File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 03:45:55

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Hy Murveit <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "guidestars.h"
0009 #include "ekos_guide_debug.h"
0010 #include "../guideview.h"
0011 #include "fitsviewer/fitsdata.h"
0012 #include "fitsviewer/fitssepdetector.h"
0013 #include "Options.h"
0015 #include <math.h>
0016 #include <stellarsolver.h>
0017 #include "ekos/auxiliary/stellarsolverprofileeditor.h"
0018 #include <QTime>
0020 #define DLOG if (false) qCDebug
0022 // Then when looking for the guide star, gets this many candidates.
0023 #define STARS_TO_SEARCH 250
0025 // Don't use stars with SNR lower than this when computing multi-star drift.
0026 #define MIN_DRIFT_SNR  8
0028 // If there are fewer than this many stars, don't use this multi-star algorithm.
0029 // It will instead back-off to a reticle-based algorithm.
0032 // We limit the HFR for guide stars. When searching for the guide star, we relax this by the
0033 // margin below (e.g. if a guide star was selected that was near the max guide-star hfr, the later
0034 // the hfr increased a little, we still want to be able to find it.
0035 constexpr double HFR_MARGIN = 2.0;
0036 /*
0037  Start with a set of reference (x,y) positions from stars, where one is designated a guide star.
0038  Given these and a set of new input stars, determine a mapping of new stars to the references.
0039  As the star positions should mostly change via translation, the correspondences are determined by
0040  similar geometry. It is possible, though that there is noise in positions, and that
0041  some reference stars may not be in the new star group, or that the new stars may contain some
0042  stars not appearing in references. However, the guide star must appear in both for this to
0043  be successful.
0044  */
0046 namespace
0047 {
0049 QString logHeader(const QString &label)
0050 {
0051     return QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7")
0052            .arg(label, -9).arg("#", 3).arg("x   ", 6).arg("y   ", 6).arg("flux", 6)
0053            .arg("HFR", 6).arg("SNR ", 5);
0054 }
0056 QString logStar(const QString &label, int index, const SkyBackground &bg, const Edge &star)
0057 {
0058     double snr = bg.SNR(star.sum, star.numPixels);
0059     return QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7")
0060            .arg(label, -9)
0061            .arg(index, 3)
0062            .arg(star.x, 6, 'f', 1)
0063            .arg(star.y, 6, 'f', 1)
0064            .arg(star.sum, 6, 'f', 0)
0065            .arg(star.HFR, 6, 'f', 2)
0066            .arg(snr, 5, 'f', 1);
0067 }
0069 void logStars(const QString &label, const QString &label2, const SkyBackground &bg,
0070               int size,
0071               std::function<const Edge & (int index)> stars,
0072               const QString &extraLabel,
0073               std::function<QString (int index)> extras)
0074 {
0075     QString header = logHeader(label);
0076     if (extraLabel.size() > 0)
0077         header.append(QString("  %1").arg(extraLabel));
0078     qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << header;
0079     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
0080     {
0081         const auto &star = stars(i);
0082         QString line = logStar(label2, i, bg, star);
0083         if (extraLabel.size() > 0)
0084             line.append(QString(" %1").arg(extras(i)));
0085         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << line;
0086     }
0087 }
0088 }  //namespace
0090 GuideStars::GuideStars()
0091 {
0092 }
0094 // It's possible that we don't map all the stars, if there are too many.
0095 int GuideStars::getStarMap(int index)
0096 {
0097     if (index >= starMap.size() || (index < 0))
0098         return -1;
0099     return starMap[index];
0100 }
0102 void GuideStars::setupStarCorrespondence(const QList<Edge> &neighbors, int guideIndex)
0103 {
0104     qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "setupStarCorrespondence: neighbors " << neighbors.size() << "guide index" << guideIndex;
0105     if (neighbors.size() >= MIN_STAR_CORRESPONDENCE_SIZE)
0106     {
0107         starMap.clear();
0108         for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); ++i)
0109         {
0110             qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << " adding ref: " << neighbors[i].x << neighbors[i].y;
0111             // We need to initialize starMap, because findGuideStar(), which normally
0112             // initializes starMap(), might call selectGuideStar() if it finds that
0113             // the starCorrespondence is empty.
0114             starMap.push_back(i);
0115         }
0116         starCorrespondence.initialize(neighbors, guideIndex);
0117     }
0118     else
0119         starCorrespondence.reset();
0120 }
0122 // Calls SEP to generate a set of star detections and score them,
0123 // then calls selectGuideStars(detections, scores) to select the guide star.
0124 QVector3D GuideStars::selectGuideStar(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &imageData)
0125 {
0126     if (imageData == nullptr)
0127         return QVector3D(-1, -1, -1);
0129     QList<double> sepScores;
0130     QList<double> minDistances;
0131     const double maxHFR = Options::guideMaxHFR();
0132     findTopStars(imageData, Options::maxMultistarReferenceStars(), &detectedStars, maxHFR,
0133                  nullptr, &sepScores, &minDistances);
0135     int maxX = imageData->width();
0136     int maxY = imageData->height();
0137     return selectGuideStar(detectedStars, sepScores, maxX, maxY, minDistances);
0138 }
0140 // This selects the guide star by using the input scores, and
0141 // downgrading stars too close to the edges of the image (so that calibration won't fail).
0142 // It also removes from consideration stars with huge HFR values (most likely not stars).
0143 QVector3D GuideStars::selectGuideStar(const QList<Edge> &stars,
0144                                       const QList<double> &sepScores,
0145                                       int maxX, int maxY,
0146                                       const QList<double> &minDistances)
0147 {
0148     constexpr int maxStarDiameter = 32;
0150     if ((uint) stars.size() < Options::minDetectionsSEPMultistar())
0151     {
0152         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "Too few stars detected: " << stars.size();
0153         return QVector3D(-1, -1, -1);
0154     }
0156     int maxIndex = Options::maxMultistarReferenceStars() < stars.count() ? Options::maxMultistarReferenceStars() :
0157                    stars.count();
0158     QVector<int> scores(Options::maxMultistarReferenceStars());
0160     // Find the bottom 25% HFR value.
0161     QVector<float> hfrs;
0162     for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++)
0163         hfrs.push_back(stars[i].HFR);
0164     std::sort(hfrs.begin(), hfrs.end());
0165     float tooLowHFR = 0.0;
0166     if (maxIndex / 4 > 0)
0167         tooLowHFR = hfrs[maxIndex / 4];
0169     QList<Edge> guideStarNeighbors;
0170     for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++)
0171     {
0172         int score = 100 + sepScores[i];
0173         const Edge &center =;
0174         guideStarNeighbors.append(center);
0176         // Severely reject stars close to edges
0177         // Worry about calibration? Make calibration distance parameter?
0178         constexpr int borderGuard = 35;
0179         if (center.x < borderGuard || center.y < borderGuard ||
0180                 center.x > (maxX - borderGuard) || center.y > (maxY - borderGuard))
0181             score -= 1000;
0182         // Reject stars bigger than square
0183         if (center.HFR > float(maxStarDiameter) / 2)
0184             score -= 1000;
0186         // Try not to use a star with an HFR in bottom 25%.
0187         if (center.HFR < tooLowHFR)
0188             score -= 1000;
0190         // Add advantage to stars with SNRs between 40-100.
0191         auto bg = skybackground();
0192         double snr = bg.SNR(center.sum, center.numPixels);
0193         if (snr >= 40 && snr <= 100)
0194             score += 75;
0195         if (snr >= 100)
0196             score -= 50;
0198         // discourage stars that have close neighbors.
0199         // This isn't perfect, as we're not detecting all stars, just top 100 or so.
0200         const double neighborDistance = minDistances[i];
0201         constexpr double closeNeighbor = 25;
0202         constexpr double veryCloseNeighbor = 15;
0203         if (neighborDistance < veryCloseNeighbor)
0204             score -= 100;
0205         else if (neighborDistance < closeNeighbor)
0206             score -= 50;
0208         scores[i] = score;
0209     }
0211     logStars("Select", "Star", skyBackground,
0212              maxIndex,
0213              [&](int i) -> const Edge&
0214     {
0215         return stars[i];
0216     },
0217     "score", [&](int i) -> QString
0218     {
0219         return QString("%1").arg(scores[i], 5);
0220     });
0222     int maxScore      = -1;
0223     int maxScoreIndex = -1;
0224     for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++)
0225     {
0226         if (scores[i] > maxScore)
0227         {
0228             maxScore      = scores[i];
0229             maxScoreIndex = i;
0230         }
0231     }
0233     if (maxScoreIndex < 0)
0234     {
0235         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "No suitable star detected.";
0236         return QVector3D(-1, -1, -1);
0237     }
0238     setupStarCorrespondence(guideStarNeighbors, maxScoreIndex);
0239     QVector3D newStarCenter(stars[maxScoreIndex].x, stars[maxScoreIndex].y, 0);
0240     qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "new star center: " << maxScoreIndex << " x: "
0241                                << stars[maxScoreIndex].x << " y: " << stars[maxScoreIndex].y;
0242     return newStarCenter;
0243 }
0245 // Find the current target positions for the guide-star neighbors, and add them
0246 // to the guideView.
0247 void GuideStars::plotStars(QSharedPointer<GuideView> &guideView, const QRect &trackingBox)
0248 {
0249     if (guideView == nullptr) return;
0250     guideView->clearNeighbors();
0251     if (starCorrespondence.size() == 0) return;
0253     const Edge gStar = starCorrespondence.reference(starCorrespondence.guideStar());
0255     // Find the offset between the current reticle position and the original
0256     // guide star position (e.g. it might have moved due to dithering).
0257     double reticle_x = trackingBox.x() + trackingBox.width() / 2.0;
0258     double reticle_y = trackingBox.y() + trackingBox.height() / 2.0;
0260     // See which neighbor stars were associated with detected stars.
0261     QVector<bool> found(starCorrespondence.size(), false);
0262     QVector<int> detectedIndex(starCorrespondence.size(), -1);
0264     for (int i = 0; i < detectedStars.size(); ++i)
0265     {
0266         int refIndex = getStarMap(i);
0267         if (refIndex >= 0)
0268         {
0269             found[refIndex] = true;
0270             detectedIndex[refIndex] = i;
0271         }
0272     }
0273     // Add to the guideView the neighbor stars' target positions and whether they were found.
0274     for (int i = 0; i < starCorrespondence.size(); ++i)
0275     {
0276         bool isGuideStar = i == starCorrespondence.guideStar();
0277         const QVector2D offset = starCorrespondence.offset(i);
0278         const double detected_x = found[i] ? detectedStars[detectedIndex[i]].x : 0;
0279         const double detected_y = found[i] ? detectedStars[detectedIndex[i]].y : 0;
0280         guideView->addGuideStarNeighbor(offset.x() + reticle_x, offset.y() + reticle_y, found[i],
0281                                         detected_x, detected_y, isGuideStar);
0282     }
0283     guideView->updateNeighbors();
0284 }
0286 // Find the guide star using the starCorrespondence algorithm (looking for
0287 // the other reference stars in the same relative position as when the guide star was selected).
0288 // If this method fails, it backs off to looking in the tracking box for the highest scoring star.
0289 GuiderUtils::Vector GuideStars::findGuideStar(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &imageData, const QRect &trackingBox,
0290         QSharedPointer<GuideView> &guideView, bool firstFrame)
0291 {
0292     // We fall-back to single star guiding if multistar isn't working,
0293     // but limit this for a number of iterations.
0294     // If a user doesn't have multiple stars available, the user shouldn't be using multistar.
0295     constexpr int MAX_CONSECUTIVE_UNRELIABLE = 10;
0296     if (firstFrame)
0297         unreliableDectionCounter = 0;
0299     // Don't accept reference stars whose position is more than this many pixels from expected.
0300     constexpr double maxStarAssociationDistance = 10;
0302     if (imageData == nullptr)
0303         return GuiderUtils::Vector(-1, -1, -1);
0305     // If the guide star has not yet been set up, then establish it here.
0306     // Not thrilled doing this, but this is the way the internal guider is setup
0307     // when guiding is restarted by the scheduler (the normal establish guide star
0308     // methods are not called).
0309     if (firstFrame && starCorrespondence.size() == 0)
0310     {
0311         QVector3D v = selectGuideStar(imageData);
0312         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << QString("findGuideStar: Called without starCorrespondence. Refound guide star at %1 %2")
0313                                    .arg(QString::number(v.x(), 'f', 1)).arg(QString::number(v.y(), 'f', 1));
0314         return GuiderUtils::Vector(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
0315     }
0317     // Allow a little margin above the max hfr for guide stars when searching for the guide star.
0318     const double maxHFR = Options::guideMaxHFR() + HFR_MARGIN;
0319     if (starCorrespondence.size() > 0)
0320     {
0322         findTopStars(imageData, STARS_TO_SEARCH, &detectedStars, maxHFR);
0323         if (detectedStars.empty())
0324             return GuiderUtils::Vector(-1, -1, -1);
0326         // Allow it to guide even if the main guide star isn't detected (as long as enough reference stars are).
0327         starCorrespondence.setAllowMissingGuideStar(allowMissingGuideStar);
0329         // Star correspondence can run quicker if it knows the image size.
0330         starCorrespondence.setImageSize(imageData->width(), imageData->height());
0332         // When using large star-correspondence sets and filtering with a StellarSolver profile,
0333         // the stars at the edge of detection can be lost. Best not to filter, but...
0334         double minFraction = 0.5;
0335         if (starCorrespondence.size() > 25) minFraction =  0.33;
0336         else if (starCorrespondence.size() > 15) minFraction =  0.4;
0338         Edge foundStar = starCorrespondence.find(detectedStars, maxStarAssociationDistance, &starMap, true, minFraction);
0340         // Is there a correspondence to the guide star
0341         // Should we also weight distance to the tracking box?
0342         for (int i = 0; i < detectedStars.size(); ++i)
0343         {
0344             if (getStarMap(i) == starCorrespondence.guideStar())
0345             {
0346                 auto &star = detectedStars[i];
0347                 double SNR = skyBackground.SNR(star.sum, star.numPixels);
0348                 guideStarSNR = SNR;
0349                 guideStarMass = star.sum;
0350                 unreliableDectionCounter = 0;
0351                 qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << QString("StarCorrespondence found star %1 at %2 %3 SNR %4")
0352                                            .arg(i).arg(star.x, 0, 'f', 1).arg(star.y, 0, 'f', 1).arg(SNR, 0, 'f', 1);
0354                 if (guideView != nullptr)
0355                     plotStars(guideView, trackingBox);
0356                 return GuiderUtils::Vector(star.x, star.y, 0);
0357             }
0358         }
0359         // None of the stars matched the guide star, but it's possible star correspondence
0360         // invented a guide star position.
0361         if (foundStar.x >= 0 && foundStar.y >= 0)
0362         {
0363             guideStarSNR = skyBackground.SNR(foundStar.sum, foundStar.numPixels);
0364             guideStarMass = foundStar.sum;
0365             unreliableDectionCounter = 0;  // debating this
0366             qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "StarCorrespondence invented at" << foundStar.x << foundStar.y << "SNR" << guideStarSNR;
0367             if (guideView != nullptr)
0368                 plotStars(guideView, trackingBox);
0369             return GuiderUtils::Vector(foundStar.x, foundStar.y, 0);
0370         }
0371     }
0373     qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "StarCorrespondence not used. It failed to find the guide star.";
0375     if (++unreliableDectionCounter > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_UNRELIABLE)
0376         return GuiderUtils::Vector(-1, -1, -1);
0378     logStars("findGuide", "Star", skyBackground,
0379              detectedStars.size(),
0380              [&](int i) -> const Edge&
0381     {
0382         return detectedStars[i];
0383     },
0384     "assoc", [&](int i) -> QString
0385     {
0386         return QString("%1").arg(getStarMap(i));
0387     });
0389     if (trackingBox.isValid() == false)
0390         return GuiderUtils::Vector(-1, -1, -1);
0392     // If we didn't find a star that way, then fall back
0393     findTopStars(imageData, 100, &detectedStars, maxHFR, &trackingBox);
0394     if (detectedStars.size() > 0)
0395     {
0396         // Find the star closest to the guide star position, if we have a position.
0397         // Otherwise use the center of the tracking box (which must be valid, see above if).
0398         // 1. Get the guide star position
0399         int best = 0;
0400         double refX = trackingBox.x() + trackingBox.width() / 2;
0401         double refY = trackingBox.y() + trackingBox.height() / 2;
0402         if (starCorrespondence.size() > 0 && starCorrespondence.guideStar() >= 0)
0403         {
0404             const auto gStar = starCorrespondence.reference(starCorrespondence.guideStar());
0405             refX = gStar.x;
0406             refY = gStar.y;
0407         }
0408         // 2. Find the closest star to that position.
0409         double minDistSq = 1e8;
0410         for (int i = 0; i < detectedStars.size(); ++i)
0411         {
0412             const auto &dStar = detectedStars[i];
0413             const double distSq = (dStar.x - refX) * (dStar.x - refX) + (dStar.y - refY) * (dStar.y - refY);
0414             if (distSq < minDistSq)
0415             {
0416                 best = i;
0417                 minDistSq = distSq;
0418             }
0419         }
0420         // 3. Return that star.
0421         auto &star = detectedStars[best];
0422         double SNR = skyBackground.SNR(star.sum, star.numPixels);
0423         guideStarSNR = SNR;
0424         guideStarMass = star.sum;
0425         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "StarCorrespondence. Standard method found at " << star.x << star.y << "SNR" << SNR;
0426         return GuiderUtils::Vector(star.x, star.y, 0);
0427     }
0428     return GuiderUtils::Vector(-1, -1, -1);
0429 }
0431 SSolver::Parameters GuideStars::getStarExtractionParameters(int num)
0432 {
0433     SSolver::Parameters params;
0434     params.listName = "Guider";
0435     params.apertureShape = SSolver::SHAPE_CIRCLE;
0436     params.minarea = 10; // changed from 5 --> 10
0437     params.deblend_thresh = 32;
0438     params.deblend_contrast = 0.005;
0439     params.initialKeep = num * 2;
0440     params.keepNum = num;
0441     params.removeBrightest = 0;
0442     params.removeDimmest = 0;
0443     params.saturationLimit = 0;
0444     return params;
0445 }
0447 // This is the interface to star detection.
0448 int GuideStars::findAllSEPStars(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &imageData, QList<Edge *> *sepStars, int num)
0449 {
0450     if (imageData == nullptr)
0451         return 0;
0453     QVariantMap settings;
0454     settings["optionsProfileIndex"] = Options::guideOptionsProfile();
0455     settings["optionsProfileGroup"] = static_cast<int>(Ekos::GuideProfiles);
0456     imageData->setSourceExtractorSettings(settings);
0457     imageData->findStars(ALGORITHM_SEP).waitForFinished();
0458     skyBackground = imageData->getSkyBackground();
0460     QList<Edge *> edges = imageData->getStarCenters();
0461     // Let's sort edges, starting with widest
0462     std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [](const Edge * edge1, const Edge * edge2) -> bool { return edge1->HFR > edge2->HFR;});
0464     m_NumStarsDetected = edges.count();
0465     // Take only the first num stars
0466     {
0467         int starCount = qMin(num, edges.count());
0468         for (int i = 0; i < starCount; i++)
0469             sepStars->append(edges[i]);
0470     }
0471     qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "Multistar: SEP detected" << edges.count() << "stars, keeping" << sepStars->size();
0473     edges.clear();
0474     return sepStars->count();
0475 }
0477 double GuideStars::findMinDistance(int index, const QList<Edge*> &stars)
0478 {
0479     double closestDistanceSqr = 1e10;
0480     const Edge &star = *stars[index];
0481     for (int i = 0; i < stars.size(); ++i)
0482     {
0483         if (i == index) continue;
0484         const Edge &thisStar = *stars[i];
0485         const double xDist = star.x - thisStar.x;
0486         const double yDist = star.y - thisStar.y;
0487         const double distanceSqr = xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist;
0488         if (distanceSqr < closestDistanceSqr)
0489             closestDistanceSqr = distanceSqr;
0490     }
0491     return sqrt(closestDistanceSqr);
0492 }
0494 // Returns a list of 'num' stars, sorted according to evaluateSEPStars().
0495 // If the region-of-interest rectange is not null, it only returns scores in that area.
0496 void GuideStars::findTopStars(const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &imageData, int num, QList<Edge> *stars,
0497                               const double maxHFR, const QRect *roi,
0498                               QList<double> *outputScores, QList<double> *minDistances)
0499 {
0500     if (roi == nullptr)
0501         DLOG(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "Multistar: findTopStars" << num;
0502     else
0503         DLOG(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "Multistar: findTopStars" << num <<
0504                                 QString("Roi(%1,%2 %3x%4)").arg(roi->x()).arg(roi->y()).arg(roi->width()).arg(roi->height());
0506     stars->clear();
0507     if (imageData == nullptr)
0508         return;
0510     QElapsedTimer timer;
0511     timer.restart();
0512     QList<Edge*> sepStars;
0513     int count = findAllSEPStars(imageData, &sepStars, num * 2);
0514     if (count == 0)
0515         return;
0517     if (sepStars.empty())
0518         return;
0520     QVector<double> scores;
0521     evaluateSEPStars(sepStars, &scores, roi, maxHFR);
0522     // Sort the sepStars by score, higher score to lower score.
0523     QVector<std::pair<int, double>> sc;
0524     for (int i = 0; i < scores.size(); ++i)
0525         sc.push_back(std::pair<int, double>(i, scores[i]));
0526     std::sort(sc.begin(), sc.end(), [](const std::pair<int, double> &a, const std::pair<int, double> &b)
0527     {
0528         return a.second > b.second;
0529     });
0530     // Copy the top num results.
0531     for (int i = 0; i < std::min(num, scores.size()); ++i)
0532     {
0533         const int starIndex = sc[i].first;
0534         const double starScore = sc[i].second;
0535         if (starScore >= 0)
0536         {
0537             stars->append(*(sepStars[starIndex]));
0538             if (outputScores != nullptr)
0539                 outputScores->append(starScore);
0540             if (minDistances != nullptr)
0541                 minDistances->append(findMinDistance(starIndex, sepStars));
0542         }
0543     }
0545             << QString("Multistar: findTopStars returning: %1 stars, %2s")
0546             .arg(stars->size()).arg(timer.elapsed() / 1000.0, 4, 'f', 2);
0547 }
0549 // Scores star detection relative to each other. Uses the star's SNR as the main measure.
0550 void GuideStars::evaluateSEPStars(const QList<Edge *> &starCenters, QVector<double> *scores,
0551                                   const QRect *roi, const double maxHFR) const
0552 {
0553     auto centers = starCenters;
0554     scores->clear();
0555     const int numDetections = centers.size();
0556     for (int i = 0; i < numDetections; ++i) scores->push_back(0);
0557     if (numDetections == 0) return;
0560     // Rough constants used by this weighting.
0561     // If the center pixel is above this, assume it's clipped and don't emphasize.
0562     constexpr double snrWeight = 20;  // Measure weight if/when multiple measures are used.
0563     auto bg = skybackground();
0565     // Sort by SNR in increasing order so the weighting goes up.
0566     // Assign score based on the sorted position.
0567     std::sort(centers.begin(), centers.end(), [&bg](const Edge * a, const Edge * b)
0568     {
0569         double snrA = bg.SNR(a->sum, a->numPixels);
0570         double snrB = bg.SNR(b->sum, b->numPixels);
0571         return snrA < snrB;
0572     });
0574     // See if the HFR restriction is too severe.
0575     int numRejectedByHFR = 0;
0576     for (int i = 0; i < numDetections; ++i)
0577     {
0578         if (>HFR > maxHFR)
0579             numRejectedByHFR++;
0580     }
0581     const int starsRemaining = numDetections - numRejectedByHFR;
0582     const bool useHFRConstraint =
0583         starsRemaining > 5    ||
0584         (starsRemaining >= 3 && numDetections <= 6) ||
0585         (starsRemaining >= 2 && numDetections <= 4) ||
0586         (starsRemaining >= 1 && numDetections <= 2);
0588     for (int i = 0; i < numDetections; ++i)
0589     {
0590         for (int j = 0; j < numDetections; ++j)
0591         {
0592             if ( ==
0593             {
0594                 // Don't emphasize stars that are too wide.
0595                 if (useHFRConstraint &&>HFR > maxHFR)
0596                     (*scores)[j] = -1;
0597                 else
0598                     (*scores)[j] += snrWeight * i;
0599                 break;
0600             }
0601         }
0602     }
0604     // If we are insisting on a star in the tracking box.
0605     if (roi != nullptr)
0606     {
0607         // Reset the score of anything outside the tracking box.
0608         for (int j = 0; j < starCenters.size(); ++j)
0609         {
0610             const auto &star =;
0611             if (star->x < roi->x() || star->x >= roi->x() + roi->width() ||
0612                     star->y < roi->y() || star->y >= roi->y() + roi->height())
0613                 (*scores)[j] = -1;
0614         }
0615     }
0616 }
0618 // Given a star detection and a reference star compute the RA and DEC drifts between the two.
0619 void GuideStars::computeStarDrift(const Edge &star, const Edge &reference, double *driftRA, double *driftDEC) const
0620 {
0621     if (!calibrationInitialized) return;
0623     GuiderUtils::Vector position(star.x, star.y, 0);
0624     GuiderUtils::Vector reference_position(reference.x, reference.y, 0);
0625     GuiderUtils::Vector arc_position, arc_reference_position;
0626     arc_position = calibration.convertToArcseconds(position);
0627     arc_reference_position = calibration.convertToArcseconds(reference_position);
0629     // translate into sky coords.
0630     GuiderUtils::Vector sky_coords = arc_position - arc_reference_position;
0631     sky_coords = calibration.rotateToRaDec(sky_coords);
0633     // Save the drifts in RA and DEC.
0634     *driftRA   = sky_coords.x;
0635     *driftDEC = sky_coords.y;
0636 }
0638 // Computes the overall drift given the input image that was analyzed in findGuideStar().
0639 // Returns true if this can be done--there are already guide stars and the current detections
0640 // can be compared to them. In that case, fills in RADRift and DECDrift with arc-second drifts.
0641 // Reticle_x,y is the target position. It may be different from when we
0642 // originally selected the guide star, e.g. due to dithering, etc. We compute an offset from the
0643 // original guide-star position and the reticle position and offset all the reference star
0644 // positions by that.
0645 bool GuideStars::getDrift(double oneStarDrift, double reticle_x, double reticle_y,
0646                           double *RADrift, double *DECDrift)
0647 {
0648     if (starCorrespondence.size() == 0)
0649         return false;
0650     const Edge gStar = starCorrespondence.reference(starCorrespondence.guideStar());
0651     DLOG(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "Multistar getDrift, reticle:" << reticle_x << reticle_y
0652                             << "guidestar" << gStar.x << gStar.y
0653                             << "so offsets:" << (reticle_x - gStar.x) << (reticle_y - gStar.y);
0654     // Revoke multistar if we're that far away.
0655     // Currently disabled by large constant.
0656     constexpr double maxDriftForMultistar = 4000000.0;  // arc-seconds
0658     if (!calibrationInitialized)
0659         return false;
0661     // Don't run multistar if the 1-star approach is too far off.
0662     if (oneStarDrift > maxDriftForMultistar)
0663     {
0664         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "MultiStar: 1-star drift too high: " << oneStarDrift;
0665         return false;
0666     }
0667     if (starCorrespondence.size() < 2)
0668     {
0669         qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "Multistar: no guide stars";
0670         return false;
0671     }
0673     // The original guide star position has been offset.
0674     double offset_x = reticle_x - gStar.x;
0675     double offset_y = reticle_y - gStar.y;
0677     int numStarsProcessed = 0;
0678     bool guideStarProcessed = false;
0679     double driftRASum = 0, driftDECSum = 0;
0680     double guideStarRADrift = 0, guideStarDECDrift = 0;
0681     QVector<double> raDrifts, decDrifts;
0684             << QString("%1 %2  dRA   dDEC").arg(logHeader("")).arg(logHeader("    Ref:"));
0685     for (int i = 0; i < detectedStars.size(); ++i)
0686     {
0687         const auto &star = detectedStars[i];
0688         auto bg = skybackground();
0689         double snr = bg.SNR(detectedStars[i].sum, detectedStars[i].numPixels);
0690         // Probably should test SNR on the reference as well.
0691         if (getStarMap(i) >= 0 && snr >= MIN_DRIFT_SNR)
0692         {
0693             auto ref = starCorrespondence.reference(getStarMap(i));
0694             ref.x += offset_x;
0695             ref.y += offset_y;
0696             double driftRA, driftDEC;
0697             computeStarDrift(star, ref, &driftRA, &driftDEC);
0698             if (getStarMap(i) == starCorrespondence.guideStar())
0699             {
0700                 guideStarRADrift = driftRA;
0701                 guideStarDECDrift = driftDEC;
0702                 guideStarProcessed = true;
0703             }
0705             raDrifts.push_back(driftRA);
0706             decDrifts.push_back(driftDEC);
0707             numStarsProcessed++;
0709             DLOG(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE)
0710                     << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(logStar("MultiStar", i, bg, star))
0711                     .arg(logStar("    Ref:", getStarMap(i), bg, ref))
0712                     .arg(driftRA, 5, 'f', 2).arg(driftDEC, 5, 'f', 2);
0713         }
0714     }
0716     if (numStarsProcessed == 0 || (!allowMissingGuideStar && !guideStarProcessed))
0717         return false;
0719     // Filter out reference star drifts that are too different from the guide-star drift.
0720     QVector<double> raDriftsKeep, decDriftsKeep;
0721     for (int i = 0; i < raDrifts.size(); ++i)
0722     {
0723         if ((allowMissingGuideStar && !guideStarProcessed) ||
0724                 ((fabs(raDrifts[i] - guideStarRADrift) < 2.0) &&
0725                  (fabs(decDrifts[i] - guideStarDECDrift) < 2.0)))
0726         {
0727             driftRASum += raDrifts[i];
0728             driftDECSum += decDrifts[i];
0729             raDriftsKeep.push_back(raDrifts[i]);
0730             decDriftsKeep.push_back(decDrifts[i]);
0731         }
0732     }
0733     if (raDriftsKeep.empty() || raDriftsKeep.empty())
0734         return false;  // Shouldn't happen.
0736     numStarsProcessed = raDriftsKeep.size();
0738     // Generate the drift either from the median or the average of the usable reference drifts.
0739     bool useMedian = true;
0740     if (useMedian)
0741     {
0742         std::sort(raDriftsKeep.begin(),  raDriftsKeep.end(),  [] (double d1, double d2)
0743         {
0744             return d1 < d2;
0745         });
0746         std::sort(decDriftsKeep.begin(), decDriftsKeep.end(), [] (double d1, double d2)
0747         {
0748             return d1 < d2;
0749         });
0750         if (numStarsProcessed % 2 == 0)
0751         {
0752             const int middle = numStarsProcessed / 2;
0753             *RADrift  = ( raDriftsKeep[middle - 1] +  raDriftsKeep[middle]) / 2.0;
0754             *DECDrift = (decDriftsKeep[middle - 1] + decDriftsKeep[middle]) / 2.0;
0755         }
0756         else
0757         {
0758             const int middle = numStarsProcessed / 2;  // because it's 0-based
0759             *RADrift  = raDriftsKeep[middle];
0760             *DECDrift = decDriftsKeep[middle];
0761         }
0762         DLOG(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "MultiStar: Drift median " << *RADrift << *DECDrift << numStarsProcessed << " of " <<
0763                                 detectedStars.size() << "#guide" << starCorrespondence.size();
0764     }
0765     else
0766     {
0767         *RADrift  = driftRASum / raDriftsKeep.size();
0768         *DECDrift = driftDECSum / decDriftsKeep.size();
0769         DLOG(KSTARS_EKOS_GUIDE) << "MultiStar: Drift " << *RADrift << *DECDrift << numStarsProcessed << " of " <<
0770                                 detectedStars.size() << "#guide" << starCorrespondence.size();
0771     }
0772     return true;
0773 }
0775 void GuideStars::setCalibration(const Calibration &cal)
0776 {
0777     calibration = cal;
0778     calibrationInitialized = true;
0779 }