Warning, /education/marble/examples/qml/where-is-that/where-is-that.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Dennis Nienhüser <nienhueser@kde.org>
0004 //
0006 import Qt 4.7
0007 import org.kde.marble 0.20
0009 Rectangle {
0010   id: screen
0011   width: 800;
0012   height: 400
0014   Rectangle
0015   {
0016     id: banner
0017     x: 0
0018     y: 0
0019     width: screen.width
0020     height: 30
0021     color: "yellow"
0023     //    XmlListModel {
0024     //         id: questionModel
0025     //         source: "questions.xml"
0026     //         query: "/items/item"
0027     //         XmlRole { name: "question"; query: "question/string()" }
0028     //         XmlRole { name: "lon"; query: "lon/string()" }
0029     //         XmlRole { name: "lat"; query: "lat/string()" }
0030     //    }
0032     // @todo: XmlListModel would be nicer, but does not yet allow data access for non-views
0033     ListModel {
0034       id: questionModel
0035       ListElement {
0036         question: "Tom Sawyer paints aunt Polly's fence. Where was that?"
0037         lon: -91.3775
0038         lat: 39.704167
0039       }
0040       ListElement {
0041         question: "Jonathan Harker meets Count Dracula. Where?"
0042         lon: 25.370894
0043         lat: 45.517444
0044       }
0045       ListElement {
0046         question: "Henry Jekyll becomes Edward Hyde in...?"
0047         lon: -0.11832
0048         lat: 51.50939
0049       }
0050       ListElement {
0051         question: "Where did Quasimodo ring the bells?"
0052         lon: 2.35
0053         lat: 48.852778
0054       }
0055     }
0057     Component {
0058       id: questionDelegate
0059       Row {
0060         Text {
0061           id: questionItem
0062           text: question
0063           font { pointSize: 12; bold: true }
0064           color: "#606060"
0065         }
0066       }
0067     }
0069     ListView {
0070       id: questionView
0072       x: 10
0073       y: 5
0074       width: banner.width - button.width - 30
0075       height: 20
0077       visible: false
0078       clip: true
0080       model: questionModel
0081       delegate: questionDelegate
0082     }
0084     FloatButton
0085     {
0086       id: button
0087       y: 2
0088       anchors.left: questionView.right
0089       font { pointSize: 12; bold: true }
0090       color: "#606060"
0091       label: "Start"
0093       onClicked:
0094       {
0095         if ( screen.state == "moving" ) {
0096           screen.state = "solving"
0097         } else if ( screen.state == "solving" ) {
0098           if ( questionView.currentIndex < questionView.count - 1 ) {
0099             questionView.visible = true
0100             questionView.currentIndex = questionView.currentIndex + 1
0101             screen.state = "selecting"
0102             messages.text = "Select the target in the map"
0103           } else {
0104             screen.state = "finished"
0105             messages.text = ""
0106           }
0107         } else if ( screen.state == "finished" ) {
0108           questionView.currentIndex = 0
0109           screen.state = "selecting"
0110         }
0111         else {
0112           screen.state = "selecting"
0113         }
0114       }
0115     }
0116   }
0118   MouseArea
0119   {
0120     id: area
0121     anchors.top: banner.bottom
0122     width: screen.width
0123     height: screen.height - banner.height
0125     onClicked:
0126     {
0127       if ( screen.state == "selecting" || screen.state == "moving" ) {
0128         screen.state = "selecting"
0130         var opx = pointer.x
0131         var opy = pointer.y
0132         pointer.x = area.mouseX
0133         pointer.y = area.mouseY
0134         selection.x = pointer.x;
0135         selection.y = pointer.y - selection.height
0136         screen.state = "moving"
0137         messages.text = "Done? Click 'Solve'"
0139         var diff = (pointer.x-opx) * (pointer.x-opx);
0140         diff += (pointer.y-opy) * (pointer.y-opy);
0141         if ( diff > 2000 ) {
0142           animation.duration = 500
0143           animation.start()
0144         } else {
0145           animation.duration = 100
0146         }
0147       }
0148     }
0150     MarbleWidget {
0151       id: map
0152       width: area.width
0153       height: area.height
0155       projection: "Mercator"
0156       mapThemeId: "earth/plain/plain.dgml"
0157     }
0159     Image
0160     {
0161       id: selection
0162       x: 200
0163       y: 200
0164       source: "fixing-pin.svg"
0165       visible: false
0166     }
0168     Rectangle
0169     {
0170       id: pointer
0171       x: 200
0172       y: 200
0173       width: 1
0174       height: 1
0175       visible: false
0176     }
0178     PropertyAnimation {
0179       id: solutionanimation
0180       target: solution
0181       property: "scale"
0182       from: .01; to: 1
0183       duration: 1500
0184     }
0186     Image
0187     {
0188       id: solution
0189       x: 200
0190       y: 200
0191       visible: false
0192       source: "target.svg"
0193     }
0195     Rectangle
0196     {
0197       x: 5
0198       y: parent.height - 40
0199       width: 300
0200       height: 30
0201       radius: 5
0202       color: "yellow"
0204       Text
0205       {
0206         id: messages
0207         x: 10
0208         y: 5
0209         width: 280
0210         text: "Where is that?"
0211         font { pointSize: 12; bold: true }
0212         color: "#606060"
0213         visible: true
0214       }
0215     }
0216   }
0218   PropertyAnimation {
0219     id: animation
0220     target: selection
0221     property: "scale"
0222     from: .1; to: 1
0223     duration: 500
0224   }
0226   function calculateSolution()
0227   {
0228     var lon = questionModel.get(questionView.currentIndex).lon
0229     var lat = questionModel.get(questionView.currentIndex).lat
0230     var pixel = map.pixel( lon, lat )
0231     solution.x = pixel.x
0232     solution.y = pixel.y  - solution.height
0233   }
0235   function solve()
0236   {
0237     var flon = questionModel.get(questionView.currentIndex).lon
0238     var flat = questionModel.get(questionView.currentIndex).lat
0239     var coordinate = map.coordinate( pointer.x, pointer.y )
0240     var dist = coordinate.distance( flon, flat ) / 1000
0241     messages.text = "Target distance: " + dist.toFixed(1) + " km"
0242   }
0244   states: [
0245   State {
0246     name: "selecting"
0247     PropertyChanges { target: questionView; visible: true }
0248     PropertyChanges { target: button; label: "Solve" }
0249     PropertyChanges { target: button; visible: false }
0250     PropertyChanges { target: solution; visible: false }
0251     PropertyChanges { target: map; inputEnabled: false }
0252     PropertyChanges { target: selection; visible: false }
0253     StateChangeScript{ script: calculateSolution(); }
0254   },
0255   State {
0256     name: "moving"
0257     PropertyChanges { target: questionView; visible: true }
0258     PropertyChanges { target: button; label: "Solve" }
0259     PropertyChanges { target: button; visible: true }
0260     PropertyChanges { target: solution; visible: false }
0261     PropertyChanges { target: map; inputEnabled: false }
0262     PropertyChanges { target: selection; visible: true; }
0263   },
0264   State {
0265     name: "solving"
0266     PropertyChanges { target: questionView; visible: true }
0267     PropertyChanges { target: button; label: "Next" }
0268     PropertyChanges { target: button; visible: true }
0269     PropertyChanges { target: solution; visible: true }
0270     PropertyChanges { target: map; inputEnabled: false }
0271     PropertyChanges { target: selection; visible: true }
0272     StateChangeScript{ script: solutionanimation.start(); }
0273     StateChangeScript{ script: solve(); }
0274   },
0275   State {
0276     name: "finished"
0277     PropertyChanges { target: questionView; visible: true }
0278     PropertyChanges { target: button; label: "Try Again" }
0279     PropertyChanges { target: button; visible: true }
0280     PropertyChanges { target: solution; visible: false }
0281     PropertyChanges { target: messages; text: "" }
0282     PropertyChanges { target: map; inputEnabled: true }
0283     PropertyChanges { target: selection; visible: false }
0284   }
0285   ]
0287   transitions: [
0288   Transition {
0289     id: movetransition
0290     from: "selecting"
0291     to: "moving"
0292     reversible: true
0293     NumberAnimation {
0294       target: selection
0295       properties: "x,y"
0296       duration: animation.duration
0297     }
0298   }
0299   ]
0301 }