File indexing completed on 2024-09-08 03:29:00

0001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w -i.bak - # -*- perl -*-
0003 use strict;
0004 my $ME = $0; $ME =~ s{.*/}{};    #-- program name minus leading path if any
0006 my $USAGE =<<USAGE;
0007 Usage: $ME [options] hip*.dat
0008 Options:
0009  -c --clean     Delete backup files.
0010  -e --edit      Actually change the specified files.
0011  -f --force     Apply changes despite warnings.
0012  -h --help      Show this usage message.
0013  -p --pretend   Just show changes that would be made.
0014  -r --reverse   Convert files in the new format back to the old.
0015  -u --undo      Undoes changes by moving backup files back to originals.
0016  -v --verbose   Show filenames in pretend mode.
0018 Converts the format of hipXXX.dat files so that the fixed length gname
0019 comes before the variable length name.
0021 old format: [name[: gname]] | [: gname]
0022 new format: [; gname[; name]]
0024 DANGER: This program edits files in place.  Always use --pretend first.
0025 USAGE
0027 @ARGV or die $USAGE;
0030 my $BAK       = ".bak";
0031 my $SEP       = ',';
0032 my $GNAME_LEN = 7;
0034 while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ s/^-//) {
0035     my $arg = shift @ARGV;
0036     if    ($arg =~ /^(r|-reverse)$/) { $REVERSE = 1 }
0037     elsif ($arg =~ /^(p|-pretend)$/) { $PRETEND = 1 }
0038     elsif ($arg =~ /^(v|-verbose)$/) { $VERBOSE = 1 }
0039     elsif ($arg =~ /^(u|-undo)$/   ) { $UNDO    = 1 }
0040     elsif ($arg =~ /^(c|-clean)$/  ) { $CLEAN   = 1 }
0041     elsif ($arg =~ /^(f|-force)$/  ) { $FORCE   = 1 }
0042     elsif ($arg =~ /^(e|-edit)$/   ) { $EDIT    = 1 }
0043     elsif ($arg =~ /^(h|-help$)/   ) { die $USAGE   }
0044     elsif ($arg =~ /^$/            ) { last         }
0045     else { die qq(ERROR: Unrecognized argument: "-$arg":\n$USAGE); }
0046 }
0048 @ARGV or
0049   die "$ME Error: need to specify at least one hipXXX.dat file\n";
0051 $CLEAN and $UNDO and
0052   die "$ME Error: can't --clean and --undo at the same time.\n";
0054 $EDIT and $UNDO and
0055   die "$ME Error: can't --edit and --undo at the same time.\n";
0057 my @files = @ARGV;
0059 #--- Remove backup files
0060 if ($CLEAN and not $EDIT) {
0061     clean(@files);
0062 }
0063 #--- Copy backups back over 'originals'
0064 elsif ($UNDO) {
0065     for my $file (@files) {
0066         my $backup = $file . $BAK;
0067         -e $backup or do {
0068             warn "$ME Warning: backup file '$backup' for '$file' does not exist\n";
0069             next;
0070         };
0071         if ($PRETEND) {
0072             print "$ME would rename: $backup => $file\n";
0073             next;
0074         }
0075         rename( $backup, $file) or 
0076             warn "$ME Warning: unable to undo changes to '$file': $!\n";
0077     }
0078 }
0080 #--- Show all lines that would be changed
0081 elsif ($PRETEND) {
0082     for my $file (@files) {
0083         open(FILE, $file) or do {
0084             warn "$ME Warning: could not open($file) $!\n";
0085             next;
0086         };
0087         my $fname = $VERBOSE ? "$file:" : "";
0088         while (<FILE>) {
0089             my $new = swap_names($_, $REVERSE);
0090             $new eq $_ and next;
0091             print "$fname-$_";
0092             print "$fname+$new";
0093         }
0094         close FILE or die "$ME Warning: could not close($file) $!\n";
0095     }
0096 }
0098 #--- Edit all @ARGV files in-place via Perl -i flag in line 1.
0099 elsif ($EDIT)  {                    
0100     while (<>) {
0101         print swap_names($_, $REVERSE);
0102     }
0103 }
0105 else {
0106     die "$ME: Must specify a command: --edit --clean --undo --pretend\n";
0107 }
0109 $EDIT and $CLEAN and clean(@files);
0111 exit;
0113 #=== End of Main code ======================================================
0115 sub clean {
0116     for my $file (@_) {
0117         my $backup = $file . $BAK;
0118         -e $backup or do {
0119             warn "$ME Warning: backup file '$backup' for '$file' does not exist\n";
0120             next;
0121         };
0122         if ($PRETEND) {
0123             print "$ME would remove: $backup\n";
0124             next;
0125         }
0126         unlink($backup) or 
0127             warn "$ME Warning: unable to delete '$backup': $!\n";
0128     }
0129 }
0131 #---- swap_names($line, $reverse_flag) -------------------------------------
0132 # Change the format of name and gname at the end of the line if it matches
0133 # the format of the hipXXX.dat data files.  Return the line unchanged if
0134 # it starts with "#" or if it is too short.  Aborts if a data line does not
0135 # match the format of hipXXX.dat files.
0137 sub swap_names {
0138     my ($line, $reverse) = @_;
0139     return $line if $ABORT;
0140     $line =~ m/^#/ and return $line;
0141     my $d1 = substr($line, 0, 72, '');
0142     my $tail =  $/ x chomp($line);            # $tail contains chomped char(s)
0143     length($line) > 0 or return $d1 . $tail;
0145     #-- extreme check of format of a data line
0146     $FORCE or $d1 =~ m{^(\d{6}\.\d\d)\s  # RA  HHMMSS.SS
0147                     ([+-]\d{6}\.\d)\s    # DEC DDMMSS.SS
0148                     ([+-]\d{6}\.\d)      # dRA/dt
0149                     ([+-]\d{6}\.\d)      # dDec/dt
0150                     (\d{5}\.\d)\s        # Parallax
0151                     ([\d-]\d\.\d\d)      # Magnitude
0152                     ([\d-]\d\.\d\d)      # B-V index
0153                     ([A-Z].)\s           # Spectral Type
0154                     (\d)                 # Multiplicity
0155      }x or do {
0156         warn "$ME Warning: This does not look like a hipXXX.dat file\n";
0157         warn "$ME: Cowardly aborting.  Consider using --force or perhaps --undo.\n";
0158         $ABORT = 1;
0159         return  $d1 . $line . $tail;
0160     };
0162     my $gname;
0163     my $name;
0165     #--- Read names in new format
0166     if ($line =~ s/^$SEP\s*//) {
0167         $name  = $line =~ s/\s*$SEP\s*(.*)// ? $1 : "";
0168         $gname = $line || "";
0169     }
0171     #--- Read names in old format
0172     else {
0173         $gname = $line =~ s/\s?:\s?(.*)// ? $1 : "";
0174         $name  = $line || "";
0175     }
0177     my $names;
0179     #--- Write names in old format
0180     if ($reverse) {     
0181         $names = $name;
0182         $name  and $gname and $names .= " ";
0183         $gname and $names .= ": $gname";
0184     }
0186     #--- Write names in new format
0187     else {
0188         $names = "$SEP ";
0189         $names .= $gname ? $gname : " " x $GNAME_LEN;
0190         $name and $names .= "$SEP $name";
0191     }
0192     return $d1 . $names . $tail;
0193 }
0195 __END__