Warning, /education/kstars/kstars/ekos/capture/calibrationoptions.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <ui version="4.0">
0003  <class>calibrationOptions</class>
0004  <widget class="QDialog" name="calibrationOptions">
0005   <property name="geometry">
0006    <rect>
0007     <x>0</x>
0008     <y>0</y>
0009     <width>575</width>
0010     <height>160</height>
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0012   </property>
0013   <property name="windowTitle">
0014    <string>Calibration Options</string>
0015   </property>
0016   <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
0017    <property name="spacing">
0018     <number>3</number>
0019    </property>
0020    <property name="leftMargin">
0021     <number>3</number>
0022    </property>
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0024     <number>3</number>
0025    </property>
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0027     <number>3</number>
0028    </property>
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0030     <number>3</number>
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0032    <item>
0033     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
0034      <item>
0035       <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
0036        <property name="toolTip">
0037         <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Select which actions to perform before a Bias/Dark/Flat frame is captured.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
0038        </property>
0039        <property name="title">
0040         <string>Calibration Pre-Actions</string>
0041        </property>
0042        <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
0043         <property name="spacing">
0044          <number>3</number>
0045         </property>
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0047          <number>3</number>
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0050          <number>3</number>
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0053          <number>3</number>
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0056          <number>3</number>
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0058         <item>
0059          <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
0060           <item>
0061            <widget class="QCheckBox" name="gotoWallC">
0062             <property name="toolTip">
0063              <string>Slew mount to the specified Azimuth/Altitude coordinates before taking flat field images</string>
0064             </property>
0065             <property name="text">
0066              <string>Goto Wall</string>
0067             </property>
0068            </widget>
0069           </item>
0070           <item>
0071            <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
0072             <property name="text">
0073              <string>Az:</string>
0074             </property>
0075            </widget>
0076           </item>
0077           <item>
0078            <widget class="dmsBox" name="azBox">
0079             <property name="toolTip">
0080              <string/>
0081             </property>
0082            </widget>
0083           </item>
0084           <item>
0085            <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
0086             <property name="text">
0087              <string>Alt:</string>
0088             </property>
0089            </widget>
0090           </item>
0091           <item>
0092            <widget class="dmsBox" name="altBox">
0093             <property name="toolTip">
0094              <string/>
0095             </property>
0096            </widget>
0097           </item>
0098          </layout>
0099         </item>
0100         <item>
0101          <widget class="QCheckBox" name="parkMountC">
0102           <property name="text">
0103            <string>Park Mount</string>
0104           </property>
0105          </widget>
0106         </item>
0107         <item>
0108          <widget class="QCheckBox" name="parkDomeC">
0109           <property name="text">
0110            <string>Park Dome</string>
0111           </property>
0112          </widget>
0113         </item>
0114         <item>
0115          <spacer name="verticalSpacer_2">
0116           <property name="orientation">
0117            <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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0120            <size>
0121             <width>20</width>
0122             <height>40</height>
0123            </size>
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0125          </spacer>
0126         </item>
0127        </layout>
0128       </widget>
0129      </item>
0130      <item>
0131       <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2">
0132        <property name="title">
0133         <string>Flat Duration</string>
0134        </property>
0135        <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
0136         <property name="spacing">
0137          <number>3</number>
0138         </property>
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0140          <number>3</number>
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0143          <number>3</number>
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0146          <number>3</number>
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0148         <property name="bottomMargin">
0149          <number>3</number>
0150         </property>
0151         <item>
0152          <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
0153           <item row="0" column="0">
0154            <widget class="QRadioButton" name="manualDurationC">
0155             <property name="toolTip">
0156              <string>Use the frame exposure value</string>
0157             </property>
0158             <property name="text">
0159              <string>Manual</string>
0160             </property>
0161             <property name="checked">
0162              <bool>true</bool>
0163             </property>
0164             <attribute name="buttonGroup">
0165              <string notr="true">flatDurationGroup</string>
0166             </attribute>
0167            </widget>
0168           </item>
0169           <item row="1" column="0">
0170            <widget class="QRadioButton" name="ADUC">
0171             <property name="toolTip">
0172              <string>Calculate optimal exposure time given the required ADU. If a controllable device is selected, calculate optimal brightness.</string>
0173             </property>
0174             <property name="text">
0175              <string>ADU</string>
0176             </property>
0177             <attribute name="buttonGroup">
0178              <string notr="true">flatDurationGroup</string>
0179             </attribute>
0180            </widget>
0181           </item>
0182           <item row="1" column="1">
0183            <widget class="QSpinBox" name="ADUValue">
0184             <property name="toolTip">
0185              <string>Calculate optimal exposure time given the required ADU. If a controllable device is selected, calculate optimal brightness.</string>
0186             </property>
0187             <property name="maximum">
0188              <number>65535</number>
0189             </property>
0190             <property name="singleStep">
0191              <number>1000</number>
0192             </property>
0193            </widget>
0194           </item>
0195           <item row="2" column="0">
0196            <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
0197             <property name="toolTip">
0198              <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Accept ADU values that fall within this range around the desired ADU target. For example, if the ADU value was set to 10000 and the tolerance was set to 100, then frames with ADU values f 9900 and 10100 shall be accepted.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
0199             </property>
0200             <property name="text">
0201              <string>Tolerance:</string>
0202             </property>
0203            </widget>
0204           </item>
0205           <item row="2" column="1">
0206            <widget class="QSpinBox" name="ADUTolerance">
0207             <property name="toolTip">
0208              <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Accept ADU values that fall within this range around the desired ADU target. For example, if the ADU value was set to 10000 and the tolerance was set to 100, then frames with ADU values f 9900 and 10100 shall be accepted.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
0209             </property>
0210             <property name="maximum">
0211              <number>50000</number>
0212             </property>
0213             <property name="singleStep">
0214              <number>100</number>
0215             </property>
0216             <property name="value">
0217              <number>1000</number>
0218             </property>
0219            </widget>
0220           </item>
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0226            <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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0240    </item>
0241    <item>
0242     <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox">
0243      <property name="orientation">
0244       <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
0245      </property>
0246      <property name="standardButtons">
0247       <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok</set>
0248      </property>
0249     </widget>
0250    </item>
0251   </layout>
0252  </widget>
0253  <customwidgets>
0254   <customwidget>
0255    <class>dmsBox</class>
0256    <extends>QLineEdit</extends>
0257    <header>widgets/dmsbox.h</header>
0258    <container>1</container>
0259   </customwidget>
0260  </customwidgets>
0261  <tabstops>
0262   <tabstop>gotoWallC</tabstop>
0263   <tabstop>azBox</tabstop>
0264   <tabstop>altBox</tabstop>
0265   <tabstop>parkMountC</tabstop>
0266   <tabstop>parkDomeC</tabstop>
0267   <tabstop>manualDurationC</tabstop>
0268   <tabstop>ADUC</tabstop>
0269   <tabstop>ADUValue</tabstop>
0270   <tabstop>ADUTolerance</tabstop>
0271  </tabstops>
0272  <resources/>
0273  <connections>
0274   <connection>
0275    <sender>buttonBox</sender>
0276    <signal>accepted()</signal>
0277    <receiver>calibrationOptions</receiver>
0278    <slot>accept()</slot>
0279    <hints>
0280     <hint type="sourcelabel">
0281      <x>248</x>
0282      <y>254</y>
0283     </hint>
0284     <hint type="destinationlabel">
0285      <x>157</x>
0286      <y>274</y>
0287     </hint>
0288    </hints>
0289   </connection>
0290   <connection>
0291    <sender>buttonBox</sender>
0292    <signal>rejected()</signal>
0293    <receiver>calibrationOptions</receiver>
0294    <slot>reject()</slot>
0295    <hints>
0296     <hint type="sourcelabel">
0297      <x>316</x>
0298      <y>260</y>
0299     </hint>
0300     <hint type="destinationlabel">
0301      <x>286</x>
0302      <y>274</y>
0303     </hint>
0304    </hints>
0305   </connection>
0306  </connections>
0307  <buttongroups>
0308   <buttongroup name="flatDurationGroup"/>
0309  </buttongroups>
0310 </ui>