Warning, /education/marble/examples/qml/data-layers/DynamicLayer.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Dennis Nienhüser <nienhueser@kde.org>
0005 import QtQuick 1.1
0006 import org.kde.marble 0.20
0008 MarbleWidget {
0009     width: 800;
0010     height: 600
0012     center: Coordinate { longitude: 142.2; latitude: 11.35 }
0014     dataLayers: [
0015         DataLayer{
0016             id: layer
0017             // The model defines the data that will appear. The lon and lat
0018             // property of its items define their position
0019             // See EarthquakesModel.qml for details
0020             model: EarthquakesModel {
0021                 id: earthquakes
0022             }
0024             // The delegate is the component that shows the items from the
0025             // model on top of the map. Their position and visibility is managed
0026             // automatically by Marble
0027             delegate: Rectangle {
0028                 width: magnitude * 10;
0029                 height: width
0030                 radius: width / 2;
0031                 color: magnitude < 5.0 ? "green" : ( magnitude < 6.0 ? "orange" : "red" )
0032                 opacity: 0.67
0034                 Text {
0035                     anchors.centerIn: parent
0036                     font.bold: true
0037                     text: magnitude
0038                 }
0039             }
0041             // Marble informs us with this signal that new data is needed for the given
0042             // bounding box (north, south, east, west, each in degree). We retrieve new
0043             // data from our model (which calls geonames.org) in that case
0044             onDataRequest: {
0045                 earthquakes.north = north
0046                 earthquakes.south = south
0047                 earthquakes.east = east
0048                 earthquakes.west = west
0049                 earthquakes.update()
0050             }
0051         }
0052     ]
0054     /** @todo FIXME: Currently we update our model here, but ideally Marble
0055      * detects the arrival of new data by itself in the future and this won't be
0056      * needed anymore then.
0057      */
0058     Connections {
0059         target: earthquakes
0060         onStatusChanged: {
0061             if ( earthquakes.status == XmlListModel.Ready ) {
0062                 layer.model = earthquakes
0063             }
0064         }
0065     }
0066 }