Warning, /education/kstars/doc/calc-dayduration.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <sect2 id="calc-dayduration">
0002 <title>Day Duration module</title>
0003 <indexterm><primary>Tools</primary>
0004 <secondary>Astrocalculator</secondary>
0005 <tertiary>Day Duration module</tertiary>
0006 </indexterm>
0008 <screenshot>
0009 <screeninfo>
0010 The Day Duration calculator module
0011 </screeninfo>
0012 <mediaobject>
0013   <imageobject>
0014     <imagedata fileref="calc-daylength.png" format="PNG"/>
0015   </imageobject>
0016   <textobject>
0017     <phrase>Day Duration</phrase>
0018   </textobject>
0019 </mediaobject>
0020 </screenshot>
0022 <para>
0023 This module computes the length of day as well as sunrise, sun-transit
0024 (noon), and sunset times for any calendar date, for any location on
0025 Earth.  First select the desired geographic coordinates and date, then
0026 the data is computed and displayed.
0027 </para>
0028 </sect2>