Last indexation completed on 2024-07-21 11:08:12 UTC

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
folder Parent directory - 2024-02-11 00:59:06  
file artificialhorizoncomponent.cpp 27688 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:14  
file artificialhorizoncomponent.h 7407 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:14  
file asteroidscomponent.cpp 11986 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:14  
file asteroidscomponent.h 1428 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file binarylistcomponent.h 7798 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file catalogscomponent.cpp 15616 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file catalogscomponent.h 6572 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file cometscomponent.cpp 15408 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file cometscomponent.h 1097 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationartcomponent.cpp 3573 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationartcomponent.h 1374 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationboundarylines.cpp 8257 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationboundarylines.h 1960 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationlines.cpp 5210 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationlines.h 1436 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationnamescomponent.cpp 4273 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file constellationnamescomponent.h 1808 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file coordinategrid.cpp 261 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file coordinategrid.h 742 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file culturelist.cpp 1011 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file culturelist.h 995 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:15  
file deepstarcomponent.cpp 23724 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file deepstarcomponent.h 4129 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file earthshadowcomponent.cpp 1373 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file earthshadowcomponent.h 856 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file ecliptic.cpp 2843 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file ecliptic.h 752 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file equator.cpp 2655 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file equator.h 808 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file equatorialcoordinategrid.cpp 2931 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file equatorialcoordinategrid.h 765 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file flagcomponent.cpp 9188 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file flagcomponent.h 4617 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file highpmstarlist.cpp 3169 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file highpmstarlist.h 2201 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file hipscomponent.cpp 2701 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file hipscomponent.h 1151 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file horizoncomponent.cpp 3600 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file horizoncomponent.h 963 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:16  
file horizontalcoordinategrid.cpp 3434 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file horizontalcoordinategrid.h 755 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file imageoverlaycomponent.cpp 31574 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file imageoverlaycomponent.h 3880 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file indexing.dox 24369 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 -  
file linelist.h 1279 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file linelistindex.cpp 6981 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17

The filled polygon code in the innermost loops below in drawFilled*() below implements the Sutherland-Hodgman's Polygon clipping algorithm.

file linelistindex.h 5559 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file linelistlabel.cpp 5460 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file linelistlabel.h 1859 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file listcomponent.cpp 1786 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file listcomponent.h 2007 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file localmeridiancomponent.cpp 1837 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file localmeridiancomponent.h 708 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:17  
file milkyway.cpp 3433 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file milkyway.h 1691 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file mosaiccomponent.cpp 694 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file mosaiccomponent.h 1083 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file noprecessindex.cpp 746 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file noprecessindex.h 815 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file notifyupdatesui.cpp 2671 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file notifyupdatesui.h 545 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file notifyupdatesui.ui 2116 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 -  
file planetmoonscomponent.cpp 4510 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file planetmoonscomponent.h 2024 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file pointlistcomponent.cpp 605 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file pointlistcomponent.h 1434 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file polylist.h 1408 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file satellitescomponent.cpp 6515 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file satellitescomponent.h 2481 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skiphashlist.h 1044 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skycomponent.cpp 2015 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skycomponent.h 9978 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skycomposite.cpp 2845 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skycomposite.h 3864 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skylabel.h 693 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skylabeler.cpp 19190 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skylabeler.h 13131 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:18  
file skymapcomposite.cpp 25961 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file skymapcomposite.h 10870 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file skymesh.cpp 8905 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file skymesh.h 11253 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file solarsystemcomposite.cpp 6151 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file solarsystemcomposite.h 2069 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file solarsystemlistcomponent.cpp 1857 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file solarsystemlistcomponent.h 966 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file solarsystemsinglecomponent.cpp 3853 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file solarsystemsinglecomponent.h 2099 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file starblock.cpp 2349 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file starblock.h 4040 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:19  
file starblockfactory.cpp 7025 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file starblockfactory.h 3220 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file starblocklist.cpp 5127 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file starblocklist.h 3230 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file starcomponent.cpp 27257 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file starcomponent.h 6521 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file stars.dox 20812 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 -  
file supernovaecomponent.cpp 10416 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file supernovaecomponent.h 1824 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file targetlistcomponent.cpp 1234 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file targetlistcomponent.h 2914 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file terraincomponent.cpp 594 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file terraincomponent.h 549 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20  
file typedef.h 1737 bytes 2024-02-11 00:59:06 2024-07-21 09:22:20