Warning, /education/kstars/kstars/kstarslite/qml/indi/DevicePanel.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Artem Fedoskin <afedoskin3@gmail.com>
0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0004 import QtQuick 2.8
0005 import QtQuick.Window 2.2
0006 import "../modules"
0007 import "../constants" 1.0
0008 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
0009 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
0011 KSPage {
0012     id: devicesPage
0013     title: devicesPage.deviceName + " - " + tabBar.currentItem.text
0015     property string deviceName
0016     property ImagePreview imagePreview: null
0018     ColumnLayout {
0019         anchors.fill: parent
0021         Item {
0022             anchors {
0023                 left: parent.left
0024                 right: parent.right
0025             }
0026             height: tabBar.height
0028             KSTabBarArrow {
0029                 imgSource: "../images/left-arrow.png"
0030                 tabBar: tabBar
0031                 state: {
0032                     if(!tabBar.contentItem.atXBeginning) {
0033                         return "Visible"
0034                     } else {
0035                         return "Invisible"
0036                     }
0037                 }
0038                 anchors {
0039                     left: parent.left
0040                     top: parent.top
0041                     bottom: parent.bottom
0042                 }
0043             }
0045             KSTabBarArrow {
0046                 imgSource: "../images/right-arrow.png"
0047                 tabBar: tabBar
0048                 state: {
0049                     if(!tabBar.contentItem.atXEnd) {
0050                         return "Visible"
0051                     } else {
0052                         return "Invisible"
0053                     }
0054                 }
0055                 anchors {
0056                     right: parent.right
0057                     top: parent.top
0058                     bottom: parent.bottom
0059                 }
0060                 flickSpeed: -1000
0061             }
0063             TabBar {
0064                 id: tabBar
0065                 Layout.fillHeight: true
0066                 anchors {
0067                     left: parent.left
0068                     right: parent.right
0069                 }
0070                 clip: true
0071                 spacing: 20
0072                 Component.onCompleted: {
0073                     contentItem.flickDeceleration = 1000
0074                 }
0076                 background: Rectangle {
0077                     color: Num.sysPalette.base
0078                 }
0079             }
0080         }
0082         SwipeView {
0083             id: deviceSwipeView
0084             Layout.fillHeight: true
0085             Layout.fillWidth: true
0086             currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex
0087             clip: true
0089             property var groups: []
0090             property var properties: []
0091             property var tabs: []
0093             onCurrentIndexChanged: {
0094                 tabBar.currentIndex = currentIndex
0095             }
0097             Connections {
0098                 target: ClientManagerLite
0099                 onNewINDIProperty: {
0100                     if(devicesPage.deviceName === deviceName) {
0101                         if(deviceSwipeView.groups.indexOf(groupName) == -1) {
0102                             deviceSwipeView.groups.push(groupName)
0103                             var newTabComp = Qt.createComponent("../modules/KSTab.qml");
0104                             var newTab = newTabComp.createObject(deviceSwipeView)
0105                             newTab.title = groupName
0107                             var columnForTab = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.7
0108                                                                     import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
0109                                                                     Column {
0110                                                                         spacing: 5
0111                                                                 }', newTab.contentItem)
0113                             newTab.rootItem = columnForTab
0114                             var tabButton = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.7;
0115                                                                 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
0116                                                                 import "../modules"
0117                                                                 KSTabButton {}',
0118                                                                tabBar);
0119                             tabButton.text = groupName
0120                             if(tabBar.count == 1) {
0121                                 //Without notifying about adding first item to tabBar title of devicesPage won't be updated
0122                                 tabBar.currentItemChanged()
0123                             }
0125                             deviceSwipeView.tabs.push(newTab)
0126                             if(groupName == "Motion Control") {
0127                                 var component = Qt.createComponent("modules/MotionControl.qml");
0128                                 var motionControl = component.createObject(newTab)
0129                                 motionControl.deviceName = deviceName
0130                             }
0131                         }
0133                         if(groupName != "Motion Control") {
0134                             for(var i = 0; i < deviceSwipeView.tabs.length; ++i) {
0135                                 var tab = deviceSwipeView.tabs[i]
0136                                 if(tab.title === groupName) {
0137                                     var propComp = Qt.createComponent("modules/Property.qml");
0138                                     var property = propComp.createObject(tab.rootItem)
0139                                     property.propName = propName
0140                                     property.label = label
0141                                     property.deviceName = deviceName
0142                                     property.parentTab = tab
0143                                     if(propName == "CCD_EXPOSURE" && devicesPage.imagePreview == null) {
0144                                         var imgPreviewComp = Qt.createComponent("ImagePreview.qml");
0145                                         devicesPage.imagePreview = imgPreviewComp.createObject(window)
0146                                         devicesPage.imagePreview.deviceName = devicesPage.deviceName
0147                                     }
0148                                 }
0149                             }
0150                         }
0151                     }
0152                 }
0154                 onRemoveINDIProperty: {
0155                     for(var i = 0; i < deviceSwipeView.tabs.length; ++i) {
0156                         var tab = deviceSwipeView.tabs[i]
0157                         if(tab.title === groupName && groupName != "Motion Control") {
0158                             var contentItem = deviceSwipeView.tabs[i].rootItem
0159                             for(var c = 0; c < contentItem.children.length; ++c) {
0160                                 if(contentItem.children[c].propName === propName) {
0161                                     contentItem.children[c].destroy()
0162                                 }
0163                             }
0164                             if(contentItem.children.length == 0) {
0165                                 var groups = deviceSwipeView.groups
0166                                 groups.splice(groups.indexOf(groupName), 1)
0167                                 tab.destroy()
0168                             }
0169                             /*if(propName == "CCD_EXPOSURE" && devicesPage.imagePreview != null) {
0170                                     imgPreview.destroy()
0171                                 }*/
0172                         }
0173                     }
0174                 }
0175             }
0176         }
0177     }
0178 }