Warning, /education/kstars/kstars/options/opsguides.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 0002 <ui version="4.0"> 0003 <class>OpsGuides</class> 0004 <widget class="QWidget" name="OpsGuides"> 0005 <property name="geometry"> 0006 <rect> 0007 <x>0</x> 0008 <y>0</y> 0009 <width>579</width> 0010 <height>549</height> 0011 </rect> 0012 </property> 0013 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2"> 0014 <item> 0015 <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2"> 0016 <item> 0017 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout"> 0018 <item> 0019 <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout"> 0020 <item> 0021 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowCLines"> 0022 <property name="toolTip"> 0023 <string>Show constellation lines?</string> 0024 </property> 0025 <property name="whatsThis"> 0026 <string>If checked, constellation lines will be drawn on the sky map.</string> 0027 </property> 0028 <property name="text"> 0029 <string>&Constellation lines</string> 0030 </property> 0031 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0032 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0033 </attribute> 0034 </widget> 0035 </item> 0036 <item> 0037 <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabelSkyCulture"> 0038 <property name="text"> 0039 <string>Sky culture:</string> 0040 </property> 0041 </widget> 0042 </item> 0043 <item> 0044 <widget class="QComboBox" name="SkyCultureComboBox"> 0045 <property name="toolTip"> 0046 <string>Choose sky culture</string> 0047 </property> 0048 <property name="whatsThis"> 0049 <string>Here, you can choose how constellations are represented</string> 0050 </property> 0051 </widget> 0052 </item> 0053 </layout> 0054 </item> 0055 <item> 0056 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowCBounds"> 0057 <property name="text"> 0058 <string>Constellation &boundaries</string> 0059 </property> 0060 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0061 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0062 </attribute> 0063 </widget> 0064 </item> 0065 <item> 0066 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowConstellationArt"> 0067 <property name="text"> 0068 <string>Constellation art</string> 0069 </property> 0070 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0071 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0072 </attribute> 0073 </widget> 0074 </item> 0075 <item> 0076 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowHighlightedCBound"> 0077 <property name="text"> 0078 <string>Highlight central constellation boundary</string> 0079 </property> 0080 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0081 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0082 </attribute> 0083 </widget> 0084 </item> 0085 <item> 0086 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowCNames"> 0087 <property name="toolTip"> 0088 <string>Draw constellation names?</string> 0089 </property> 0090 <property name="whatsThis"> 0091 <string>If checked, constellation names will be drawn on the sky map.</string> 0092 </property> 0093 <property name="text"> 0094 <string>Constellation &names</string> 0095 </property> 0096 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0097 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0098 </attribute> 0099 </widget> 0100 </item> 0101 </layout> 0102 </item> 0103 <item> 0104 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="ConstellOptions"> 0105 <property name="title"> 0106 <string>Constellation Name Options</string> 0107 </property> 0108 <layout class="QVBoxLayout"> 0109 <property name="spacing"> 0110 <number>6</number> 0111 </property> 0112 <property name="leftMargin"> 0113 <number>8</number> 0114 </property> 0115 <property name="topMargin"> 0116 <number>8</number> 0117 </property> 0118 <property name="rightMargin"> 0119 <number>8</number> 0120 </property> 0121 <property name="bottomMargin"> 0122 <number>8</number> 0123 </property> 0124 <item> 0125 <widget class="QRadioButton" name="kcfg_UseLatinConstellNames"> 0126 <property name="toolTip"> 0127 <string>Use Latin constellation names</string> 0128 </property> 0129 <property name="whatsThis"> 0130 <string>Select this to use Latin constellation names on the sky map</string> 0131 </property> 0132 <property name="text"> 0133 <string>L&atin</string> 0134 </property> 0135 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0136 <string notr="true">nameButtonGroup</string> 0137 </attribute> 0138 </widget> 0139 </item> 0140 <item> 0141 <widget class="QRadioButton" name="kcfg_UseLocalConstellNames"> 0142 <property name="toolTip"> 0143 <string>Use Localized constellation names</string> 0144 </property> 0145 <property name="whatsThis"> 0146 <string>Select this to use constellation names from your locality (if available)</string> 0147 </property> 0148 <property name="text"> 0149 <string>Localized</string> 0150 </property> 0151 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0152 <string notr="true">nameButtonGroup</string> 0153 </attribute> 0154 </widget> 0155 </item> 0156 <item> 0157 <widget class="QRadioButton" name="kcfg_UseAbbrevConstellNames"> 0158 <property name="toolTip"> 0159 <string>Use IAU abbreviations</string> 0160 </property> 0161 <property name="whatsThis"> 0162 <string>Select this to use abbreviations from the International Astronomical Union as constellation labels</string> 0163 </property> 0164 <property name="text"> 0165 <string>Abbre&viated</string> 0166 </property> 0167 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0168 <string notr="true">nameButtonGroup</string> 0169 </attribute> 0170 </widget> 0171 </item> 0172 </layout> 0173 </widget> 0174 </item> 0175 </layout> 0176 </item> 0177 <item> 0178 <spacer> 0179 <property name="orientation"> 0180 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> 0181 </property> 0182 <property name="sizeType"> 0183 <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum> 0184 </property> 0185 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0"> 0186 <size> 0187 <width>20</width> 0188 <height>16</height> 0189 </size> 0190 </property> 0191 </spacer> 0192 </item> 0193 <item> 0194 <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout"> 0195 <item row="4" column="1"> 0196 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowEcliptic"> 0197 <property name="toolTip"> 0198 <string>Draw Ecliptic?</string> 0199 </property> 0200 <property name="whatsThis"> 0201 <string>If checked, the ecliptic will be drawn on the sky map. The ecliptic is a great circle on the sky that the Sun appears to follow over the course of one year. All other solar system bodies roughly follow the ecliptic as well.</string> 0202 </property> 0203 <property name="text"> 0204 <string>Ecliptic</string> 0205 </property> 0206 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0207 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0208 </attribute> 0209 </widget> 0210 </item> 0211 <item row="2" column="0"> 0212 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_FillMilkyWay"> 0213 <property name="toolTip"> 0214 <string>Use filled Milky Way contour?</string> 0215 </property> 0216 <property name="whatsThis"> 0217 <string>If checked, the Milky Way contour will be shown filled. Otherwise, only the outline will be drawn.</string> 0218 </property> 0219 <property name="text"> 0220 <string>Fill milk&y way</string> 0221 </property> 0222 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0223 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0224 </attribute> 0225 </widget> 0226 </item> 0227 <item row="0" column="1"> 0228 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowHorizon"> 0229 <property name="toolTip"> 0230 <string>Draw horizon?</string> 0231 </property> 0232 <property name="whatsThis"> 0233 <string>If checked, a line representing the local horizon will be drawn on the map.</string> 0234 </property> 0235 <property name="text"> 0236 <string>Hori&zon (line)</string> 0237 </property> 0238 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0239 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0240 </attribute> 0241 </widget> 0242 </item> 0243 <item row="0" column="0"> 0244 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowMilkyWay"> 0245 <property name="toolTip"> 0246 <string>Draw the Milky Way contour?</string> 0247 </property> 0248 <property name="whatsThis"> 0249 <string>If checked, a contour representing the Milky Way will be drawn on the sky map</string> 0250 </property> 0251 <property name="text"> 0252 <string>Mil&ky way</string> 0253 </property> 0254 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0255 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0256 </attribute> 0257 </widget> 0258 </item> 0259 <item row="0" column="2"> 0260 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_AutoSelectGrid"> 0261 <property name="toolTip"> 0262 <string>Draw grids according to active coordinate system?</string> 0263 </property> 0264 <property name="whatsThis"> 0265 <string>If checked, coordinate grids will automatically change according to active coordinate system.</string> 0266 </property> 0267 <property name="text"> 0268 <string>Automatically select coordinate grid</string> 0269 </property> 0270 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0271 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0272 </attribute> 0273 </widget> 0274 </item> 0275 <item row="6" column="0"> 0276 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowFlags"> 0277 <property name="toolTip"> 0278 <string>Draw flags?</string> 0279 </property> 0280 <property name="whatsThis"> 0281 <string>If checked, flags will be drawn on the sky map</string> 0282 </property> 0283 <property name="text"> 0284 <string>Flags</string> 0285 </property> 0286 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0287 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0288 </attribute> 0289 </widget> 0290 </item> 0291 <item row="2" column="2"> 0292 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowEquatorialGrid"> 0293 <property name="toolTip"> 0294 <string>Draw equatorial coordinate grid?</string> 0295 </property> 0296 <property name="whatsThis"> 0297 <string>If checked, a grid of lines will be drawn every 2 hours in Right Ascension and every 20 degrees in Declination.</string> 0298 </property> 0299 <property name="text"> 0300 <string>Equatorial coordinate grid</string> 0301 </property> 0302 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0303 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0304 </attribute> 0305 </widget> 0306 </item> 0307 <item row="4" column="2"> 0308 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowHorizontalGrid"> 0309 <property name="toolTip"> 0310 <string>Draw horizontal coordinate grid?</string> 0311 </property> 0312 <property name="whatsThis"> 0313 <string>If checked, a grid of lines will be drawn every 30 degrees in Azimuth and every 20 degrees in Altitude.</string> 0314 </property> 0315 <property name="text"> 0316 <string>Horizontal coor&dinate grid</string> 0317 </property> 0318 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0319 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0320 </attribute> 0321 </widget> 0322 </item> 0323 <item row="2" column="1"> 0324 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowGround"> 0325 <property name="toolTip"> 0326 <string>Draw opaque ground?</string> 0327 </property> 0328 <property name="whatsThis"> 0329 <string>If checked, the area below the horizon will be filled in, to simulate the ground beneath you. Note that the ground is never drawn when using the Equatorial coordinate system.</string> 0330 </property> 0331 <property name="text"> 0332 <string>Opaque &ground</string> 0333 </property> 0334 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0335 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0336 </attribute> 0337 </widget> 0338 </item> 0339 <item row="4" column="0"> 0340 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowEquator"> 0341 <property name="toolTip"> 0342 <string>Draw Celestial equator?</string> 0343 </property> 0344 <property name="whatsThis"> 0345 <string>If checked, the celestial equator will be drawn in the sky map.</string> 0346 </property> 0347 <property name="text"> 0348 <string>Celestial e&quator</string> 0349 </property> 0350 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0351 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0352 </attribute> 0353 </widget> 0354 </item> 0355 <item row="6" column="2"> 0356 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowLocalMeridian"> 0357 <property name="text"> 0358 <string>Local meridian</string> 0359 </property> 0360 <attribute name="buttonGroup"> 0361 <string notr="true">constellationButtonGroup</string> 0362 </attribute> 0363 </widget> 0364 </item> 0365 </layout> 0366 </item> 0367 <item> 0368 <spacer> 0369 <property name="orientation"> 0370 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> 0371 </property> 0372 <property name="sizeType"> 0373 <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum> 0374 </property> 0375 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0"> 0376 <size> 0377 <width>389</width> 0378 <height>16</height> 0379 </size> 0380 </property> 0381 </spacer> 0382 </item> 0383 <item> 0384 <spacer> 0385 <property name="orientation"> 0386 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> 0387 </property> 0388 <property name="sizeType"> 0389 <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum> 0390 </property> 0391 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0"> 0392 <size> 0393 <width>389</width> 0394 <height>16</height> 0395 </size> 0396 </property> 0397 </spacer> 0398 </item> 0399 </layout> 0400 </widget> 0401 <tabstops> 0402 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowCLines</tabstop> 0403 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowCBounds</tabstop> 0404 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowConstellationArt</tabstop> 0405 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowHighlightedCBound</tabstop> 0406 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowCNames</tabstop> 0407 <tabstop>kcfg_UseLatinConstellNames</tabstop> 0408 <tabstop>kcfg_UseLocalConstellNames</tabstop> 0409 <tabstop>kcfg_UseAbbrevConstellNames</tabstop> 0410 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowMilkyWay</tabstop> 0411 <tabstop>kcfg_FillMilkyWay</tabstop> 0412 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowEquator</tabstop> 0413 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowFlags</tabstop> 0414 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowHorizon</tabstop> 0415 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowGround</tabstop> 0416 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowEcliptic</tabstop> 0417 <tabstop>kcfg_AutoSelectGrid</tabstop> 0418 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowEquatorialGrid</tabstop> 0419 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowHorizontalGrid</tabstop> 0420 <tabstop>kcfg_ShowLocalMeridian</tabstop> 0421 </tabstops> 0422 <resources/> 0423 <connections/> 0424 <buttongroups> 0425 <buttongroup name="nameButtonGroup"/> 0426 <buttongroup name="constellationButtonGroup"> 0427 <property name="exclusive"> 0428 <bool>false</bool> 0429 </property> 0430 </buttongroup> 0431 </buttongroups> 0432 </ui>