File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 14:10:46

0001 //# Filename: RangeConvex.cpp # # The RangeConvex # classes are
0002 //defined here.  # # Author: Peter Z. Kunszt based on A. Szalay's code
0003 //# # Date: October 23, 1998 # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Peter Z. Kunszt
0004 //Alex S. Szalay, Aniruddha R. Thakar # The Johns Hopkins University #
0005 //# Modification History: # # Oct 18, 2001 : Dennis C. Dinge --
0006 //Replaced ValVec with std::vector
0008 #include "RangeConvex.h"
0010 #include "SpatialGeneral.h"
0012 #define N(n)     index_->nodes_[(n)]
0013 #define NC(n, m) index_->nodes_[(n)].childID_[(m)] // the children n->m
0014 #define NV(m)    index_->nodes_[id].v_[(m)]        // the vertices of n
0015 #define V(m)     index_->vertices_[(m)]            // the vertex vector m
0017 #define SGN(x) ((x) < 0 ? -1 : ((x) > 0 ? 1 : 0)) // signum
0019 // ===========================================================================
0020 //
0021 // Member functions for class RangeConvex
0022 //
0023 // ===========================================================================
0025 RangeConvex::RangeConvex()
0026 {
0027 }
0029 /////////////CONSTRUCTOR FROM A TRIANGLE//////////////////
0030 //
0031 // Initialize convex from a triangle. The corners of these vectors
0032 // form a triangle, so we just add three ZERO constraints to the convex
0033 // where the direction is given by the cross product of the corners.
0034 // Of course, the sign has to be determined (on which side of the triangle
0035 // are we?) If the three points lie on one line, no constraints are added.
0036 //
0037 RangeConvex::RangeConvex(const SpatialVector *v1, const SpatialVector *v2, const SpatialVector *v3)
0038 {
0039     SpatialVector a1 = (*v2) ^ (*v3); // set directions of half-spheres
0040     SpatialVector a2 = (*v3) ^ (*v1);
0041     SpatialVector a3 = (*v1) ^ (*v2);
0042     float64 s1       = a1 * (*v1); // we really need only the signs of these
0043     float64 s2       = a2 * (*v2);
0044     float64 s3       = a3 * (*v3);
0046     if (s1 * s2 * s3 != 0) // this is nonzero if not on one line
0047     {
0048         if (s1 < 0.0L)
0049             a1 = (-1) * a1; // change sign if necessary
0050         if (s2 < 0.0L)
0051             a2 = (-1) * a2;
0052         if (s3 < 0.0L)
0053             a3 = (-1) * a3;
0054         constraints_.push_back(SpatialConstraint(a1, 0.0)); // we don't care about the
0055         constraints_.push_back(SpatialConstraint(a2, 0.0)); // order since all angles are
0056         constraints_.push_back(SpatialConstraint(a3, 0.0)); // 90 degrees.
0057     }
0058     sign_ = zERO;
0059 }
0061 /////////////CONSTRUCTOR FROM A RECTANGLE/////////////////
0062 //
0063 // Initialize convex from a rectangle. The vectors that form a rectangle
0064 // may be in any order, the code finds the edges by itself.
0065 // If one of the vectors lies within the triangle formed by the
0066 // other three vectors, the previous constructor is used.
0067 //
0068 RangeConvex::RangeConvex(const SpatialVector *v1, const SpatialVector *v2, const SpatialVector *v3,
0069                          const SpatialVector *v4)
0070 {
0071     int i, j, k, l, m; // indices
0072     // to simplify things, copy input into a 4-array
0073     const SpatialVector *v[4] = { v1, v2, v3, v4 };
0074     SpatialVector d[6];
0075     float64 s[6][2];
0076     for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 4; i++)
0077         for (j = i + 1; j < 4; j++, k++) // set directions of half-spheres
0078         {
0079             d[k] = (*v[i]) ^ (*v[j]); // two of these are diagonals.
0080             d[k].normalize();
0081             for (l = 0, m = 0; l < 4; l++)
0082                 if (l != i && l != j)
0083                     s[k][m++] = d[k] * (*v[l]); // set the 'sign'
0084         }
0086     // the sides are characterized by having both other corners
0087     // to the same (inner) side. so it is easy to find the edges.
0088     // again, the sign has to be taken care of -> direction of d
0089     // the nice thing here is that if one of the corners is inside
0090     // a triangles formed by the other three, only 3 constraints get
0091     // added.
0092     for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
0093         if (s[i][0] * s[i][1] > 0.0) // not >= because we don't want aligned corners
0094             constraints_.push_back(SpatialConstraint((s[i][0] > 0.0 ? d[i] : (-1 * d[i])), 0.0));
0096     // Special cases: 1
0097     // if three of the corners are aligned, we end up with
0098     // only two constraints. Find the third and append it.
0099     // Indeed, there are 3 identical constraints among the d[],
0100     // so the first that qualifies gets appended.
0101     if (constraints_.size() == 2)
0102     {
0103         for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
0104             if (s[i][0] == 0.0 || s[i][1] == 0.0)
0105             {
0106                 constraints_.push_back(SpatialConstraint(((s[i][0] + s[i][1]) > 0.0 ? d[i] : (-1 * d[i])), 0.0));
0107                 break;
0108             }
0109     }
0110     // Special cases: 2
0111     // if all four corners are aligned, no constraints have been appended.
0112     sign_ = zERO;
0113 }
0115 /////////////ADD//////////////////////////////////////////
0116 //
0117 void RangeConvex::add(SpatialConstraint &c)
0118 {
0119     constraints_.push_back(c);
0120     // order constraints: by ascending opening angle. Since we append
0121     // always at the end, we only need one ordering sweep starting at
0122     // the end
0123     for (size_t i = constraints_.size() - 1; i > 0; i--)
0124     {
0125         if (constraints_[i].s_ < constraints_[i - 1].s_)
0126         {
0127             SpatialConstraint tmp(constraints_[i]);
0128             constraints_[i]     = constraints_[i - 1];
0129             constraints_[i - 1] = tmp;
0130         }
0131     }
0133     if (constraints_.size() == 1) // first constraint
0134     {
0135         sign_ = c.sign_;
0136         return;
0137     }
0139     switch (sign_)
0140     {
0141         case nEG:
0142             if (c.sign_ == pOS)
0143                 sign_ = mIXED;
0144             break;
0145         case pOS:
0146             if (c.sign_ == nEG)
0147                 sign_ = mIXED;
0148             break;
0149         case zERO:
0150             sign_ = c.sign_;
0151             break;
0152         case mIXED:
0153             break;
0154     }
0155 }
0157 /////////////SIMPLIFY0////////////////////////////////////
0158 // simplify0: simplify zERO convexes. calculate corners of convex
0159 // and the bounding circle.
0160 //
0161 // zERO convexes are made up of constraints which are all great
0162 // circles. It can happen that some of the constraints are redundant.
0163 // For example, if 3 of the great circles define a triangle as the convex
0164 // which lies fully inside the half sphere of the fourth constraint,
0165 // that fourth constraint is redundant and will be removed.
0166 //
0167 // The algorithm is the following:
0168 //
0169 // zero-constraints are half-spheres, defined by a single normalized
0170 // vector v, pointing in the direction of that half-sphere.
0171 //
0172 // Two zero-constraints intersect at
0173 //
0174 //    i    =  +- v  x v
0175 //     1,2        1    2
0176 //
0177 // the vector cross product of their two defining vectors.
0178 //
0179 // The two vectors i1,2 are tested against every other constraint in
0180 // the convex if they lie within their half-spheres. Those
0181 // intersections i which lie within every other constraint, are stored
0182 // into corners_.
0183 //
0184 // Constraints that do not have a single corner on them, are dropped.
0185 //
0187 void RangeConvex::simplify0()
0188 {
0189     size_t i, j, k;
0190     SpatialVector vi1, vi2;
0191     std::vector<size_t> cornerConstr1, cornerConstr2, removeConstr;
0192     std::vector<SpatialVector> corner;
0193     if (constraints_.size() == 1) // for one constraint, it is itself the BC
0194     {
0195         boundingCircle_ = constraints_[0];
0196         return;
0197         // For 2 constraints, take the bounding circle a 0-constraint...
0198         // this is by no means optimal, but the code is optimized for at least
0199         // 3 zERO constraints... so this is acceptable.
0200     }
0201     else if (constraints_.size() == 2)
0202     {
0203         // test for constraints being identical - rule 1 out
0204         if (constraints_[0].a_ == constraints_[1].a_)
0205         {
0206             constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - 1);
0207             boundingCircle_ = constraints_[0];
0208             return;
0209         }
0210         // test for constraints being two disjoint half spheres - empty convex!
0211         if (constraints_[0].a_ == (-1.0) * constraints_[1].a_)
0212         {
0213             constraints_.clear();
0214             return;
0215         }
0216         boundingCircle_ = SpatialConstraint(constraints_[0].v() + constraints_[1].v(), 0);
0217         return;
0218     }
0220     // Go over all pairs of constraints
0221     for (i = 0; i < constraints_.size() - 1; i++)
0222     {
0223         bool ruledout = true;
0224         for (j = i + 1; j < constraints_.size(); j++)
0225         {
0226             // test for constraints being identical - rule i out
0227             if (constraints_[i].a_ == constraints_[j].a_)
0228                 break;
0229             // test for constraints being two disjoint half spheres - empty convex!
0230             if (constraints_[i].a_ == (-1.0) * constraints_[j].a_)
0231             {
0232                 constraints_.clear();
0233                 return;
0234             }
0235             // vi1 and vi2 are their intersection points
0236             vi1 = constraints_[i].a_ ^ constraints_[j].a_;
0237             vi1.normalize();
0238             vi2        = (-1.0) * vi1;
0239             bool vi1ok = true, vi2ok = true;
0240             // now test whether vi1 or vi2 or both are inside every other constraint.
0241             // if yes, store them in the corner array.
0242             for (k = 0; k < constraints_.size(); k++)
0243             {
0244                 if (k == i || k == j)
0245                     continue;
0246                 if (vi1ok && vi1 * constraints_[k].a_ <= 0.0)
0247                     vi1ok = false;
0248                 if (vi2ok && vi2 * constraints_[k].a_ <= 0.0)
0249                     vi2ok = false;
0250                 if (!vi1ok && !vi2ok)
0251                     break;
0252             }
0253             if (vi1ok)
0254             {
0255                 corner.push_back(vi1);
0256                 cornerConstr1.push_back(i);
0257                 cornerConstr2.push_back(j);
0258                 ruledout = false;
0259             }
0260             if (vi2ok)
0261             {
0262                 corner.push_back(vi2);
0263                 cornerConstr1.push_back(i);
0264                 cornerConstr2.push_back(j);
0265                 ruledout = false;
0266             }
0267         }
0268         // is this constraint ruled out? i.e. none of its intersections
0269         // with other constraints are corners... remove it from constraints_ list.
0270         if (ruledout)
0271             removeConstr.push_back(i);
0272     }
0274     // Now set the corners into their correct order, which is an
0275     // anti-clockwise walk around the polygon.
0276     //
0277     // start at any corner. so take the first.
0279     corners_.clear();
0280     corners_.push_back(corner[0]);
0282     // The trick is now to start off into the correct direction.
0283     // this corner has two edges it can walk. we have to take the
0284     // one where the convex lies on its left side.
0285     i = cornerConstr1[0]; // the i'th constraint and j'th constraint
0286     j = cornerConstr2[0]; // intersect at 0'th corner
0287     size_t c1(0), c2(0), k1(0), k2(0);
0288     // Now find the other corner where the i'th and j'th constraints intersect.
0289     // Store the corner in vi1 and vi2, and the other constraint indices
0290     // in c1,c2.
0291     for (k = 1; k < cornerConstr1.size(); k++)
0292     {
0293         if (cornerConstr1[k] == i)
0294         {
0295             vi1 = corner[k];
0296             c1  = cornerConstr2[k];
0297             k1  = k;
0298         }
0299         if (cornerConstr2[k] == i)
0300         {
0301             vi1 = corner[k];
0302             c1  = cornerConstr1[k];
0303             k1  = k;
0304         }
0305         if (cornerConstr1[k] == j)
0306         {
0307             vi2 = corner[k];
0308             c2  = cornerConstr2[k];
0309             k2  = k;
0310         }
0311         if (cornerConstr2[k] == j)
0312         {
0313             vi2 = corner[k];
0314             c2  = cornerConstr1[k];
0315             k2  = k;
0316         }
0317     }
0318     // Now test i'th constraint-edge ( corner 0 and corner k ) whether
0319     // it is on the correct side (left)
0320     //
0321     //  ( (corner(k) - corner(0)) x constraint(i) ) * corner(0)
0322     //
0323     // is >0 if yes, <0 if no...
0324     //
0325     size_t c, currentCorner;
0326     if (((vi1 - corner[0]) ^ constraints_[i].a_) * corner[0] > 0)
0327     {
0328         corners_.push_back(vi1);
0329         c             = c1;
0330         currentCorner = k1;
0331     }
0332     else
0333     {
0334         corners_.push_back(vi2);
0335         c             = c2;
0336         currentCorner = k2;
0337     }
0338     // now append the corners that match the index c until we got corner 0 again
0339     // currentCorner holds the current corners index
0340     // c holds the index of the constraint that has just been intersected with
0341     // So:
0342     // x We are on a constraint now (i or j from before), the second corner
0343     //   is the one intersecting with constraint c.
0344     // x Find other corner for constraint c.
0345     // x Save that corner, and set c to the constraint that intersects with c
0346     //   at that corner. Set currentcorner to that corners index.
0347     // x Loop until 0th corner reached.
0348     while (currentCorner)
0349     {
0350         for (k = 0; k < cornerConstr1.size(); k++)
0351         {
0352             if (k == currentCorner)
0353                 continue;
0354             if (cornerConstr1[k] == c)
0355             {
0356                 if ((currentCorner = k) == 0)
0357                     break;
0358                 corners_.push_back(corner[k]);
0359                 c = cornerConstr2[k];
0360                 break;
0361             }
0362             if (cornerConstr2[k] == c)
0363             {
0364                 if ((currentCorner = k) == 0)
0365                     break;
0366                 corners_.push_back(corner[k]);
0367                 c = cornerConstr1[k];
0368                 break;
0369             }
0370         }
0371     }
0372     // Remove all redundant constraints
0373     for (i = 0; i < removeConstr.size(); i++)
0374         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - removeConstr[i] - 1);
0376     // Now calculate the bounding circle for the convex.
0377     // We take it as the bounding circle of the triangle with
0378     // the widest opening angle. All triangles made out of 3 corners
0379     // are considered.
0380     boundingCircle_.d_ = 1.0;
0381     if (constraints_.size() >= 3)
0382     {
0383         for (i = 0; i < corners_.size(); i++)
0384             for (j = i + 1; j < corners_.size(); j++)
0385                 for (k = j + 1; k < corners_.size(); k++)
0386                 {
0387                     SpatialVector v = (corners_[j] - corners_[i]) ^ (corners_[k] - corners_[j]);
0388                     v.normalize();
0389                     // Set the correct opening angle: Since the plane cutting
0390                     // out the triangle also correctly cuts out the bounding cap
0391                     // of the triangle on the sphere, we can take any corner to
0392                     // calculate the opening angle
0393                     float64 d = v * corners_[i];
0394                     if (boundingCircle_.d_ > d)
0395                         boundingCircle_ = SpatialConstraint(v, d);
0396                 }
0397     }
0398 }
0400 /////////////SIMPLIFY/////////////////////////////////////
0401 // simplify: We have the following decision tree for the
0402 //           simplification of convexes:
0403 //
0404 //  Always test two constraints against each other. We have
0405 //
0406 //  * If both constraints are pOS
0407 //     # If they intersect: keep both
0408 //     # If one lies in the other: drop the larger one
0409 //     # Else: disjunct. Empty convex, stop.
0410 //
0411 //  * If both constraints are nEG
0412 //     # If they intersect or are disjunct: ok
0413 //     # Else: one lies in the other, drop smaller 'hole'
0414 //
0415 //  * Mixed: one pOS, one nEG
0416 //     # No intersection, disjunct: pOS is redundant
0417 //     # Intersection: keep both
0418 //     # pOS within nEG: empty convex, stop.
0419 //     # nEG within pOS: keep both.
0420 //
0422 void RangeConvex::simplify()
0423 {
0424     if (sign_ == zERO)
0425     {
0426         simplify0(); // treat zERO convexes separately
0427         return;
0428     }
0430     size_t i, j;
0431     size_t clen;
0432     bool redundancy = true;
0434     while (redundancy)
0435     {
0436         redundancy = false;
0437         clen       = constraints_.size();
0439         for (i = 0; i < clen; i++)
0440         {
0441             for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
0442             {
0443                 int test;
0445                 // don't bother with two zero constraints
0446                 if (constraints_[i].sign_ == zERO && constraints_[j].sign_ == zERO)
0447                     continue;
0449                 // both pos or zero
0450                 if ((constraints_[i].sign_ == pOS || constraints_[i].sign_ == zERO) &&
0451                     (constraints_[j].sign_ == pOS || constraints_[j].sign_ == zERO))
0452                 {
0453                     if ((test = testConstraints(i, j)) == 0)
0454                         continue; // intersection
0455                     if (test < 0) // disjoint ! convex is empty
0456                     {
0457                         constraints_.clear();
0458                         return;
0459                     }
0460                     // one is redundant
0461                     if (test == 1)
0462                         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - i - 1);
0463                     else if (test == 2)
0464                         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - j - 1);
0465                     else
0466                         continue;      // intersection
0467                     redundancy = true; // we did cut out a constraint -> do the loop again
0468                     break;
0469                 }
0471                 // both neg or zero
0472                 if ((constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG) && (constraints_[j].sign_ == nEG))
0473                 {
0474                     if ((test = testConstraints(i, j)) <= 0)
0475                         continue; // ok
0476                     // one is redundant
0477                     if (test == 1)
0478                         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - 1 - j);
0479                     else if (test == 2)
0480                         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - 1 - i);
0481                     else
0482                         continue;      // intersection
0483                     redundancy = true; // we did cut out a constraint -> do the loop again
0484                     break;
0485                 }
0487                 // one neg, one pos/zero
0488                 if ((test = testConstraints(i, j)) == 0)
0489                     continue; // ok: intersect
0490                 if (test < 0) // neg is redundant
0491                 {
0492                     if (constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG)
0493                         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - 1 - i);
0494                     else
0495                         constraints_.erase(constraints_.end() - 1 - j);
0496                     redundancy = true; // we did cut out a constraint -> do the loop again
0497                     break;
0498                 }
0499                 // if the negative constraint is inside the positive: continue
0500                 if ((constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG && test == 2) || (constraints_[j].sign_ == nEG && test == 1))
0501                     continue;
0502                 // positive constraint in negative: convex is empty!
0503                 constraints_.clear();
0504                 return;
0505             }
0506             if (redundancy)
0507                 break;
0508         }
0509     }
0511     // reset the sign of the convex
0512     sign_ = constraints_[0].sign_;
0513     for (i = 1; i < constraints_.size(); i++)
0514     {
0515         switch (sign_)
0516         {
0517             case nEG:
0518                 if (constraints_[i].sign_ == pOS)
0519                     sign_ = mIXED;
0520                 break;
0521             case pOS:
0522                 if (constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG)
0523                     sign_ = mIXED;
0524                 break;
0525             case zERO:
0526                 sign_ = constraints_[i].sign_;
0527                 break;
0528             case mIXED:
0529                 break;
0530         }
0531     }
0533     if (constraints_.size() == 1) // for one constraint, it is itself the BC
0534         boundingCircle_ = constraints_[0];
0535     else if (sign_ == pOS)
0536         boundingCircle_ = constraints_[0];
0537 }
0539 /////////////TESTCONSTRAINTS//////////////////////////////
0540 // testConstraints: Test for the relative position of two constraints.
0541 //                  Returns 0  if they intersect
0542 //                  Returns -1 if they are disjoint
0543 //                  Returns 1  if j is in i
0544 //                  Returns 2  if i is in j
0545 //
0546 int RangeConvex::testConstraints(size_t i, size_t j)
0547 {
0548     float64 phi = ((constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG ? (-1 * constraints_[i].a_) : constraints_[i].a_) *
0549                    (constraints_[j].sign_ == nEG ? (-1 * constraints_[j].a_) : constraints_[j].a_));
0550     phi         = (phi <= -1.0L + gEpsilon ? gPi : acos(phi)); // correct for math lib -1.0
0551     float64 a1  = (constraints_[i].sign_ == pOS ? constraints_[i].s_ : gPi - constraints_[i].s_);
0552     float64 a2  = (constraints_[j].sign_ == pOS ? constraints_[j].s_ : gPi - constraints_[j].s_);
0554     if (phi > a1 + a2)
0555         return -1;
0556     if (a1 > phi + a2)
0557         return 1;
0558     if (a2 > phi + a1)
0559         return 2;
0560     return 0;
0561 }
0563 /////////////INTERSECT////////////////////////////////////
0564 // used by intersect.cpp application
0565 //
0566 void RangeConvex::intersect(const SpatialIndex *idx, HtmRange *htmrange)
0567 {
0568     hr        = htmrange;
0569     index_    = idx;
0570     addlevel_ = idx->maxlevel_ - idx->buildlevel_;
0572     simplify(); // don't work too hard...
0574     if (constraints_.empty())
0575         return; // nothing to intersect!!
0577     // Start with root nodes (index = 1-8) and intersect triangles
0578     for (uint32 i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
0579     {
0580         testTrixel(i);
0581     }
0582 }
0584 ////////////SAVETRIXEL
0585 //
0586 inline void RangeConvex::saveTrixel(uint64 htmid)
0587 {
0588     // Some application want a complete htmid20 range
0589     //
0590     int level, i, shifts;
0591     uint64 lo, hi;
0592 #ifdef _WIN32
0593     uint64 IDHIGHBIT  = 1;
0594     uint64 IDHIGHBIT2 = 1;
0595     IDHIGHBIT         = IDHIGHBIT << 63;
0596     IDHIGHBIT2        = IDHIGHBIT2 << 62;
0597 #endif
0599     for (i = 0; i < IDSIZE; i += 2)
0600     {
0601         if ((htmid << i) & IDHIGHBIT)
0602             break;
0603     }
0605     level = (IDSIZE - i) >> 1;
0606     level -= 2;
0607     if (level < olevel)
0608     {
0609         /* Size is the length of the string representing the name of the
0610            trixel, the level is size - 2
0611         */
0612         shifts = (olevel - level) << 1;
0613         lo     = htmid << shifts;
0614         hi     = lo + ((uint64)1 << shifts) - 1;
0615     }
0616     else
0617     {
0618         lo = hi = htmid;
0619     }
0620     hr->mergeRange(lo, hi);
0622     return;
0623 }
0625 /////////////TRIANGLETEST/////////////////////////////////
0626 // testTrixel: this is the main test of a triangle vs a Convex.  It
0627 // will properly mark up the flags for the triangular node[index], and
0628 // all its children
0629 SpatialMarkup RangeConvex::testTrixel(uint64 id)
0630 {
0631     SpatialMarkup mark;
0632     uint64 childID;
0633     uint64 tid;
0635     // const struct SpatialIndex::QuadNode &indexNode = index_->nodes_[id];
0636     const struct SpatialIndex::QuadNode *indexNode = &index_->nodes_[id];
0638     //
0639     // do the face test on the triangle
0641     // was: mark =  testNode(V(NV(0)),V(NV(1)),V(NV(2)));
0642     // changed to by Gyorgy Fekete. Overall Speedup approx. 2%
0644     mark = testNode(id); // was:(indexNode or  id);
0646     switch (mark)
0647     {
0648         case fULL:
0649             tid = N(id).id_;
0651             saveTrixel(tid); //was:  plist_->push_back(tid);
0653             return mark;
0654         case rEJECT:
0655             tid = N(id).id_;
0656             return mark;
0657         default:
0658             // if pARTIAL or dONTKNOW, then continue, test children,
0659             //    but do not reach beyond the leaf nodes.
0660             //    If Convex is fully contained within one (sWALLOWED),
0661             //    we can stop looking further in another child
0663             // #define NC(n,m)  index_->nodes_[(n)].childID_[(m)]   // the children n->m
0664             // childID = index_->nodes_[id].childID_[0];
0666             // Test how many of the four children are rejected?
0667             //
0668             // [ed:algo]
0669             //
0670             break;
0671     }
0673     // NEW NEW algorithm  Disabled when enablenew is 0
0674     //
0675     {
0676         childID = indexNode->childID_[0];
0677         if (childID != 0)
0678         {
0679             ////////////// [ed:split]
0680             tid     = N(id).id_;
0681             childID = indexNode->childID_[0];
0682             testTrixel(childID);
0683             childID = indexNode->childID_[1];
0684             testTrixel(childID);
0685             childID = indexNode->childID_[2];
0686             testTrixel(childID);
0687             childID = indexNode->childID_[3];
0688             testTrixel(childID);
0689         }
0690         else /// No children...
0691         {
0692             if (addlevel_)
0693             {
0694                 testPartial(addlevel_, N(id).id_, V(NV(0)), V(NV(1)), V(NV(2)), 0);
0695             }
0696             else
0697             {
0698                 saveTrixel(N(id).id_); // was: plist_->push_back(N(id).id_);
0699             }
0700         }
0701     } ///////////////////////////// END OF NEW ALGORITHM returns mark below;
0703     /* NEW NEW NEW
0704        If rejected, then we return [done]
0705        If full, then we list the id (propagate to children) [done]
0707        If partial, then we look ahead to see how many children are rejected.
0708        But ah, next iteration could benefit from having computed this already.
0710        If two children are rejected, then we stop
0711        If one or 0 nodes are rejected, then we
0712     */
0713     return mark;
0714 }
0716 /////////////TESTPARTIAL//////////////////////////////////
0717 // testPartial: test a triangle's subtriangle whether they are partial.
0718 // if level is nonzero, recurse.
0719 //
0720 void RangeConvex::testPartial(size_t level, uint64 id, const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1,
0721                               const SpatialVector &v2, int PPrev)
0722 {
0723     uint64 ids[4], id0;
0724     SpatialMarkup m[4];
0725     int P, F; // count number of partials and fulls
0727     SpatialVector w0 = v1 + v2;
0728     w0.normalize();
0729     SpatialVector w1 = v0 + v2;
0730     w1.normalize();
0731     SpatialVector w2 = v1 + v0;
0732     w2.normalize();
0734     ids[0] = id0 = id << 2;
0735     ids[1]       = id0 + 1;
0736     ids[2]       = id0 + 2;
0737     ids[3]       = id0 + 3;
0739     m[0] = testNode(v0, w2, w1);
0740     m[1] = testNode(v1, w0, w2);
0741     m[2] = testNode(v2, w1, w0);
0742     m[3] = testNode(w0, w1, w2);
0744     F = (m[0] == fULL) + (m[1] == fULL) + (m[2] == fULL) + (m[3] == fULL);
0745     P = (m[0] == pARTIAL) + (m[1] == pARTIAL) + (m[2] == pARTIAL) + (m[3] == pARTIAL);
0747     //
0748     // Several interesting cases for saving this (the parent) trixel.
0749     // Case P==4, all four children are partials, so pretend parent is full, we save and return
0750     // Case P==3, and F==1, most of the parent is in, so pretend that parent is full again
0751     // Case P==2 or 3, but the previous testPartial had three partials, so parent was in an arc
0752     // as opposed to previous partials being fewer, so parent was in a tiny corner...
0754     if ((level-- <= 0) || ((P == 4) || (F >= 2) || (P == 3 && F == 1) || (P > 1 && PPrev == 3)))
0755     {
0756         saveTrixel(id);
0757         return;
0758     }
0759     else
0760     {
0761         // look at each child, see if some need saving;
0762         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
0763         {
0764             if (m[i] == fULL)
0765             {
0766                 saveTrixel(ids[i]);
0767             }
0768         }
0769         // look at the four kids again, for partials
0771         if (m[0] == pARTIAL)
0772             testPartial(level, ids[0], v0, w2, w1, P);
0773         if (m[1] == pARTIAL)
0774             testPartial(level, ids[1], v1, w0, w2, P);
0775         if (m[2] == pARTIAL)
0776             testPartial(level, ids[2], v2, w1, w0, P);
0777         if (m[3] == pARTIAL)
0778             testPartial(level, ids[3], w0, w1, w2, P);
0779     }
0780 }
0782 /////////////TESTNODE/////////////////////////////////////
0783 // testNode: tests the QuadNodes for intersections.
0784 //
0785 SpatialMarkup RangeConvex::testNode(uint64 id)
0786 //uint64 id)
0787 // const struct SpatialIndex::QuadNode *indexNode)
0788 {
0789     const SpatialVector *v0, *v1, *v2;
0790     // const struct SpatialIndex::QuadNode &indexNode = index_->nodes_[id];
0791     const struct SpatialIndex::QuadNode *indexNode = &index_->nodes_[id];
0792     int m;
0793     m  = indexNode->v_[0];
0794     v0 = &index_->vertices_[m]; // the vertex vector m
0796     m  = indexNode->v_[1];
0797     v1 = &index_->vertices_[m];
0799     m  = indexNode->v_[2];
0800     v2 = &index_->vertices_[m];
0802     // Start with testing the vertices for the QuadNode with this convex.
0803     int vsum = testVertex(v0) + testVertex(v1) + testVertex(v2);
0805     SpatialMarkup mark = testTriangle(*v0, *v1, *v2, vsum);
0807     // since we cannot play games using the on-the-fly triangles,
0808     // substitute dontknow with partial.
0809     if (mark == dONTKNOW)
0810         mark = pARTIAL;
0812     return mark;
0813 }
0814 SpatialMarkup RangeConvex::testNode(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2)
0815 {
0816     // Start with testing the vertices for the QuadNode with this convex.
0818     int vsum = testVertex(v0) + testVertex(v1) + testVertex(v2);
0820     SpatialMarkup mark = testTriangle(v0, v1, v2, vsum);
0822     // since we cannot play games using the on-the-fly triangles,
0823     // substitute dontknow with partial.
0824     if (mark == dONTKNOW)
0825         mark = pARTIAL;
0827     return mark;
0828 }
0830 /////////////TESTTRIANGLE//////////////////////////////////
0831 // testTriangle: tests a triangle given by 3 vertices if
0832 // it intersects the convex.
0833 //
0834 SpatialMarkup RangeConvex::testTriangle(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2,
0835                                         int vsum)
0836 {
0837     if (vsum == 1 || vsum == 2)
0838         return pARTIAL;
0840     // If vsum = 3 then we have all vertices inside the convex.
0841     // Now use the following decision tree:
0842     //
0843     // * If the sign of the convex is pOS or zERO : mark as fULL intersection.
0844     //
0845     // * Else, test for holes inside the triangle. A 'hole' is a nEG constraint
0846     //   that has its center inside the triangle. If there is such a hole,
0847     //   return pARTIAL intersection.
0848     //
0849     // * Else (no holes, sign nEG or mIXED) test for intersection of nEG
0850     //   constraints with the edges of the triangle. If there are such,
0851     //   return pARTIAL intersection.
0852     //
0853     // * Else return fULL intersection.
0855     if (vsum == 3)
0856     {
0857         if (sign_ == pOS || sign_ == zERO)
0858             return fULL;
0859         if (testHole(v0, v1, v2))
0860             return pARTIAL;
0861         if (testEdge(v0, v1, v2))
0862             return pARTIAL;
0863         return fULL;
0864     }
0866     // If we have reached that far, we have vsum=0. There is no definite
0867     // decision making possible here with our methods, the markup may result
0868     // in dONTKNOW. The decision tree is the following:
0869     //
0870     // * Test with bounding circle of the triangle.
0871     //
0872     //   # If the sign of the convex zERO test with the precalculated
0873     //     bounding circle of the convex. If it does not intersect with the
0874     //     triangle's bounding circle, rEJECT.
0875     //
0876     //   # If the sign of the convex is nonZERO: if the bounding circle
0877     //     lies outside of one of the constraints, rEJECT.
0878     //
0879     // * Else: there was an intersection with the bounding circle.
0880     //
0881     //   # For zERO convexes, test whether the convex intersects the edges.
0882     //     If none of the edges of the convex intersects with the edges of
0883     //     the triangle, we have a rEJECT. Else, pARTIAL.
0884     //
0885     //   # If sign of convex is pOS, or miXED and the smallest constraint does
0886     //     not intersect the edges and has its center inside the triangle,
0887     //     return sWALLOW. If no intersection of edges and center outside
0888     //     triangle, return rEJECT.
0889     //
0890     //   # So the smallest constraint DOES intersect with the edges. If
0891     //     there is another pOS constraint which does not intersect with
0892     //     the edges, and has its center outside the triangle, return
0893     //     rEJECT. If its center is inside the triangle return sWALLOW.
0894     //     Else, return pARTIAL for pOS and dONTKNOW for mIXED signs.
0895     //
0896     // * If we are here, return dONTKNOW. There is an intersection with
0897     //   the bounding circle, none of the vertices is inside the convex and
0898     //   we have very strange possibilities left for pOS and mIXED signs. For
0899     //   nEG, i.e. all constraints negative, we also have some complicated
0900     //   things left for which we cannot test further.
0902     if (!testBoundingCircle(v0, v1, v2))
0903         return rEJECT;
0905     if (sign_ == pOS || sign_ == mIXED || (sign_ == zERO && constraints_.size() <= 2))
0906     {
0907         // Does the smallest constraint intersect with the edges?
0908         if (testEdgeConstraint(v0, v1, v2, 0))
0909         {
0910             // Is there another positive constraint that does NOT intersect with
0911             // the edges?
0912             size_t cIndex;
0913             if ((cIndex = testOtherPosNone(v0, v1, v2)))
0914             {
0915                 // Does that constraint lie inside or outside of the triangle?
0916                 if (testConstraintInside(v0, v1, v2, cIndex))
0917                     return pARTIAL;
0918                 // Does the triangle lie completely within that constr?
0919                 else if (constraints_[cIndex].contains(v0))
0920                     return pARTIAL;
0921                 else
0922                     return rEJECT;
0923             }
0924             else
0925             {
0926                 if (sign_ == pOS || sign_ == zERO)
0927                     return pARTIAL;
0928                 else
0929                     return dONTKNOW;
0930             }
0931         }
0932         else
0933         {
0934             if (sign_ == pOS || sign_ == zERO)
0935             {
0936                 // Does the smallest lie inside or outside the triangle?
0937                 if (testConstraintInside(v0, v1, v2, 0))
0938                     return pARTIAL;
0939                 else
0940                     return rEJECT;
0941             }
0942             else
0943                 return dONTKNOW;
0944         }
0945     }
0946     else if (sign_ == zERO)
0947     {
0948         if (corners_.size() > 0 && testEdge0(v0, v1, v2))
0949             return pARTIAL;
0950         else
0951             return rEJECT;
0952     }
0953     return pARTIAL;
0954 }
0956 /////////////TESTVERTEX/////////////////////////////////////
0957 // testVertex: same as above, but for any spatialvector, no markup speedup
0958 //
0959 int RangeConvex::testVertex(const SpatialVector &v)
0960 {
0961     for (size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++)
0962         if ((constraints_[i].a_ * v) < constraints_[i].d_)
0963             return 0;
0965     return 1;
0966 }
0967 int RangeConvex::testVertex(const SpatialVector *v)
0968 {
0969     for (size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++)
0970         if ((constraints_[i].a_ * *v) < constraints_[i].d_)
0971             return 0;
0973     return 1;
0974 }
0976 /////////////TESTHOLE/////////////////////////////////////
0977 // testHole: test for holes. If there is a negative constraint whose center
0978 //           is inside the triangle, we speak of a hole. Returns true if
0979 //       found one.
0980 //
0981 bool RangeConvex::testHole(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2)
0982 {
0983     bool test = false;
0985     for (size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++)
0986     {
0987         if (constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG) // test only 'holes'
0988         {
0989             // If (a ^ b * c) < 0, vectors abc point clockwise.
0990             // -> center c not inside triangle, since vertices a,b are ordered
0991             // counter-clockwise. The comparison here is the other way
0992             // round because c points into the opposite direction as the hole
0994             if (((v0 ^ v1) * constraints_[i].a_) > 0.0L)
0995                 continue;
0996             if (((v1 ^ v2) * constraints_[i].a_) > 0.0L)
0997                 continue;
0998             if (((v2 ^ v0) * constraints_[i].a_) > 0.0L)
0999                 continue;
1000             test = true;
1001             break;
1002         }
1003     }
1004     return test;
1005 }
1007 /////////////TESTEDGE0////////////////////////////////////
1008 // testEdge0: test if the edges intersect with the zERO convex.
1009 //            The edges are given by the vertex vectors e[0-2]
1010 //        All constraints are great circles, so test if their intersect
1011 //            with the edges is inside or outside the convex.
1012 //            If any edge intersection is inside the convex, return true.
1013 //            If all edge intersections are outside, check whether one of
1014 //            the corners is inside the triangle. If yes, all of them must be
1015 //            inside -> return true.
1016 //
1017 bool RangeConvex::testEdge0(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2)
1018 {
1019     // We have constructed the corners_ array in a certain direction.
1020     // now we can run around the convex, check each side against the 3
1021     // triangle edges. If any of the sides has its intersection INSIDE
1022     // the side, return true. At the end test if a corner lies inside
1023     // (because if we get there, none of the edges intersect, but it
1024     // can be that the convex is fully inside the triangle. so to test
1025     // one single edge is enough)
1027     struct edgeStruct
1028     {
1029         SpatialVector e;         // The half-sphere this edge delimits
1030         float64 l;               // length of edge
1031         const SpatialVector *e1; // first end
1032         const SpatialVector *e2; // second end
1033     } edge[3];
1035     // fill the edge structure for each side of this triangle
1036     edge[0].e  = v0 ^ v1;
1037     edge[0].e1 = &v0;
1038     edge[0].e2 = &v1;
1039     edge[1].e  = v1 ^ v2;
1040     edge[1].e1 = &v1;
1041     edge[1].e2 = &v2;
1042     edge[2].e  = v2 ^ v0;
1043     edge[2].e1 = &v2;
1044     edge[2].e2 = &v0;
1045     edge[0].l  = acos(v0 * v1);
1046     edge[1].l  = acos(v1 * v2);
1047     edge[2].l  = acos(v2 * v0);
1049     for (size_t i = 0; i < corners_.size(); i++)
1050     {
1051         size_t j = 0;
1052         if (i < corners_.size() - 1)
1053             j = i + 1;
1054         SpatialVector a1;
1055         float64 l1, l2;                                     // lengths of the arcs from intersection to edge corners
1056         float64 cedgelen = acos(corners_[i] * corners_[j]); // length of edge of convex
1058         // calculate the intersection - all 3 edges
1059         for (size_t iedge = 0; iedge < 3; iedge++)
1060         {
1061             a1 = (edge[iedge].e) ^ (corners_[i] ^ corners_[j]);
1062             a1.normalize();
1063             // if the intersection a1 is inside the edge of the convex,
1064             // its distance to the corners is smaller than the edgelength.
1065             // this test has to be done for both the edge of the convex and
1066             // the edge of the triangle.
1067             for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; k++)
1068             {
1069                 l1 = acos(corners_[i] * a1);
1070                 l2 = acos(corners_[j] * a1);
1071                 if (l1 - cedgelen <= gEpsilon && l2 - cedgelen <= gEpsilon)
1072                 {
1073                     l1 = acos(*(edge[iedge].e1) * a1);
1074                     l2 = acos(*(edge[iedge].e2) * a1);
1075                     if (l1 - edge[iedge].l <= gEpsilon && l2 - edge[iedge].l <= gEpsilon)
1076                         return true;
1077                 }
1078                 a1 *= -1.0; // do the same for the other intersection
1079             }
1080         }
1081     }
1082     return testVectorInside(v0, v1, v2, corners_[0]);
1083 }
1085 /////////////TESTEDGE/////////////////////////////////////
1086 // testEdge: test if edges intersect with constraint. This problem
1087 //           is solved by a quadratic equation. Return true if there is
1088 //       an intersection.
1089 //
1090 bool RangeConvex::testEdge(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2)
1091 {
1092     for (size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++)
1093     {
1094         if (constraints_[i].sign_ == nEG) // test only 'holes'
1095         {
1096             if (eSolve(v0, v1, i))
1097                 return true;
1098             if (eSolve(v1, v2, i))
1099                 return true;
1100             if (eSolve(v2, v0, i))
1101                 return true;
1102         }
1103     }
1104     return false;
1105 }
1107 /////////////ESOLVE///////////////////////////////////////
1108 // eSolve: solve the quadratic eq. for intersection of an edge with a circle
1109 //         constraint. Edge given by grand circle running through v1, v2
1110 //         Constraint given by cIndex.
1111 bool RangeConvex::eSolve(const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2, size_t cIndex)
1112 {
1113     float64 gamma1 = v1 * constraints_[cIndex].a_;
1114     float64 gamma2 = v2 * constraints_[cIndex].a_;
1115     float64 mu     = v1 * v2;
1116     float64 u2     = (1 - mu) / (1 + mu);
1118     float64 a = -u2 * (gamma1 + constraints_[cIndex].d_);
1119     float64 b = gamma1 * (u2 - 1) + gamma2 * (u2 + 1);
1120     float64 c = gamma1 - constraints_[cIndex].d_;
1122     float64 D = b * b - 4 * a * c;
1124     if (D < 0.0L)
1125         return false; // no intersection
1127     // calculate roots a'la Numerical Recipes
1129     float64 q = -0.5L * (b + (SGN(b) * sqrt(D)));
1131     float64 root1(0), root2(0);
1132     int i = 0;
1134     if (a > gEpsilon || a < -gEpsilon)
1135     {
1136         root1 = q / a;
1137         i++;
1138     }
1139     if (q > gEpsilon || q < -gEpsilon)
1140     {
1141         root2 = c / q;
1142         i++;
1143     }
1145     // Check whether the roots lie within [0,1]. If not, the intersection
1146     // is outside the edge.
1148     if (i == 0)
1149         return false; // no solution
1150     if (root1 >= 0.0L && root1 <= 1.0L)
1151         return true;
1152     if (i == 2 && ((root1 >= 0.0L && root1 <= 1.0L) || (root2 >= 0.0L && root2 <= 1.0L)))
1153         return true;
1155     return false;
1156 }
1158 /////////////TESTBOUNDINGCIRCLE///////////////////////////
1159 // testBoundingCircle: test for boundingCircles intersecting with constraint
1160 //
1161 bool RangeConvex::testBoundingCircle(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2)
1162 {
1163     // Set the correct direction: The normal vector to the triangle plane
1164     SpatialVector c = (v1 - v0) ^ (v2 - v1);
1165     c.normalize();
1167     // Set the correct opening angle: Since the plane cutting out the triangle
1168     // also correctly cuts out the bounding cap of the triangle on the sphere,
1169     // we can take any corner to calculate the opening angle
1170     float64 d = acos(c * v0);
1172     // for zero convexes, we have calculated a bounding circle for the convex.
1173     // only test with this single bounding circle.
1175     if (sign_ == zERO)
1176     {
1177         float64 tst;
1178         if (((tst = c * boundingCircle_.a_) < -1.0L + gEpsilon ? gPi : acos(tst)) > (d + boundingCircle_.s_))
1179             return false;
1180         return true;
1181     }
1183     // for all other convexes, test every constraint. If the bounding
1184     // circle lies completely outside of one of the constraints, reject.
1185     // else, accept.
1187     size_t i;
1188     for (i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++)
1189     {
1190         if (((c * constraints_[i].a_) < -1.0L + gEpsilon ? gPi : acos(c * constraints_[i].a_)) >
1191             (d + constraints_[i].s_))
1192             return false;
1193     }
1194     return true;
1195 }
1197 /////////////TESTEDGECONSTRAINT///////////////////////////
1198 // testEdgeConstraint: test if edges intersect with a given constraint.
1199 //
1200 bool RangeConvex::testEdgeConstraint(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2,
1201                                      size_t cIndex)
1202 {
1203     if (eSolve(v0, v1, cIndex))
1204         return true;
1205     if (eSolve(v1, v2, cIndex))
1206         return true;
1207     if (eSolve(v2, v0, cIndex))
1208         return true;
1209     return false;
1210 }
1212 /////////////TESTOTHERPOSNONE/////////////////////////////
1213 // testOtherPosNone: test for other positive constraints that do
1214 //                   not intersect with an edge. Return its index
1215 //
1216 size_t RangeConvex::testOtherPosNone(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2)
1217 {
1218     size_t i = 1;
1219     while (i < constraints_.size() && constraints_[i].sign_ == pOS)
1220     {
1221         if (!testEdgeConstraint(v0, v1, v2, i))
1222             return i;
1223         i++;
1224     }
1225     return 0;
1226 }
1228 /////////////TESTCONSTRAINTINSIDE/////////////////////////
1229 // testConstraintInside: look if a constraint is inside the triangle
1230 //
1231 bool RangeConvex::testConstraintInside(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2,
1232                                        size_t i)
1233 {
1234     return testVectorInside(v0, v1, v2, constraints_[i].a_);
1235 }
1237 /////////////TESTVECTORINSIDE////////////////////////////
1238 // testVectorInside: look if a vector is inside the triangle
1239 //
1240 bool RangeConvex::testVectorInside(const SpatialVector &v0, const SpatialVector &v1, const SpatialVector &v2,
1241                                    SpatialVector &v)
1242 {
1243     // If (a ^ b * c) < 0, vectors abc point clockwise.
1244     // -> center c not inside triangle, since vertices are ordered
1245     // counter-clockwise.
1247     if ((((v0 ^ v1) * v) < 0) || (((v1 ^ v2) * v) < 0) || (((v2 ^ v0) * v) < 0))
1248         return false;
1249     return true;
1250 }