Warning, /education/kstars/kstars/ekos/auxiliary/stellarsolverprofileeditor.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <ui version="4.0">
0003  <class>StellarSolverProfileEditor</class>
0004  <widget class="QWidget" name="StellarSolverProfileEditor">
0005   <property name="geometry">
0006    <rect>
0007     <x>0</x>
0008     <y>0</y>
0009     <width>488</width>
0010     <height>671</height>
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0015     <number>3</number>
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0018     <number>3</number>
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0021     <number>3</number>
0022    </property>
0023    <property name="rightMargin">
0024     <number>3</number>
0025    </property>
0026    <property name="bottomMargin">
0027     <number>3</number>
0028    </property>
0029    <item>
0030     <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_4">
0031      <property name="title">
0032       <string>Options Profiles</string>
0033      </property>
0034      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
0035       <property name="spacing">
0036        <number>3</number>
0037       </property>
0038       <property name="leftMargin">
0039        <number>3</number>
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0042        <number>3</number>
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0044       <property name="rightMargin">
0045        <number>3</number>
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0047       <property name="bottomMargin">
0048        <number>3</number>
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0050       <item>
0051        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
0052         <property name="spacing">
0053          <number>3</number>
0054         </property>
0055         <item>
0056          <widget class="QComboBox" name="optionsProfileGroup">
0057           <property name="sizePolicy">
0058            <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
0059             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
0060             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
0061            </sizepolicy>
0062           </property>
0063           <property name="toolTip">
0064            <string>Selects the profile group that the editor is working with</string>
0065           </property>
0066           <property name="currentIndex">
0067            <number>0</number>
0068           </property>
0069           <item>
0070            <property name="text">
0071             <string>Alignment Profiles</string>
0072            </property>
0073           </item>
0074           <item>
0075            <property name="text">
0076             <string>Focus SEP Profiles</string>
0077            </property>
0078           </item>
0079           <item>
0080            <property name="text">
0081             <string>Guide SEP Profiles</string>
0082            </property>
0083           </item>
0084           <item>
0085            <property name="text">
0086             <string>HFR SEP Profiles</string>
0087            </property>
0088           </item>
0089          </widget>
0090         </item>
0091         <item>
0092          <widget class="QPushButton" name="reloadProfiles">
0093           <property name="minimumSize">
0094            <size>
0095             <width>22</width>
0096             <height>22</height>
0097            </size>
0098           </property>
0099           <property name="maximumSize">
0100            <size>
0101             <width>22</width>
0102             <height>22</height>
0103            </size>
0104           </property>
0105           <property name="toolTip">
0106            <string>Reloads the options profiles from the saved file</string>
0107           </property>
0108           <property name="text">
0109            <string/>
0110           </property>
0111          </widget>
0112         </item>
0113         <item>
0114          <widget class="QPushButton" name="loadBackups">
0115           <property name="minimumSize">
0116            <size>
0117             <width>22</width>
0118             <height>22</height>
0119            </size>
0120           </property>
0121           <property name="maximumSize">
0122            <size>
0123             <width>22</width>
0124             <height>22</height>
0125            </size>
0126           </property>
0127           <property name="toolTip">
0128            <string>Loads an alternate or backup file of profiles you saved somewhere else on your computer into and replaces all profiles in this group</string>
0129           </property>
0130           <property name="text">
0131            <string/>
0132           </property>
0133          </widget>
0134         </item>
0135         <item>
0136          <widget class="QPushButton" name="saveBackups">
0137           <property name="minimumSize">
0138            <size>
0139             <width>22</width>
0140             <height>22</height>
0141            </size>
0142           </property>
0143           <property name="maximumSize">
0144            <size>
0145             <width>22</width>
0146             <height>22</height>
0147            </size>
0148           </property>
0149           <property name="toolTip">
0150            <string>Saves your current set of profiles in this group somewhere else on your computer</string>
0151           </property>
0152           <property name="text">
0153            <string/>
0154           </property>
0155          </widget>
0156         </item>
0157         <item>
0158          <widget class="QPushButton" name="loadDefaults">
0159           <property name="minimumSize">
0160            <size>
0161             <width>22</width>
0162             <height>22</height>
0163            </size>
0164           </property>
0165           <property name="maximumSize">
0166            <size>
0167             <width>22</width>
0168             <height>22</height>
0169            </size>
0170           </property>
0171           <property name="toolTip">
0172            <string>Loads the default set of profiles, clearing any modifications or custom profiles.</string>
0173           </property>
0174           <property name="text">
0175            <string/>
0176           </property>
0177          </widget>
0178         </item>
0179         <item>
0180          <widget class="QComboBox" name="optionsProfile">
0181           <property name="sizePolicy">
0182            <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
0183             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
0184             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
0185            </sizepolicy>
0186           </property>
0187           <property name="toolTip">
0188            <string>This lets you select which options profile you want to load and edit.</string>
0189           </property>
0190           <property name="currentIndex">
0191            <number>-1</number>
0192           </property>
0193          </widget>
0194         </item>
0195         <item>
0196          <widget class="QPushButton" name="addOptionProfile">
0197           <property name="minimumSize">
0198            <size>
0199             <width>0</width>
0200             <height>0</height>
0201            </size>
0202           </property>
0203           <property name="maximumSize">
0204            <size>
0205             <width>30</width>
0206             <height>30</height>
0207            </size>
0208           </property>
0209           <property name="toolTip">
0210            <string>This allows you to add a new Options Profile and give it a name</string>
0211           </property>
0212           <property name="text">
0213            <string>+</string>
0214           </property>
0215           <property name="iconSize">
0216            <size>
0217             <width>24</width>
0218             <height>24</height>
0219            </size>
0220           </property>
0221          </widget>
0222         </item>
0223         <item>
0224          <widget class="QPushButton" name="removeOptionProfile">
0225           <property name="maximumSize">
0226            <size>
0227             <width>30</width>
0228             <height>30</height>
0229            </size>
0230           </property>
0231           <property name="toolTip">
0232            <string>This allows you to remove the currently selected options profile</string>
0233           </property>
0234           <property name="text">
0235            <string>-</string>
0236           </property>
0237           <property name="iconSize">
0238            <size>
0239             <width>24</width>
0240             <height>24</height>
0241            </size>
0242           </property>
0243          </widget>
0244         </item>
0245         <item>
0246          <widget class="QPushButton" name="saveProfile">
0247           <property name="minimumSize">
0248            <size>
0249             <width>22</width>
0250             <height>22</height>
0251            </size>
0252           </property>
0253           <property name="maximumSize">
0254            <size>
0255             <width>22</width>
0256             <height>22</height>
0257            </size>
0258           </property>
0259           <property name="toolTip">
0260            <string>Saves this single profile to a separate file on your computer so that you can back it up or sent it to someone else.</string>
0261           </property>
0262           <property name="text">
0263            <string/>
0264           </property>
0265          </widget>
0266         </item>
0267         <item>
0268          <widget class="QPushButton" name="openProfile">
0269           <property name="minimumSize">
0270            <size>
0271             <width>22</width>
0272             <height>22</height>
0273            </size>
0274           </property>
0275           <property name="maximumSize">
0276            <size>
0277             <width>22</width>
0278             <height>22</height>
0279            </size>
0280           </property>
0281           <property name="toolTip">
0282            <string>Opens a profile from a file on your computer and loads it into this profile group</string>
0283           </property>
0284           <property name="text">
0285            <string/>
0286           </property>
0287          </widget>
0288         </item>
0289         <item>
0290          <widget class="QPushButton" name="copyProfile">
0291           <property name="minimumSize">
0292            <size>
0293             <width>22</width>
0294             <height>22</height>
0295            </size>
0296           </property>
0297           <property name="maximumSize">
0298            <size>
0299             <width>22</width>
0300             <height>22</height>
0301            </size>
0302           </property>
0303           <property name="toolTip">
0304            <string>Copies the current options profile so that you can either make a duplicate in this profile group or copy it into another profile group</string>
0305           </property>
0306           <property name="text">
0307            <string/>
0308           </property>
0309          </widget>
0310         </item>
0311        </layout>
0312       </item>
0313       <item>
0314        <widget class="QTextEdit" name="description">
0315         <property name="maximumSize">
0316          <size>
0317           <width>16777215</width>
0318           <height>50</height>
0319          </size>
0320         </property>
0321         <property name="toolTip">
0322          <string>Description of the selected profile</string>
0323         </property>
0324        </widget>
0325       </item>
0326      </layout>
0327     </widget>
0328    </item>
0329    <item>
0330     <widget class="QGroupBox" name="sextractorOptions">
0331      <property name="title">
0332       <string>Sextractor Parameters</string>
0333      </property>
0334      <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
0335       <property name="leftMargin">
0336        <number>3</number>
0337       </property>
0338       <property name="topMargin">
0339        <number>3</number>
0340       </property>
0341       <property name="rightMargin">
0342        <number>3</number>
0343       </property>
0344       <property name="bottomMargin">
0345        <number>3</number>
0346       </property>
0347       <property name="spacing">
0348        <number>3</number>
0349       </property>
0350       <item row="4" column="6">
0351        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="r_min">
0352         <property name="toolTip">
0353          <string>The minimum radius for stars for flux calculations.</string>
0354         </property>
0355         <property name="text">
0356          <string>3.5</string>
0357         </property>
0358        </widget>
0359       </item>
0360       <item row="5" column="3">
0361        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="fwhm">
0362         <property name="toolTip">
0363          <string>A variable to store the fwhm in pixels used to generate the convolution filter for star detection.</string>
0364         </property>
0365         <property name="minimum">
0366          <number>1</number>
0367         </property>
0368         <property name="maximum">
0369          <number>100</number>
0370         </property>
0371        </widget>
0372       </item>
0373       <item row="5" column="6">
0374        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="magzero">
0375         <property name="toolTip">
0376          <string>This is the 'zero' magnitude used for setting the magnitude scale for the stars in the image during sextraction.</string>
0377         </property>
0378         <property name="text">
0379          <string>20</string>
0380         </property>
0381        </widget>
0382       </item>
0383       <item row="3" column="3">
0384        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="deblend_contrast">
0385         <property name="toolTip">
0386          <string>The percentage of flux a separate peak must have to be considered a separate object.</string>
0387         </property>
0388         <property name="text">
0389          <string>1</string>
0390         </property>
0391        </widget>
0392       </item>
0393       <item row="3" column="2">
0394        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_19">
0395         <property name="text">
0396          <string>Min Cont.</string>
0397         </property>
0398        </widget>
0399       </item>
0400       <item row="2" column="6">
0401        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="kron_fact">
0402         <property name="toolTip">
0403          <string>This sets the Kron Factor for use with the kron radius for flux calculations.</string>
0404         </property>
0405         <property name="text">
0406          <string>3.5</string>
0407         </property>
0408        </widget>
0409       </item>
0410       <item row="2" column="5">
0411        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_25">
0412         <property name="text">
0413          <string>Kron Factor</string>
0414         </property>
0415        </widget>
0416       </item>
0417       <item row="5" column="2">
0418        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_23">
0419         <property name="text">
0420          <string>Conv FWHM</string>
0421         </property>
0422        </widget>
0423       </item>
0424       <item row="5" column="5">
0425        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_15">
0426         <property name="text">
0427          <string>magzero</string>
0428         </property>
0429        </widget>
0430       </item>
0431       <item row="4" column="3">
0432        <widget class="QComboBox" name="convFilter">
0433         <property name="toolTip">
0434          <string>The type of Convolution Filter that SEP will apply to the image prior to star extraction.  These filters are comparable to the included filters in a SExtractor installation, but here you have the flexibility to change the FWHM.  The Default filter is the fastest filter, but does NOT change with the FWHM setting, and so is best for small stars.  The Gaussian Filter is best for faint object detection.  The Mexican Hat filter is good in crowded star fields or in the vicinity of nebulae.  The Top Hat filter is good for extended, low brightness objects.  Note: The &quot;Custom&quot; filter selection is meant for testing purposes and should only be used by developers</string>
0435         </property>
0436         <property name="currentIndex">
0437          <number>0</number>
0438         </property>
0439         <item>
0440          <property name="text">
0441           <string>Default</string>
0442          </property>
0443         </item>
0444         <item>
0445          <property name="text">
0446           <string>Custom</string>
0447          </property>
0448         </item>
0449         <item>
0450          <property name="text">
0451           <string>Gaussian</string>
0452          </property>
0453         </item>
0454         <item>
0455          <property name="text">
0456           <string>Mexican Hat</string>
0457          </property>
0458         </item>
0459         <item>
0460          <property name="text">
0461           <string>Top Hat</string>
0462          </property>
0463         </item>
0464        </widget>
0465       </item>
0466       <item row="2" column="3">
0467        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="deblend_thresh">
0468         <property name="toolTip">
0469          <string>The number of thresholds the intensity range is divided up into.</string>
0470         </property>
0471         <property name="text">
0472          <string>32</string>
0473         </property>
0474        </widget>
0475       </item>
0476       <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
0477        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_38">
0478         <property name="sizePolicy">
0479          <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
0480           <horstretch>0</horstretch>
0481           <verstretch>0</verstretch>
0482          </sizepolicy>
0483         </property>
0484         <property name="text">
0485          <string>&lt;a href = &quot;https://sep.readthedocs.io/en/v1.0.x/api/sep.extract.html&quot; &gt;Extraction Params&lt;/a&gt;</string>
0486         </property>
0487         <property name="openExternalLinks">
0488          <bool>true</bool>
0489         </property>
0490        </widget>
0491       </item>
0492       <item row="4" column="5">
0493        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_13">
0494         <property name="text">
0495          <string>r_min</string>
0496         </property>
0497        </widget>
0498       </item>
0499       <item row="3" column="6">
0500        <widget class="QComboBox" name="apertureShape">
0501         <property name="toolTip">
0502          <string>Whether to use the SEP_SUM_ELLIPSE method or the SEP_SUM_CIRCLE method or automatically choose.  NOTE: Circle is usually better at the moment</string>
0503         </property>
0504         <property name="currentIndex">
0505          <number>1</number>
0506         </property>
0507         <item>
0508          <property name="text">
0509           <string comment="Aperture Shape">Auto</string>
0510          </property>
0511         </item>
0512         <item>
0513          <property name="text">
0514           <string>Circle</string>
0515          </property>
0516         </item>
0517         <item>
0518          <property name="text">
0519           <string>Ellipse</string>
0520          </property>
0521         </item>
0522        </widget>
0523       </item>
0524       <item row="0" column="2" colspan="2">
0525        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_20">
0526         <property name="text">
0527          <string>&lt;a href=&quot;https://sep.readthedocs.io/en/v1.0.x/api/sep.extract.html&quot;&gt;Deblending Params&lt;/a&gt;</string>
0528         </property>
0529         <property name="openExternalLinks">
0530          <bool>true</bool>
0531         </property>
0532        </widget>
0533       </item>
0534       <item row="2" column="2">
0535        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_18">
0536         <property name="text">
0537          <string>Thresh</string>
0538         </property>
0539        </widget>
0540       </item>
0541       <item row="0" column="5" colspan="2">
0542        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_14">
0543         <property name="sizePolicy">
0544          <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
0545           <horstretch>0</horstretch>
0546           <verstretch>0</verstretch>
0547          </sizepolicy>
0548         </property>
0549         <property name="text">
0550          <string>&lt;a href = &quot;https://sep.readthedocs.io/en/v1.0.x/api/sep.sum_ellipse.html&quot;&gt;Photometry Params&lt;/a&gt;</string>
0551         </property>
0552         <property name="openExternalLinks">
0553          <bool>true</bool>
0554         </property>
0555        </widget>
0556       </item>
0557       <item row="4" column="2">
0558        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_26">
0559         <property name="text">
0560          <string>Conv Filter</string>
0561         </property>
0562        </widget>
0563       </item>
0564       <item row="3" column="5">
0565        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_12">
0566         <property name="text">
0567          <string>Shape</string>
0568         </property>
0569        </widget>
0570       </item>
0571       <item row="6" column="0">
0572        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="cleanCheckBox">
0573         <property name="toolTip">
0574          <string>Attempts to 'clean' the image to remove artifacts caused by bright objects</string>
0575         </property>
0576         <property name="text">
0577          <string>Clean?</string>
0578         </property>
0579         <property name="checked">
0580          <bool>true</bool>
0581         </property>
0582        </widget>
0583       </item>
0584       <item row="6" column="1">
0585        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="clean_param">
0586         <property name="toolTip">
0587          <string> The cleaning parameter</string>
0588         </property>
0589         <property name="text">
0590          <string>1</string>
0591         </property>
0592        </widget>
0593       </item>
0594       <item row="5" column="0">
0595        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_24">
0596         <property name="text">
0597          <string>Sub Pix</string>
0598         </property>
0599        </widget>
0600       </item>
0601       <item row="5" column="1">
0602        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="subpix">
0603         <property name="toolTip">
0604          <string>The subpixel sampling factor for star extraction</string>
0605         </property>
0606         <property name="text">
0607          <string>5</string>
0608         </property>
0609        </widget>
0610       </item>
0611       <item row="4" column="0">
0612        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_21">
0613         <property name="text">
0614          <string>Min Area</string>
0615         </property>
0616        </widget>
0617       </item>
0618       <item row="4" column="1">
0619        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="minarea">
0620         <property name="toolTip">
0621          <string>This is the minimum area in pixels for a star detection, smaller stars are ignored.</string>
0622         </property>
0623         <property name="text">
0624          <string>5</string>
0625         </property>
0626        </widget>
0627       </item>
0628       <item row="3" column="0">
0629        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_22">
0630         <property name="text">
0631          <string>Thresh Offset</string>
0632         </property>
0633        </widget>
0634       </item>
0635       <item row="3" column="1">
0636        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="threshOffset">
0637         <property name="toolTip">
0638          <string>Add this offset to the detection threshold</string>
0639         </property>
0640         <property name="text">
0641          <string>0</string>
0642         </property>
0643        </widget>
0644       </item>
0645       <item row="2" column="0">
0646        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_30">
0647         <property name="text">
0648          <string>Thresh Multiple</string>
0649         </property>
0650        </widget>
0651       </item>
0652       <item row="2" column="1">
0653        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="threshMultiple">
0654         <property name="toolTip">
0655          <string>Add the multiple times the rms background level to the detection threshold.</string>
0656         </property>
0657         <property name="text">
0658          <string>2.0</string>
0659         </property>
0660        </widget>
0661       </item>
0662      </layout>
0663     </widget>
0664    </item>
0665    <item>
0666     <widget class="QGroupBox" name="starFilterOptions">
0667      <property name="title">
0668       <string>Star Filtering Parameters (Make these settings 0 to disable them)</string>
0669      </property>
0670      <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
0671       <property name="leftMargin">
0672        <number>3</number>
0673       </property>
0674       <property name="topMargin">
0675        <number>3</number>
0676       </property>
0677       <property name="rightMargin">
0678        <number>3</number>
0679       </property>
0680       <property name="bottomMargin">
0681        <number>3</number>
0682       </property>
0683       <property name="spacing">
0684        <number>3</number>
0685       </property>
0686       <item row="4" column="1">
0687        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="maxEllipse">
0688         <property name="toolTip">
0689          <string>The maximum ratio between the semi-major and semi-minor axes for stars to include (a/b), this will allow you to exclude elliptical sources like galaxies or badly distorted stars.</string>
0690         </property>
0691         <property name="text">
0692          <string>0</string>
0693         </property>
0694        </widget>
0695       </item>
0696       <item row="2" column="4">
0697        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="brightestPercent">
0698         <property name="toolTip">
0699          <string>The percentage of brightest stars to remove from the list</string>
0700         </property>
0701         <property name="text">
0702          <string>0</string>
0703         </property>
0704        </widget>
0705       </item>
0706       <item row="3" column="3">
0707        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_41">
0708         <property name="text">
0709          <string>Cut Dimmest</string>
0710         </property>
0711        </widget>
0712       </item>
0713       <item row="3" column="4">
0714        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="dimmestPercent">
0715         <property name="toolTip">
0716          <string>The percentage of dimmest stars to remove from the list</string>
0717         </property>
0718         <property name="text">
0719          <string>0</string>
0720         </property>
0721        </widget>
0722       </item>
0723       <item row="4" column="5">
0724        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_52">
0725         <property name="text">
0726          <string>%</string>
0727         </property>
0728        </widget>
0729       </item>
0730       <item row="4" column="4">
0731        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="saturationLimit">
0732         <property name="toolTip">
0733          <string>Remove all stars above a certain threshold percentage of saturation</string>
0734         </property>
0735         <property name="text">
0736          <string>0</string>
0737         </property>
0738        </widget>
0739       </item>
0740       <item row="4" column="3">
0741        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_46">
0742         <property name="text">
0743          <string>Sat. Limit</string>
0744         </property>
0745        </widget>
0746       </item>
0747       <item row="3" column="1">
0748        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="minSize">
0749         <property name="toolTip">
0750          <string>The minimum size of stars to include in the final list in pixels based on semi-major and semi-minor axes</string>
0751         </property>
0752         <property name="text">
0753          <string>0</string>
0754         </property>
0755        </widget>
0756       </item>
0757       <item row="4" column="0">
0758        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_39">
0759         <property name="text">
0760          <string>Max Ellipse</string>
0761         </property>
0762        </widget>
0763       </item>
0764       <item row="3" column="0">
0765        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_56">
0766         <property name="text">
0767          <string>Min Size</string>
0768         </property>
0769        </widget>
0770       </item>
0771       <item row="2" column="0">
0772        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_43">
0773         <property name="text">
0774          <string>Max Size</string>
0775         </property>
0776        </widget>
0777       </item>
0778       <item row="2" column="1">
0779        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="maxSize">
0780         <property name="toolTip">
0781          <string>The maximum size of stars to include in the final list in pixels based on semi-major and semi-minor axes</string>
0782         </property>
0783         <property name="text">
0784          <string>0</string>
0785         </property>
0786        </widget>
0787       </item>
0788       <item row="3" column="2">
0789        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_57">
0790         <property name="text">
0791          <string>px</string>
0792         </property>
0793        </widget>
0794       </item>
0795       <item row="3" column="5">
0796        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_51">
0797         <property name="text">
0798          <string>%</string>
0799         </property>
0800        </widget>
0801       </item>
0802       <item row="2" column="3">
0803        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_40">
0804         <property name="text">
0805          <string>Cut Brightest</string>
0806         </property>
0807        </widget>
0808       </item>
0809       <item row="0" column="5">
0810        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_55">
0811         <property name="text">
0812          <string>stars</string>
0813         </property>
0814        </widget>
0815       </item>
0816       <item row="2" column="5">
0817        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_44">
0818         <property name="text">
0819          <string>%</string>
0820         </property>
0821        </widget>
0822       </item>
0823       <item row="2" column="2">
0824        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_49">
0825         <property name="text">
0826          <string>px</string>
0827         </property>
0828        </widget>
0829       </item>
0830       <item row="4" column="2">
0831        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_53">
0832         <property name="text">
0833          <string>a/b</string>
0834         </property>
0835        </widget>
0836       </item>
0837       <item row="0" column="3">
0838        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_54">
0839         <property name="text">
0840          <string>Keep #</string>
0841         </property>
0842        </widget>
0843       </item>
0844       <item row="0" column="4">
0845        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="keepNum">
0846         <property name="toolTip">
0847          <string>The number of stars to keep in the list after star extraction. This parameter is based on magnitude and is most useful to speed up plate solving, such as in the Align Module.</string>
0848         </property>
0849         <property name="text">
0850          <string>0</string>
0851         </property>
0852        </widget>
0853       </item>
0854       <item row="0" column="1">
0855        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="initialKeep">
0856         <property name="toolTip">
0857          <string>The number of stars to keep in the list initially. This filter is based on the size of the stars.  It is primarily useful for speeding up star extraction with HFR such as in Focus, Guide, and HFR monitoring.</string>
0858         </property>
0859         <property name="text">
0860          <string>500</string>
0861         </property>
0862        </widget>
0863       </item>
0864       <item row="0" column="0">
0865        <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
0866         <property name="text">
0867          <string>InitialKeep</string>
0868         </property>
0869        </widget>
0870       </item>
0871       <item row="0" column="2">
0872        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
0873         <property name="text">
0874          <string>stars</string>
0875         </property>
0876        </widget>
0877       </item>
0878      </layout>
0879     </widget>
0880    </item>
0881    <item>
0882     <widget class="QGroupBox" name="astrometryOptions">
0883      <property name="title">
0884       <string>Astrometry Parameters</string>
0885      </property>
0886      <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
0887       <property name="leftMargin">
0888        <number>3</number>
0889       </property>
0890       <property name="topMargin">
0891        <number>3</number>
0892       </property>
0893       <property name="rightMargin">
0894        <number>3</number>
0895       </property>
0896       <property name="bottomMargin">
0897        <number>3</number>
0898       </property>
0899       <property name="spacing">
0900        <number>3</number>
0901       </property>
0902       <item row="5" column="0">
0903        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_29">
0904         <property name="text">
0905          <string>Maximum time</string>
0906         </property>
0907        </widget>
0908       </item>
0909       <item row="4" column="2">
0910        <widget class="QSpinBox" name="downsample">
0911         <property name="toolTip">
0912          <string>Factor to use for downsampling the image before SEP for plate solving.  Can speed it up.</string>
0913         </property>
0914         <property name="minimum">
0915          <number>1</number>
0916         </property>
0917         <property name="maximum">
0918          <number>5</number>
0919         </property>
0920        </widget>
0921       </item>
0922       <item row="5" column="3">
0923        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_9">
0924         <property name="text">
0925          <string>Search Radius</string>
0926         </property>
0927        </widget>
0928       </item>
0929       <item row="4" column="0">
0930        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_16">
0931         <property name="text">
0932          <string>DownSample</string>
0933         </property>
0934        </widget>
0935       </item>
0936       <item row="3" column="2">
0937        <widget class="QComboBox" name="multiAlgo">
0938         <property name="toolTip">
0939          <string>Algorithm for running multiple threads on possibly multiple cores to solve faster</string>
0940         </property>
0941         <property name="currentIndex">
0942          <number>0</number>
0943         </property>
0944         <item>
0945          <property name="text">
0946           <string>None</string>
0947          </property>
0948         </item>
0949         <item>
0950          <property name="text">
0951           <string>MultiScales</string>
0952          </property>
0953         </item>
0954         <item>
0955          <property name="text">
0956           <string>MultiDepths</string>
0957          </property>
0958         </item>
0959         <item>
0960          <property name="text">
0961           <string>Auto</string>
0962          </property>
0963         </item>
0964        </widget>
0965       </item>
0966       <item row="4" column="4">
0967        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="maxWidth">
0968         <property name="toolTip">
0969          <string>If no scale estimate is given, this is the limit on the maximum field width in degrees.</string>
0970         </property>
0971         <property name="text">
0972          <string>180</string>
0973         </property>
0974        </widget>
0975       </item>
0976       <item row="5" column="4">
0977        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="radius">
0978         <property name="toolTip">
0979          <string>Only search in indexes within 'radius' of the field center given by RA and DEC</string>
0980         </property>
0981         <property name="text">
0982          <string>15</string>
0983         </property>
0984        </widget>
0985       </item>
0986       <item row="0" column="0">
0987        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="resort">
0988         <property name="toolTip">
0989          <string>Whether to resort the stars based on magnitude. NOTE: This is REQUIRED to be true for the filters above</string>
0990         </property>
0991         <property name="text">
0992          <string>Resort</string>
0993         </property>
0994        </widget>
0995       </item>
0996       <item row="3" column="4">
0997        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="minWidth">
0998         <property name="toolTip">
0999          <string>If no scale estimate is given, this is the limit on the minimum field width in degrees.</string>
1000         </property>
1001         <property name="text">
1002          <string>0.1</string>
1003         </property>
1004        </widget>
1005       </item>
1006       <item row="3" column="3">
1007        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_27">
1008         <property name="text">
1009          <string>Min Degree Width</string>
1010         </property>
1011        </widget>
1012       </item>
1013       <item row="3" column="0">
1014        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_33">
1015         <property name="text">
1016          <string>Parallel Algorithm</string>
1017         </property>
1018        </widget>
1019       </item>
1020       <item row="4" column="3">
1021        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_28">
1022         <property name="text">
1023          <string>Max Degree Width</string>
1024         </property>
1025        </widget>
1026       </item>
1027       <item row="5" column="2">
1028        <widget class="QLineEdit" name="solverTimeLimit">
1029         <property name="toolTip">
1030          <string>Give up solving after the specified number of seconds of CPU time</string>
1031         </property>
1032         <property name="text">
1033          <string>600</string>
1034         </property>
1035        </widget>
1036       </item>
1037       <item row="0" column="2">
1038        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="autoDownsample">
1039         <property name="toolTip">
1040          <string>Automatically Downsamples the image based on the image size</string>
1041         </property>
1042         <property name="text">
1043          <string>Auto DownSample</string>
1044         </property>
1045         <property name="checked">
1046          <bool>true</bool>
1047         </property>
1048        </widget>
1049       </item>
1050       <item row="0" column="3" colspan="2">
1051        <widget class="QCheckBox" name="inParallel">
1052         <property name="toolTip">
1053          <string>Check the indices in parallel by loading them simultaneously into memory? If the indices you are using take less than 2 GB of space, and you have at least as much physical memory as indices, you want this enabled.</string>
1054         </property>
1055         <property name="text">
1056          <string>Load all Indexes in Memory</string>
1057         </property>
1058         <property name="checked">
1059          <bool>true</bool>
1060         </property>
1061        </widget>
1062       </item>
1063      </layout>
1064     </widget>
1065    </item>
1066    <item>
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1069       <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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1080  </widget>
1081  <resources/>
1082  <connections/>
1083 </ui>