File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 03:43:59

0001 #! /usr/bin/awk -f
0002 # A script to extract the actual suppression info from the output of (for example) valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --error-limit=no --gen-suppressions=all ./minimal
0003 # The desired bits are between ^{ and ^} (including the braces themselves).
0004 # The combined output should either be appended to /usr/lib/valgrind/default.supp, or placed in a .supp of its own
0005 # If the latter, either tell valgrind about it each time with --suppressions=<filename>, or add that line to ~/.valgrindrc
0007 # NB This script uses the |& operator, which I believe is gawk-specific. In case of failure, check that you're using gawk rather than some other awk
0009 # The script looks for suppressions. When it finds one it stores it temporarily in an array,
0010 # and also feeds it line by line to the external app 'md5sum' which generates a unique checksum for it.
0011 # The checksum is used as an index in a different array. If an item with that index already exists the suppression must be a duplicate and is discarded.
0013 BEGIN { suppression=0; md5sum = "md5sum" }
0014   # If the line begins with '{', it's the start of a supression; so set the var and initialise things
0015   /^{/  {
0016            suppression=1;  i=0; next 
0017         }
0018   # If the line begins with '}' its the end of a suppression
0019   /^}/  {
0020           if (suppression)
0021            { suppression=0;
0022              close(md5sum, "to")  # We've finished sending data to md5sum, so close that part of the pipe
0023              ProcessInput()       # Do the slightly-complicated stuff in functions
0024              delete supparray     # We don't want subsequent suppressions to append to it!
0025            }
0026      }
0027   # Otherwise, it's a normal line. If we're inside a supression, store it, and pipe it to md5sum. Otherwise it's cruft, so ignore it
0028      { if (suppression)
0029          { 
0030             supparray[++i] = $0
0031             print |& md5sum
0032          }
0033      }
0036  function ProcessInput()
0037  {
0038     # Pipe the result from md5sum, then close it     
0039     md5sum |& getline result
0040     close(md5sum)
0041     # gawk can't cope with enormous ints like $result would be, so stringify it first by prefixing a definite string
0042     resultstring = "prefix"result
0044     if (! (resultstring in chksum_array) )
0045       { chksum_array[resultstring] = 0;  # This checksum hasn't been seen before, so add it to the array
0046         OutputSuppression()              # and output the contents of the suppression
0047       }
0048  }
0050  function OutputSuppression()
0051  {
0052   # A suppression is surrounded by '{' and '}'. Its data was stored line by line in the array  
0053   print "{"  
0054   for (n=1; n <= i; ++n)
0055     { print supparray[n] }
0056   print "}" 
0057  }