File indexing completed on 2024-07-21 09:22:40

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Jason Harris <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #pragma once
0009 #include <QMenu>
0010 #include <QHash>
0012 class QAction;
0014 class DeepSkyObject;
0015 class CatalogObject;
0016 class KSMoon;
0017 class Satellite;
0018 class SkyObject;
0019 class SkyPoint;
0020 class StarObject;
0021 class Supernova;
0023 /**
0024  * @class KSPopupMenu
0025  * The KStars Popup Menu. The menu is sensitive to the
0026  * object type of the object which was clicked to invoke the menu.
0027  * Items in the menu include name and type data; rise/transit/set times;
0028  * actions such as Center, Details, Telescope actions, and Label;
0029  * and Image and Information URL links.
0030  *
0031  * @author Jason Harris
0032  * @version 1.0
0033  */
0034 class KSPopupMenu : public QMenu
0035 {
0036         Q_OBJECT
0037     public:
0038         /** Default constructor*/
0039         KSPopupMenu();
0041         /** Destructor (empty)*/
0042         ~KSPopupMenu() override;
0044         /**
0045          * Add an item to the popup menu for each of the URL links associated with
0046          * this object.  URL links appear in two categories: images and information pages.
0047          * For some objects, a link to Digitized Sky Survey images will automatically be added
0048          * in addition to the object's normal image links.  Also, for some objects, an
0049          * "Add link..." item will be included, which allows the user to add their own custom
0050          * URLs for this object.
0051          * @param obj pointer to the skyobject which the menu describes
0052          * @param showDSS if true, include DSS Image links
0053          */
0054         void addLinksToMenu(SkyObject *obj, bool showDSS = true);
0056         /**
0057          * @short Create a popup menu for a star.
0058          *
0059          * Stars get the following labels: a primary name and/or a genetive name,
0060          * a spectral type, an object type ("star"), and rise/transit/set times.
0061          * Stars get a "Center & Track" item, an Angular Distance item, and a
0062          * "Detailed Info" item.  Named stars get an "Attach Label" item and an
0063          * "Add Link..." item, and may have image/info links; all stars get DSS
0064          * image links.  Stars do not get an "Add Trail" item.
0065          * @param star pointer to the star which the menu describes
0066          */
0067         void createStarMenu(StarObject *star);
0069         /**
0070          * @short Create a popup menu for a deep-sky catalog object.
0071          *
0072          * DSOs get the following labels:
0073          * a common name and/or a catalog name, an object type, and rise/transit/set
0074          * times.  DSOs get a "Center & Track" item, an Angular Distance item, an
0075          * "Attach Label" item, and a "Detailed Info" item.
0076          * They may have image/info links, and also get the DSS Image links and the
0077          * "Add Link..." item.  They do not get an "Add Trail" item.
0078          * @param obj pointer to the object which the menu describes
0079          */
0080         void createCatalogObjectMenu(CatalogObject *obj);
0082         /**
0083          * @short Create a popup menu for a solar system body.
0084          *
0085          * Solar System bodies get a name label, a type label ("solar system object"),
0086          * and rise/set/transit time labels. They also get Center&Track,
0087          * Angular Distance, Detailed Info, Attach Label, and Add Trail items.
0088          * They can have image/info links, and also get the "Add Link..." item.
0089          * @note despite the name "createPlanetMenu", this function is used for
0090          * comets and asteroids as well.
0091          * @param p the solar system object which the menu describes.
0092          */
0093         void createPlanetMenu(SkyObject *p);
0095         void createMoonMenu(KSMoon *moon);
0097         /**
0098          * @short Create a popup menu for a satellite.
0099          * @param satellite the satellite which the menu describes.
0100          */
0101         void createSatelliteMenu(Satellite *satellite);
0103         /**
0104          * @short Create a popup menu for a supernova
0105          * @param supernova the supernova which the menu describes.
0106          */
0107         void createSupernovaMenu(Supernova *supernova);
0109         /**
0110          * @short Create a popup menu for empty sky.
0111          *
0112          * The popup menu when right-clicking on nothing is still useful.
0113          * Instead of a name label, it shows "Empty Sky".  The rise/set/transit
0114          * times of the clicked point on the sky are also shown.  You also get
0115          * the Center & Track and Angular Distance items, and the DSS image links.
0116          * @param nullObj pointer to point on the sky
0117          */
0118         void createEmptyMenu(SkyPoint *nullObj);
0120     private slots:
0121         void slotEditFlag();
0122         void slotDeleteFlag();
0123         void slotEditFlag(QAction *action);
0124         void slotDeleteFlag(QAction *action);
0125         void slotViewInWI();
0127     private:
0128         /**
0129          * Initialize the popup menus. Adds name and type labels, and possibly
0130          * Rise/Set/Transit labels, Center/Track item, and Show Details item.
0131          * @short initialize the right-click popup menu
0132          * @param obj pointer to the skyobject which the menu describes
0133          * @param name The object name
0134          * @param type a string identifying the object type
0135          * @param type short information about object
0136          * @param showDetails if true, the Show-Details item is added
0137          * @param showObsList if true, the Add to List/Remove from List item is added.
0138          */
0139         void initPopupMenu(SkyObject *obj, const QString &name, const QString &type, QString info, bool showDetails = true,
0140                            bool showObsList = true, bool showFlags = true);
0142         void initFlagActions(SkyObject *obj);
0144         /**
0145          * Add a submenu for INDI controls (Slew, Track, Sync, etc).
0146          * @return true if a valid INDI menu was added.
0147          */
0148         void addINDI();
0150         /**
0151          * Add fancy label to menu.
0152          * @param name is content of the label
0153          * @param deltaFontSize is change in font size from default
0154          */
0155         void addFancyLabel(const QString &name, int deltaFontSize = 0);
0157         int m_CurrentFlagIdx { 0 };
0158         QHash<QAction *, int> *m_EditActionMapping { nullptr };
0159         QHash<QAction *, int> *m_DeleteActionMapping { nullptr };
0160 };