Warning, /education/kiten/radselect/radselectprefdialog.ui is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <ui version="4.0" stdsetdef="1" >
0002   <author>Joseph Kerian (jkerian@gmail.com), Copyright 2006</author>
0003   <comment>License: GPLv2</comment>
0004   <class>radselectprefdialog</class>
0005   <widget class="QWidget" name="radselectprefdialog" >
0006     <property name="geometry" >
0007       <rect>
0008         <x>0</x>
0009         <y>0</y>
0010         <width>560</width>
0011         <height>466</height>
0012       </rect>
0013     </property>
0014     <property name="windowTitle" >
0015       <string>Preferences</string>
0016     </property>
0017     <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
0018       <property name="margin" >
0019         <number>-1</number>
0020       </property>
0021       <item>
0022         <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_closeOnSearch" >
0023           <property name="text">
0024             <string>Close radselect when you press search</string>
0025           </property>
0026         </widget>
0027       </item>
0028       <item>
0029         <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_sortByFrequency" >
0030           <property name="text">
0031             <string>Display radicals in descending frequency order</string>
0032           </property>
0033         </widget>
0034       </item>
0035       <item>
0036         <layout class="QGridLayout" >
0037           <property name="margin" >
0038              <number>-1</number>
0039           </property>
0040           <item row="0" column="0">
0041              <widget class="QLabel" name="resultListFontSize_label" >
0042                 <property name="text" >
0043                   <string>Search Results Font:</string>
0044                 </property>
0045                 <property name="toolTip" stdset="0" >
0046                   <string>The font for the main kanji/kana entry in list view</string>
0047                 </property>
0048                 <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0" >
0049                   <string>Use this to adjust the result list font</string>
0050                 </property>
0051              </widget>
0052           </item>
0053           <item row="0" column="1">
0054              <widget class="KFontRequester" name="kcfg_resultListFont" >
0055                 <property name="sampleText" >
0056                   <string>漢字 かな</string>
0057                 </property>
0058                 <property name="toolTip" stdset="0" >
0059                   <string>The font for the main kanji/kana entry in list view</string>
0060                 </property>
0061                 <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0" >
0062                   <string>Use this to adjust the result list font</string>
0063                 </property>
0064              </widget>
0065           </item>
0066           <item row="1" column="0">
0067              <widget class="QLabel" name="fontSize_label" >
0068                 <property name="text" >
0069                   <string>Button Font:</string>
0070                 </property>
0071                 <property name="toolTip" stdset="0" >
0072                   <string>The font for the main kanji/kana entry in list view</string>
0073                 </property>
0074                 <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0" >
0075                   <string>Use this to adjust the button font</string>
0076                 </property>
0077              </widget>
0078           </item>
0079           <item row="1" column="1">
0080              <widget class="KFontRequester" name="kcfg_font" >
0081                 <property name="sampleText" >
0082                   <string>漢字 かな</string>
0083                 </property>
0084                 <property name="toolTip" stdset="0" >
0085                   <string>The font for the main kanji/kana entry in list view</string>
0086                 </property>
0087                 <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0" >
0088                   <string>Use this to adjust the button font</string>
0089                 </property>
0090              </widget>
0091           </item>
0092         </layout>
0093       </item>
0094                 <item>
0095                   <spacer name="spacer" >
0096                     <property name="sizeHint" >
0097                            <size>
0098                                   <width>20</width>
0099                                   <height>20</height>
0100                                 </size>
0101           </property>
0102                     <property name="sizeType" >
0103                            <enum>Expanding</enum>
0104                     </property>
0105                          <property name="orientation" >
0106                            <enum>Vertical</enum>
0107                          </property>
0108                   </spacer>
0109                 </item>
0110     </layout>
0111   </widget>
0112     <includes>
0113     <include location="local" >kfontrequester.h</include>
0114   </includes>
0115 </ui>