File indexing completed on 2025-01-26 03:34:18

0001 /*
0002     File                 : XYCurvePrivate.h
0003     Project              : LabPlot
0004     Description          : Private members of XYCurve
0005     --------------------------------------------------------------------
0006     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2023 Alexander Semke <>
0007     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2020 Stefan Gerlach <>
0009     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0010 */
0015 #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/PlotPrivate.h"
0016 #include <vector>
0018 class Background;
0019 class CartesianPlot;
0020 class CartesianCoordinateSystem;
0021 class Symbol;
0022 class XYCurve;
0024 class XYCurvePrivate : public PlotPrivate {
0025 public:
0026     explicit XYCurvePrivate(XYCurve*);
0028     void retransform() override;
0029     void recalcLogicalPoints();
0030     void updateLines();
0031     void addLine(QPointF p,
0032                  double& x,
0033                  double& minY,
0034                  double& maxY,
0035                  QPointF& lastPoint,
0036                  int& pixelDiff,
0037                  int numberOfPixelX,
0038                  double minDiffX,
0039                  RangeT::Scale scale,
0040                  bool& prevPixelDiffZero); // for any x scale
0041     static void addUniqueLine(QPointF p,
0042                               double& minY,
0043                               double& maxY,
0044                               QPointF& lastPoint,
0045                               int& pixelDiff,
0046                               QVector<QLineF>& lines,
0047                               bool& prevPixelDiffZero); // finally add line if unique (no overlay)
0048     void updateDropLines();
0049     void updateSymbols();
0050     void updateRug();
0051     void updateValues();
0052     void updateFilling();
0053     void updateErrorBars();
0054     void recalcShapeAndBoundingRect() override;
0055     void updatePixmap();
0057     virtual bool activatePlot(QPointF mouseScenePos, double maxDist = -1) override;
0058     bool pointLiesNearLine(const QPointF p1, const QPointF p2, const QPointF pos, const double maxDist) const;
0059     bool
0060     pointLiesNearCurve(const QPointF mouseScenePos, const QPointF curvePosPrevScene, const QPointF curvePosScene, const int index, const double maxDist) const;
0062     // data source
0063     const AbstractColumn* xColumn{nullptr};
0064     const AbstractColumn* yColumn{nullptr};
0065     QString dataSourceCurvePath;
0066     QString xColumnPath;
0067     QString yColumnPath;
0068     bool sourceDataChangedSinceLastRecalc{false};
0070     // line
0071     XYCurve::LineType lineType{XYCurve::LineType::Line};
0072     bool lineSkipGaps{false};
0073     bool lineIncreasingXOnly{false};
0074     int lineInterpolationPointsCount{1};
0075     Line* line{nullptr};
0076     Line* dropLine{nullptr};
0078     // symbols
0079     Symbol* symbol{nullptr};
0081     // rug
0082     bool rugEnabled{false};
0083     WorksheetElement::Orientation rugOrientation{WorksheetElement::Orientation::Vertical};
0084     double rugOffset{0.0};
0085     double rugLength{Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(5, Worksheet::Unit::Point)};
0086     double rugWidth{0.0};
0087     QPainterPath rugPath;
0089     // values
0090     XYCurve::ValuesType valuesType{XYCurve::ValuesType::NoValues};
0091     const AbstractColumn* valuesColumn{nullptr};
0092     QString valuesColumnPath;
0093     XYCurve::ValuesPosition valuesPosition{XYCurve::ValuesPosition::Above};
0094     qreal valuesDistance{Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(5, Worksheet::Unit::Point)};
0095     qreal valuesRotationAngle{0.0};
0096     qreal valuesOpacity{1.0};
0097     char valuesNumericFormat{'f'}; //'g', 'e', 'E', etc. for numeric values
0098     int valuesPrecision{2}; // number of digits for numeric values
0099     QString valuesDateTimeFormat;
0100     QString valuesPrefix;
0101     QString valuesSuffix;
0102     QFont valuesFont;
0103     QColor valuesColor;
0105     // filling
0106     Background* background{nullptr};
0108     // error bars
0109     ErrorBar* xErrorBar{nullptr};
0110     ErrorBar* yErrorBar{nullptr};
0111     ErrorBarStyle* errorBarStyle{nullptr};
0113     XYCurve* const q;
0114     friend class XYCurve;
0116     //  CartesianPlot* plot{nullptr};
0117     //  const CartesianCoordinateSystem* cSystem{nullptr};  //current cSystem
0119 private:
0120     CartesianPlot* plot() const {
0121         return q->m_plot;
0122     } // convenience method
0123     void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*) override;
0124     QVariant itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant& value) override;
0125     void paint(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget* widget = nullptr) override;
0127     void drawValues(QPainter*);
0128     void draw(QPainter*);
0129     void calculateScenePoints();
0131     // TODO: add m_
0132     QPainterPath linePath;
0133     QPainterPath dropLinePath;
0134     QPainterPath valuesPath;
0135     QPainterPath errorBarsPath;
0136     QPainterPath symbolsPath;
0137     QVector<QLineF> m_lines;
0138     QVector<QPointF> m_logicalPoints; // points in logical coordinates
0139     QVector<QPointF> m_scenePoints; // points in scene coordinates
0140     bool m_scenePointsDirty{true}; // true whenever the scenepoints have to be recalculated before using
0141     std::vector<bool> m_pointVisible; // if point is currently visible in plot (size of m_logicalPoints)
0142     QVector<QPointF> m_valuePoints; // points for showing value
0143     QVector<QString> m_valueStrings; // strings for showing value
0144     QVector<QPolygonF> m_fillPolygons; // polygons for filling
0145     // TODO: QVector, rename, usage
0146     std::vector<int> validPointsIndicesLogical; // original indices in the source columns for valid and non-masked values (size of m_logicalPoints)
0147     std::vector<bool> connectedPointsLogical; // true for points connected with the consecutive point (size of m_logicalPoints)
0149     QPointF mousePos;
0151     friend class RetransformTest;
0152     friend class XYCurveTest;
0153 };
0155 #endif