File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 03:42:21

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Patrick Molenaar <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0006     Some code fragments were adapted from Peter Kirchgessner's FITS plugin
0007     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Peter Kirchgessner <>
0008 */
0010 #include <math.h>
0011 #include <cmath>
0013 #include "fits_debug.h"
0014 #include "fitsbahtinovdetector.h"
0015 #include "hough/houghline.h"
0016 #include "fitsdata.h"
0018 #include <QElapsedTimer>
0019 #include <QtConcurrent>
0021 //void FITSBahtinovDetector::configure(const QString &setting, const QVariant &value)
0022 //{
0023 //    if (!"NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
0024 //    {
0025 //        if (value.canConvert <int> ())
0026 //        {
0027 //            NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS = value.value <int> ();
0029 //            // Validate number of average rows value
0030 //            if (NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS % 2 == 0)
0031 //            {
0032 //                NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS--;
0033 //                qCInfo(KSTARS_FITS) << "Warning, number of rows must be an odd number, correcting number of rows to "
0034 //                                    << NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS;
0035 //            }
0036 //            // Rows must be a positive number!
0037 //            if (NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS < 1)
0038 //            {
0039 //                NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS = 1;
0040 //                qCInfo(KSTARS_FITS) << "Warning, number of rows must be positive correcting number of rows to "
0041 //                                    << NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS;
0042 //            }
0043 //        }
0044 //    }
0045 //}
0047 QFuture<bool> FITSBahtinovDetector::findSources(QRect const &boundary)
0048 {
0049     FITSImage::Statistic const &stats = m_ImageData->getStatistics();
0050     switch (stats.dataType)
0051     {
0052         case TSHORT:
0053             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<int16_t>, boundary);
0055         case TUSHORT:
0056             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<uint16_t>, boundary);
0058         case TLONG:
0059             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<int32_t>, boundary);
0061         case TULONG:
0062             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<uint32_t>, boundary);
0064         case TFLOAT:
0065             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<float>, boundary);
0067         case TLONGLONG:
0068             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<int64_t>, boundary);
0070         case TDOUBLE:
0071             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<double>, boundary);
0073         default:
0074         case TBYTE:
0075             return QtConcurrent::run(this, &FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar<uint8_t>, boundary);
0077     }
0078 }
0080 template <typename T>
0081 bool FITSBahtinovDetector::findBahtinovStar(const QRect &boundary)
0082 {
0083     if (boundary.isEmpty())
0084         return false;
0086     QList<Edge*> starCenters;
0087     int subX = qMax(0, boundary.isNull() ? 0 : boundary.x());
0088     int subY = qMax(0, boundary.isNull() ? 0 : boundary.y());
0089     int subW = (boundary.isNull() ? m_ImageData->width() : boundary.width());
0090     int subH = (boundary.isNull() ? m_ImageData->height() : boundary.height());
0092     int BBP = m_ImageData->getBytesPerPixel();
0093     uint16_t dataWidth = m_ImageData->width();
0095     // #1 Find offsets
0096     uint32_t size   = subW * subH;
0097     uint32_t offset = subX + subY * dataWidth;
0099     // #2 Create new buffer
0100     auto * buffer = new uint8_t[size * BBP];
0101     // If there is no offset, copy whole buffer in one go
0102     if (offset == 0)
0103     {
0104         memcpy(buffer, m_ImageData->getImageBuffer(), size * BBP);
0105     }
0106     else
0107     {
0108         uint8_t * dataPtr = buffer;
0109         const uint8_t * origDataPtr = m_ImageData->getImageBuffer();
0110         // Copy data line by line
0111         for (int height = subY; height < (subY + subH); height++)
0112         {
0113             uint32_t lineOffset = (subX + height * dataWidth) * BBP;
0114             memcpy(dataPtr, origDataPtr + lineOffset, subW * BBP);
0115             dataPtr += (subW * BBP);
0116         }
0117     }
0119     // #3 Create new FITSData to hold it
0120     FITSImage::Statistic stats;
0121     stats.width = subW;
0122     stats.height = subH;
0123     stats.dataType = m_ImageData->getStatistics().dataType;
0124     stats.bytesPerPixel = BBP;
0125     stats.samples_per_channel = size;
0126     FITSData* boundedImage = new FITSData();
0127     boundedImage->restoreStatistics(stats);
0128     boundedImage->setProperty("dataType", stats.dataType);
0130     // #4 Set image buffer
0131     boundedImage->setImageBuffer(buffer);
0133     boundedImage->calculateStats(true);
0135     QElapsedTimer timer1;
0137     // Rotate image 180 degrees in steps of 1 degree
0138     QMap<int, BahtinovLineAverage> lineAveragesPerAngle;
0139     const int steps = 180;
0140     double radPerStep = M_PI / steps;
0142     timer1.start();
0144     for (int angle = 0; angle < steps; angle++)
0145     {
0146         // TODO Apply multi threading to speed up calculation
0147         BahtinovLineAverage lineAverage = calculateMaxAverage<T>(boundedImage, angle);
0148         // Store line average in map
0149         lineAveragesPerAngle.insert(angle, lineAverage);
0150     }
0152     qCDebug(KSTARS_FITS) << "Getting max average for all 180 rotations took" << timer1.elapsed() << "milliseconds";
0154     // Not needed anymore
0155     delete boundedImage;
0157     // Calculate Bahtinov angles
0158     QVector<HoughLine*> bahtinov_angles;
0160     // For all three Bahtinov angles
0161     for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 3; index1++)
0162     {
0163         double maxAverage = 0.0;
0164         double maxAngle = 0.0;
0165         int maxAverageOffset = 0;
0166         for (int angle = 0; angle < steps; angle++)
0167         {
0168             BahtinovLineAverage lineAverage = lineAveragesPerAngle[angle];
0169             if (lineAverage.average > maxAverage)
0170             {
0171                 maxAverage = lineAverage.average;
0172                 maxAverageOffset = lineAverage.offset;
0173                 maxAngle = angle;
0174             }
0175         }
0176         HoughLine* pHoughLine = new HoughLine(maxAngle * radPerStep, maxAverageOffset, subW, subH, maxAverage);
0177         if (pHoughLine != nullptr)
0178         {
0179             bahtinov_angles.append(pHoughLine);
0180         }
0182         // Remove data around peak to prevent it from being detected again
0183         int minBahtinovAngleOffset = 18;
0184         for (int subAngle = maxAngle - minBahtinovAngleOffset; subAngle < maxAngle + minBahtinovAngleOffset; subAngle++)
0185         {
0186             int angleInRange = subAngle;
0187             if (angleInRange < 0)
0188             {
0189                 angleInRange += 180;
0190             }
0191             if (angleInRange >= 180)
0192             {
0193                 angleInRange -= 180;
0194             }
0195             lineAveragesPerAngle.remove(angleInRange);
0196         }
0197     }
0199     // Proceed with focus offset calculation, but only when at least 3 lines have been detected
0200     QVector<HoughLine*> top3Lines;
0201     if (bahtinov_angles.size() >= 3)
0202     {
0203         HoughLine::getSortedTopThreeLines(bahtinov_angles, top3Lines);
0205         // Debug output
0206         qCDebug(KSTARS_FITS) << "Sorted bahtinov angles:";
0207         foreach (HoughLine* ln, top3Lines)
0208         {
0209             ln->printHoughLine();
0210         }
0212         // Determine intersection between outer lines
0213         HoughLine* oneLine = top3Lines[0];
0214         HoughLine* otherLine = top3Lines[2];
0215         QPointF intersection;
0216         HoughLine::IntersectResult result = oneLine->Intersect(*otherLine, intersection);
0217         if (result == HoughLine::INTERESECTING)
0218         {
0220             qCDebug(KSTARS_FITS) << "Intersection: " << intersection.x() << ", " << intersection.y();
0222             // Determine offset between intersection and middle line
0223             HoughLine* midLine = top3Lines[1];
0224             QPointF intersectionOnMidLine;
0225             double distance;
0226             if (midLine->DistancePointLine(intersection, intersectionOnMidLine, distance))
0227             {
0228                 qCDebug(KSTARS_FITS) << "Distance between intersection and midline is " << distance
0229                                      << " at mid line point " << intersectionOnMidLine.x() << ", "
0230                                      << intersectionOnMidLine.y();
0232                 // Add star center to selected stars
0233                 // Maximum Radius
0234                 int maxR = qMin(subW - 1, subH - 1) / 2;
0235                 BahtinovEdge* center  = new BahtinovEdge();
0236                 center->width = maxR / 3;
0237                 center->x     = subX + intersection.x();
0238                 center->y     = subY + intersection.y();
0239                 // Set distance value in HFR
0240                 center->HFR   = distance;
0242                 center->offset.setX(subX + intersectionOnMidLine.x());
0243                 center->offset.setY(subY + intersectionOnMidLine.y());
0244                 oneLine->Offset(subX, subY);
0245                 midLine->Offset(subX, subY);
0246                 otherLine->Offset(subX, subY);
0247                 center->line.append(*oneLine);
0248                 center->line.append(*midLine);
0249                 center->line.append(*otherLine);
0250                 starCenters.append(center);
0251             }
0252             else
0253             {
0254                 qCWarning(KSTARS_FITS) << "Closest point does not fall within the line segment.";
0255             }
0256         }
0257         else
0258         {
0259             qCWarning(KSTARS_FITS) << "Lines are not intersecting (result: " << result << ")";
0260         }
0261     }
0263     // Clean up Bahtinov line array (of pointers) as they are no longer needed
0264     for (int index = 0; index < bahtinov_angles.size(); index++)
0265     {
0266         HoughLine* pLineAverage = bahtinov_angles[index];
0267         if (pLineAverage != nullptr)
0268         {
0269             delete pLineAverage;
0270         }
0271     }
0272     bahtinov_angles.clear();
0274     // Clean up line averages array as they are no longer needed
0275     lineAveragesPerAngle.clear();
0277     top3Lines.clear();
0279     m_ImageData->setStarCenters(starCenters);
0281     return true;
0282 }
0284 template <typename T>
0285 BahtinovLineAverage FITSBahtinovDetector::calculateMaxAverage(const FITSData *data, int angle)
0286 {
0287     int BBP = data->getBytesPerPixel();
0288     int size = data->getStatistics().samples_per_channel;
0289     int width = data->width();
0290     int height = data->height();
0291     int numChannels = data->channels();
0293     BahtinovLineAverage lineAverage;
0294     auto * rotimage = new T[size * BBP];
0296     rotateImage(data, angle, rotimage);
0298     // Calculate average pixel value for each row
0299     auto * rotBuffer = reinterpret_cast<T *>(rotimage);
0301     //    printf("Angle;%d;Width;%d;Height;%d;Rows;%d;;RowSum;", angle, width, height, NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS);
0303     int NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS = getValue("NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS", 1).toInt();
0304     if (NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS % 2 == 0)
0305     {
0306         NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS--;
0307         qCWarning(KSTARS_FITS) << "Warning, number of rows must be an odd number, correcting number of rows to "
0308                                << NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS;
0309     }
0310     // Rows must be a positive number!
0311     if (NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS < 1)
0312     {
0313         NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS = 1;
0314         qCWarning(KSTARS_FITS) << "Warning, number of rows must be positive correcting number of rows to "
0315                                << NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS;
0316     }
0318     for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
0319     {
0320         int yMin = y - ((NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS - 1) / 2);
0321         int yMax = y + ((NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS - 1) / 2);
0323         unsigned long multiRowSum = 0;
0324         // Calculate average over multiple rows
0325         for (int y1 = yMin; y1 <= yMax; y1++)
0326         {
0327             int y2 = y1;
0328             if (y2 < 0)
0329             {
0330                 y2 += height;
0331             }
0332             if (y2 >= height)
0333             {
0334                 y2 -= height;
0335             }
0336             if (y2 < 0 || y2 >= height)
0337             {
0338                 qCWarning(KSTARS_FITS) << "Y still out of bounds: 0 <=" << y2 << "<" << height;
0339             }
0341             for (int x1 = 0; x1 < width; x1++)
0342             {
0343                 int index = y2 * width + x1;
0344                 unsigned long channelAverage = 0;
0345                 for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
0346                 {
0347                     int offset = size * i;
0348                     channelAverage += rotBuffer[index + offset];
0349                 }
0350                 multiRowSum += qRound(channelAverage / static_cast<double>(numChannels));
0351             }
0352         }
0353         //        printf("%lu;", multiRowSum);
0355         double average = multiRowSum / static_cast<double>(width * NUMBER_OF_AVERAGE_ROWS);
0356         if (average > lineAverage.average)
0357         {
0358             lineAverage.average = average;
0359             lineAverage.offset = y;
0360         }
0361     }
0362     //    printf(";;MaxAverage;%.3f;MaxAverageIndex;%lu\r\n", lineAverage.average, lineAverage.offset);
0363     //    fflush(stdout);
0365     rotBuffer = nullptr;
0366     delete[] rotimage;
0367     rotimage = nullptr;
0369     return lineAverage;
0370 }
0372 /** Rotate an image by angle degrees.
0373  * verbose generates extra info on stdout.
0374  * return true if successful and rotated image.
0375  * @param angle The angle over which the image needs to be rotated
0376  * @param rotImage The image that needs to be rotated, also the rotated image return value
0377  */
0378 template <typename T>
0379 bool FITSBahtinovDetector::rotateImage(const FITSData *data, int angle, T * rotImage)
0380 {
0381     int BBP = data->getBytesPerPixel();
0382     int size = data->getStatistics().samples_per_channel;
0383     int width = data->width();
0384     int height = data->height();
0385     int numChannels = data->channels();
0387     int hx, hy;
0388     size_t bufferSize;
0390     /* Check allocation buffer for rotated image */
0391     if (rotImage == nullptr)
0392     {
0393         qWarning() << "No memory allocated for rotated image buffer!";
0394         return false;
0395     }
0397     while (angle < 0)
0398     {
0399         angle = angle + 360;
0400     }
0401     while (angle >= 360)
0402     {
0403         angle = angle - 360;
0404     }
0406     hx = qFloor((width + 1) / 2.0);
0407     hy = qFloor((height + 1) / 2.0);
0409     bufferSize = size * numChannels * BBP;
0410     memset(rotImage, 0, bufferSize);
0412     auto * rotBuffer = reinterpret_cast<T *>(rotImage);
0413     auto * buffer = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(data->getImageBuffer());
0415     double innerCircleRadius = (0.5 * qSqrt(2.0) * qMin(hx, hy));
0416     double angleInRad = angle * M_PI / 180.0;
0417     double sinAngle = qSin(angleInRad);
0418     double cosAngle = qCos(angleInRad);
0419     int leftEdge = qCeil(hx - innerCircleRadius);
0420     int rightEdge = qFloor(hx + innerCircleRadius);
0421     int topEdge = qCeil(hy - innerCircleRadius);
0422     int bottomEdge = qFloor(hy + innerCircleRadius);
0424     for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
0425     {
0426         int offset = size * i;
0427         for (int x1 = leftEdge; x1 < rightEdge; x1++)
0428         {
0429             for (int y1 = topEdge; y1 < bottomEdge; y1++)
0430             {
0431                 // translate point back to origin:
0432                 double x2 = x1 - hx;
0433                 double y2 = y1 - hy;
0435                 // rotate point
0436                 double xnew = x2 * cosAngle - y2 * sinAngle;
0437                 double ynew = x2 * sinAngle + y2 * cosAngle;
0439                 // translate point back:
0440                 x2 = xnew + hx;
0441                 y2 = ynew + hy;
0443                 int orgIndex = y1 * height + x1;
0444                 int newIndex = qRound(y2) * height + qRound(x2);
0446                 if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < static_cast<int>(bufferSize))
0447                 {
0448                     rotBuffer[newIndex + offset] = buffer[orgIndex + offset];
0449                 } // else index out of bounds, do not update pixel
0450             }
0451         }
0452     }
0454     return true;
0455 }