Warning, /education/marble/examples/cpp/hello-marble/Readme.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 The online version of this example can be found at
0002 https://techbase.kde.org/Marble/MarbleCPlusPlus
0004 The API of the Marble library allows for a very easy integration of a map 
0005 widget into your application.
0006 Let's prove that with a tiny Hello world-like example: Qt beginners might want 
0007 to have a look at the Qt Widgets Tutorial to learn more about the details of 
0008 the code. But this is probably not necessary. For a start we just create a 
0009 QApplication object and a MarbleWidget object which serves as a window. By 
0010 default the MarbleWidget uses the Atlas map theme. However for our first 
0011 example we choose to display streets. So we set the maptheme id to 
0012 OpenStreetMap. Then we call QWidget::show() to show the map widget and we call 
0013 QApplication::exec() to start the application's event loop. That's all!