Warning, /education/kstars/kstars/kstarslite/qml/dialogs/helpers/DetailsAddLink.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Artem Fedoskin <afedoskin3@gmail.com>
0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0004 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
0005 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
0006 import QtQuick 2.7
0007 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
0008 import "../../constants" 1.0
0009 import "../../modules"
0011 KSPage {
0012     id: addLink
0013     title: editMode ? xi18n("%1 - Edit Link", SkyMapLite.clickedObjectLite.getTranslatedName()) : xi18n("%1 - Add a Link", SkyMapLite.clickedObjectLite.getTranslatedName())
0014     property bool editMode: false // true if popup is in edit mode. False if in add mode
0015     property bool isImage: false //is the object for which this popup was opened an image or information
0016     property int itemIndex: -1
0017     property TextField description: descField
0018     property TextField url: urlField
0020     function openAdd() {
0021         editMode = false
0022         stackView.push(this)
0023     }
0025     function openEdit(index, isImage) {
0026         editMode = true
0027         if(!isImage) {
0028             descField.text = DetailDialogLite.infoTitleList[index]
0029             urlField.text = DetailDialogLite.getInfoURL(index)
0030         } else {
0031             descField.text = DetailDialogLite.imageTitleList[index]
0032             urlField.text = DetailDialogLite.getImageURL(index)
0033         }
0035         itemIndex = index
0036         stackView.push(this)
0037     }
0039     /**
0040       closes the page and clears all text fields
0041     */
0042     function closeAddLink() {
0043         descField.clear()
0044         urlField.clear()
0045         stackView.pop()
0046     }
0048     ColumnLayout {
0049         anchors {
0050             left: parent.left
0051             right: parent.right
0052         }
0054         RowLayout {
0055             visible: !editMode
0056             RadioButton {
0057                 checked: true //Set this button to be checked initially
0058                 id: radioInfo
0059                 text: xi18n("Information")
0060             }
0061             RadioButton {
0062                 id: radioImg
0063                 text: xi18n("Image")
0064             }
0065         }
0067         KSLabel {
0068             text: xi18n("Description")
0069         }
0071         KSTextField {
0072             id: descField
0073             Layout.fillWidth: true
0074         }
0076         KSLabel {
0077             text: xi18n("URL")
0078         }
0080         KSTextField {
0081             id: urlField
0082             Layout.fillWidth: true
0083         }
0085         RowLayout {
0086             Button {
0087                 //enabled:
0088                 text: editMode ? xi18n("Save") : xi18n("Add")
0089                 onClicked: {
0090                     if(descField.text == "" || urlField.text == "") {
0091                         skyMapLite.notification.showNotification(xi18n("Please, fill in URL and Description"))
0092                         return
0093                     }
0095                     if(editMode) {
0096                         DetailDialogLite.editLink(itemIndex, isImage, descField.text, urlField.text)
0097                     } else {
0098                         DetailDialogLite.addLink(urlField.text, descField.text, radioImg.checked)
0099                     }
0100                     closeAddLink()
0101                 }
0102             }
0104             Button {
0105                 text: xi18n("Cancel")
0106                 onClicked: {
0107                     closeAddLink()
0108                 }
0109             }
0110         }
0111     }
0112 }