File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 03:42:31

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Jasem Mutlaq
0004     Static version of the HIPS Renderer for a single point in the sky.
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007 */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "healpix.h"
0012 #include "hipsmanager.h"
0013 #include "scanrender.h"
0015 #include <memory>
0017 class Projector;
0019 class HIPSFinder
0020 {
0021     public:
0022         static HIPSFinder *Instance();
0024         /**
0025          * @brief render Renders an image at the specified center with the specific level and zoom.
0026          * @param center Sky point of image center.
0027          * @param level HiPS level. Minimum 2 and Maximum 20
0028          * @param zoom Projector zoom factor
0029          * @param destinationImage Pointer to an already initialized QImage
0030          * @param fov_w output image horizontal field of view in arcminutes.
0031          * @param fov_h output image vertical field of view in arcminutes.
0032          * @param projector projection system to be used to map image --> screen projection transformation.
0033          * @return True if successful, false otherwise.
0034          */
0035         bool render(SkyPoint *center, uint8_t level, double zoom, QImage *destinationImage, double &fov_w, double &fov_h);
0037         /**
0038          * @brief render Renders an image at the specified center with the specific FOV and rotation. It is an improved version of render() above.
0039          * @param center Sky point of image center.
0040          * @param fov_radius Field of View radius in degrees.
0041          * @param rotation orientation in the sky map
0042          * @param destinationImage Pointer to an already initialized QImage
0043          * @return True if successful, false otherwise.
0044          */
0045         bool renderFOV(SkyPoint *center, double fov_radius, double rotation, QImage *destinationImage);
0046         void renderRec(uint8_t level, int pix, QImage *destinationImage);
0047         bool renderPix(int level, int pix, QImage *destinationImage);
0049     private:
0050         explicit HIPSFinder();
0051         static HIPSFinder *m_Instance;
0053         QSet<int>  m_RenderedMap;
0054         QScopedPointer<HEALPix> m_HEALpix;
0055         QScopedPointer<ScanRender> m_ScanRender;
0056         QScopedPointer<Projector> m_Projector;
0057 };