Warning, /education/kturtle/Rakefile is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 require 'rubygems' 0002 require 'rake' 0003 require 'rake/testtask' 0004 require 'fileutils' 0005 include FileUtils 0006 0007 desc "Find all TODO's" 0008 task :todo do 0009 FileList['**/*.rb'].egrep(/TODO/) 0010 end 0011 0012 require 'spec/rake/spectask' 0013 0014 desc "Run all specs" 0015 Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new('spectask') do |t| 0016 t.spec_opts = ["--colour"] 0017 t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*.rb'] 0018 end 0019 0020 task :spec do 0021 # this is not too nice as we hide all the nice features of SpecTask 0022 # yet i really wanted to take the starting and stopping of the 0023 # interpreter out of the spec files and in to the Rakefile. 0024 puts "Staring the KTurtle interpreter in DBUS mode..." 0025 k = IO.popen './src/kturtle --dbus' 0026 sleep 1.5 # give it some time to start 0027 ENV['KTURTLE_INTERPRETER_DBUS_PID'] = k.pid.to_s 0028 puts "started with pid: #{k.pid}" 0029 begin 0030 Rake::Task[:spectask].execute 0031 rescue 0032 # this is necessary for otherwise the spectask aborts rake alltogether... 0033 end 0034 puts "Killing interpreter process." 0035 Process.kill('TERM', k.pid) 0036 end 0037 0038 0039 task :default => 'spec'