravenstein", false)
0118                             marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("ghillany", true)
0119                         }
0120                     }
0122                     RadioButton {
0123                         text: qsTr("Ravenstein (1908)")
0124                         property string description: qsTr("A (rough) facsimile created by Ernest George Ravenstein in 1908.")
0125                         exclusiveGroup: layerGroup
0126                         function apply() {
0127                             marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("ghillany", false)
0128                             marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("ravenstein", true)
0129                         }
0130                     }
0132                     Item { width: 1; height: Screen.pixelDensity * 2; }
0134                     Text {
0135                         text: layerGroup.current.description
0136                         width: parent.width
0137                         wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0138                     }
0139                 }
0140             }
0141         }
0143         Tab {
0144             anchors.margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0145             //: Tab title for a tab with app settings
0146             title: qsTr("Settings")
0148             Flickable {
0149                 anchors.fill: parent
0150                 contentWidth: settingsColumn.width
0151                 contentHeight: settingsColumn.height
0152                 flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
0153                 clip: true
0155                 Column {
0156                     id: settingsColumn
0157                     anchors {
0158                         margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0159                         topMargin: Screen.pixelDensity * 14
0160                     }
0162                     Text {
0163                         wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0164                         text: qsTr("<h3>Globe Settings</h3>")
0165                     }
0167                     CheckBox {
0168                         text: qsTr("Show Behaim places")
0169                         onCheckedChanged: marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("cities", checked)
0170                     }
0171                     CheckBox {
0172                         text: qsTr("Show texts and illustrations")
0173                         onCheckedChanged: marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("otherplaces", checked)
0175                     }
0176                     CheckBox {
0177                         text: qsTr("Show the accurate coastline")
0178                         onCheckedChanged: marbleMaps.setPropertyEnabled("coastlines", checked)
0179                     }
0180                 }
0181             }
0182         }
0184         Tab {
0185             id: aboutTab
0186             anchors.margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0187             //: Tab title for a tab with information about the app creators and content sources
0188             title: qsTr("About")
0190             Flickable {
0191                 anchors.fill: parent
0192                 contentWidth: aboutText.width
0193                 contentHeight: aboutText.height
0194                 flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
0195                 clip: true
0197                 Text {
0198                     id: aboutText
0199                     anchors {
0200                         margins: Screen.pixelDensity * 2
0201                         topMargin: Screen.pixelDensity * 14
0202                     }
0204                     text: qsTr("<h3>Germanisches Nationalmuseum</h3>\
0205                    <p>The original Behaim globe can be visited in the
0206                    <a href=\"https://www.gnm.de/\">Germanisches Nationalmuseum</a> in Nuremberg, Germany.</p>\
0207                    <h3>KDE Marble</h3>\
0208                    <p>This app is part of the <a href=\"https://marble.kde.org\">Marble</a> project.\
0209                    The Marble community works on maps and virtual globes with the goal to produce visually appealing, easy-to-use Free Software.</p>\
0210                    <h3>Map Content</h3>\
0211                    <p>Digitized map based on orthophotographic gores by TU Vienna, 1990. Germanisches Nationalmuseum and\
0212                    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, CC BY-SA 3.0.\
0213                    Ghillany map based on two planiglobes which are provided as a map supplement\
0214                    to F.W. Ghillany's \"Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim nach den ältesten vorhandenen Urkunden\",\
0215                    Nuremberg 1853. CC BY-SA 3.0.</p>")
0216                     width: aboutTab.width
0217                     wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0218                     onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
0219                 }
0220             }
0221         }
0222     }
0223 }