File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 07:33:03

0001 /*  mock ekos modules
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Hy Murveit <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #ifndef MOCKMODULES_H
0008 #define MOCKMODULES_H
0010 #include <QString>
0011 #include <QList>
0012 #include <QStringList>
0013 #include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
0014 #include "ekos/ekos.h"
0015 #include "indi/indimount.h"
0017 // These classes mock Ekos modules for use in testing the scheduler
0018 // in test_ekos_scheduler_ops.cpp.  They perform minimal functions
0019 // and are only partially implemented--that is, they only have methods
0020 // that are actually called by the scheduler. If scheduler functionality
0021 // is added, then more mock methods may need to be created, or methods extended.
0022 // They communicate with the scheduler with the same dbus calls as the real modules.
0023 //
0024 // Note that MockEkos uses a different path and interface than the actual
0025 // scheduler (to avoid name conflicts with the adaptor class) so it use it
0026 // the scheduler contstructor that takes path and interface needs to be used.
0027 // Scheduler scheduler("/MockKStars/MockEkos", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos");
0029 namespace Ekos
0030 {
0032 // MockFocus returns status of either FOCUS_PROGRESS or FOCUS_IDLE
0033 // or whatever is passed to setStatus(). It is commanded by the status call.
0034 // It signals newStatus() if the status is changed.
0035 // Status can be changed via start(), abort(), or setStatus(status).
0036 class MockFocus : public QObject
0037 {
0038         Q_OBJECT
0039         Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos.MockFocus")
0040         Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::FocusState status READ status NOTIFY newStatus)
0041     public:
0042         MockFocus();
0044         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void start()
0045         {
0046             fprintf(stderr, "MockFocus::start called\n");
0047             setStatus(Ekos::FOCUS_PROGRESS);
0048         }
0049         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void abort()
0050         {
0051             fprintf(stderr, "MockFocus::abort called\n");
0052             setStatus(Ekos::FOCUS_IDLE);
0053         }
0054         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY bool canAutoFocus()
0055         {
0056             fprintf(stderr, "MockFocus::canAutoFocus called\n");
0057             return true;
0058         }
0060         // Seems like the calibrationAutoStar is the one that's used!
0061         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAutoStarEnabled(bool enable)
0062         {
0063             Q_UNUSED(enable);
0064             fprintf(stderr, "MockFocus::setAutoStarEnabled called\n");
0065         }
0067         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void resetFrame()
0068         {
0069             fprintf(stderr, "MockFocus::ResetFrame called\n");
0070             isReset = true;
0071         }
0073         bool isReset = false;
0075         Q_SCRIPTABLE Ekos::FocusState status()
0076         {
0077             return m_Status;
0078         }
0080         void setStatus(Ekos::FocusState status)
0081         {
0082             m_Status = status;
0083             emit newStatus(m_Status);
0084         }
0086         static const QString mockPath;
0088     public slots:
0090     signals:
0091         void newStatus(Ekos::FocusState state);
0092     private:
0093         Ekos::FocusState m_Status = Ekos::FOCUS_IDLE;
0094 };
0096 // MockMount returns status() of either MOUNT_SLEWING, MOUNT_IDLE
0097 // or whatever is passed to setStatus().
0098 // They are commanded by slew(), abort() & setStatus() and signaled by newStatus().
0099 // It also returns parkStatus() of either PARK_PARKED or PARK_UNPARKED
0100 // or whatever is passed to setParkStatus().
0101 // Commanded by park(), unpark(), setParkStatus() & signaled by newParkStatus().
0102 // It can also signal ready() when sendRead() is called.
0103 class MockMount : public QObject
0104 {
0105         Q_OBJECT
0106         Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos.MockMount")
0107         Q_PROPERTY(ISD::Mount::Status status READ status NOTIFY newStatus)
0108         Q_PROPERTY(ISD::ParkStatus parkStatus READ parkStatus NOTIFY newParkStatus)
0109         Q_PROPERTY(bool canPark READ canPark)
0110     public:
0111         MockMount();
0113         ISD::Mount::Status status() const
0114         {
0115             return m_Status;
0116         }
0117         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE ISD::ParkStatus parkStatus() const
0118         {
0119             return m_ParkStatus;
0120         }
0121         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool slew(double RaHours, double DecDegrees)
0122         {
0123             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockMount::slew(%f,%f)\n", __LINE__, RaHours, DecDegrees);
0124             setStatus(ISD::Mount::MOUNT_SLEWING);
0125             lastRaHoursSlew = RaHours;
0126             lastDecDegreesSlew = DecDegrees;
0127             return true;
0128         }
0129         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool abort()
0130         {
0131             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockMount::abort()\n", __LINE__);
0132             setStatus(ISD::Mount::MOUNT_IDLE);
0133             return true;
0134         }
0135         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool resetModel()
0136         {
0137             return true;
0138         }
0139         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool canPark()
0140         {
0141             return true;
0142         }
0143         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool park()
0144         {
0145             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockMount::park\n", __LINE__);
0146             setParkStatus(ISD::PARK_PARKED);
0147             return true;
0148         }
0149         Q_INVOKABLE Q_SCRIPTABLE bool unpark()
0150         {
0151             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockMount::park\n", __LINE__);
0152             setParkStatus(ISD::PARK_UNPARKED);
0153             return true;
0154         }
0156         void sendReady()
0157         {
0158             emit ready();
0159         }
0160         void setStatus(ISD::Mount::Status status)
0161         {
0162             m_Status = status;
0163             emit newStatus(m_Status);
0164         }
0165         void setParkStatus(ISD::ParkStatus parkStatus)
0166         {
0167             m_ParkStatus = parkStatus;
0168             emit newParkStatus(parkStatus);
0169         }
0171         double lastRaHoursSlew = 0;
0172         double lastDecDegreesSlew = 0;
0173         static const QString mockPath;
0175     signals:
0176         void newStatus(ISD::Mount::Status status);
0177         void ready();
0178         void newParkStatus(ISD::ParkStatus status);
0180     public slots:
0181         void setMeridianFlipValues(bool activate, double hours)
0182         {
0183             Q_UNUSED(activate);
0184             Q_UNUSED(hours);
0185         }
0186     private:
0187         ISD::Mount::Status m_Status = ISD::Mount::MOUNT_IDLE;
0188         ISD::ParkStatus m_ParkStatus = ISD::PARK_UNPARKED;
0189 };
0191 // MockCapture returns status() of CAPTURE_CAPTURING, CAPTURE_ABORTED, CAPTURE_IDLE
0192 // or whatever is passed to setStatus().
0193 // They are commanded by start(), abort() & setStatus() and signaled by newStatus().
0194 // It also has a coolerControl and targetName property.
0195 class MockCapture : public QObject
0196 {
0197         Q_OBJECT
0198         Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos.MockCapture")
0199         Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::CaptureState status READ status NOTIFY newStatus)
0200         Q_PROPERTY(QString targetName MEMBER m_TargetName)
0201         Q_PROPERTY(bool coolerControl READ hasCoolerControl WRITE setCoolerControl)
0204     public:
0205         MockCapture();
0206         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void clearAutoFocusHFR() {}
0207         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool loadSequenceQueue(const QString &fileURL, QString targetName = "")
0208         {
0209             Q_UNUSED(targetName)
0210             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockCapture::loadSequenceQueue(%s)\n", __LINE__, fileURL.toLatin1().data());
0211             m_fileURL = fileURL;
0212             return true;
0213         }
0214         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setCapturedFramesMap(const QString &signature, int count)
0215         {
0216             Q_UNUSED(signature);
0217             Q_UNUSED(count);
0218             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockCapture::setCapturedFramesMap(%s,%d)\n", __LINE__, signature.toLatin1().data(), count);
0219         }
0220         Q_SCRIPTABLE Ekos::CaptureState status()
0221         {
0222             return m_Status;
0223         }
0225         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool hasCoolerControl()
0226         {
0227             return m_CoolerControl;
0228         }
0229         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setCoolerControl(bool value)
0230         {
0231             m_CoolerControl = value;
0232             return true;
0233         }
0235         void sendReady()
0236         {
0237             emit ready();
0238         }
0239         void setStatus(Ekos::CaptureState status)
0240         {
0241             m_Status = status;
0242             emit newStatus(m_Status);
0243         }
0244         QString m_fileURL;
0246         static const QString mockPath;
0248     public slots:
0250         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void abort()
0251         {
0252             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockCapture::abort()\n", __LINE__);
0253             setStatus(CAPTURE_ABORTED);
0254         }
0255         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void start()
0256         {
0257             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockCapture::start()\n", __LINE__);
0258             setStatus(CAPTURE_CAPTURING);
0259         }
0261     signals:
0262         Q_SCRIPTABLE void newStatus(Ekos::CaptureState status);
0263         void ready();
0265     private:
0266         QString m_TargetName;
0267         Ekos::CaptureState m_Status { CAPTURE_IDLE };
0268         bool m_CoolerControl { false };
0269 };
0271 // MockAlign returns status() of ALIGN_PROGRESS or whatever is passed to setStatus().
0272 // They are commanded by captureAndSolve(), loadAndSlew(), abort() & setStatus().
0273 // It is signaled by newStatus().
0274 class MockAlign : public QObject
0275 {
0276         Q_OBJECT
0277         Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos.MockAlign")
0278         Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::AlignState status READ status NOTIFY newStatus)
0280     public:
0281         MockAlign();
0283         Q_SCRIPTABLE Ekos::AlignState status()
0284         {
0285             return m_Status;
0286         }
0287         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setSolverAction(int action)
0288         {
0289             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::setSolverAction(%d)\n", __LINE__, action);
0290         }
0291         void setStatus(Ekos::AlignState status)
0292         {
0293             m_Status = status;
0294             emit newStatus(m_Status);
0295         }
0297         static const QString mockPath;
0299     public slots:
0300         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void abort()
0301         {
0302             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::abort()\n", __LINE__);
0303             setStatus(ALIGN_IDLE);
0304         }
0305         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool captureAndSolve()
0306         {
0307             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::captureAndSolve()\n", __LINE__);
0308             setStatus(ALIGN_PROGRESS);
0309             return true;
0310         }
0311         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool loadAndSlew(QString fileURL = QString())
0312         {
0313             Q_UNUSED(fileURL);
0314             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::loadAndSlew(fileURL)\n", __LINE__);
0315             setStatus(ALIGN_PROGRESS);
0316             return true;
0317         }
0318         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setTargetCoords(double ra, double dec)
0319         {
0320             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::setTargetCoords(%f,%f)\n", __LINE__, ra, dec);
0321             targetRa = ra;
0322             targetDec = dec;
0323         }
0324         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setTargetPositionAngle(double rotation)
0325         {
0326             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::setTargetPositionAngle(%f)\n", __LINE__, rotation);
0327             targetPositionAngle = rotation;
0328             Q_UNUSED(rotation);
0329         }
0330         bool loadAndSlew(const QByteArray &image, const QString &extension)
0331         {
0332             Q_UNUSED(image);
0333             Q_UNUSED(extension);
0334             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockAlign::loadAndSlew(image,extension)\n", __LINE__);
0335             setStatus(ALIGN_PROGRESS);
0336             return true;
0337         }
0339     signals:
0340         void newStatus(Ekos::AlignState state);
0342     private:
0343         Ekos::AlignState m_Status {ALIGN_IDLE};
0344         int action { 0 };
0345         double targetRa { 0 };
0346         double targetDec { 0 };
0347         double targetPositionAngle { 0 };
0348 };
0350 // MockGuide returns status() of GUIDE_GUIDING, GUIDE_ABORTED, or GUIDE_IDLE
0351 // or whatever is passed to setStatus().
0352 // They are commanded by guide(), abort() & setStatus() and  signaled by newStatus().
0353 class MockGuide : public QObject
0354 {
0355         Q_OBJECT
0356         Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos.MockGuide")
0357         Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::GuideState status READ status NOTIFY newStatus)
0359     public:
0360         MockGuide();
0362         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool connectGuider()
0363         {
0364             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockGuide::connectGuider()\n", __LINE__);
0365             connected = true;
0366             return true;
0367         }
0368         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setCalibrationAutoStar(bool enable)
0369         {
0370             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockGuide::setCalibrationAutoStar()\n", __LINE__);
0371             calAutoStar = enable;
0372             Q_UNUSED(enable);
0373         }
0374         Q_SCRIPTABLE Ekos::GuideState status()
0375         {
0376             return m_Status;
0377         }
0378         void setStatus(Ekos::GuideState status)
0379         {
0380             m_Status = status;
0381             emit newStatus(m_Status);
0382         }
0383         bool connected { false };
0385         // I believe this is really autoStar in general!
0386         bool calAutoStar { false };
0388         static const QString mockPath;
0390     public slots:
0391         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void clearCalibration() {}
0392         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool guide()
0393         {
0394             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockGuide::guide()\n", __LINE__);
0395             setStatus(Ekos::GUIDE_GUIDING);
0396             return true;
0397         }
0398         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool abort()
0399         {
0400             setStatus(Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED);
0401             return true;
0402         }
0404     signals:
0405         void newStatus(Ekos::GuideState status);
0407     private:
0408         Ekos::GuideState m_Status {GUIDE_IDLE};
0409 };
0411 // MockEkos has 2 different statuses.
0412 // ekosStatus is commanded by start() --> Success, and stop() --> Idle and
0413 // setEkosStatus(). It signals ekosStatusChanged.
0414 // indiStatus is commanded by connectDevices() --> Success, and
0415 // disconnectDevives() --> Idle and setIndiStatus().
0416 // It signals indiStatusChanged.
0417 // It also has an addModule() method which signals newModule().
0418 // A scheduler using this mock should be constructed as:
0419 // Scheduler scheduler("/MockKStars/MockEkos", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos");
0420 class MockEkos : public QObject
0421 {
0422         Q_OBJECT
0423         Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.mockkstars.MockEkos")
0424         Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::CommunicationStatus indiStatus READ indiStatus NOTIFY indiStatusChanged)
0425         Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::CommunicationStatus ekosStatus READ ekosStatus NOTIFY ekosStatusChanged)
0427     public:
0428         MockEkos();
0429         Q_SCRIPTABLE void start()
0430         {
0431             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::start()\n", __LINE__);
0432             setEkosStatus(Ekos::Success);
0433         }
0434         Q_SCRIPTABLE void stop()
0435         {
0436             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::stop()\n", __LINE__);
0437             setEkosStatus(Ekos::Idle);
0438         }
0439         Q_SCRIPTABLE QStringList getProfiles()
0440         {
0441             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::getProfiles()\n", __LINE__);
0442             return QStringList();
0443         }
0444         Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setProfile(const QString &profileName)
0445         {
0446             Q_UNUSED(profileName);
0447             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::setProfile()\n", __LINE__);
0448             return true;
0449         }
0450         Q_SCRIPTABLE CommunicationStatus indiStatus()
0451         {
0452             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::indiStatus\n", __LINE__);
0453             return m_INDIStatus;
0454         }
0455         Q_SCRIPTABLE CommunicationStatus ekosStatus()
0456         {
0457             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::ekosStatus\n", __LINE__);
0458             return m_EkosStatus;
0459         }
0460         void setEkosStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status)
0461         {
0462             m_EkosStatus = status;
0463             emit ekosStatusChanged(status);
0464         }
0465         void setIndiStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status)
0466         {
0467             m_INDIStatus = status;
0468             emit indiStatusChanged(status);
0469         }
0470         void addModule(const QString &name)
0471         {
0472             emit newModule(name);
0473         }
0475         static const QString mockPath;
0477     signals:
0478         void ekosStatusChanged(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status);
0479         void indiStatusChanged(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status);
0480         void newModule(const QString &name);
0482     protected:
0483     public slots:
0484         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void connectDevices()
0485         {
0486             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::connectDevices\n", __LINE__);
0487             setIndiStatus(Ekos::Success);
0488         }
0489         Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void disconnectDevices()
0490         {
0491             fprintf(stderr, "%d @@@MockEkos::disconnectDevices\n", __LINE__);
0492             setIndiStatus(Ekos::Idle);
0493         }
0494     private slots:
0495     private:
0496         Ekos::CommunicationStatus m_EkosStatus {Ekos::Idle};
0497         Ekos::CommunicationStatus m_INDIStatus {Ekos::Idle};
0498 };
0500 }  // namespace Ekos
0502 #endif // MOCKMODULES_H