Warning, /education/kstars/kstars/dialogs/wizwelcome.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 0002 <ui version="4.0"> 0003 <class>WizWelcome</class> 0004 <widget class="QWidget" name="WizWelcome"> 0005 <property name="geometry"> 0006 <rect> 0007 <x>0</x> 0008 <y>0</y> 0009 <width>586</width> 0010 <height>395</height> 0011 </rect> 0012 </property> 0013 <layout class="QHBoxLayout"> 0014 <property name="spacing"> 0015 <number>6</number> 0016 </property> 0017 <property name="margin"> 0018 <number>8</number> 0019 </property> 0020 <item> 0021 <widget class="QLabel" name="Banner"> 0022 <property name="sizePolicy"> 0023 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed"> 0024 <horstretch>0</horstretch> 0025 <verstretch>0</verstretch> 0026 </sizepolicy> 0027 </property> 0028 <property name="minimumSize"> 0029 <size> 0030 <width>120</width> 0031 <height>360</height> 0032 </size> 0033 </property> 0034 <property name="text"> 0035 <string/> 0036 </property> 0037 </widget> 0038 </item> 0039 <item> 0040 <layout class="QVBoxLayout"> 0041 <property name="spacing"> 0042 <number>6</number> 0043 </property> 0044 <property name="margin"> 0045 <number>0</number> 0046 </property> 0047 <item> 0048 <widget class="QLabel" name="WelcomeTitle"> 0049 <property name="font"> 0050 <font> 0051 <family>Sans Serif</family> 0052 <pointsize>11</pointsize> 0053 <weight>75</weight> 0054 <italic>false</italic> 0055 <bold>true</bold> 0056 <underline>false</underline> 0057 <strikeout>false</strikeout> 0058 </font> 0059 </property> 0060 <property name="text"> 0061 <string>Welcome to the KStars Startup Wizard</string> 0062 </property> 0063 </widget> 0064 </item> 0065 <item> 0066 <spacer> 0067 <property name="orientation"> 0068 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> 0069 </property> 0070 <property name="sizeType"> 0071 <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum> 0072 </property> 0073 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0"> 0074 <size> 0075 <width>20</width> 0076 <height>12</height> 0077 </size> 0078 </property> 0079 </spacer> 0080 </item> 0081 <item> 0082 <widget class="QLabel" name="WelcomeText"> 0083 <property name="text"> 0084 <string><p>This wizard will help you set up some basic options, such as your location on Earth.</p><p>To get started, press the <b>Next</b> button.</p></string> 0085 </property> 0086 <property name="wordWrap"> 0087 <bool>true</bool> 0088 </property> 0089 </widget> 0090 </item> 0091 <item> 0092 <spacer> 0093 <property name="orientation"> 0094 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> 0095 </property> 0096 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0"> 0097 <size> 0098 <width>20</width> 0099 <height>191</height> 0100 </size> 0101 </property> 0102 </spacer> 0103 </item> 0104 </layout> 0105 </item> 0106 </layout> 0107 </widget> 0108 <resources/> 0109 <connections/> 0110 </ui>