File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 11:36:37

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1993-2011 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP /CNRS/UPMC
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 SEP developers
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
0006 */
0008 #define RETURN_OK           0  /* must be zero */
0009 #define MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR  1
0010 #define PIXSTACK_FULL       2
0011 #define ILLEGAL_DTYPE       3
0012 #define ILLEGAL_SUBPIX      4
0013 #define NON_ELLIPSE_PARAMS  5
0014 #define ILLEGAL_APER_PARAMS 6
0015 #define DEBLEND_OVERFLOW    7
0016 #define LINE_NOT_IN_BUF     8
0017 #define RELTHRESH_NO_NOISE  9
0018 #define UNKNOWN_NOISE_TYPE  10
0020 #define BIG 1e+30  /* a huge number (< biggest value a float can store) */
0021 #define PI  3.1415926535898
0022 #define DEG (PI/180.0)      /* 1 deg in radians */
0024 typedef int       LONG;
0025 typedef unsigned int  ULONG;
0026 typedef unsigned char BYTE;    /* a byte */
0028 /* keep these synchronized */
0029 typedef float         PIXTYPE;    /* type used inside of functions */
0030 #define PIXDTYPE      SEP_TFLOAT  /* dtype code corresponding to PIXTYPE */
0033 /* signature of converters */
0034 typedef PIXTYPE (*converter)(void *ptr);
0035 typedef void (*array_converter)(void *ptr, int n, PIXTYPE *target);
0036 typedef void (*array_writer)(float *ptr, int n, void *target);
0038 #define QCALLOC(ptr, typ, nel, status)                      \
0039   {if (!(ptr = (typ *)calloc((size_t)(nel),sizeof(typ))))       \
0040       {                                 \
0041     char errtext[160];                      \
0042     sprintf(errtext, #ptr " (" #nel "=%lu elements) "       \
0043         "at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !",          \
0044         (size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__);           \
0045     put_errdetail(errtext);                     \
0046     status = MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR;                    \
0047     goto exit;                          \
0048       };                                \
0049   }
0051 #define QMALLOC(ptr, typ, nel, status)                  \
0052   {if (!(ptr = (typ *)malloc((size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ))))       \
0053       {                                 \
0054     char errtext[160];                      \
0055     sprintf(errtext, #ptr " (" #nel "=%lu elements) "       \
0056         "at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !",          \
0057         (size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__);           \
0058     put_errdetail(errtext);                     \
0059     status = MEMORY_ALLOC_ERROR;                    \
0060     goto exit;                          \
0061       };                                \
0062   }
0064 float fqmedian(float *ra, int n);
0065 void put_errdetail(char *errtext);
0067 int get_converter(int dtype, converter *f, int *size);
0068 int get_array_converter(int dtype, array_converter *f, int *size);
0069 int get_array_writer(int dtype, array_writer *f, int *size);
0070 int get_array_subtractor(int dtype, array_writer *f, int *size);